What is the best compliment you've got so far?
By worthy
@worthy (2413)
May 12, 2007 8:02am CST
And who gave it? Compliments have the knack of making anyone and everyone very happy.
Its a form of adulation which we get when we do something very nice and hence deserve it.Sometimes a very simple and straight-forward remark touches your heart more than a gift.
Its the sincerity of feelings which comes across a compliment which means more to us.
So cmmon friends, just try to remember what best compliment you've received so far?
Was it better than receiving a gift?
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28 responses
@sreevasu (2717)
• India
12 May 07
The best compliment I ever got and will ever get is from one of my close friend, years back. He compared me to water. He said I am like water which takes the shape of its container and that was true too. I am very adjustable with any situation and easy go type. I have friends from all age groups, all castes, all gender. When I join them I will be one among them not superior or inferior. I take that compliment as 'worthy'lol
Thank you for asking.
@zengguoxing (773)
• China
12 May 07
Yes,many.Hehe.Such as"you're a handsome boy","you did a good job in communicating with native speaker".hehe
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
12 May 07
We all get compliments and some are better than others. I think the best one i have gotten is from my bf. He told me that he has never before met anyone with such a good heart and that he can not wait for us to take it to the next level =)
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@Darkwing (21583)
12 May 07
It's difficult to choose a best, but one that stood out, was a recent comment in my Hub Pages from one of my fans. He had read a poem of mine, and he said how much he enjoyed it, and then followed up with a quote, which brought tears to my eyes. I'll share it with you....
Drax says:
this is lovely Darkwing, thank you....
Soren Kierkegaard said;-
A poet is an unhappy being whose heart is torn by secret sufferings, but whose lips are so strangely formed that when the sighs and the cries escape them, they sound like beautiful music... and then people crowd about the poet and say to him: "Sing for us soon again;" that is as much as to say, "May new sufferings torment your soul."
I thought that was really beautiful. Brightest Blessings.
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@worthy (2413)
• India
12 May 07
It indeed is a very lovely compliment.To understand the feelings of a poet,one has to have a very fine instinct,and then to portray it equally beautifully,is an art which your fan seems to have in abundance.What can i say about the poet herself,who can turn her fan into a such a soulful master of expression.You must be truly worthy of it,no doubts about that.
This is by far the best and most touching remark which I too am reading.Thanks Darkwing for the lovely response.:)

@ranjeetkolarkar (1595)
• India
21 May 07
i really do not remember one now. But the compliment which you had given to my recent topic was also nice. Thanks a lot.
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@bluewings (3857)
13 May 07
It's hard to rate the compliments as all the genuine ones are heartfelt and sincere.It gives you the same feeling as someone giving you a tight warm hug and for some moments you start floating higher than the clouds.Yes,some of the compliments outshine the gifts.Those ones get embossed on the slate of your memory so emphatically that you start associating the person with that experience.
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@bluewings (3857)
13 May 07
Lol Perhaps I too would have chosen teh xbox :-P It would depend on who is complimenting me ,lol.
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@maevic (819)
• Bahrain
20 May 07
The best compliment I ever received is that I sings like Amy lee (evanescence). Sorry evanescence fans but this is from 20 people not from my self. Though Evanescence has a great influence on my music life. I have compositions also which has the same image of evanescence. hehe..That's a very good compliment. We went to one bar one time and I sang My Immortal, all the band members came to me and told me that I sounds like original evanescence.
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@anweshadas (372)
• India
20 May 07
I am somehow very skeptical about getting compliments because I feel the other person is trying to flatter me and somehow I feel I dont deserve any!
But there are a few compliments which really make me feel on top of the world though they might not be true :P
One such compliment is when I was out with my classmates and there were eight guys and two girls me being one of them.The guys were sitting infront of us facing us and behind on the other table there was a gang of girls making lot of noise.So these guys were kind of trying to look back without looking back and they were struggling.So I told its ok why are you hesitating,turn and have a look.And one of them said "when such a pretty girl like you is sitting in front of us any other girl would look ordinary."
And I was like "Oh my Gawdd!"
And there was this another compliment from a guy who said "you cover yourself fully and yet you look so sexy!"
And every time someone comes and tells me my parents were giving me your example,why the hell did u get so much marks,now they expect us to get that much,its like a huge huge compliment!
Too much of baosting naa? ;)
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@worthy (2413)
• India
21 May 07
Terrific compliments!!No wonder you felt on top of the world.I know for sure you deserve it anwesha.You get good marks too.what more could you ask for.You are one rocking friend of mine.I'm proud of you.And no!You didn't boast it at all.If stating the truth is called boasting,theni do it quite often too.;P
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@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
13 Jun 07
i think most of my compliment come from my friends, they say i do a good job on something and the last time i got a compliment from a manager that was like 5 years ago, nows and day they dont compliment people who work hard as much as they used to.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
16 May 07
The best compliment I received more than a gift:
(i) "You are very handsome!"
(ii)"You are very caring!"
it always feels good and boost my moral, when I receive compliments from my near and dear one.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
21 May 07
Worthy, I am compelled to say, after reading your analysis that you are really, really very intelligent and having tremendous wisdom.
Yes, you are right, compliments regarding 'caring' carries more importance and value than the compliment regarding looks.
Thanks for yr wonderful anaysis.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
13 May 07
I really do not know what is the best compliment someone gave me till now.
It depends on my life situation, but i can tell you that i got alote of compliments from alote of people.
I know that i get compliments from my family when i usually lose weight or gain weight, depends on my situation in life..lol
I get other compliments for friends and other profession people that are usually about my work and my writing.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
12 Jun 07
It is hard to choose one but I would say it would be a cross between being fun to be with and being supportive. It is very important to me to be a good friend. I like to help others.
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@mostwanted47 (259)
• Pakistan
13 May 07
Interesting question, I always get compliments from my boss. I work hard and keep her happy alot. I sit extra hours so as to earn compliments. Yes indeed it gives me enormous pleasure to hear sweet and encouraging words from her and these words, remarks by her make my day and are sweeter than a gift. Sometimes people try to flatter to get their work out. Now thats not sweet. You blush hearing nice words from them even knowing they would probably be imposters, faking. Hence thee I quote, Extolling you at your face is always a flattering. But main topic was compliments, yes, I do get and enjoy it.
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@mostwanted47 (259)
• Pakistan
14 May 07
Thanks for nice words Friend. I was just trying to speak the truth out my lies hehe.
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@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
17 May 07
Well my gym instuctor and good friend gave me my best compliment that i ever got in my life when she gave it too me it made me cry really. I get down on myself alot and i dont take compliments well at all most of the time. It might sound like a simple thing to most but it meant so much to me. I always do whatever i can for all my friends in my life it is just what i do so i don even notice. I had bought a little something for her as a token of my thanks to all the help she has given me with my health and getting me phyically active and when i gave it too her her eyes filled with tears and she started telling me about how great of a friend i was and how much have filled her life and i thought all this time it was the other way around. Well it ended up we both were crying i just couldnt believe that me just being me did that to her it feels really good to know she felt that way. And it was way better than any gift i could ever recieve.
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@rb200406 (1824)
• India
16 May 07
Well, i still remember when one of my friend was having really big problem.She is far from me & did not have anybody to talk.She confided in me & i helped her to understand the situation well & made her come out of depression.At that time she told me that i have this ability to understand a person even without seeing or meeting them,understand the problem & psyche of a person & help accordingly.When she said that i am true friend it made me really happy.Actually i have helped many persons in the time of distress & when they compliment me for that it makes me really happy.
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@musu112 (528)
• United States
14 May 07
Hey I got the best compliment ever in my life by my hubby at the time of our engagement. He just looked at me and said that I am looking beyond his expectations :-) And it made my day forever, I felt like that being complimented by him is really matters to me especially at our special moments, inspite of the fact that he very rarely compliments anyone directly :-)
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
13 May 07
I am lucky to have some really great friends and family, so on a whole, I get my share of aknowledgement and compliments.
I think the compliment that meant the most to me was from my mother, when she told me what a good mother she thinks I am. She went on to say that whn she had found out I was pregnant she was in a dread of what a horrible mother I would be. She just didn't thik I was at all cut out for it and no one was more surprised than she when it turned out to be quite untrue.
Up until that time I hadn't though she had thought I would fail so badly, and the fct that she was honest made the compliment that much more special.
@moira20 (226)
• Philippines
13 May 07
The best compliment I've ever received was when my father told me, "You're my only hope.."
And It never left me since then.=) I graduated 2 courses and passed my licensure exams and I know deep inside that those words spoken by my father when I was young was poignant to me since day one. It was a lesson, a compliment, a challenge that I took and I'm glad It hapened.
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@molusk (857)
• Philippines
13 May 07
My girlfriend of four years is the only soul who ever called
me handsome. No one, not even my mother had told me I had a
handsome face. I dunno what she see in my face. At first i
thought it was sll in jest but when i proposed to her, she
readily accepted my love offering because she was so enamoured with my handsome face. Even I could not see any
handsomeness in me. I got a flat nose with large nostrils,
two large ears, and an elongated moon of a face. Anyway, that
is the best compliment I ever had from somebody who see it quite differently
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@worthy (2413)
• India
14 May 07
your mother never told you so cus she wanted you to concentrate on your studies.lol.sometimes the most ordinary features have a great appeal when the reflection of beauty within shines across.you are so fortunate my friend that you got a girlfriend who truly knows you.
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