I see the Tarot as a powerful form of therapy.

the sacred Tarot ,the future related - the sacred Tarot
@Augustta (1850)
May 12, 2007 2:07pm CST
...The mind, its memories, everything is made in images and symbols. When one sees a symbol of the Tarot, one indubitably sees a portion or aspect of the subconscious self hidden under layers of amiguousness. This leads to the Jugian theory of archetypes, in which each Tarot card for the Major Arcana represents an archetypal character of the psyche. Since Tarot cards, when interpreted well, can almost always immediately match up to the situation, we are unconsciously participating in a ritual that sets aside certain feelings and emotions and channels it into the meaning of the card, seeing a glimpse of whether that issue is reflected in that particular way. For example, having a reversed High Priestess card (meaning the card is upside-down), it mainly means that everything is in a flurry; you are experiencing confusion and can not find yourself under a sea of different paths, and are drowning in this state of illusion. The only way of being able to balance your inner self, is through taking risks in life and opening yourself in a new beginning so that everything can be in equilibrium within. By going through that chance in life, you open yourself to new possibilities and thus taking a learning process into healing yourself for the better. I also pray to God(dess) before every reading, because as a monotheistic believer, anything is so much more potent when the Deity is invoked, especially in prayer-forms to inform, educate and heal. When I read the cards, it is not necessarily knowing the future as much as knowing the possibilities, and giving your mind insight on any hidden emotions. And since the Goddess' presence is there, She will show you what is the Truth in the medium of the cards. This is the sacred Tarot... I also wonder by telling people about your readings, would that change the events? Some people say it isn't good to have your future read and its against god. Do you guys believe in them and want to have your future read?
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17 responses
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
12 May 07
Tarot cards are power tool for prediction, but just for the devoted people.I have allways wanted to have Tarot at home, but in fact i couldnt find cards. And may be this was a sign that this is not my way for prediction. Theese cards keep a lot of energy. And there are rituals where, how and when to use them or not.
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@Augustta (1850)
• Poland
12 May 07
rated plus and yes,in those things you have to be careful at all signs... augusta
@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
12 May 07
The black legend of the Tarrot cards comes from this that they are usually tools for the gipsy fortune telling. And the gypsies associate with witchcraft and black magic. Of course, 99% of the modern gipsies are not witches, just charlatannes.
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@Augustta (1850)
• Poland
12 May 07
you have a point here!!
@bluewings (3857)
13 May 07
First I confess that my knowledge of Tarot is next to none.While I like to know my future to be better prepared for what awaits me,what worries me is misinterpretation of the future and the effect that might have on my psyche.I am an optimist.So,eventually I would still manage to spot the light , but I don't to give myself the chance of an excuse of not trying earnestly.Hence,I prefer turning the pages of my future as they happen.However,if there was a surity that the readings are not flawed or that the readings are interpreted probabilities and not a sealed fate I might be interested in knowing certain aspects of my life.
@Augustta (1850)
• Poland
14 May 07
i smiled at this expresion" confess that my knowledge of Tarot is next to none"lol!...i am amazed myself because you are scorpio,and they are interesed in this...
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
13 May 07
As a medium of long standing i have in my time used tarot, palms and many other props to pass messages across. I do feel invoking the goddess is always a good idea, she certainly governs my work and I ask for her blessing. I dont think telling people about your readings can change the future, nor do i feel it is evil or against god, its simply another way of expressing your gift blessed be
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@derek_a (10873)
13 May 07
I like Tarot, and being a Zen practitioner, I have a set of Osho Zen Tarot cards. I don't ever use them for anyone else apart from myself though, because as a Zen practitioner I aspire to see that all is one. Ritual is important in meditation as it helps to create this altered state of consciousness - or I should say an expanded state of consciousness. And when I look at the tarot, it is nearly always after meditating and can often support the intensity an experience I am experiencing. In other words I am looking deeper into my karma with a view to transcending it. Would telling me people about your reading, change the events? Well I can only give a Zen response to that, but this comes from my experience and is not everybody's point of view... There is only now. Whatever is, is. Life is change, to know what's to change would be to miss out on the valuable lessons that life is to teach us in the moment of now. Chop sticks, carry water, enlightenment! Do what you do and never what you don't do! :-D
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
13 May 07
This sounds neat. I've heard of tarot cards, but I'm not familiar with them. Do you do it yourself, or do you have someone else read them for you?
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• Philippines
13 May 07
i dont believe in it...and honestly i hate it because it just give confusions..:(
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
12 May 07
I think they are interested as I always wanted to understand and the use of Tarot, I don't know if I believe them or not but interesting.
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• United States
13 May 07
Tarot Cards - A deck of cards used by skilled readers to predict future events.
I have had several tarot readings in my life. I find them very entertaining and often have a grain of truth - most likely because the reader doesn't get in to great detail or specifics. I enjoy doing tarot readings and I don't see this as being against my religion as I see it as inherently a pleasant experience.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
12 May 07
This is a very interesting post, and i have a question for you, what kind-type of tarot are you talking about, There are different types of them, and each is very different from the other. I know that whenever someone opens tarot for me, i go to people that open up osho tarot. My believe is that true readers do not read us the future. They read us the past and the present, and try to advice which is the best way in the future. But they never claim that they are reading the future for you. You can know if a person is a true card reader by this. They do see the future but it is forbidden to tell us. They can not interfere with faith. and all people that treat other people knows that. I do not think it is against god, i believe in god and i do not see what is wrong here.
12 May 07
Im fasinated by tarot cards, i think they are very interesting and have some form of beliveability in them, there are some people out there who claim to know everything about the tarot cards and they are really there just to get your money and those people should be thrown into a swamp for that because its not nice doing so but there are some people who are truthful and they are using the tarot properly, i have a set of tarot cards but i dont know how to use them properly, i tried it once and it looked good but i wasnt 100% on it, i should try it agian really and focus on it more!!! thanks you got me more into them and now im off to study hehe
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 May 07
I love using tarot cards myself, and have about five different sets of cards...sometimes I think it's nice to know what the future might bring,especially if there is some kind of danger involved and could be a warning, a warning that you might be able to avoid or change..and you wouldn't have this knowledge without the cards
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@ozzydee70 (465)
• Germany
12 May 07
yes i do believe in tarot reading, for me its kind of a guidance. but faith/fate is in our own hand and only us can decide for our future!
@scammerwear (1433)
• Singapore
12 May 07
I'm a freelance tarot reader, and experience has taught me that a reader holds a lot of responsibility on the outcome of an event. My personal opinion is that Destiny is fixed, but Fate is changeable. The difference between the two is that destiny is where you will end up at the end of your journey and fate is the path you choose to get there. Most of readers will only read someone's fate, since destiny is out of scope for one lifetime. It is how a reader words a reading that affects the outcome. I would normally remind my client that what I am seeing, is the most likely outcome based on current events. If they do not like that they are hearing, excellent, change their lifestyle and mindset, and the outcome will be different.
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• Philippines
13 May 07
I don't think it is against God, after all, you arer not worshipping the Tarot Cards right? You are just seeking support by trying to tell the future.
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
12 May 07
I know nothing of Tarot. Taking risks in life is a part of life. You can know your future if you realize you are still doing the same things you did before (as in the past). Therefore, your future will be the same, since your actions are the same; it follows that your results will be the same. To have a different future, that is different from the past, new ways of doing things must be found to alter the end results. I am not sure of the predictiblity of the future using Tarot cards.
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@msjigga (864)
• United States
14 May 07
I think tarot card are very interesting and wonder how they work. It is amazingg how much a deck of cards can see. I dont think that there is anything wrong with wanting an clear insight of your future or an situation. I go online for a free tarot reading for myself and do not understand it, but if go for my friends I tend to understand their readings better.
• United States
15 May 07
i neva look at it like that thats true