God I hate teenagers
By devilsangel
@devilsangel (1817)
United States
May 15, 2007 9:52am CST
Ok so I know some whinner is gonna get offened by my title but frankly I really don't care. I am so damn sick and tired of teenagers it ain't even funny. I can't for the life of me figure out why the hell their parents rasied them to be such retarted,rude, triffling indiviuals. The majority of the teenagers I've encountered make me wanna beat the holy hell out of them. They have no respect for people or property and wonder why most adults want to kick them in the head. I just wish people with teenagers would actually do their damn job and raise them to be productive members of society instead of the lazy shiftless burdens that they have become.
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49 responses
@jcgbrains (139)
• United States
15 May 07
Problem teenagers are created at a young age, very young. The more their parents give them what they want, without the work, the more they want. If parents to not teach them about working for things early, and how life works, and how to act around others, how to be polite; all at a very young age, you end up with just the kind of teenager that you refer to. The problem is that it is to late once they are teenagers. Finally, they are not all like that.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
16 May 07
We raised three girls and as teenagers still in High School all three had part ime jobs - wnet on and furthered their education after HS and all three are nurses - two with good jobs and the third unable to work as a nurse because of an auto accident, My two younest girls have kids - middle daughter has raised hers on her own. the oldest one works in a hospital and is also getting a degree in nursing - her youngest one is still in HS. The youngest daughter has 2 - girl and a boy - the girl is almost 18 and has had an after school job for the last 2 years - her son is a drummer in a band - spends his time practicing after school and on weekends earns money playing. I don't know where you are at but presently I am in the UK - if you want to see hellish teens then I suggest you come here. I think you owe an apology to those of us who have raised successful teens.
@jcgbrains (139)
• United States
16 May 07
It appears that you did a great job with your children and they did a great job with their kids, I congradulate you on that. The problem children in this area, the United States, have no job and a $50,000.00 nre car. You taught them where money comes from and did the job well, I congradulate you on that and wish more parents did that. Further I suggest you read the last sentence of my posting again.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
16 May 07
I'm curious, do you have grown children? I thought I'd not survive my kids' teens! They can be a total trial, no matter what the parent does.
It was as if an evil witch had cast a spell on my darling, adorable child. In a matter of days, she went from sweet to caustic.
Thankfully, I survived and she's outgrown it. But good grief. I wanted to beat the holy hell out of her. Corporal punishment didn't work. Very little worked, actually. I finally had to kick the older one out of the house at 18 because I couldn't tolerate it any more. Six months later the spell wore off and she was sweet and apologetic.
So try to be tolerant of the parents. You only have to deal with their kids a little while. THEY have to live with them!
@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
16 May 07
By the way, I did keep my kids on a short leash, curfews, etc. That's what they were rebelling against, I suppose. But nothing helped at home, where they spent a LOT of time. Maybe being a single mother made it more difficult.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
16 May 07
Very nicely said. This is not my discussion but I gave you a plus for the gentle reminder.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 May 07
I know that there are some very hard working parents out there that try to keep a leash on their kids and I appreciate it greatly. I know that kids have a mind of their own too and will do what they want even if it is against our liking. However, the MAJORITY of the teens that are rude,self serving, punks, aren't from those type of parents. Their parents have no clue or just don't care what the hell their kids are doing. Or my favorite they try to be their "friend" so they can be cool too. So now you have two generations of idiots. As far as having grown children, none of my own but plenty that I help become grown. My kids haven't hit the teenage years yet and hopefully when they do we all make it through them in one piece. I know for sure though that I will not stand idoly by and allow them to run amuck and be disrespectful.
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@linkintinku (559)
• India
15 May 07
lol .... ,
im a teenager too lol :-p but im good as far as i know i give Respect to my Elders and youngers also ya i neva done BAD to anyone
ya u true most of the teenager really make pplz crazy like there r some near my home whom no one likes lol
neways be kool with them and dont give a damn and they will not do BAD to ya :)
take care :)
DJ DE3p (virtual dj)!!!!!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
17 May 07
Maybe he or she is showing that he or she is a good natured kid who knows how bad other children can be.
Not every child can be the perfect writer, speller or typist.
@sapphirencotton (69)
• United States
15 May 07
This makes me so mad. I can't even understand half of what you are saying here. What are you really showing the people posting in this discussion thread about you and about teenagers in general?
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
15 May 07
wow thats kinda funny when a teenager actually thinks that the majority of teens are a pain in the a$$. Always good to know that I'm not the only one. Gald to hear you're not like the rest of them, keep it up or you might end up on my list too :)
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
15 May 07
There's no point in lumping a whole group of people together and labeling them all stupid, rude and retarded. I have two teenagers and they are productive members of society, they both work and volunteer their time. They are good students and they are very polite and have good manners. Perhaps you have no children of your own and/or you don't remember what it is like to be a teenager. It is a very difficult transition in life and teenagers need to be supported so they can grow up to be well-rounded adults.
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@RedRaven (39)
• India
16 May 07
What do you mean? come on...arent you a teenager at your sweet 16! dont you hate yourself at that time?The reckless way you want to do things?If you feel that you never tried a defy line or tsya night out or say never say 'NO' to your parents once during your teenage life, lemme tell you , u need your head checked and scan!
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 May 07
What the hell are you talking about? First off I'm an adult and haven't been a teenager in a long long time. Secondly when I was 16 I was living on my own, working and going to school so no I really don't miss those days. As far as being reckless no I wasn't a reckless teenager I had way to many responsibilities to take care of to be reckless.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
15 May 07
I agree with you the majority I have also run in to are very rude and inconsiderate. When I do come across a decent teenager I realsie that not all parents are spoiling there kids and that some are actually doing there jobs as parents.
I am a mom of 4 and my only son is going to be 12this year. So far I feel good about his behavior and the way he treats people. I also believe that cub scouts have helped him and he recently graduated to Boy scouts and I am very proud that he is becoming a responsible person.
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@4ftfingers (1310)
15 May 07
LOL Oh come on surely you were a teenager once upon a time?!! Don't you remember what it was like, your hormones mess you up, yu're every where and you just can't help but be *ss.
I am not a teenager any more but I probably come under the category being 20. My brother is 15 so he is just getting into it, and it's a nightmare for him, I feel sorry for him becauise like I did he's having a terrible time. No one can do a thing for teenagers, it's not the parents fault. They just have to get through it. Alot of people think they have no respect but seriously, I really don't think it can be helped.
@FloatingGum (346)
• United States
16 May 07
As I said to my own mother when she and her friends get together and complain about "kids today", who raised the people who are raising those kids?
You want someone to blame for this, you better take a look back a generation or two because all of that is the roots of what you are seeing today.
I currently have 3 teenagers in my house and one pre-teen. Amazingly, not a one is anything like what you described, and neither are any of the friends of theirs. Seems to me if you look just for negative, you will find it.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 May 07
I don't look just for negitive, I'm just stating an observation. If you take a group of 100 teenagers out of that group you'll fine 15-20 that don't fit the description I posted. So you have about 20% that are decent, a far minority compared to the rest. I don't just blame them though I do hold their parents just as accountable as them. So I do look at who raised them.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
15 May 07
Wow! You are just so full of hate, aren't you? Try and get a grip or something!
I would appreciate it if you would watch your language on here. I just reported your post because of it.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
15 May 07
I agree Snd. There are some that are disrespectful and have ungodly parents.
I do know lots of teenagers that are precious and very kind.
You can get your point across without using filthy language. That is one thing that is messing up our kids today...ugly, obscene language that they hear from parents, tv, others, etc.
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@sadgirl_1958 (1088)
• United States
15 May 07
Although the post was strongly written, I see no offensive wording in such.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
15 May 07
No offense taken here. There definitely are many more kids with no morals, respect, or any other common decent trait. In fact, MOST of the ones I have trouble with are between 9-14 and I have seen their parents egg them on to be snotty, self-serving, filthy-mouthed, disrespectful, gimme-gimme brats who throw things at school busses when they go by, threaten to slit adults throats, use the f-word like it was newly discovered. They are taught these things from their low-life parents who should never have been allowed to breed to begin with...the ones who think the world owes them a living or anything else they desire. They begin teaching their kids at a very young age how to be a greedy punk, and then turn around and blame society or anything else for having problems with them.
Thanks for your post. It came a good time when I am in the midst of dealing with a couple neighbor kids who need a wake up call or a decent parent for a change.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
15 May 07
Oh I forgot to add, I have three kids...used to have three more (stepkids) full time when I was married, and the difficulties of parenting do not end at 18 or even 20 (sorry to say, LOL).
Mine are not perfect and neither am I, but I'll be d@mned if I will let mine turn into lazy, disrespectful, mouthy adults like many of the 8 to 12 year olds I see out there now. It is disgusting and scary to consider what society will be like when THEY all grow up.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
15 May 07
I can really relate to what you're saying, I swear sometimes I just wanna smack their parents or shake the crap outta them until they wake up and start taking care of their offspring. I think the problem is that the parents were teens when they became parents and have no clue in how to handle or take care of a child so neglected to do so and now its pretty much to late. I was talking with one of the teachers at the high school around here the other day and I tell you what I couldn't do his job. I'd get arested for beating the snot out of someone's child, I really would.
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@ashanti1967 (191)
• United States
16 May 07
well as far as the way a child/teenager acts or carries thereself it begins at home..if the parents dont care about there teenager roaming the streets at 3a.m. then theres where all the issue begins IN THE HOME..you have raised teenagers from what you say , and im sure the ones you raised werent roaming the streets at 3a.m. or vandalizing other peoples property..my whole question is what are the parents of the teenagers that are doing these type of things doing/thinking..they are teenagers and still need a firmhand and firm guidance...why is it these parents arent wondering where there kids are..i know here once it is 10p.m. the service announcement comes on t.v. asking if parents know where there kids are..and i know where mine are and will always until they are out and on there own..the things you speak of i wouldnt tolerate and most parents who care wouldnt..its the ones who do not.,..they are to busy with there own lives to care about whats going on with there kids..and yeah there are some that make you wanna teach them what there parents didnt or refuse to but, in retrospect maybe the beating should begin with the parents to wake them up and bring them into a reality that teenagers need molding and to be guided and punished when doing wrong and praised when doing right..and the teens that are doing these things are a burden, a burden on society because when there parents wont deal with them its left to outsiders to deal with..and i think thats pretty unfair..
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
15 May 07
And what kind of teenager were you? Just curious.
You come across as so full of manners and positivity.
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
15 May 07
I hope there aren't any teenagers around her if she uses that kind of language! What is she complaining about? I mean, I can only imagine what kind of teenager she must have been!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
16 May 07
I assumed the poster to be a "he". Funny how we come to our coclusions about people online. I'm still waiting for his or her answer.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 May 07
I was the kind of teenager that raised myself. I have been living pretty much on my own since I was 12. I worked all through high school, and still kept a 3.86 GPA. I didn't have time to get into trouble I was busy trying to make something out of myself. I treated those who desereved it with respect and those who didn't got blown off or ignored. I have seen more of this world than the majoirty of people my age, I have fought and killed more than I would have liked and I have never had any real trouble with the law. I've smoked for damn near 20 yrs and drank for almost as long. I work my a$$ off everyday to make sure this country stays great. So I have every right in the world to bytch about kids who don't do anything except waste space and mooch off the world.

@StarofDavid (74)
• United States
15 May 07
It is sad that what you say is true of many teenagers. Our culture tells them that there is no absolutes and so what we see is the out come of No Standard to live by. As a father of 7 children, 4 teens, my teens are very repectful to others, especially adults. They are all hard workers and mind their manners. They all step up and serve in church and other activities. I know of a good number of other families where their teens are a blessing and not a curse. Some of them don't always look like what they should , but they have good hearts.
You can't judge all of them because a majority of them don't do right. Thank the Lord for the one's who do right & care!
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@trouble4u2avoid (2915)
• United States
16 May 07
I have 5 children. They are 20, 19, 15, 12 and 2. My children were raised to respect me and their elders. I have never had to spank them. Very simple. I have rules, everyone follows them including myself. They break the rules they pay the consequences.
I can relate to what you are saying, but I blame it on the parenting not the teenagers. A couple of years ago ne of my son's friends was visiting and he thought he would sit at my kitchen table and BELCH. Of course he didn't excuse himself. I politely told him, we don't do that at our kitchen table.
I told him, his visit was over, get out! He was are you kidding me?
I said "not even".
It's amazing because he's now 20 years old and addresses me as "Miss Susan", please, thank you. It didn't happen over night but I never gave him a chance. He messed up. He went home.
I just want to add how annoying it is to me to hear parents worry they will go to jail for disciplining their children. The laws. I would rather sit in jail, they have my children disrespect me and my home. But, I never had to BEAT my kids.
On todays news they were saying their was a 27% increase in juvenille crime. It's all very sad.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 May 07
Trouble, I know what you mean. I have thrown folks out of my house for similar reasons. When I had my sister living with me she got kicked out a few times for trying to disrespect my home. I told her if she thought she was that grown then she could get a home of her own and do what she wanted there. Of course I'd send her back to her mother who a few days later would send her right back to me. It took some serious boot to bum action but I raised her to be a respectable adult. She's 24 now and she'll be the first to tell anyone that if it weren't for me she would have probably never graduated school or learned to respect adults. People seem to asume that just because my children aren't teenagers that I have no clue what they are like and how hard it is to rasie them.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
25 May 07
I have to agree with you 100%. There a few good ones out there, but they are very few and far in between.
Here in the Galleria Mall they will not let teenagers in anymore without adult supervision. They actually have security on all the doors to make sure they don't come in alone.
Now my question to all the people who think teenagers are so wonderful is, why would they do that, if teenagers aren't trouble?
Obviously they have goten worse over the years and from some of the responses here, it's only going to get worse if some of those people here raise kids..
What ever happened to good old fashioned discipline?Most of us were raised that way and look we are all normal adults who can stand our own.
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@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
17 May 07
It depends on a variety of factors, they cannot be given everything and should expect to work for what they have. If that wasn't the cause then you may see them that they don't care about their work. However, you have to realize that they have a lot on their plate so they may not realize that they aren't doing a good job. It depends on the person and his/her background to say that they are ignorant and lazy. Obviously, all teenagers aren't lazy and ignorant, and I know some ignorant and lazy adults that are around forty years old. Should I generalize and say all adults are stupid ignorant? Of course not! Therefore, if you notice that in some teens, you should give them a good talking, recommend some books to them such as The Seven Habits of The Highly Effective Teen (I think that's the title of the book, it's very good).
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@bkfuels (1603)
• Canada
16 May 07
I had to think on this for a while ,I am 48 and I remember myself as a teenager, I did alot of things with out thinking it is all a part of growing up. I was not very nice at times. When my son was a teenager I hated alot of the things that he did. He is now 20 and a very good young man. Out in the world there are far too many people that are disrespectful, this does not just include teenagers. My husband works in a high school, he is around teenagers every day and I have not once had him come home and complain about the kids at the school being disrespectful.
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@mugzy528 (800)
• United States
16 May 07
I Agree with you most Teens these days are so Lazy it makes me friggin sick to my Stomach. They get everything handed to them on a silver platter and the Parents are to Blame for that. I know a lot of teens who do work and are very Nice and Polite But then there are the other 95% that are rude and Dont give a Sh** about anything. What Happen to this World Anyway?
Have a Great Day/Night
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