are these people really your friends???
By tinamwhite
@tinamwhite (3252)
United States
May 15, 2007 11:25am CST
Do you find that the friendships that you have developed online are similar to the friends that you have in your physical life???If you met me in your neighborhood...would be still be friends??Have you ever noticed that some of the people that you have on your friends list here at myLOt, are people that you wished lived close by you...someone that you could see on a regular basis....or do you think that online relationships are not as meaningful to you as the ones that you see/talk on the phone with regularly???I have a few people on my friends list that I feel a real personal connection with...we seem to view things alot alike and we are always there to show support when they need a word of encouragement.
Many of friends here, at myLot, I talk to everyday...through discussions and responses...I look forward to seeing what they have to say...what they think is a good part of my day..
So I ask you, myLottians....
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18 responses
@RendiRed75 (113)
• United States
15 May 07
I'm still fairly new to mylot, so I don't have a huge variety of friends on here yet. However, I can say with all honesty, that I often feel closer to the friends I have made online versus "real life" friends. For some reason, friends that I can see every day have always seemed to use me for their own purposes. I have cut many supposed friends out of my life for that reason. As it stands right now, I can count my "true" friends who I know outside of the internet on one hand. Less than five people who I know in everyday "real life" who I feel that I can really trust.
I am by nature a giving person. So, when I make friends with someone down the street, I show them my friendship and loyalty and am there for them when they need me. But, that sentiment is often met with back-stabbing and that person using me. More times than I can count, I have been used as a baby-sitter or any other variety of their self-serving purposes. These supposed "friends" would only call me if and when they wanted something from me. The things they have wanted has never been friendship for friendship's sake.
On the internet, I have met some of the finest individuals. I have met people who like me for me, not what I can give them. Their friendship is NEVER conditional. They don't take away their friendship the first time they hear me utter the word no. I may have forged these friends online, yet I can call them REAL friends, much more so than I can call the ones I met offline. These friends and I maintain our friendships not only online, but over the phone, and I have had the pleasure of meeting several in person. And you know what? They were just as sweet, just as awesome in person as they are online. I consider these true friends amongst my best. Miles may separate us. We may not see one another even regularly, if at all. We may not converse over the phone daily, yet they truly understand me and know where I'm coming from. And I wouldn't trade them for the world!
I think forging online friendships is almost the best way to make friends. Sure, you get the occasional weirdo out there who may lie about themselves. But, the majority of the people I've met are real, caring people. We began our relationships often by sharing interests. We often were able to tell things about ourselves that we don't even tell people we know in person. I think that when this happens, a stronger bond is formed. There's a level of trust that I have with some of my online friends that I have never experienced with people that I have met offline.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
15 May 07
RendiRed, First I would like to take this opportunity to say WELCOME to myLot...I love it here!!
I found your response so expressed so well the feelings that I feel about some of the people that I have met online...we are closer than the few people that I consider to be friends in my "real life".....I completely agree about the level of trust that I have in my online frinds as well....
I found it strange in the beginning...when I first joined this is my first forum enviroment....but I just reacted to the discussions honestly and truthfully and now I have some people here that I wish lived next door...
On the flip side, just for a second....I have seen some members here that I would not want in my neighborhood as well...but enough of that.
I am inviting you to join my friends list...I think we could be great friends...
Thanks so much for so eloquently sharing your thoughts with me...I appreciate it. You have a flair for putting your feelings into will do very well here!!!
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@RendiRed75 (113)
• United States
15 May 07
Thanks so much for your warm welcome! I have gotten the feeling that this is a friendly place. I began forum posting several years ago when my middle child was an infant. I liked it so much that I began my own forum. The friends I made on those forums have lasted longer in some instances than the forums themselves have (including my own, which now still exists only to store recipes.. lol).
I thank you for sending a friend invite to me, and I am going to approve it as soon as I finish this post. And I look forward to getting to know you. :)
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
15 May 07
I think they're similar, Tina, but not quite the same. I dearly wish that some people lived near me and that I could see them regularly.
I too look forward to seeing what my friends have to say and what they think - it's very interesting! It's also a bit sad that I have more "friends" on line than I do in "real life". lol ;)
Fantastic discussion Tina.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
15 May 07
Thanks for the appreciation of my discussion topic....I was responding to a discussion this morning and it just came to me.....I often wake up in the mornings and turn on myLot to check messages and I wondered if my friends felt the same way...
I do not think it is sad at all....I, too, have more friends online than here.....I regard each one as a gift....
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me, my friend.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
15 May 07
Well I think its too early to tell for me as even though I do have a lot of friends on my profile, I really don't know them personally to consider them as "real friends' if you know what I mean? However I must say I have met a few people online on other sites who I have a real personal connection and I say only a few. I hope to make a connection with a few friends on here too so I think it may happen in due time and when we get to know each other. I do look forward to their discussions as some of them come up with some really good ones :)
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
15 May 07
Maddysmommy, Yes, I understand what you are talking about...I was skeptical in the beginning...I think that one of the things that helped me get close to my friends here at myLot is that I have my email set up to notify me whenever one of my friends begin a I have a chance to keep up with them, their lives, their problems and joys.....
If I complete all of their discussions in a day, then I search for new ones to respond to....that is how I have made more new "friends' and then I begin to get to know them....I hope that this makes sense to has caused me to become closer to them...
Of course, some of the people on my "friends list" and I are closer than others, because I also have people on my list that I am enjoy debating with...LOL
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me...I appreciate it.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
15 May 07
Oh yes. To me I feel the same about online friendships as I would if they were right next to me.I had a very dear online friend of mine who passed in July and that hurt just as much as if she were living close by. There are several people on mylot I feel real close to-you being one of them my friend-and look forward to their discussions and responses.When I don't hear from them for awhile,I miss them just like I would a regular friend.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
15 May 07
Thank you so much, Jerseygirl.....I feel the same about you....
I do find myself growing concerned if I do not see any activity from my myLot friends for a few days...I appreciate it when my friends begina discussion if for information only if there is something going on in their life that will cause them to be gone for several days...I worry I just can not help it...I wonder if they are sick or hurt.......
Take care, my friend,
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
15 May 07
I think the people I met online somtimes make way better friends than in "real life". The friends I have around me in my life outside of mylot are ones that I have had since childhood and I have changed alot since then so we aren't as close. I have a hard time making new friends because of my apperance and my depression and other mental issues,I don't smile very much so people assume I'm a b*t*h excuse the term but that's how I see it.
The friends I have met online usually have the same issues I do(example raising a child with disablities) and they get to know the me that is on the inside.
I really wish some of my friends (like you) lived closer:)
And I hope I have lasting friendships with the people I have me here and some other places online.
And I'm sure if I met you in my neck of the woods we would be friends.
I loved this dicussion and I give you a huge a+!!!!!!
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
15 May 07
I feel the same about you my friend....I know that we hav shared some very close moments.....
I get up many mornings and my friest thought is what is going on with one of my myLot friends...cause they are going through something...that is what made me think of this discussion....
I also feel that many of us expose the inner most part of us here at times...and real friendships are bonded from that moment forward...there is no biases to begin with because you see words first...and the person behind them next...hope that made sense....
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@Palace_Girl (416)
• Philippines
17 May 07
This is a very nice discussion. Hmmm... im thinking.
I have a lot of personal friends, but i don't have someone i call my bestfriend.. (yeah i know it is sad)
I like it here more. I can share my views with no hesitations (well, most of the time, lol). It doesn't matter if your young or old, whatever religion you believe, whatever your skin color is or hair color is, people here don't care and we make friend around the globe. I think it is amazing.
Yeah, sometimes i wished they lived near by. I wish i can come over your home for
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
17 May 07
I'll turn on the I can have a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies made by the time you get here...LOL!!
I have some strong emotional ties to several people here at myLot....some feel like "family" to me...I feel closer to them than the friends that I have close to me....
I have developed friendships with a couple of people online who live close to me...but I do not talk to them everyday like I do many of you here.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, Palace_Girl....I appreciate it!!
@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
23 May 07
Hi Tina. I have all kinds of friends on here. I have ones on my list just to respond to their great topics, I have some that I check every day, to see if they responded back on the threads. I have some that I pm regularly and I have some that I e-mail daily or at least weekly. My friends on here that I know in real life, including my sister, are not very active but they are here if I want to send a pm to them they will get it in the e-mail.
I also have different levels of friends in real life. We all do I think. No one likes everyone the same.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
23 May 07
Thank you, Tammy, for sharing your thoughts with me....I am like you, in that, I have several friends here on that I have differing levels of emotional in real life.
@lextoper (573)
• Philippines
16 May 07
It is a good topic you have.
Well, base on my experience, having friends is really a good thing to me wither it's an online friend, neighbors, classmates, and the likes. Comparing online friends with physical friends really makes a big different. Physical friend can easily be Chatted with no limits, anytime you wanted, without network or connection problem, without thinking of blackouts and electric and ISP bills. You can ask for companion when you want to go to places. You can see their reaction and emotion when you open to theme your problem. I think this are some of the good advantage of a physical friend.

@lextoper (573)
• Philippines
17 May 07
I totally understand what you mean to say. I have met a friend that betray me. Well, life is touch and go. I have not yet tried to have a good friend online. A friend that you really can say, a true friend without conditions.
Again... thank you for this wonderful thoughts...
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
16 May 07
I see your points about physical friends....they can also drop by unexpected.....expect more of you than you are wiling to give....become demanding or needy....lie to you...steal from you....of course, not your true friends but learning who is a true friend and who is not can be very stressful at times.
An online friend is available on both your time schedule and theirs...I mean we decide when to turn on the computer..there are friends online that I would share my problems with before I would with my friends here...the advice I get from my online friends is usually well thought out and helpful without the judgement that your physical friends can inflict....
I have I never experience a problem with connection or huge internet I am able to share with my online friends at my leisure...but I totally understand about connection problems and increasing bills for dial up sonnections to the internet.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me....I truly value your input on this topic....and am glad that you found it to be interesting! Have a blessed day!

@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
23 May 07
I like many Mylotian MORE than I like the people I know in real life! I look forward to some of the Mylot discussions more than I look forward to charting with my annoying neighbors, LOL.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
23 May 07
Awonderfullife, I know exactly how you feel..I am the same way about many of my friends here as well.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.
I appreciate the request to join my friends list and I have happily agreed...I look forward to getting to know you through our discussions and comments.
Have a blessed day, my new friend.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
17 May 07
I can only think of 3 people in real life that I would consider to be my friends besides my s/o and there are many things about my real life that I'm not comfortable sharing with them for many reasons. Mainly because we aren't really in the same "place" in life in a lot of ways and they wouldn't understand. So in that respect I have online friends, one in particular ;), that I'm closer to than my real life friends.
If you lived nearby or were around for a visit I would absolutely want to meet you and become "real life" friends!
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
17 May 07
Yes, I can see that happening too, my friend....
You know how I feel about you as well...I am sure.
I do think that the emotional attachment that I feel toward some of you here at myLot is stronger that most of my "real life" friends.....
I appreciate where you are coming from about sharing things with physical friends.....I am also very selective about the people who I let into my life....anymore, you have to be....
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, my friend....
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
16 May 07
Why not? If I meet a myLot acquaintance offline, it would be like a real life acquaintance. Similarly if it is a good online friend, it would be quite the same offline. We just need to rework the boundary of the relationship.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
16 May 07
There are several people that I talk to via the internet that I think I could be good friends with if they lived in my neighborhood. I have made several friends over the internet that I have met and hung out with in person. I am actually closer to some of them then the friends I grew up with. I met my boyfriend through the internet as well. We chatted in a chatroom for a few months before we met in person. I think that it gives you a closer bond. You are able to be more open wih others over the internet.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
16 May 07
I believe that the internet gives you a kind of safety net when meeting people...what I mean is that if you are the type of person who is kind and truthful that is shines brightly no matter where they are from....and if you are not...that will also show through as well...
In a forum like can learn alot about a person if you pay attention to what that person writes and the words that they use to express themselves...I can read several responses from a person and usually tell if we think and feel similarly about things....while I do not have a photographic memory, I do feel like I have learned a great deal about some of my "friends" and that I have developed some great relationships here at myLot...
There are several people that, if they lived near me....I could see us getting together and going camping, fishing, or share gardening or canning ideas....discuss our children and know all of the things we do here!!
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me....I think it is wonderful that you met your boyfriend online...I, too, have met and become friends with a couple of people in this area because of meeting online....they are truly a treasure to me....
I do think that the normal process of learning about others is different are able to be more relaxed and let "your light" shine....without the restrints that we commonly place on ourselves when meeting a person face to face for the first time.
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
16 May 07
Well,I divide my friends into two parts:in reality and online.
I think both of them are my friends but the online friends are more mysterious to me.Though some of them I don't know their real profile,I do not care about their profiles at all.What I cherish is their opinions,topices and attitudes.That's the most important point for online friends.
But I still need friends in reality.I need someone who can share experiences with me,who can have a face-to-facetalk with me and so many other things.They are my friedns in my real life.:)
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
16 May 07
Shinjiao...It sounds to me like you are truly blessed then...with many friends around you both in reality and online...
I think if you pay attention to a person words, opinions and passions about specific can learn alot about a person....
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate it.
@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
16 May 07
I guess in the cyber world...
Everyone talks about everything...
Basically, i guess as we work or have family, we tend to drift apart with real friends, but instead, we are closer to the cyber world as we are online almost everyday...
When we are bored, we might not find our friends, instead, we turn to the cyber world...
Tts like how we are behaving now?
Sad to say...
Friends dun always remain as friends...
However, net friends might turn into friends...
Real friends i meant...
Jus to say...
Nice meeting everyone here...
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
16 May 07
I think that it is really interesting that because of the internet...we can now develop strong meaningful relationships with people all over the world....I am learning so much about other countries and their cultures all because of myLot....and "good" people are "good people" no matter where they live or above & beyond all other boundaries....
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me, Huilee..I too think that long term friendships can be developed online!
Like you said....many of our online friends are together everyday to some extent and for most people....that is more often than they see their neighborhood friends.
@huilee (1005)
• Singapore
16 May 07
Oh yesh, this is so true...
Im glad i have people who shared the same views as me...
I do agree tt i meet my cyber friends more then i meet my neighbours...
Even my bestfriend, though we both live in singapore, but we gotta meet up lesser and lesser, which is like so discouraging...
If not, its becuase of the tight and hectic schedule...
But im so glad tt in the cyber world.
I meet nice people like u...
Thanks for replying...
Stay cool...
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@Betso221 (1699)
• India
16 May 07
I feel friends are those that really help you when you are in trouble and they are there when you need some help and friends are those with whom you share your personal life and he is ready to spend some time with you when you need it the most. I think net friends are just crap they use you for they personal use and then they forget abt it
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
16 May 07
Betso, I am sorry that you have experienced some bad times with online relationships....I have found the opposite to be true for me.....
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. I appreciate it.
@Norstar (694)
• India
16 May 07
I trust there is some difference between the two types. The on-line friends have limited interactions and the scope of interactions is generally concerning common interests.
The friends in real world have much more scope of interaction. For example, if a friend of mine is sick and hospitalised, I can visit him and help in many a ways him and his family. similarly, if there is a function at a friend's place, we attend and it is fun.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
16 May 07
I agree that there are of course differences...I guess I was referring to the emotions that you feel toward your online friends....
I have perosnally met a couple of my online friends and the interaction continues the more physical activities become part of the friendship....
There is another person here on myLot that does not live far from me...I would love to meet her...I think that we share alot of things in life besides myLot....she lives about 3 hours from me and we plan to meet in person this summer sometime....I am really looking forward to this.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, Norstar.
@Bizziebod (3497)
26 May 07
Hi, some friends I've met online have become permanent friends in real life (although not through mylot) Although some of my friends on here are really nice and it's not to say I wouldn't have them as real life friends!
@Jesikka06 (184)
• United States
15 May 07
if I were to meet someone online and become friends with them and then meet them, then yea I would still be friends with that person b/c at that point in the friendship I would probally know them from inside out and we would be some what close ... I wouldnt just turn my back on them ... why would I ?
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
15 May 07
What I was trying to say was that the friends that I have made online where as much a part of my life as if they lived next door....except that I can not interrupt them and vise versa...because we decide when we are going to be online.....LOL
Thanks for your response....Jesikka.