Oh my goodness, my baby fell!
@christine_margot (282)
May 15, 2007 3:19pm CST
I left my 4 month old baby on the couch while I grabbed a diaper from the cabinet. I took my eyes off him for just 2 minutes and he fell off the couch unto our hard marble floor. He was shocked for about 30 secs and cried when I picked him up. He cried for about 2 minutes but for me, it felt like an eternity! I am so angry at myself for letting it happen. People constantly tell me never to leave my baby alone. How could I be so dumb! At 4 months he is very wriggly, I feel so ashamed that I had not secure the couch before I left him there even for a couple of minutes.
He seems to be alright, laughing and smiling. I checked his head and body looking for any injuries but I did not find any. My friends told me to observe the baby for 3 days and bring him to the doctor if I see anything odd. So far, I've not seen any.
I really feel so guilty and I don't think I can get over it. Am I a bad mom?
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38 responses
@lisagayle (393)
• United States
15 May 07
NO, you are not a bad mom, we all do things that we do not think about like that. My daughter was about 8 months old and we were in Wal-Mart and my daughter was learning to pull herself up at the time, she pu8lled herself up it the seat of the cart an all I heard was a thud, her head hitting the floor. I had had my back turned to her for just a couple of seconds and was comparing prices on something, and up and out she went. Me being extremly worried, left my cart and took her straing to the E.R. fearing the worst. She was OK, ust abump on the head nothing else, and the doctor said to me "babies are very bouncy and do not break like oldr people do." So, just keep an eye on him and if you notice anything unusual, take himn to the doctor immediatly. Ane once again, we all make mistakes, we are only human and NO you are not a bad mom.
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@happymom1 (1179)
• United States
15 May 07
For your not a bad mom. I dont know how many times my baby was fell. I am sad about that evenghough its not my fault. One time i told my husband to watch him because will go to the kitchen he said yes but he was at the computer playing and he forgot the baby was on the top of our bed. I heard a bang noise and said what happened i heard baby was crying already. He fell to the ground from the top of our bed. I think it happened several times. I told my husband baby first before playing. Hmmm... i got upset. Its normal to a baby to move and explore so that what happened if nobody watch but dont be upset of yourself. Your just doing what is he best...
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
15 May 07
You are not a bad mum. I don't know any child who has never fallen! It happens to everyone. Of course you feel you need to watch your child every second but there are times when you simply can not do that. Your baby cried for a couple of minutes which is normal and that shows that he should be ok. Your friends are right, just observe him and watch out in case there are late reactions but it's more than likely there won't be.
You will get over it. My toddler is always falling over and while I still sometimes feel bad that I couldn't have stopped it, I have learnt that children will hurt themselves no matter what you do to stop them!
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
16 May 07
You are not a bad mom. We all make mistakes with our little ones. When mydaughter was about 6 months old I got her up for the day and was changing her little socks and apparantly one of the threads had twisted around her little toe and it looked horrible I thought at first she had gotten bit by a spider so I took her to the er and there they started interogating me!!Asking me if I smoked (don't) drink coffee (didn't back then). They thought I had burnt my baby's toe. Well eventually the toenail fell off but it has never looked the same again. It is a constant reminder to me.
Babies are resilliant thank God.
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@bruxedo (773)
• France
15 May 07
The first day my daughter came home, I put her for some minutes over the bed while I was opening her bed. My husband came to talk to me and I saw him going to sit on the baby because he didn't saw her. I cried so laud that I think all neighbors heard. Actually he didn't sit.. but it was just for milimeters..LOL
One other thing that I remembered now, not for babies, but when children fall and hurt the head it's very good, instead or with ice to use olive oil. You can be sure that it will not swell so much.
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
15 May 07
NO YOUR NOT A BAD MOTHER! trust me as the mother of a 4yr old little girl I have had my share of episodes where she has fallen off the bed too. It happens with children as long as he is fine then you shouldnt worry. I understand where your coming from you feel like your such a horrible mom because your suppose to be protecting your children but instead you let him fall..I CANNOT REPEAT MYSELF ENOUGH WHEN I SAY THIS HAPPENS TO EVERY MOM. We all go through that doubt when they fall but it was truly an accident, you didnt let him fall on purpose. Im sure your a great mom dont let this little incident define you as a mother.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
15 May 07
You are far from a bad mom. My son fell off my bed a few times and he is now 11 and fine. My husband sat on our youngest one time by accident. He thought he was moved over enough and ended sitting right on her head. Like you he felt bad too but she recovered from it.
Dont worry babies bounce back very quickly. He will be fine.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
16 May 07
what part of his body did he fall on?
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@zapatee (477)
• Philippines
16 May 07
i have lost count of the number of times my son has fellover the bed,chair or couchor bumped his head over a table on the floor,etc. now he's turning 3 and doing a-ok. docs say babies, as young as they are,have more flexible bodies than adults and even though they have amuch weaker immune system than adults,they're faster in recovering from falls and bumps than us oldies. i think, he said it had to do somethin about bones and their having smaller bodies than ours that make them "bounce" back earlier than we do,lol...oh,well my son's had cuts, bruises,swells from being too active, but he's ok as the next-door boys are.and i agree with the rest,ur not a bad mom so quit worrying and just keep giving more love tgo ur baby.that's what moms are for, after all.
@little_angel (2458)
• Australia
16 May 07
Hello christine margot
Don't blame your self to much. and you are not a bad mom. Maybe you can learn something from this. And don't worry to much about that.
Your friends was right, if something odd happen your baby you seen the doctor as soon as possible. but I guess if the baby got problem or something he must be crying and still crying, maybe he just got shock at the moment.
God bless you
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@RendiRed75 (113)
• United States
15 May 07
Oh, hun. You are so NOT a bad mom! Just to note: If you were a bad mom, you wouldn't have come on here and shared what happened and how badly you felt for it. The fact that it did affect you in this way just proves how much you love your son.
I remember all too clearly an incident with my own son. He was less than a year old at the time and he had been down for a nap. He was just learning to stand up at the time. He was in his room, in his crib, and I heard him bouncing in his crib. I made my way down the hallway and swung open his door just in time to see him - a big grin on his face flying toward the FLOOR. He looked just like a little flying squirrel. He landed face first on the floor, and the fall knocked the breath out of him for a few seconds. I grabbed him up and blew in his face frantically (that was the day that I found out that the old wive's tale is true). He started breathing and then let out a wail that would make a banshee envious.
They tell moms to remain calm during emergencies, yet I was bawling like a baby, right along with him. I just knew he'd been damaged for life. I took him straight to the doctor, and by the time he was being seen, he was laughing, giggling and BOUNCING again! The pediatrician told me that I looked worse than he did. He assured me that my son was fine and that it wouldn't be the last time he'd get hurt in his life. And he was right.
The thing to remember is to not beat yourself up over it. If you are worried, even if he's not showing negative signs, and it would make you feel better, go ahead and take him in to see the doctor or to the E.R. You are not the first mother to have something like this happen, and you won't be the last.
And one more thing: When I was a baby a similar incident occurred. My brother picked me up and accidently (as strange as this sounds) threw me over his shoulder. I hit the floor with a thud. My mother recounts this story, and for humor's sake, she swears that that was the day that I got some sense knocked into me. She says that otherwise I might've been ditzy (I was blonde as a child, so bring to mind all the blonde jokes you've ever heard).
Keep your chin up and stay calm. Your son, while still very small, can sense your nervousness, anxiety, and worry. It's best for him that you try (easier said than done sometimes) to put your mind at ease over his welfare and move on. :)
@yamahagirl (415)
15 May 07
hey ur not a bad mom its happends to the best of us.
im a mom of 4 5th on the way,two of my children have drop of the bed,a few times now, what can u do u cant keep watch on them all the time,kids move so fast it happends its not ur fault.
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@ChampagneGiggles (699)
• United States
16 May 07
lol yeah you're not a bad mom, like everyone else said. I think every new mom has dropped their child at least once. I remember when I first brought my son home from the hospital, I was so exhausted I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to him crying, and I was so startled I let him roll out of my arms. Add hormones to the fact that I just dropped my perfect newborn infant, and you can imagine why I plopped down and started bawling. He's learned quickly to hold on tight when mommy holds him. :)
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
16 May 07
You are not a bad mom, it happens to the best of us. It does make you feel that way though, doesn't it? Babies are tougher than you think. I would keep watching him for any signs of injury but don't worry too much. At that age it is hard to remember they are able to wiggle more than they ever have before. Don't beat yourself up too much. I am sure he will be fine and you have learned an important lesson. *hugs*
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
16 May 07
Hey dont be so silly of course your not a bad mom. And Im sure the baby is fine. He was problably more scared when he fell then anything. These things do happen to us. We are only human. And to be human is to error. So please feel better about it. And just hug you little baby.LOL
@callarse1 (4783)
• United States
16 May 07
No, you aren't a bad mom. If you were a bad mom you wouldn't have cared that your baby fell. Actually, I think it happens to the best of moms, sometimes the baby hits his head and things like that. However, be careful next time so he doesn't fall off again. Next time you probably shouldn't leave him alone :(. Have a nice day.
@Lovett (464)
• India
16 May 07
Hey its fine. Obviously u r not a bad mom. I guess you tale extra care of your baby, dats y u r so frightened. I would probably feel the same as you too. I dont have children cause I m not married yet, but love to respond to such discussions. Uneed to be a bit more careful, n Love u r a very RESPONSIBLE MOM. I wish u all the good luck n happiness , bringing up your little gift from God. Wish your Baby a wonderful Future. Take Care Sweets!!!
@takkea (393)
• United States
16 May 07
I think that there isnt a parent out there who can say that some point or another their infant has never fell. This occurrence in no way affects the fact that you are a good mother.