can anyone give me tips or advice on how to make a relationship work ?
By Gorgeous24
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
United States
May 15, 2007 10:46pm CST
I have been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years now and we have a 4yr old daughter. We moved in with each other about a year & half ago and lately we have been having alot of issues with each other. We are not getting along like we used too, I have been with him since I was 18yrs old and Im now 24, I feel like hes all that I know because I have been with him so long. I thought that I knew all about him but when you really live with someone its like they become a whole new person to you. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or had any experience on this particular subject, I would like to work things out with him but I just dont know what else I can do. So does anyone have any advice or tips that I can use to help me fix my relationship. Any advice to a long healthy relationship will be greatly appreciated.
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24 responses
@emilieespino (963)
• Philippines
16 May 07
The two of you should have an honest heart-to-heart talk about your relationship if you think you are still in love with each other. Whatever changes you need to do, you cannot do it alone. You have to mutually agree. You need to let him know how you feel about the whole situation. If he is cold and shows no interest in mending your relationship, it could be possible there is a third party. I don't mean to poison your mind but it's a fact of life.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
Hello emilieespino, No your not poisining my mind and indeed a third party could be a possibility however I dont think thats the case. I just think we are both are stressed from everyday life and we havent taken time to sit down and talk with each other like we used to.
Your advice was greatly appreciated.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
21 May 07
Gunzwick I think you may have misunderstood the answer that was givin. What they meant by that was maybe HE is seeing someone else which could be a possibilty but I dont think so..however I could be wrong!

@creativemind755 (400)
• United States
18 May 07
Well, I know, from experience, that living with someone is a whole DIFFERENT "ball game" than just DATING them! Like that old saying goes, u never REALLY KNOW a person UNTIL u live with them! Even if u've been with someone 4 a few YEARS, until u LIVE 2-gether, u DON'T really know them AT ALL! Living with someone brings out all of those "little" things that u'd never discover otherwise. And since we all have our OWN ways of functioning at home, u will quickly learn how willing, or UNWILLING, your partner is 2 compromise, or come up with "win-win" situations. I think I could give u more insight if I knew more SPECIFICS about your relationship. I don't wanna get all up in your "business", but what EXACTLY is causing u 2 have "issues" with him? I WILL say this, Gorgeous. I DO know the feeling of being with someone, and feeling like they're "all I know". I wasn't as young as u when I STARTED, but I was in a long-term relationship in my early 20's as well (from 20-24), and I lived with her, OFFICIALLY, 4 a year, even though we were still 2-gether almost ALL of the time throughout the relationship. I don't like 2 address things based on age, but I think that when u get in a long term relationship at such a YOUNG age, and u haven't experienced many, or ANY OTHER relationships, it's really difficult, because, USUALLY, u haven't learned enough about YOURSELF 2 really know everything that u TRULY WANT in a mate! And, I know it gets even MORE complicated when u have a child 2-gether. I have an aunt and uncle who married right out of high school, at 18, and had their 1st child at 18 as well. They ended up having ANOTHER child a year later, and they're still 2-gether 2 this day (as far as I know). BUT, from what I've observed of their relationship, over the years, I don't think it's 2 great, and it seems rather ABUSIVE. But, they're in their mid 50's now, so they probably have no recollection of life WITHOUT each other! I still think that they don't really have knowledge of SELF, and that they are 2 "half" people, instead of 2 INDIVIDUALS, "whole" in their OWN right! I'm not saying that u will have this fate, Gorgeous. But, what I WOULD suggest is that u really examine WHY u're with your boyfriend in the 1st place! Why were u drawn 2 him? How does he ENHANCE your life? Do u feel BETTER about yourself when u're with him, or WORSE? Do u wanna work things out just 4 your daughter, or do u REALLY wanna be with this man? Are u staying out of true LOVE, or FEAR of being alone, fear of leaving what is "familiar"?
We, as humans, I believe, often get UNCOMFORTABLY "comfortable" with someone, or a situation. Sometimes we fear that there are no other options 4 us. If that IS the case with u, Gorgeous, u have 2 know that there are ALWAYS other options, even if u DON'T c them right now. If something truly ISN'T right 4 u, u have 2 have the courage 2 "let go and let God". MUCH easier said than DONE, I'm WELL aware! But u must have FAITH! Only U know the TRUTH about what's REALLY going on in your relationship! But, I can always give u my OUTSIDE perspective, from what I'VE learned from life!
Again, I'd be more than happy 2 give u more IN DEPTH insight, if u want it. But, as I said, I'd need more SPECIFICS from u, if u wanna share that information.
If u DO decide 2 share, I'll be all "ears"!
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
18 May 07
I really dont know what to say creativemind755, you "nailed" everything on the head. I dont know how you ALWAYS think of the right things to say and actually type it out perfectly. You have given me some tough questions to ask myself..I dont know if im ready to do that :(
I guess I have to in order to figure out what I WANT IN MY LIFE. Im going to send you a message so check your mylot messages I would be interested in getting more "IN DEPTH", Im curious as to what you could tell me. I appreciate all the advice you have given me, Thank You!

@34momma (13882)
• United States
16 May 07
you want to fix your relationship, well you have to work on you. we are always trying to either fix the othe person, change the other person, or trying to make the other person happy. but none of that works honey. and you are right you never know a person until you live with them.
so what you need to do, is start loving you. start finding your personal happiness. this is what is going to happen, he is going to love the fact that you are so happy and want to share in that with you, or he is going to hate the fact that you are happy and it has nothing to do with him and he is going to be pissed. if that happens i say get out of there. you have to learn that you are not responisble for the happiness of another. only your own personal happiness. and that happiness you share with others. good luck

@34momma (13882)
• United States
16 May 07
i am glad i gave you something to think about. beause as a mother of three i know how you can get swept up in your family and not yourself. my mother use to say, you gotta do something for you every once in a while. then i got into different books that kept talking about self love and happiness. honey that was it. i have never been happier. because i learned to love me, and make me happy. it was work at first because as women was are taught to make others happy and think about you later!!!!! NO NO NO!!! think about you first and all those who love you, and want what is best for you will be there to share in that. and those we are faking like they do will either go away, or you will have to make them go away. check out my website on being a master of your thoughts. it will change your life
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
That might be a big factor in my problems with him because I have been a stay at home mom for 4 years & I devote my time to my daughter and him, I dont go out and do things that just make me happy like I used too. If im not happy how can I make anyone else happy? Great point 34momma! You really made me think about this one.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
16 May 07
I got married at 19 and I had many of the same issues you are having now. When you move in with someone you find out all of his issues, all of his bad habits and so on. My advice to you is to ask yourself, what you can live with and what you can't. It has taken me several years to figure that out. I am now on marriage number three. I remarried my first husband and we are doing great this time around, because we finally figured out that there is no perfect mate. I would sit down and talk to him about how you feel and how he feels. Men are much more logical and see things in black and white as opposed to us ladies, who are very emotionally based. It is hard for men and women to see eye to eye. Just communicating and getting these feelings out in the open will help you both to understand each other a lot more. Good luck to you and I hope you are able to work things out!
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
21 May 07
No problem! I think that everything will work out fine one way or the other. You are a smart lady and are being proactive about the situation, your getting loads of advice and you are well equipped to handle this! Take care!
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
Mamasan34 thank you so much..matterfact thanks to everyone who has taken time to give me advice. I've gotten such great feedback as to what I can do to better my relationship, and Im very thankful to all of you.
I agree they do only see things in black & white and we are definitly more emotional than them. I understand there is no such thing as a perfect mate but I do think there is such things as healthy relationships and that is what I would like to work towards having. Thanks
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@MrsWickham1 (464)
• United States
16 May 07
I love my husband I do, but some times he just drives me crazy. We have been married for two years now and been together four. We did not live together until we got married and it was rough. I am a messy person and he is a neat freak. it does get harder, because now you are always with that person and you start to see their flaws. If you really love him time will make it better. ( not saying that you don't) You just have to communicate more. Tell him without attacking him what he does that upsets you or irratates you and encourage him to do the same. Try to make it that responsibiities are between the both of you. Relationships are hard if they weren't everyone would be in one. Hope that helps.
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@MrsWickham1 (464)
• United States
17 May 07
From the way that it sounds you have no real reason to give up. And always remember in the end you will always have each other if you give up over a small fight then you may feel like you just wasted time.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
17 May 07
Yea I agree that relationships are hard, you have to really give them your all and make certain sacrifices for what you want out of your partner. In relationships you tend to get all caught up in the arguments and their flaws that you forget why you fell in love with this person.
Im not gonna give up im going to give this relationship all I have got because I do truly love him, we do have our good days.

@Melissa528 (744)
• United States
16 May 07
I should be the last person giving advice on this subject because after 6 years and a kid I still couldn't figure out how to make it work and now i'm a single mom but I definately think communication is the key. You also have to make time for just you and him. Someone suggested a weekend away and I think that's a great idea.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
Thank you so much for your advice Melissa and it wasnt your fault your relationship couldnt work out...always remember that! Yea a weekend away sounds good for me and about you babysit for me? Thanks have fun! lol
@Melissa528 (744)
• United States
16 May 07
You know I will babysit. I'm not kidding. You should set something up. I will take princess for the weekend.
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@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
16 May 07
Do you guys love each other? Are you determined to make it work? To make a relationship work, you don't just need love, you also need to be DETERMINED to make it work. Everyone makes mistakes. You both need to accept that. As long as it's not a big deal, don't sweat the small stuff. In a relationship you need to let a lot of things slide. I'm not talking about the big stuff like cheating or beating but i'm talking bout small stuff like picking up after him, etc. See the good and bad things that the relationship has. See how it balances out. If there are more good things, then be determined to make it work. If there are more bad things, then reconsider.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
Letting the little things go is good advice because with the stress from everyday life adding tension between us I do notice I complain about things like him leaving the toilet seat down, or him not putting his clothes in the hamper which if there was no stress in my life I honestly wouldnt mind doing those things for him because I do love him. Thanks for takin time out to respond.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
16 May 07
Good communication is the key to a superb relationship. When you have a boyfriend that you see a few times a week it can be wonderful. However when you move in together the reality can be very different. I agree with you, he became like a whole new person and yet you felt you knew all about him.
If your boyfriend is annoying you try to use constructive critism. If you say something hurtful he might reply with a contination of this. This will make you both upset. I sugest complimenting him so he tries to please you. Maybe set aside an hour a day for talking together honestly. At first this will be challenging but it will make you and your boyfriend closer. Then your relationship should start to work again.
You might think of planning a weekend away to get a romantic time with one another. During the time away you could talk about your first dates together. He should arrive home in a good mood and then your daily talking sessions together could start. Good luck.
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
I agree comminication is the key to a superb relationship, it just is stressful at times with a daughter and trying to set aside time for my boyfriend (which is her father). The idea of gettin away for a romantic weekend sounds perfect, I think that would be very vital toward us reconnecting as a couple again.
Maximax8, your words were spoken as if you are a true friend..Thanks for taking the time to give me advice.
@atif_shahzad1 (139)
• Pakistan
6 Jun 07
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this is a good thing to ask but u can increase ur relation by living calm and by sacrifiying yourself. This is so simple to be in relation.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Sacrificing myself? I have done for that 6 years and in that time I have lost mylself.
Thanks for repsonding
@Graymsqtech (496)
• United States
16 May 07
Honesty is the number one thing in a relationship.
I think it has to be based on mutual Goals and aspirations for the family and the relationship. I am afraid you have made all the giving decisions without reciprocation. You need to receive the love in return and respect the man for being loving and reciprocal in the relationship. If he receives all he wants and doesnt have to participate equally then he will take what is given without any returns because he feels you are getting what you want.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
I know I have my faults I dont claim to be perfect, I know I could be open with him a bit more..but when your in a heated argument its hard to not yell and try to get your point across. Thaks for the advice!
@cathiesblogg (753)
• United States
16 May 07
You change as you mature and sometimes you grow apart. You now have to decide if the relationship is going to be worth it in the long run. The fact that you have a child together should make you want to try to work through issues. Now, there is more involved then just the two of you. Maybe if you tryed to get a baby sitter and going out to eat and maybe see a movie once and awhile it could help make things more interesting.See right now you are bored and maybe even feeling like he is not appreciating you. If this doesn't work, I would try counceling. One wrong move now and it could make unhappiness for all of you.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
I think for us to plan a night for ourselves is much needed for us. You get so caught up that your forget about your parnters needs at times. cathiesblogg your advice has been greatly taken. Thanks
@3superkids (446)
• Philippines
17 May 07
it's really difficult to make a relationship work. i could share with you mine. my husband and i tried our best to make it work for our children. we keep an open communication, we always try to be honest about everything. that way we are able to maintain our trust and respect to each other. would you believe that even inside the intimacy of our bedroom if one is not in the mood we compromise. also since we got married and got kids we still keep our individuality. i think that's very important in a relationship. being able to do things we want to do on our own. well i hope i was able to give you some tips.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
17 May 07
Compromise is another key factor in making a relationship work, I am learning so much from everyones advice.
Yea when you live with someone you tend to always be with them and when you do things there always there but setting aside time for myself to regroup or to just relax is vital to my happiness. You have givin me some very good tips, thanks for opening up about your experience.
@myhen03 (2)
• Philippines
16 May 07
hi there!loving someone or living with someone is practically not just a feeling but a choice. It's true that when you start to live with a man under one roof, there are a lot of things you'll discover about him. I've been married now for 10 years, and I can that I still continue to discover new things about my husband. If you are having trouble living with him, what I can say is...try to meet half way on things you disagree, you 'll need a lot of understanding and patience. Learn how to give and take. Most of all acceptance of who he is because you chose to love and live with him.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
You are right I made a choice to move in with him I just didnt realize how hard it would be. Coominucation, Understanding of each other and patience I think are the most important factors..Im learning as we go along.
myhen03, you speak from experience Im glad it has worked for you. Thanks
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@tonixxx (358)
18 May 07
Try to enjoy some time alone every now and then, make sure that you remember it is a relationship and do things together whether it be going for a meal or a walk. Communicate, if he does something to annoy yyou tell him and if he is difficult to talk to write it down, tell him you love him and you don't want to argue but you need for him to read what you have written.
I found it difficult getting used to living with my partner, but we have conquered that by making time for each other and making sure that we have a laugh. If it helps then go out to a friends more often as it will be more like it was when you had to visit each other. When you get home you will be pleased to see him, sometimes you need to be able to miss or worry about him for a little while just to appreciate what you have.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
16 May 07
Hi there after my ten year relationship I dated a guy for a year and after a year he wanted us to move together but I already knew we were not compatible so there were no happenings. Really that was a main issue with me.Far as your relationship maybe you both should sit down together and express your feelings about how he has changed.Be open about it and hopefully he will work on whatever he is doing wrong.
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@magnet (2087)
• United States
22 May 07
Sometimes verbal communication does not work that well. I suggest that one day you write him a letter about the issues that you have with him and what you want him to do to satisfy your needs. He should also write you a letter and he need to tell you how he is feeling and what he needs from you. Somehow maybe the two of you can make a compromise. I think the best kind of long healthy relationship is between a married couple who is fully committed to each other, but that's just my opinion. Everybody don't want to get married.
@irfan_fatboy (192)
• India
17 May 07
for a relationship to work all you have to do is keep yourself on the side of your partner and try to think what she is thinking and how will she like it to happen and how will she not and you'll probably do the right things cuz you are on her side and you wont do anything that you don't like so she wouldn't be treated as the way she does not like so that way as you are always correct it will make the relationship really work
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@laltu86 (1249)
• India
29 May 07
I dont know but i know a person who could help , thats you , first you deide what you want of the relation and of him ,people change and are you ready to accept that , then have a talk , not a chit-chat but a talk with him , after all you also have to decide upon the future of your child also .
@paradise12 (938)
• India
6 Jun 07
If you both truly love each other you would definately come with a solution.I feel you need to about this with your boyfriend and try to sort out everying.Remember relationship remains transparent only when you know everything about that person and vice versa, so its good you know everything about him and should know how to adjust with him and this is very wierd that you are finding him as a new person,has he changed?
The only solution is to communicate and sort it out.I hope my advice works for you and would come up with a solution.