Argument with partner is it bad for the Children
@ivorychristine (123)
May 16, 2007 2:53am CST
Sometimes we cant control hot arguments with our partners. If children are close enough to see or hear you and your partner arguing is it bad for the children? As mom is there a way to protect my child from such behavior and how can my kids know that arguments are natural.
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15 responses
@ivorychristine (123)
• Philippines
16 May 07
Though there are times we try not to argue but somehow things just heat up.
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@AugBoyz (79)
• Singapore
17 May 07
The 1 party shld take the initiative to walk away, telling the other party tt u r going away so tt both of u can cool off.
there are nothing tt cannot be settle by talking nicely. By screaming n getting each other by the throat only makes matters worst.
If u feel like an volcano erupting, take a step back, a deep breathe n cool off. Practice makes perfect :D
Good Luck!
@kumbarn14 (735)
• Pakistan
16 May 07
It does happens in all homes, it does effects the children no doubt about it. The only thing at the end you take hold of the house and try to create a pretending but happy atmosphere where the kids will find it comfortable to come out of the shell of scared that they just experienced. Dont discuss you husband with your children and dont comment about yourself, because all this will go against you.
@ivorychristine (123)
• Philippines
16 May 07
Thanks for the advise about commenting yourself. I never thought that such move can cause something that I would definitely regret.
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@kumbarn14 (735)
• Pakistan
16 May 07
I am glad it will give you a support and May God Bless you and your family.
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@sunita64 (6468)
• India
16 May 07
Well too much of an argument in front of children makes them afraid to live a normal life, usually they pick up and also become quarrelsome in life as they start thinking that it is a done thing. So I feel that hot arguments should be avoided in front of childrens.
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@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
16 May 07
I do have disagreements with my husband but try not to do it in front of the children. I don't think that is good for them to hear it. I think it is really bad when you are disagreeing about them. You don't want to make them feel like it is thier fault you are fighting.
@cwboyd (79)
• United States
16 May 07
I use to have this problem alot with my ex husband. He didnt care where we was or who was around he would just go off. I know that it did effect my children with their grades and their attitude. For some reason the oldest children felt like they had to pick sides or stop the argument. There is many ways thatyou can stop this is you have a partner that will listen. When you two need to talk, wait until the kids go to sleep and try to talk things out instead of fighting. If the children are old enough, tell them you are walking outside for a few and you will be right back. That way its not in their faces and they dont have to hear it. These are the things that me and my partner now doand I have seen a great improvement in the children and the way they deal with things. I hope this might help some.
@ivorychristine (123)
• Philippines
16 May 07
Does infant understand such argument? Im worried about my little baby when me and my partner having arguments.
@ariesflame (188)
• United States
17 May 07
If this happens a lot, then yes it does. If they appear frightened, perhap when your partner and you finish fighting a calm down, explain to them that while you maybe mad at the other (don't say's not their business) that you still love them and you and Daddy are not going anywhere (or you and significant other are not going to hurt each other, and that you both said a lot of things that the child should not have heard. Apologize to the child for having to hear it and move on with your day. No it won't affect them if they understand that fighting sometimes happens. If you demonstrate good coping skills most of the time than a blow up every now and again won't affect them forever. If you ahve a lot of arguments, then its time to consider making sure that your kids don't hear them. If your arguments get physical then the best thing to do is for you to get out of the situation (wether he/or she is the one being physical). It is up to you to protect your kids not coddle them. If they never hear an argument from you what will happen the first time someone in the real world yells at them about something...they will crumble like overbaked bread. Just help them understand that most of the time there is a better way of handling things and you should be fine. It's not a crime to lose your temper, or yell at someone and every once in awhile it keeps us from having a stroke or something because we vent our anger and move on with our lives. But, if this is a regular thing than you should consider assessing the relationship to see if it's worth the worry and hurt.
@wahmoftwo (1296)
• United States
16 May 07
When there are children presesnt anything more than a simple disagreement should be postponed until the children are sleeping or somewhere else. They always think it is their fault that you are fighting.
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
16 May 07
I think if you don't handle it well and don't communicate with your child about it then it could be harmful. I always tell my daughter that just because mommy and daddy argue it doesn't mean we don't love each other or love her, we just don't agree with everything each other does and sometimes we arguea bout it, but it isn't anything she did or because we do'nt like each other. Take care!
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
16 May 07
My partner and I have disagreements in front of the children. Nothing major, could be about what to have for dinner or who should cook dinner. I believe that it is healthy for children to see that people are able to have a difference of opinions. When we have a more serious kind of arguement we take it away from the children. They don't need to see a heated arguement.
@nicolecab (923)
• United States
17 May 07
if the argument gets out of controll towhere we are raising our voices at each other i will not say another word untill we go outside or my child has gone to bed!! When I just tottaly stop talking all together my husband gets the point and will drop the issue untill later!! I want my child to know that it is ok to disagree but not to start ranting and raving and yelling at the top of your lungs at each other!!
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
16 May 07
There are two different types of arguments, theres the "hot" arguments then there are the "healthy" arguments you just have to reconize which one is the bad one. Kids I think can see there parents having a healthy argument its good for kids to see that because they learn you can love someone but have disagreements with them at the same time. When your in a hot argument things can be said that kids shouldnt hear because their young and dont understand why there parents are saying such awful things.
So yes its good for kids to see healthy disagreements in life because there going to have some of there own whether it be with a sibling or a lover, you just have to decide whats healthy and what isnt.
@lady_kanti (122)
• Philippines
17 May 07
as a child, it is not really good...when my parents argue in front of me, i feel the whole world is on me will make me depressed
@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
16 May 07
I've never heard my parents argue. And now that I'm in a relationship, I don't have an idea what to do.
An observant and understanding child could learn a lot seeing their parents argue.
1. They would know that arguing is normal for couples
2. They would know what exactly to do when it happens to them
3. They might just have an idea on how to solve your problem
@rainbow2007star (920)
16 May 07
The right thing to do is : when you have to discus with your partner for something 'hot' go to another room and close the door so the children can;t hear anything.
This is the rule my parents used with me and my sisters, and now that I'm a mother too I can't remember one time they 'fight' together.