Do you pray before you go to bed?

May 16, 2007 10:04am CST
Hello myLotter I used to pray before I went to sleep. But lately I am not pray anymore, sometimes because I feel tired or forgot. If I feel very tired i will pray in my heart. I knew that this is not right, and I want to be more discipline with my self. I felt so guilty, I have 24 hours, but for God I just talk and pray for Him less then an hour a day. I should be more care about this. I always love Him deep inside my heart. What do you think about this? Do you always pray before you go to bed? Thank you for your sharing. God bless you
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10 responses
• United States
16 May 07
I usually do every night. It's nothing formal, I don't get on my knees by the side of the bed with my hands clasped or anything, it's just a short thank you for everything I have been blessed with and to hope for continued good fortune for those around me and in my life. It's relaxing and brings me a bit of piece of mind at the end of a long day.
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• Australia
21 May 07
you right I never on my knee and pray ( i do that in church), I just sit and clasped my hand and start to pray. God bless you. Thank you
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
20 May 07
I pray before going to bed and waking up,sometimes during the day.I make sure to give him thanks.
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• Australia
21 May 07
Thank you for your reply. God bless you
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
16 May 07
yes I always pray before I go to sleep and I also read my bible.
• Australia
21 May 07
thank you for your respond Shaun. I wish I can read Bible like you. Bless you
• Canada
16 May 07
I used to make sure I prayed before I went to sleep every night as I was so worried that if I didn't something would happen to my family and it would be my fault for not taking the time to speak with God but for the last few years I have not been able to do this every night . I went through a hard time in my life and felt somehow that I wasn't worthy enough for God to listen to and some how just stopped beleiving that I was worth anything and got out of the habit . Although I believe in God and I believe in the power of prayer , I don't feel the same as I did when I was younger .
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• Australia
21 May 07
Hello samtaylorskyierajen So you are the prayer in the family, and you have responsibility for your family. It really hard to be a prayer. God bless you
@joice86 (1078)
• Philippines
16 May 07
Oh, I am also like you. I am also tired when going to bed and I fall asleep easily. I feel very tired to pray, but I just utter some words of thanks and say good night to him then I fall asleep already. I feel guilty also because I don't have that habit of praying but he is always in my mind and in my heart. Hope he understands me, LOL...
1 person likes this
• Australia
21 May 07
Hello joice86 Welcome to community LOL kidding. I hope we cn more concern with our God. God bless you
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
16 May 07
little_angel, hope you have not sin, it is sin that can make someone to be tired of praying or not praying at all even before going to bed. i advice that you confess all known and unknown sin and beg god for forgiveness and completely make up your mind to trust and depend on god, that confidence in him will always remind and strenghten you to pray. as you pray, pray also for me. bless you.
• Australia
21 May 07
Hello okwusman1 I will pray for you too, I start to pray again every night. I always pray before eat. I miss Him so much
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
20 May 07
I say my rpayers before going to sleep each night. I will admit, my mind does wonder sometimes and I also accidently drift off to sleep. My heart is in it, God does know our heart. God bless you too.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
16 May 07
Hi little angel I ways try to pray before I fall asleep. And yes sometimes I fall asleep if Ive had a busy day. And I think thats okay with god. So keep praying to god before you go to sleep.
• Australia
21 May 07
Thank you for your reply. I try to pray even I felt very sleppy. God bless you
@salam1 (1474)
• Malaysia
19 May 07
I did, for the goodness of others and myself..
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
20 May 07
Yes, I usually fall asleep praying. Though I pray all throughout the day, so I don't feel too bad about it, if I fall asleep before I am through. And I also give praises to him even in the little things, such as I needed to find a bank statement, and it was the first thing I put my hands on when I began to look. And I thanked Him for it. Then I was looking for the tape, and all of a sudden, it was right before me. So I then gave Him thanks for that too. I listen to Christian music throughout the day, and that is a form of prayer as well. So though it is good to pray before going to bed, it is also good to pray without ceasing,