Not only was I poached, I was accused of poaching!

May 16, 2007 1:54pm CST
I'm not quite sure how it happened, but I was just in an altercation over...bananas! I've heard of people getting into shoving matches and tug of wars in shops when there are big sales, and there is only oneremaining slinky black number, or that very special wedding dresses. But poaching bananas? What just happened to me? There I was before a mountainous stack of bananas, plastic bag to the ready, and reaching for a bunch of bananas exactly like all the others. There was nothing special about these bananas, and frankly I was just reaching for those closest to me. Suddenly, a hand was slapping mine away, a woman was standing right next to me and her voice boomed out, "THOSE ARE MINE!" Where the heck did she come from?! The bananas were already halfway in my bag yet somehow they were hers? She was genuinely affronted that I was pinching her fruit. She seemed to think, for some insane reason, I might be prepared to argue over the bananas. I apologized, grabbed another bunch, and went on my way wondering what had I done wrong? Is there some vegetable and fruit protocol I am unaware of? What made them 'her' bananas? And what possessed me to apologize? It must have been the shock! I've never experienced anything like that. Have you run across territorial people while out shopping? How crazy did they get, and what did you do about it?
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13 responses
@RookRocks (381)
• Philippines
17 May 07
Hehe. That was funny. Sorry. Must have been a gorilla of a woman, first to scare you and next to love bananas so much. Good thing you backed off. I heard they get into rage easy and swing their lumbering arms away. They also love provoking people for no reason. It takes civility and intellect to not stoop to their level. That what makes you human.
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• Ireland
17 May 07
Gosh, no she was about half my height but had very steely eyes behind her glasses! Scary Mary!
• United States
16 May 07
Bananas - Here are your bananas
I know it is not funny but I cannot stop laughing. I would have appolgized and just stood there with a stupid look on my face. How dare you for pinching her bananas? LOL.The banana police are going to come and arrest you. I have never been slaped in the market, I have never been acused of steeling someone's fruit. I guess it takes all kinds, remind me not to shop where you do.
• Ireland
16 May 07
I found it pretty odd, but she looked totally normal otherwise. And belive me, I kept a sharp eye on her till she was well out of range!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
17 May 07
I try to avoid crowded grocery stores at all cost! LOL Wow! I think it must have been shock that caused you to apologize to that person. I know I would have been shocked too if someone had reacted to me like that because I picked up a bunch of bananas. And as much as I would like to think that I would have turned around and placed said bananas in my cart all the same anyways. I have to realized that I am not a confronting type of person...unless it is my partner or kids. ha ha And probably would have just handed the bananas over to the person...bag and all. ha ha I have been a cashier at a grocery store. And I tell ya, people can be brutal! It is just crazy! People snatching for others and yelling at cashier's because there aren't any left. Rain checks kept handy already written out to quickly pacify those loud disgruntled shoppers. Yup! I avoid the crowds at all cost! If I could grocery shop online and just have it delivered, I would! LOL
2 people like this
• Canada
17 May 07
rofl, oh my god, too funny!! This woman is CRAZY. How on earth could she say that they were hers when there's a huge stack right before you both? Honestly, if that had been me, I would have looked down at the fruit and said "Oh, I'm sorry, there's no name tag", then put them in my bag and walked off LOL. I mean, heck, what can she really do about it? LOL.
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• Ireland
17 May 07
That is pretty good. I wonder what she wold have said? I bet I would have ended up wearing those bananas as a hat!
@mummymo (23706)
16 May 07
I know the type of person who does this - they just like to feel in control and tend to feel that other people are beneath them but over bananas! lol Maybe she was an international jewel thief and her haul of uncut diamonds were hidden in this particular bunch? What do you mean unlikely - I think it is the best explanation! lol
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@mummymo (23706)
17 May 07
Oh to be a fly on those bananas and find the truth! lol
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• Ireland
17 May 07
Well, clearlt there was something very special about hese particular bananas. Maybe they were talking to her in a voice only she cuold hear.Maybe they were crying out for help? Maybe she thought I was abducting her bananas? I think you diamond theory is as good as the next!
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@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
17 May 07
I've seen some crazy characters in the supermarket, but none as bad as this crazy lady. I probably would have done the same thing you did. There was no need for her to act that way. And slapping your hand away, that's insane. The only territorial behavior I've seen is when someone is taking up as much space as possible while trying to chose the best looking produce. I just let them be, and come back when they're gone. Well, I hope you don't have anymore encounters with her. There's no telling what she might do.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
17 May 07
That is amazing! What a strange woman! I probably would have laughed at her in amazement! I can't relate...that has never happened to me.
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17 May 07
I've been in a bit of a *fight* over clothes before now but Bananas????? the woman clearly was bananas if she felt that you had picked up her own,personal bunch of bananas. Wierdo alert - lol Sorry hun but I had to laugh at this, she really was bananas
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
16 May 07
Some body has a problem & I don't think its you....
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• Ireland
17 May 07
Thanks E. I could see if most of the others were black and spotty and green, or if I had come up to her and started scoping out her nanners, but none of those things occured. Weird!
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
16 May 07
All I can say is this woman is bananas!!! Too funny! What do you think would have happened if you didn't give up the bananas....would they call the fruit police in to resolve it.
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• Ireland
16 May 07
There would have been big trouble had security intervened. I am certain hey would have come down on my side as I am a distinguished Regular while my accuser was a definite blow in!
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• United States
17 May 07
omg..i've never heard of such a reaction LOL that is crazy :) i saw something like that last xmas-two elderly ladies fighting over the last potholder set at walmart.when i walked into the aisle,they both turned at once and gave me this truly feral look. i backed up and left the way was i getting between that LOL
• Ireland
19 May 07
I would never get between two old ladies and their last potholder. That would be one of those events you would need to pack a lunch for!
• United States
16 May 07
Ok I think I have myself under control enough to answer this... oh maybe not, I am still laughing. I'm sorry just can't help it, this is just too funny. I can honestly say I have never in all my shopping years run into anyone that wanted to fight me over bananas. I am just dumbfounded that even with all the other bunches there she had to have your's. Maybe she didn't think she would find the best bunch and decided you were the expert?, don't know I guess I am reaching here but there has to be some logical explaination as to why she had to have those exact ones. Shame on you for taking HER banans lol. A few months ago when we had several winter storms, my neighbor asked me to go get him some kitty litter for his cats. Day after day the store didn't have it in because everyone was buying it to ly down on sidewalks and driveways. Well at last I got lucky, there were 2 bags left. Someone's cart was blocking the place where the bags were (still on the shelf mind you), so I moved the cart and picked up both 25 pound bags at the same time. No way was someone else gonna grab that second bag while I was putting the first one in my cart. I swear they were fair game, no one had their hands on them at the time but someone behind me started saying I was a hog and should share, blah, blah, blah. I still had a few things I needed to pick up but I was so afraid if I turned my back to get anything else off of a shelf they would steal my "prize", so I hurried up to the front and paid for them. I felt like shouting to that person, so there! lol. SO sorry you had to go through it but thanks for the good laugh, I really needed it today.
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• Ireland
16 May 07
Did you ever see Christmas with the Kranks? There is a scene in it like your kitty litter scene, only it was over a special type of ham. That was the exceptionally crazy part- htere were hundreds of very nice banans there. Spoled for choice, no need to get psycho, step slowly away from the banans and try not to make eye contact...HELP! Maybe she had seen me picking my friend's melon, as we often do our shop together and she is hopeless with watermelon, cantaloupe and avacado. I get called in as the sniifer dog/ringer. I bet you're right, I was spotted and followed for my fruit expertise. LOLOL!
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
17 May 07
I have to say that it took me a few minutes to stop laughing. You wrote this very well. I have heard stories from other people telling me of situations like yours. I can't say that I have ever had someone do something like this to me. And I couldn't even guess how I would have reacted.Probrally the same way you did till I had time to think about it.
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