Something I find intresting
By devilsangel
@devilsangel (1817)
United States
May 17, 2007 6:59am CST
The last few days I've been talking to a lot of my friends and family about the double standards of religion. It kind of dawned on me a few moments ago how really screwed up they are. See for me I am what people consider to be pagan. The moment people hear that they automaticly assume that I sacrifice animals and do worship the devil or whatever evil being they can think of which is the furthest from the truth. What gets me is that for as long as I can remember every other so call "good" religion has been doing the most damage to people. You've got Catholic priest molesting children, you've got crazy christian ministers killing their kids and stealing money from their church, and well then their are the insane Islamic radicals that just have lost all types of good sense. All these religions are suppose to be the followers of god or what have you but they seem to do the most damange to the people that they are suppose to be reaching. Yet I have the evil religion, wow, how the hell does that work? I'm not saying all people who follow those faiths are like that cause I know they aren't. I'm just trying to figure out how these are the people that are sitting there passing judgement on my faith and telling me that I'm evil and a sinner and whatever else they can think of to get me to convert to their bass akward faith. Seems to me that mine is the safest to have.
I was talking in a discussion about people handing out bibles to little kids and whats scary is they were standing outside their school doing this. There were people actually saying its ok for total strangers to walk up to little children and hand them a bible? Don't we teach our children not to take things from strangers? So why are these people special? Becuase they claim to be doing gods work? So did the guy who molested the alter boy, or the guy who stole all the money from the church. Do you trust them with your kids too? What makes me laugh as these are the same people that would flip a lid if one of my fellow coven members were standing outside of their childs school handing out books on paganism and the occult. So why the double standard? What makes their beliefs so much more important than everyone elses? Ok so am I the only one who has issues with this?
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12 responses
@prestocaro (1251)
• United States
17 May 07
Two words: I agree.
I do not lump all people of a certain sect of faith together, and it sounds like you don't either. But many people LOVE to categorize people on the basis of their looks, speech, or faith.
What you describe -- especially the handing out bibles in front of the school vs. handing out literature about paganism -- that specific example makes me think of cognitive dissonance. When discussing the matter of pagans distributing literature, the logic is something along the lines of "they are preying on children/kids don't know better" But when confronted with their own logic, it is as though some kind of electrical short happens in the brain. Suddenly it's "Well, what's harmful about passing out a bible/kids should go to church with their parents"
This is so *very* frustrating, I know, but honestly there isn't any way to get through to them. It is as though their beliefs -- and how they defend them -- defy all logic and reason. And there are people like this in EVERY belief system. All you can do is try to be tolerant and serve as an example of a person of your belief system.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
17 May 07
I swear this by far is the best answer I've gotten to this issues and not just on here but in general. You have put it wonderfully. Whats sad is they will never see the errors of their ways. How many wars have to be fought before people realized that no real god would want people fighting to prove who's better at serving them.
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@KatieS (503)
• United States
17 May 07
It really sounds to me like you were too quick to decide you are a "pagan". There are a lot of hypocrites out there, the bible tells you so. There are a lot of false prophets out there, the bible tells you so. But the bible teaches us how to love and respect one another more than anything else and gives us stories to back up the love and forgiveness we get from God so we can treat every one else with the same. People use EVERYTHING to get what they want, even religion. I believe that church's are a marketing device and I don't go. But I have a bible sitting on my coffee table and I refer to it when I have questions. My belief in God keeps me humble, happy and loving to my family and strangers. What's wrong with that? It would be one thing if the people handing out bibles were trying to persuade the children to go to their church or trying to take them. Everything going on in the world right now is written and was predicted over 2000 years ago. The bible is the only way out for ALL OF US!!!
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
17 May 07
and you are the type of person that drives me up a damn wall, if you want me to respect your beliefs then respect mine and the fact that I'm not intrested in converting to yours. As far as being to quick to find my faith, why because its not yours and I have made my decision based on actually learning about what my faith is about instead of following blindly some random nut who says god has spoken to him? How about accept the fact that not everyone in the world thinks your religion is golden and the only path in this world. You don't hold the monopoly on being happy or finding peace with their god and faith.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
17 May 07
Good one, zuk!
That's exactly what I meant by the comment I left on the second page. That poor lady up there is judging people thinking she's doing the work of the Lord. Guess what? That ain't how it works.
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
17 May 07
You are far from alone. I am Wiccan and I totally agree with you 100%. My mother is a Christian and she hates that I switched religns. Please uderstand she is among the few TRUE and GOOD Christians and I love her for that plus respect her more for that.
Another thing that bothers me aside from what you have mentoned is the Jehova's Witness members saposidly have the right to go door to door preaching the "Word of God" but yet Wiccans and Pagans cant have there midnight rituelisic dances to honor our mother where NO ONE can see us. It is utterly wrong.
I agree with you that it seems the only safe religins today are the Pagan, Wiccan or even Druid. I agree that I dont ever hear anything about them in the news it is mostly Catholic or Christian.
I agree not everyone in those religins do these things and I respect those who are tru to there religin like my mother.
Blessid Be
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
17 May 07
I feel ya, and I respect your choice of religion without judgement.
Personally, I believe in God and Jesus, but I have absolutely no use for organized religious groups. What is between me and God is not a church full of judgemental so-called Christians business (if they were paying attention they would have noticed this part of the sermon: Judge not lest ye be judged. And: Vengence is Mine sayeth the Lord).
Do whatcha gotta do and don't worry about other people's crap. When they treat you that way, they are not representing the Lord, and I don't care what kind of cyber repercussions I get from this comment.
Organized religion is corrupted by those who take advantage of good people's blind faith in the Lord. Many people who believe they are doing right are sinning in the biggest way: Judging.
Have a great weekend.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
17 May 07
Your cyber repercussion will be getting best response cause that was an awesome response. Thank you so much.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
17 May 07
Thanks so much :D
...that's just me being me.
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@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
18 May 07
I was reading your post and it is very interesting. But the way I look at how you look at life is , you believe at what you see and you set them as your rule.
We believe in God for His goodness, we believe in Jesus for his teachings. Religion is a complicated subject. In the Christian Catholic faith, many different denominations were formed , bibles are changed according to their whims and liberties. All this denominations are called protestant, they protest because to be a christian is a life of sacrifice, to be a christian, he will tell you to share your food to the needy, he will command you to love your neighbor, he will tell you not to kill but love your enemies, he will even tell you not to complain, he will ask you to do the harshest of life but honoring the lord as one. Thats the meaning of " many are called but few are chosen " those many will still be posturing as christian for they are borned to that and these many are failures as christian and those are what you see. On us we believe in the teaching of Jesus being all good and not on the people around us. Men were borned sinners and a freewill to choose the good and the bad and it is oneself to make and nurture that choise, the testament was a written path to lead you and always be on guard for you not to get astray for every forms of evil abounds the earth. For the truth is always the truth.
I hope my share will give meaning to you , may God bless you.
@charlieman99 (101)
• Andorra
17 May 07
I dont believe in religions, they use their beliefs just to get the masses under their control, they threat people with hell and things like that just to make them behave the way they like, besides, throughout history Popes and priests have always sided with kings and emperors and conspired to get riches from poor people with tributes, i dont believe in any of them.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
28 May 07
You made a lot of good points. There is evil in every walk of society and in every religious group, there will always be fanatics or those who take their understanding way over the line! And people tend to fear what they don't understand. I never would think to pair paganism with the occult, but you mentioned it in your statement. Isn't paganism just the worship of nature? Sorry...I don't know anything about it.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
28 May 07
Its actually considered new age/occult. There are different types of religions that fall under paganism, wicca,drudism,tarroist,satanist, and a few more that I can't think of right off the top of my head. Just like there are many different forms of Christianity not all believe the exact same thing nor do they all follow the same rules of study.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 May 07
I Am not a pagan? Or am I? Easter=Eostre=Istar, All hallow's eve on Halloween, Christmas on Saturnalia--Christmas trees, wreaths... all pagan.
I'm not really a Christian either--they're too hypocritical and ignorant for me. I, follow the teachings of the Christ and the Buddha, the best I can despite my imperfections... I don't subscribe to Paganism... in its standard definition, but I've read into it enough to see it's universiality. Only those who don't understand it, would bash it. Christian's if they listened to their messiah, are supposed to be Loving, charitable, merciful people--creating the kingdom of Heaven on Earth, instead their faith is based on selfishness and fear, and they are seemingly more concerned with their own individual salvation. That wasn't even close to Yeshua's message. Also, before the westernization of Christianity, one could easily find a lot of interesting facts. The fact that, for instance, in the traditional Hebrew, God is often referred to both in terms of a male and female... People are too ignorant of these facts though. And thus they hate people like you, for professing a very different faith, and they hate people like me, who point out their ignorance and self-righteousness... Namaste, and may the God and the Goddess be with you. David A. Reedy...
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
18 May 07
You know David sometimes I wish we could give out best response twice because you and the lady above you are right on target. I completely agree with you there.
Blessed Be.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
18 May 07
It seems that the larger and more practiced a religion, the more bigots, crazies, and self-righteous 'holier-than-thou' types they produce. It's something about being part of the majority...I guess it makes them think they have the right to look down upon everyone else, but God forbid anyone question their beliefs.
When it comes to Christianity, I see a lot of these types - so much so, it bugs me. But then, I live in the Bible Belt of America, so it's to be expected. There is a religious double standard, and there are many people who don't mind condemning the lives and beliefs of others, but they also won't hesitate to scream 'intolerance' and 'persecution' when someone actually tries to make the religious playing field an equal one. For members of the most practiced religion in America, they sure do like to play the victim card when things don't go their way.
This is why I've gotten to the point where, everytime I meet one of these people who thinks that pagans or practitioners of other faiths are bad or devil inspired people who are going to Hell for their beliefs, I just pity them. I really can't see them as anything other than pathetic. I mean, the Bible has a lot of interesting teachings in it...I'll admit this. Yes, it does have contradictions, and yes it does promote intolerance in some (or many) cases, but it also has it's fair share of useful teachings. However, you're supposed to LEARN from books, not let them do you thinking for you, and that's what these people do. They take every word literally and they don't question it. They choose to hold outdated beliefs with many logical errors - and for that, I pity them. It's a sad, sad day when people have to have a book tell them how to be a "good" person, instead of actually deciding how to be a good person on their own, like many other people have managed to do. I can't help but wonder that, if you need a book to tell you how to be a good person, then were you ever really a good person to begin with? Perhaps that's why we have so much religion based intolerance in the world - because people just accept the teachings, and never bother to ask themselves if these are truly fair and just teachings. It's almost like they're robots.
Anyway, I digress. I believe that no religion is, in itself, bad. It's the people who practice it that make it what it is. That said, people like this, who hide behind their faith to justify corrupt actions and intolerance - they've fallen behind the times. Their beliefs are old and outdated, and eventually, like many , religious beliefs, the beliefs will begin to fade or die off completely. Religions, I've noticed, have a habit of mellowing out with time.
Until these days of enlightenment come, however, these people will continue to gnash their teeth and shake their fists in indignation at anyone who they find too different. Pity them, hate them, ridicule them - deal with them how you wish. I think I might just adopt the habit of patting them on the head and saying "You poor thing,"...someone's got to do it.
@JessyBlue (536)
• United States
18 May 07
When I was a child I use to go to church, I went to many different churches. I was preached at a lot and told that if I didnt do this or that, that I would go to hell and burn forever. Being part of a church only made me feel judged constantly and even more unaccepted because of all the rules of religion. I never believed a lot of what I was being told by religious members, simply because it just didnt feel right in my heart.
As I got older I became spiritual, just me a single being..being who I am.
I think religion is just another form of control, and many abusive people misuse that power, even on the most innocent, and its a shame.
I have read and studied a lot about paganism, I think it is very interesting and I do enjoy the natural, nature part of it.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
18 May 07
Seems like we have similar experinces with religious leaders.. as an adult I like to ask them questions which of course most don't answer. The few that do answer only answer with scripture and not their own actual thoughts. Makes me wonder sometimes if these people actually know why they believe these things or if they do it just because someone told them to.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
17 May 07
yes i agree with you 100%
organised religion wasn't started by God. it was started by Humans who saw a chance to Make big Money, and make big Money they did!.... the churches are among the worlds richest organizations, and they sit there on their money and let the unfortunates of the world starve. (thats why the pope won't share power with women he wants it all 4 himself)
Money and Power is what its all about!