are you afraid to die?

May 17, 2007 12:39pm CST
What's wrong with dying? I've never encountered a person who's open to the idea of dying...Just the word "die" a lot of people will feel uncomfortable....why? are you afraid to die?
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4 responses
@fei1123 (56)
• China
18 May 07
I am not afaid to die,but I also want to live longer.Because if I die,someone will very sad.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
17 May 07
kind of. The though of trying to take a breath and not being able to. I hope I die in my sleep. I am afraid of leaving my kids. I won't be able to see them grow up and then who will take care of them when I'm gone. I know my husband will but who will watch them during the day while he is at work? I don't trust many people and if he does leave them with the wrong person I think I would haunt him for the rest of his life lol.
• United States
17 May 07
i'm not afraid to die. i hope to live a long prosperous life however i welcome the day when i meet my maker. we live in hell right now, i know there is something much better that awaits me. i just hope when i die it's of natural causes and i don't suffer. possibly like a massive coronary, something that happens so quick that i don't suffer long with pain.
@megs4413 (43)
17 May 07
i am not particularly afraid of dying, but I hope to live long enough to see my children grown up. My fear is more dying before my kids are taken care of, than dying in general.