Where were you when the planes hit the WTC on 9/11?
@dimplesnlaughs (835)
United States
May 17, 2007 4:58pm CST
I will never forget where I was when I found out about that devasting news. I was on the 8th floor of my dorm getting onto the elevator. There was a guy already in the elevator. I'm not the type to talk to strangers on the elevator. However, he broke the silence and asked me "Did you hear what happened do the World Trade Center?" I told him "no" because I didn't have the chance to look at the news because I was rushing to my first class. He told me about a airplane crashing into the world trade center. I was SHOCKED because I was thinking "How could that possibly happen???" After my first class, I learned about the second plane hitting the towers and I thought this was so surreal. I was SO anxious to return to my dorm to turn on the news. Sure enough, what I hoped to be not true was indeed true.
That was such a sad sad day in history...
Where were you when this happened or how did you find out?
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40 responses
@flipper0 (93)
• United States
17 May 07
I was at work and got an emailed alert of an explosion at the WTC. I work for my state's environmental agency, so get alerts regularly. Usually, the subject doesn't pertain to my work so I blow it off, but for some reason I opened this one and by that time the plane crash was confirmed. We had a satellite on the roof of our building linked with a TV in my office, so I contacted the other offices and soon there were about 75 folks watching in total silence. I get goosebumps just thinking of it. You are SO right about how surreal it was. No one said a word for so long... everyone was totally in the moment and I was so glad to be surrounded by people. At least we could hug and exchange looks and hold hands and pray.... the feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. I will NEVER forget it.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 May 07
The thursday before, i was working as a temp in building one on the 34th floor. I was so upset when they let me go because it was to turn permanent.
i was at work. i was working for NYC Hospital. i heard it on the radio and it i thought it was a joke. when i they came and told us that we had to leave our office because we were down the street from the UN, i freaked out. where was i suppose to go, what was i going to do. that was a very hard day for me. I was so scared and happy at the same time. happy that the Lord got me out of there, and scared because i didn't know where i was going. the Lord is good, he got me home, and he got me out of that building
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
18 May 07
You know I feel compelled to speak here; If you had kept that job, you might not have been here to tell the tale. There is a reason your still here 34Momma; Peace.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 May 07
oh honey i know it. when i realized what was happening i cried because i was so happy that i was not there. i would have been to work at 8:30 that morning. The Lord had something more for me to do here. I am honored and grateful every moment of my life that i was not there
@LCecelia (1124)
• United States
27 Jul 07
I was home getting ready for work. I don't listen to the news while I'm getting dressed so I didn't know about it until after I got to work.
My parents lived in New York at the time and since I didn't have a cellphone yet I called my brothers and sister to see if they had heard anything about it and if they had heard from my parents. My parents lived only a short train ride from ground zero.
@dania13 (96)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
I am from Quebec, Canada, i was working as translator in North Holland, Groningen province and it was there 6 hours difference!!
- i was on the coach watching CNN in english, other TV channels are in Dutch there...
Me and hubby did watch it all night long without BELIEVING IT, i had chicken skin and shaking all my body, and i was not believing it.
I have many friends in New York, but also lot of arabic no terrorists friends. I visit NY and around there often, i know well the area around and now named... Ground Zero...
All of it was really terrific!!
@bbsbeesknees (124)
• United States
13 Sep 07
I didn't know anything about it until I got to work. I was setting up, listening to the radio-my boss had mentioned something about an accident with a plane and one of the towers...I was listening when the second one hit. I remember just being almost in shock, and actually feeling irritated with my customers for coming in after jewelry when something like this had just happened! :) It was just unreal-especially the days afterward-you don't realize how you become so used to something as simple as hearing planes in the sky-until they're silenced.
@SquashStar (622)
21 Jul 07
When i read your discussion i went to youtube and watched some videos and it just brang out so much sadness in me and hatred for whoever did this and i support canada and the US in trying to stop these attacks along with Britain and any othe rcountry helping.
When the attacks happened i was in school, grade 5, and my friend told me that the US was going to pay billions of dollars to osama bin laden to stop any more attacks. Obviously baloney but i didn't know at the time. To me i didn't register what really ahppened but now I do and it's just so sad and stupid that these people could do such a thing.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
18 May 07
I'll never forget it.
I had gotten up to get ready for work and started the coffee then sat down on the couch to smoke. The TV had been left on all night and I couldn't believe what my sleepy eyes were seeing: The Twin Towers burning. I got the hubs out of bed freaking. "Attack on America" was running in the marquee at the bottom of the TV screen. We were in time to see the second plane hit, and hear about the other hijacked planes.
I went to work and the other servers were passing out red white & blue ribbons on safety pins, our normally upbeat guests were bringing in news of towers falling, planes crashing and the Pentagon being hit.
Mothers and wives of military men already knew in their hearts that their loved ones would be going. My heart really went out to those women.
9/11 is one day I'll never forget.
@pelo26 (1552)
• Philippines
18 May 07
I was in school hanging out in our Tambayan when one schoolmate asked us if we know of the World Trade Center... he said that it's now gone... The whole tower collapsed. I'm an architect and was still a student then and I cannot even simply imagine how a humongous structure like that could go toppling down. As I went home, I saw the news played on all major news network worldwide. It was horrible.
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
18 May 07
I was sick on the couch with Mono watching the show 'This Hour has 22 Minutes' which is a Canadian satiric comedy. It got interrupted by a news report about the first tower being hit and all I could think in my slightly comatose state was 'This better be real, because that's not funny!'.
I called my mom downstairs and together we watched the news report, including the live CNN coverage of the second tower being hit as well as the Pentagon burning after it was hit.
It was a really tough day, a lot of tears and a lot of tissues as the stories started pouring in.
@msjigga (864)
• United States
18 May 07
on September 11, 2001 I was in a the hospital triage in labor. I was sitting in a room with no television or radio by myself. I could hear alot of nurses panicing and runnig to the front of triage. I am thinking something happened with a patient. Then I here an anouncement stating that the hospital is under emergency surveilance my monitor started beeping I left my room to go to the nurses station see find what was going on with the monitor and to find out what the annoucement was about, I go to the nurses station there was no one there, I went to the front desk and there was no one there, so finally I went out to the waiting room and all the doctors and nursed were crowded around the television in the wating room watching the new. I asked what happened then I got the news and demanded that they give something to stop my contractions I was not trying to stay in that hospital on of the planes crashed close to where I was at. I left the hospital the City was empty I went on to the parkway and it was jammed packed with people trying to get out of the City.
@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
19 May 07
I was sleeping in my room when my cousin woke me up and said that the World Trade Center was attacked. I was like: "Are you kidding me? It's 4 am and you woke me up to tell me some news thousands of miles away!?" and then I slept again. When I woke up for breakfast and I heard the news again, I went: "Really? Who would do such a thing? What happened? That is SO sad and very tragic!".
@celestemichelle (429)
• United States
18 May 07
I was in high school chemistry. It was one of the only 2hr classes in my highschool, and when we got out around 10, everyone in the halls was telling us what happened and then we watched the news in our classes all day. It surreal. I'll also never forget that 9/11 is the birthday of one of the boys in my class. I think about that every year.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
18 May 07
Welcome to Mylot! I was in the School, I was a Teachers-Aid at the time. I was in the office, looking at the TV. I couldn't believe my eyes. tears flowed down My eyes, that was the first time I had ever seen people killed right before My eyes. It was terrible, I will never for get this. I don't think no one will!
@thrwbckjay67 (2870)
• United States
18 May 07
You know, I woke up at about 6 AM Pacific time because I had to be at work at 8. The news was talking about it, but at that point we didn't know it was an attack. I headed out to work, and the radio was nothing but news about it; when they found out it was indeed an attack on the buildings, we were shocked. I was an assistant manager for a shoe store, and we had to open the store, be we ended up waiting for the call from our corporate offices as to whether or not we would need to open. They called us about 30 minutes before opening and sent us all home. I gave my co-workers rides home, then I headed home. It was such a crazy day, I don't think I'll ever forget. The fear of just being outside on the road was crazy for some people.
@lisado (1227)
• United States
18 May 07
This might sound horrible, but my husband and I were sleeping. We were living in California at the time and my husband was working 2nd shift. We went to bed about 2-4am, depending on what time he got home. My MIL called and woke us up asking if my husband had been called to go out to sea, since he is active duty Navy. We had no idea what she was talking about! She explained what happened and we were still half asleep and couldn't believe it. We turned on the news and saw what had happened. It was so horrible that it almost didn't seem real! We kept asking each other how something like that could happen!
@hcromer (2710)
• United States
18 May 07
On 9/11 I was changing classes I can't remember what my first class was, but I was going to French and my teacher wouldn't listen to me when I told her all the other classrooms had their TVs on and that something important was happening. I worked later that day at Virginia Tech in the admissions office and I remember being on edge all day because they warned us that there might be biological attacks so be careful with the mail (my job was to open the mail).
@lovelyladydancing (1016)
• United States
18 May 07
I was in South Carolina visiting my friends. They were both at work and I was up playing games online and they were talking about a plane crash, but I didn't know it was the WTC. My friend whose house I was staying in called me and told me to turn on the news. I called my Mom and we cried on the phone together. I grew up in New York. I sat and watched the news all day. When my friend and her husband got home we watched a movie to distract us. I was supposed to take a plane back to Boston two days later. The airline went bankrupt and there were no planes going out so I took the bus for 23 hours. It was exhausting becuase I can't sleep on buses, but it was also bonding, because we all were in shock.
@semak76 (187)
• United States
18 May 07
I was at work. I worked as a waitress, so we had no tv, or even a radio for the news (it was one of those pump in just music things playing) I remember that people were walking in the door talking about it because they heard it on the radio. We eventually confiscated one of the cooks cd players and got a radio station in. We all just sat around listening in disbelief. As you can imagine, work was slow as everyone stayed where they were to watch the news. I live in Ct, so we weren't all that far away. It wasn't until around 4 pm that I finally got home to watch the news. Although i had been hearing it all day, watching it was so surreal. I stayed glued to the television until bedtime, just watching everything unfold.