I Still Cant Believe Her!

United States
May 18, 2007 8:07pm CST
Ok so I really need opinions on this one! I only want to discuss this because I am still puzzled over this and being that the third movie is on its way I want to know what to expect! I really was very dissapointed in how this one ended. Not only on the supposed death of Jack Sparrow but also the supposed connection between Elizabeth and Jack! It was something that I did not expect and of course ruined the whole movie! Seriously I just don't know why something like this would happen! I guess its all part of the movie Drama but still! It made me so I have almost no interest in the new one! If anyone feels the same way let me know so I don't feel stupid! And if you disagree let me know as well! I want to determine whether I should see the new one! Thanks! medillavou
1 response
• United States
28 May 07
Don't worry too much about a connection between Elizabeth and Jack. She does kill him in the 2nd movie, and I doubt that does wonders for their relationship. Go see the 3rd.