Who is Your Favorite Character?

United States
May 19, 2007 11:45am CST
I have to say my favorite character has to be Bender because he I believe is like 80% of the comedy on this show! I dont watch it every single day but I do watch it often. I think that it is funny but not as funny as family guy.
9 responses
• United States
20 May 07
My favorite is Zoidberg. I'm always disappointed when he doesn't get much time to be random and weird.
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@piebilde (19)
29 May 07
Why, Zoidberg, no doubt! With his funny lines, ink pouch and desperate need for attention. :D
• Malaysia
18 Aug 07
Yes i agree with you , Dr.zoidberg has not been receiving credit like he should . He is always bullied by the gang and always comes up with something silly. without him , futurama would not be so funny
15 Jun 07
I dont watch it often, but my favourite is Bender because of all the stuff he does and the comments he makes.
@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
21 May 07
Hmmm, it's really hard to pick just one character as my favorite. I think that I have to choose the Robot Devil. Everytime I see him in an episode. I get really excited. I keep hoping that he is going to show up in the new season of the show and perhaps one of the movies (if they are still doing those). Other than him, I also love Fry and Nibbler.
• United States
29 May 07
I have to say bender, he makes me think of a close friend of mine. :)
@tyetuery (20)
• United States
29 May 07
I think my absolute favorite would have to be Fry. He is so funny when he's trying to be smart. However, Zoidberg is also one my my favorites. I think my favorite Zoidberg moment was when Bender was getting married to Calculon (sp?) and Zoidberg was his wedding planner and he's helping Bender pick out a cake and says: "... Late at night it taunts me with its frosted beauty... ORDER THE CAKE DA**IT!" (not sure what counts as swearing on this site) I laughed so hard at that episode. :D
@missjackie (1357)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
19 May 07
Bender is also my favorite because he is the most funniest character on that show! Long live Bender! :-) On top of that, they're coming out with new episodes next year! :)
19 May 07
ZOIDBERG.ZOIDBERG.ZOIDBERG I love him cos hes random and crazy.
• United States
19 May 07
Yes, I agree, too! Bender is my fav. & he is the most comical character on the show besides Fry. If I ever get a robot, I want one just like him!