being polite to those of different faith
how to treat atheists and others
not attacking atheists
respecting others of different faith
Onward Christian Soldiers
By maildumpster
@maildumpster (3815)
United States
May 19, 2007 12:21pm CST
LOL I thought that might grab some attention. I meant to post this right after my Attack of the Atheists conversation but was side tracked by the tattoo convention.
*this discussion is pointed at anyone who has beliefs in any God at all*
I asked atheists to explain why when they are being "attacked" by those who believe in God they feel it is ok to get rude and nasty. I asked other questions as well.
Here is the flip side of the coin.
I am a born again Christian. I will not hide my beliefs for the sake of soothing someone else. That said I do my absolute best NOT to attack anyone with them. That goes for those of any different belief. I think I have managed to remain polite throughout. I hope others can say that I have.
I would like to say that those who don't believe in God are not going to believe in the bible. Quoting loads of scripture from a book they don't believe will not convert them. It makes people angry. I am not saying that I never quote scripture but I try not to do so to those who don't believe in the same God I do.
I know that many of you try to point out the error of people's ways (just using a common phrase as I feel that people are not erring if they don't believe in God. That is not my place to make such a judgement call). I know that many of you are trying to convert the masses.
Please think of how God would want you to act. Would he want you to attack people? Is that how he gave us salvation? Did he beat us with words until we gave in and accepted his son as our savior? NO! The best thing to do when dealing with people of different beliefs is to be as respectful as you can be. Treat others as God would treat them. Yes Christians were told to go forth and make disciples of all nations. Christians were not told to beat people into submission. The apostles didn't go around mistreating people to get them to convert.
I have seen Christians attack those of other faiths and as Christian I am asking for that to stop. I am not asking for you to stop presenting yourself as a Christian or to be ashamed of who and what you are. I am asking that you treat others with the UTMOST RESPECT (of course without being attacked or abused yourself). Someone tells you they don't believe in the bible don't keep throwing scripture in their faces; it is just rude. You will make a greater impact by being nice to people then by attacking them.
I hope that any time that I have had a disagreement with anyone here over any subject that I have done just that. If I have not please someone tell me. I hope even in this discussion I have come across as polite and fair to all involved.
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13 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
19 May 07
Wow, maildumpster, this is an awesome post! I really respect your for saying this. =)
I love what you pointed out about quoting the Bible. I can't count the number of times people have spouted scripture at me in the hopes of it having some effect, even after I told them that I didn't believe in their God or Bible.
I know as a Pagan I try to set a good example by helping others and being polite, and if I talk about my religion, it is in context of the effect it has on my life. I have had so many people try to convert me by basically attacking me, and that just isn't how it works. I don't like to be attacked, and I do my best not to attack others either. It's nice to see people of other faiths who feel the same way. =)
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
19 May 07
That sounds like an awesome camp you went to! Thanks for sharing that story! =)
As for the "not wanting to say Wicca" thing, I know what you mean. Sometimes any kind of Pagan practice gets called Wicca, when it's really not. I'm not Wiccan, but I have often had people misinterpret and believe I am just because that seems to be the most well-known Pagan practice.
Your use of the parent analogy strikes me really funny, because I had abusive parents. *thinks* I can see what you're saying though. I tend to explain my position like this when people are trying to convert me: "My Gods are like my personal friends and family. What you are doing is asking me to trade them for yours, and that isn't going to happen."
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
Thank you very much. I have never seen the purpose of getting in anyones face to try to convert them. I look at quoting scripture to a non believer this way - I don't believe in the contents of the Satanic Bible (not that I dont' believe in Satan but that is a different matter) so quoting it to me is the same as quoting a bit to me in a foreign language. I don't understand other languages (ok Italian and some Spanish) so I would just tune that part out. Quoting scripture to non believers can have the same effect - they just tune you out.
I am sorry you have felt attacked by believers.
You know when I was a teen I became a Christian. I also started practicing Wicca (don't ask how I decided the two worked together LOL).
I went to a teen Christian camp. There were two boys there that were openly practicing something. I don't want to say Wicca cause one of them claimed to be on the dark side of things. When the camp counselors found out they didn't freak out and send them home. Instead they just told them that they were not allowed to do anything in front of other campers cause it was freaking them out. They were told that IF they chose to continue to do it openly they would go home.
The beliefs were very different. It was a Christian campground so they could have sent them home. Instead they accepted them as they were. They loved them as they were. It is a shame that many believers try scare tactics to convert. Why? Love them as God loves us. He - like any parent - loves their kids as they are. But lets face it parents may love their kids as they are but it doesn't mean they may not want them to do better. **disclaimer - This is how I believe; I am not adding that last part trying to convert anyone or anything like that**
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
I like your analogy too. You know my parents were abusive too. I got to a point where I understood that they didn't know better. They were treating me the way they had been treated. The way they were raised. That was when the healing began for me. Now I see past the negative and remember all the great things my parents did.
I practiced wicca at the early part of my Christian life. I have studied several religions for the purpose of understanding others better.
That camp was great. The second year I went I was a pregnant teen. They not only knew they kept a closer eye on me cause I was not having an easy pregnancy. Through it all I only felt love. No judgement, no condemnation.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
22 May 07
You made many good points. People always tend to watch how we act and how we respond in certain situations rather than what we say. Seeing how we act will send a better message than trying to verbally convince someone of something. And everyone deserves respect until they do something that proves they don't deserve the respect.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
31 May 07
Thank you very much for commentint. I too feel everyone deserves some respect. I often respect people who "don't deserve it" just based on their being human.
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
19 May 07
Maildumpster, one point I would like to add is that in talking with many Christians over my life time (btw I am a Christian), Christians use the scriptures against each other like it was a dagger or a sword. This in and of itself would be fine, except for the fact that too many twist and take a verse way out of context to prove what they believe as truth. That is not at all what God intended with his words. You bring up a very good point. Great post.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
Thank you. You are absolutely right - I have seen many times Christians attacking each other.
I try only to use scripture responsibly. I try not to twist things but to take them as they are. As God put it. I do try hard not to add or take away from His words.
Thanks for mentioning that.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
20 May 07
Amen to that. I have always tried to show by example. When I meet people who do not believe as I do or who think that God cannot love them because of the life they have led, I tell them all about me. I have met people who think I am such a good woman. I have had people tell me that they wish they could be the kind of Christian that I am and that God loves people like me, not them. That is when I tell them all about me. We won't get into that right now.
I think we should all be respectful of one another belief systems even if we don't agree with them. I think we should share our faith not shove it down someone's throat. I agree wtih you that throwing scripture into their faces does nothing but anger them and make them believe even more so that Christians are brainwashed lemmings who cannot even come up with a thought of their own without going to the Bible for their answers. Faith is not just about the Bible, it's about having a conviction in your heart and living a life that exemplifies the Christian attitudes.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
31 May 07
Thank you so much for your comments. I am glad that I am not alone in my thinking. I hope taht I set a good example.
@wertzburg1 (200)
• United States
23 May 07
This is very true. I have to admit sometimes I lose my temper and become frustrated with a person I'm speaking with concerning God.
I am a very blunt person and whether I like it or not, I have no tact. (I really am trying to work on this) But you'll always know what's on my mind, whether it be good or bad.
I try to keep my patience when discussing religion because we do need to be as calm and loving as possible. The most difficult times are when people are being very repetitive in their points against you and are purposefully trying to provoke you.
This happened to Jesus several times. Like when the pharisees presented the adulturess to him, trying to set him off. Jesus simply knelt down and drew in the sand before he spoke. He must have been very angry, but he calmed himself down before giving his response.
It's definitely something to work on. When frustrated or being provoked, just draw in the sand.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Well, there are some people you just can't talk to! They have their minds made up and nothing you can say or do will even put a dent into their ideas. You are just wasting your breath and getting frustrated for nothing. I think some of them take pride in being that takes talent! LOL
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
31 May 07
Yep just draw in the sand!
I get annoyed too when people are trying to provoke me. I do my best to remain calm. I hope I have been able to do so on here (I think so).
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
4 Jun 07
OH yes I have come across a few of them here! One even went so far as to say that talking to someone if you aren't going to annoy them; wasn't worth doing.
@canjo13317 (396)
• United States
20 May 07
maildumpster, i believe that you have done more for christianity on mylot than any other post. if some of the people that have posted in previous related topics see this, i am sure you will be well received by them. i feel exactly as you, and would comment more except that you have said it all. and with such dignity. it is my understanding that Jesus didn't go around kidnapping who He thought was sinners and torture them until they believed in Him. He humbly walked the streets and would accept all those who came to Him for help. I could be wrong, please, someone correct me if i am. thank you for your wonderful post. it was a great way to start my day.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
31 May 07
You are spot on about Jesus!
You have humbled me with your compliments. I am truly honored. I hope I have brought a smile to God as well.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
20 May 07
No use arguing with an atheist. If they truly have no interest in God, then prayer is the best plan of attack. Only if God chooses to have mercy on that person, will they know salvation.
The Gospel message is good news for fallen man. We often attempt to deliver it without a package of loving concern for those we are talking to.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
23 May 07
atheists have more "intrest" with god than most religous people do.
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@inked4life (4224)
• United States
20 May 07
You have hit the nail squarely on the head for me. I have no problem with anyone believing what they want, it's only when they try to force those same beliefe onto me (or my family for that matter), or tell me that I am doomed to hell and judge me based on my beliefs, or lack thereof, that I get riled and let live I say
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
20 May 07
While I am charged by my God to spread his message; I truly do believe that trying to browbeat someone into submission is not the way to show them God.
I accept all people with love. I hate when anyone is attacked for their beliefs or lack thereof depending on how you want to look at it.
Take care friend!!
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
19 May 07
show me where we were ever told not to fight against evil!!when we told not to point it out to others!I have dedicated my life to the truth and if that is unchristian then my God will judge me for i will not stop some orther religions are evil and we are told to come ourt from among them not to cater to them !political or religious correctness will not chANGE THAT ?jESUS WAS NOT THE WIMPY wishy waSHY PERSON MODERN PEOPLE WOULD HAVE HIM HE SPOKE OUT WHEN HE SAW WRONGDOING REMEMBER THE MONEY CHANGERS?he even got physical with them !i do nor even recognise the christ of many of todays believers and wonder if he would regognise then !
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
19 May 07
jesus did it because they were cheating people and i do it because some faiths are killing people in the name of a false God !
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
That's fine. I applaud you for standing in the face of those who kill for their god.
If you notice though I was primarily speaking of people who attack atheists and agnostics for not believing. I was only trying to say that attacking them will not cause them to believe in God.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
I did not say that we are not to fight evil. Because I person does not believe what I believe does not make them evil.
I have no issue with speaking the truth. Please re-read what I wrote. What I said was that we can do so with respect. It is one thing to speak out against injustice - which is what Jesus did with the money changers cause they were cheating people. It is another to try to get people to come to the Lord by force.
I am not pc nor do I claim to be. I just choose to respect people. Bashing them over the head with my bible or with scripture quotes isn't going to make them like me or my God any more than not doing so. In fact I fear it will do the opposite.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
19 May 07
the thing is, as long as you believe someone is going to hell for not believing in something like or familiar towards your faith, there is no respect.

@mari610 (360)
• United States
19 May 07
As a Christian myself, I applaud you for your kindness, compassion and knowledge of how each of us can be better Christians by not attacking others or quotng scripture, to those who don't believe as we do. However, I felt compelled to respond to your compassion for Osama bin Laden. There are many people in this world,who are raised by parents who are not the best teachers for their children, many broken homes, where physical and mental abuse are commonplace.Parents who, by their own hatred and intolerance for others, pass this on to their own children.And where I agree, that in a lot of cases, these children grow up to be primarily, what they were taught,there are a lot of people who, even through these horrible circumstances, grow up to be kind, compassionate and productive citizens of society. To somehow blame Osama's upbringing for his murderous and evil ways,is both unfair and passing the buck, so to speak. This man, who by the way,is not unintelligent by any means,used that intelligence and craftiness, to ouright murder 3000 innocent people,those he knew nothing about and had nothing to do with his political or religous beliefs, families, children, people who were just trying to make a decent living all in the name of hatred, jealously and evil. If I as a Christian cannot and do not forgive this evil man of his deeds, then I guess that's something between God and myself. My friend, there is "pure" evil in this world and this man is amongst the worst.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
19 May 07
i find it very hard to believe that anyone would have respect for osama regardless of religion.
how can you have respect for someone which you believe is going to an eternity of damnation? haha
a book i recomend is "the end of faith" by sam harris to show you how "religious moderates" are really the cause of the negative effects of religion.
(btw: I dont believe that fire caused building 7 to fall)
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
So you are saying that I can't respect someone if they don't believe what I believe? I am sorry but you are incorrect. I have great respect for all people. I even felt bad for Osama bin Laden when he attacked us. (I can explain that but don't want to.)
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
Thank you very much. It means a lot to me cause if I remember correctly you are pagan.
I truly feel that it is best for all people regardless if they believe in a higher power or not to respect one another.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
19 May 07
Thank you. You have just brightened my day!! I am glad to know that I am living as I hope I am.
Blessings to you!
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
20 May 07
I agree completely. I do get quite upset when people try to "convert" others by beating them over the head! You know the old saying "Nag, nag, nag!" (There is another way of saying it using b words!) Well, that is never welcome, no matter what the subject. You are right. Jesus never tried to shove anything down someone's throat. He simply made statements and let people believe what they choose to believe.
Thanks for this discussion.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
20 May 07
You are welcome for the discussion. You are absolutely right. Jesus never converted (nor any of the disciples) a single person by nagging them. He led by example. He spoke of his father in heaven and the promises he made. He let people come to him.
I hope to be the same. I am far from Christlike and will never claim to be. I can only hope to be the best person I can be and hope that someone sees God thru me.
I am glad that both my discussions toward believers and non believers have been so well accepted.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
20 May 07
You know what else I would really, really love to see happen? I would like religious organizations (and political parties that are due for an election on the 24th, for hat matter) to please stop coming to my home and trying to convert me. It isn't going to work. I am not going to be converted. It is irritating, and I would never join an organization that behaves in such a manner. I don't mind flyers coming through the door, but I think that should be the extent of the offer. Otherwise, to me, it feel like badgering and is a bit presumptuous.
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@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
31 May 07
I agree with you. I don't want the JW's or the LDS's or anyone else coming trying to convert me. The won't do so; so to talk to them wastes everyone's time.
And I really don't want politicians coming. If they were to show up I might just forget that I am Christian if they are not saying what I want to hear from my government!
Thanks for commenting.