Does eating diet food really make you skinny?

@xquisite (156)
United States
May 19, 2007 10:15pm CST
I've been very conscious of eating low carolie food, from skim milk, diet coke, sugar-free sweets, and lean meat, but they're not the best in taste. What do you eat to maintain your weight? Any ideas? xquisite
3 responses
@Fishmomma (11377)
• United States
20 May 07
I think the amount of food you eat each meal is important. I am eating 6 small meals each day and eating less than when I was having 3 meals a day. My meals are balanced with fruit and a vegetable each meal and a glass of water before I start my meal. The weight is staying off and I feel great.
@joe137 (60)
• United States
20 May 07
I think it's hard to say because there's a lot involved. Everyone's health is unique. What adds fat to one person may be quickly processed by the body of another. How athletic are you? How busy are you throughout the day? Even though I have 2 parents over weight, I work 60 hrs a week and come home and do dishes, laundry and lawn work. I eat more than my parents who are over weight, but my day to day life requires that amount of food to restock the energy I burn everyday.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
20 May 07
I live in the Philippines and our diet here is carbo laden. But I am able to lose 15lbs and keep it off by simply not eating rice and just eating meat (thats either fish or chicken) twice a week. For most of the week, its veggies and fruits. I have no problem with the taste, if it's too bland I just have a little soy sauce. The best, and most successful diet i may say, is one that doesn't make you feel deprived. I can still splurge on a chocolate covered donut every now and then, but I'm no longer gaining back those 15lbs I lost with this diet.
@brimia (6581)
• United States
20 May 07
I think most "diet food" is full of unhealthy artificial ingredients and not a lot of nutrients. I stick to whole foods...fruits and vegetables (fresh or frozen), whole grains, beans, nuts, soy, and lots of water. I also exercise everyday.