my 6 year old is a computer addict
By maxxine
@maxxine (610)
May 20, 2007 7:38am CST
my kid can stay online the whole afternoon until 10 or 11 in the evening.!!!! she has a friendster account, a myspace account, she also sends emails to her aunts and uncles, and she chats in mIRC!! whew hehehe and she has a camera phone which i gave her as a gift for her graduation from kindergarten last march..... she loves to text..... waaaahhhhhh eheehhe
weird kid?????
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16 responses
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
20 May 07
Do you have a program on the computer that monitors everything your child is doing and all the sites your child is visiting? If you don't then you should simply because there are too many scammers out there and a 6 year old is NOT mature enough to be online in an adult social forum.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
27 May 07
Maxxine, I think your missing the point people are trying to make here. You responded only to a few responses that some people left and you said that you check her email. Do you know there are child preditors on the internet, they look to try and trap children and young children are too immature to see the dangers sometimes. You have posted your childs yahoo email address, your telling the world she has a myspace account, you have her picture posted on mylot, on your profile page you have numerous pictures of your child, your profile page also has the name of the city the child lives in. You also posted pictures of your child in school. You have provided so much of the wrong information on the internet regarding your daughter. Don't get defensive and think people are attacking you but you can not say that there are no crimes like this in your country, crimes like this happens all over the world in every country. I understand you are very proud of your daughter as every parent is but this is putting her at risk. Protect your daughter and don't post any information at all about her on the internet.

@betshopboy (619)
• Singapore
20 May 07
Is she for real? 6 years old and she's hooked to online social network? Wow, I think she'll grow up to be an IT expert or an internet entrepreneur!
But it's better if you can seriously consider to nuture her offline interest.
She's just a kindergarten kid, and already a computer addict? Wow!!
@heartuvgold (493)
• United States
21 May 07
Maxxine, I don't know if you realize this or not but by putting your child's email address in plain view you're inviting creeps to email her. When my daughter was 10 she got a video email from a boy and he pulled down his pants and showed his butt. I grounded her from the computer and made her block the boy. This was really just innocent experimentation, but there are worse things that can happen.
Now she's almost 20 and she still comes to me for advice because she trusts me to give her good advice and not to slam her for what she does. She has excellent computer skills and understands why she should never give out private information to anyone. But at the age of six I would have never left her alone on a computer, especially not most of the day and half the night. Kids that age need activities other than online.
It sounds like you wanted to let everyone know how smart she is, and that's cool, but letting everyone know where she chats and giving out her email address is a really dumb move on your part.
@onecutehoneybear (938)
• United States
21 May 07
My daughter is 5 and loves the internet. I do limit her time on there. She's in bed by 9pm each night.
I would never allow her to get a myspace account at this age. Actually its against policies you be at least 16 don't you? I know that a lot of kids younger have them but come on, myspace is for people who are older than 6 years old.
Its great that your daughter is into technology and stuff but I think you as the mom need to set some rules!! She needs to be going to sites that are more age appropriate for her. Don't you worry about some pyscho talking to you daughter on myspace or friendster?
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@argie713 (1809)
• Philippines
21 May 07
Wow! Such a gifted child you have. If she would be exposed to too much gaming and surfing, it might be bad for her. Think about the effect on your child's health. Anyways it's also could that she is educated at such a young age. When I was 6, I did not even know what a computer is.
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
21 May 07
You sure? 6 yrs old should be playing with dolls and their playmates and not hooked up on the net.
I mean its amazing for a kid to know this stuff..but your actually exposing her on a lot of things. The internet is not safe as we all know. She could view some stuff there that shouldn't be seen by 6 yrs old. I just hope you monitor what she does online.
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@CheckoutChick86 (22)
• Australia
21 May 07
Is it surprising that in a world where technology is changing and children are given more freedoms earlier that your child is like this? There is no way a child that just finished kindergarten should have a phone. What kind of dangers have you exposed this child to? You hear stories about online preditors and all that kind of stuff every day so i have no idea at all why would would be allowing this sort of behavour. What are you trying to compensate for?
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
21 May 07
Are you serious? IS this a joke? Why in the world would you let your 6 year old or any age child stay in there room for that many hiurs on the computer? And a 6 yr old shouldnt have there own messneger! Arent you afraid of some child molester finding her?Oh and serioulsy what were u thinking giving her information here where everyone can see it..and to a stranger? I just dont underdstand you..and what your doing..will you explain what you were thinking? And just curious..why would u give a cam phone or any cell pohone to a young child? she is always with you..i she wouldnt need one...i just dont understand,..
@tsgirl01 (900)
• United States
27 May 07
I've read some of your responses. I am not even going to be gentle with you. Do you know about internet predators? Did you hear about the predators caught on myspace? Do you live in a bubble? I won't even ask if you monitor your daughter's online friends. I don't understand a 6 year old being up until 9-11PM, much less being online for all of those hours. You need to get it together before you have to cry for your mistakes. Most children that I know who graduate from KINDERGARTEN have a party in their home with their loved ones, the kids ask for Princess/Cars/Spiderman cakes...what part don't you get? And you have the nerve to tell the world about this as though it is cute and you heheh???? Something is wrong with this picture...And just so you know...she is not a weird kid, she has a weird person who carried her in her womb for 9 months. I am going to get personal, the things that you find cute could be taken for neglect. You are not engaging your child in age appropriate activities and you advocate inappropriate behaviour.
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
27 May 07
I can see this discussion has touched a nerve for you too tsgirl. You have a granddaughter that you are raising and I am sure you monitor all of her online activity.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
21 May 07
I think that you are way too leanient with your daughter. I gave my daughter a camera phone that is old, but still takes pict. It doesn't even work in any other way, but she thinks it is cool to take the picts. I would never allow my daughter age 7 to get a myspace account!! I hope that you are right there with her monitoring every move she makes. I don't even let my 13 yr old son get a myspace account.
I am in fear of what your daughter is learning by you giving her whatever she wants. Limited time on the computer to play computer games or email relatives is appropriate for a 6 yr old. I am sorry friend, but I disagree with your choices.
@girish_aarthy (68)
• India
21 May 07
try to move your kid to some nice stuff like reading poetries, novels. advise her to take up extra curricular activites.
@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
21 May 07
Give me a break. I guess odd stories and lies like this would get someone alot of responses. I know, I'm not helping, but I just couldn't resist.
First off, 99.9% of 6 year old do not a have large enough spelling vocab to be doing everything you say the child is doing.
Second of all, lets say your child is some sort of genius - its a shame that you would be letting her kill her braincells veiwing the smut of the internet.
And don't post the same topic twice anymore. We all make mistakes when the system acts up but you can tell the mistakes because they would have been posted seconds after each other. This was not a mistake!
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@lilyoungfella (1196)
• Philippines
21 May 07
Waw... A friendster/myspace/mirc young addict. lolx.
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@favefive (178)
• United States
20 May 07
I think for a child, staying that long is too much. There are other things she can do with her life that she can be missing out on. You have to limit it to 1-2hours per day only otherwise you are depriving her of a normal childhood. Let her go outside and play with other kids her age or find some other bonding things to do with her. Reading books, drawing, singing, dancing, nature walk. She will remember childhood differently if you do not limit her activities to being online, and when she gets bigger, she will appreciate that.
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@queenbean (97)
• United States
20 May 07
Myspace is only for people 14 and up, so if she has an account, then it's because either you told her how to lie about her age, or you set it up for her. Neither one of those things is kosher. Email is one thing... all those different accounts are quite a different matter. With all of those things going on, you cannot possibly be monitoring what she does online, which is incredibly unsafe -- and if you are monitoring her online time, why are you letting her be on the computer so much?
I do'nt think it's so much that your kid is weird as much as you're being too permissive with her. That much time on the internet is not healthy for anyone, let alone a 6-year-old who should be spending her time learning and playing outside.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
27 May 07
Sorry but I would never let my 6 year old be online that long much less be on sites like myspace. And I sure wouldn't be bragging to the world about it if I let her. Do you know you are supposed to be 16 to use that? Do you realize how many pedophiles are out there just waiting to get a hold of a beautiful little girl like yours. You are the parent, set the rules and stick with them. Why not have her visit sites like, or something?
@tonixxx (358)
20 May 07
I think that as her mother it is your job to make sure that she is tucked up in bed at a reasonable hour. It is also up to you to check the sites that she is on and who she is talking to, is there a chance she is chatting to strangers? Why not buy some educational software and encourage her tto use it. It is not healthy or a little girl to be sat inside on the computer all the time she ought to be developing social skills by playing with her friends.