How Do Feel About Male Babies Being Circumcised At Birth?

@Rozie37 (15499)
May 22, 2007 11:28pm CST
I have heard the recent arguements about whether or not male babies should be circumcised or not. Aside from what the Bible says about it, I have heard that it makes it easier to clean it and that it cuts down on infection. Then, I heard people say that it is a trauma for the baby and it is not necessary. I have never had a son, so I have never had to face this. I personally would not want to hear my child hollering from such agony, but I would much rather him scream at birth, then to have to get it done later, because it is causing infection or something. What is your opinion?
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17 responses
@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 May 07
You would not be in the room to witness your baby's circumcision. The doctor takes them away to another room. I must tell you that when I was in labour with my first child, I was out in the hall squatting at a sink and the doctor was across the hall from me in an alcove circumcising a baby. It was terrible listening to that baby scream. When my husband and I discussed this before my children were born I said absolutely no circumcision. I would not do that to a child. My husband, who is not circumcized, insisted that it be done because he knows what it feels like to be made fun of by other boys in the locker room. We do know someone who chose not to circumsize their baby boy and then when the child was about three years old he developed an infection or something and had to be circumcized. The poor kid. He had to walk around without any pants on for several days. Better to do it when they are infants than later on when they WILL remember it and perhaps be traumatized. In my mother's day, she told me they never even asked. They just took the baby away and did it. Now they ask, when you are in labour, what you plan to do if you have a boy. It's a tough call but I find the whole thing unnecessary.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
23 May 07
You said that a three year old had to have it done because of infection, so how could you feel that it is unnecessary. I would think, better safe than sorry. My sister says that after her second son was circumcised they brought him to her to comfort him and he was beet red from screaming. She said she was to exhausted to hold him, because as she said, he acted like he did not want to come into the world. She said that her mother-in-law was disappointed in her, when she had to pick him up and calm him down.
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@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
23 May 07
That is ONE kid that had to be circumcized at later on. The odds of that happening are likely to be pretty slim.
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@disvachic (10117)
• United States
23 May 07
My son was circumcised at birth and I think its better to done at birth than to wait until later and yes it is better to be sorry.
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
23 May 07
I have heard people say that circumcising a boy really isn't something that needs to be done. That the benefits don't out weight the trauma that it causes a baby to have. But I don't think that these people who are saying such things think about when the child is older and goes to school. When he notices that his doesn't look the same as the other boys. Children get made fun of because of stuff like this.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
23 May 07
I can understand this because I have had two boyfriends who swear that they had been circumcised, but it looked deformed and gross to me. Maybe theirs were not cut down far enough, I don't know, but I can definitely see other boys teasing them for that.
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• United States
20 Jun 07
I think I should point out that not all boys go to a private stall to relieve themselves when they go to the bathroom. I do know of a child who was made fun of in pre school for his being different then the other boys in his class. And yes your right that children get made fun of for a lot of reasons but can't the other children come up with enough things to pick on a child without his own parents helping them?
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
23 May 07
everyone is entitled to their own opinion and this is mine . Before i married i worked as a nurse in a large city hospital where in one section my job was to colect pathology samples ( pee ) from children and what shocked me was the state of the little boys wilies it did not matter what stage of society they were from the overall state of them were pretty grotty ( uncircumsised ) i had to clean them before taking a sample .I hade my mind up then that if and when i had boys that they would definately be circumsised as i didn`t want to see them like these children were . Well five years down the trace wallah i am married and expecting my first child so off i go to ask the dr about circumsision i knew a lot of drs were apposed to this and i wanted to find one who agreed with me to save any hasstles when the time came . Well i started with the family dr and was surprised to hear he was all for it after that morning just diagnosing yet another male adult with cancer of the mens willies. It was all fresh in his mind and he was telling me that all males should be circumsised because of the risk of cancer and also the number of infection in later life they encounter . He also told me the risks involved in a male having surgery on their willies carried such a high risk but he need not of bothered with the arguement as i was here to have my baby booked in for one as soon as was possible after his birth and thats exactly what i did with him he was over it in hours and no problems . My other two boys were not so lucky they because of premature birth and post birth complications were not done until well after twelve months . That meant that they needed to have a general anesthetic for the procedure and it was so traumatic as was their recovery i would never consider having a toddler circumsised again . They should be done as soon as possible after birth when they are over and done with no problems . All my boys were circumsised and are now adults who have suffered nothing as a result of our decision we made when they were babies
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
23 May 07
Thank you so much for sharing this wealth of information. I believed it to be the right thing and you have completely convinced me. I had no idea though that something like that could cause cancer, yet somehow it does not surprise me at all. I had to cringe when you told about having to clean the little boys before a sample. I hope that everyone will get the opportunity to read your story.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
23 May 07
I say at birth defintly. My best friend's little 4 year old son just had that done to him this past year. He had to wait because something wasn't right when he was a baby to do surgery.that poor kid was in pain for a good week after it.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
19 Jun 07
well boys can get infections if they don't have it done.
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@urbandekay (18278)
19 Jun 07
Wot rot! all the best urban
@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
23 May 07
I have two sons and i believe that is should be done at birth as well. It is alot easier for hygiene and boys are not very interested in hygiene so making it easier for them is a plus. I too have seen alot of my male friends who never had it done have problems and have to have it done as an adult and it is very painful then so it is better to get it done and over with i say.
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@0Impact0 (69)
• United States
24 May 07
I was circumcised at birth and am extremely happy with it. I don't remember the 'pain' and 'agony' that you are talking about so I don't really care. It's not like breaking your arm when you are six or something that will traumatically alter your life. The fact of the matter is that it is done before any real cognitive memory develops. No infections for me and no elephant trunk thing going on with the awkward gym classes. For me I would rather have this situation and not remember any pain than have my male organ infected and remember that agony and possibly have problems such as infertility. To me it's not even a question-snip snip cut and done.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
24 May 07
You may not personally remember it, but some baby boys do Baby's pain sensitizes it to future trauma by Amanda Kreidié Toronto --- Baby boys not only experience pain during circumcision, they actually remember the agony of their ordeal, researchers here say. Chief investigator Anna Taddio said a year-long study of infant pain reaction during routine vaccination found that, despite the passing of four to six months, male infants circumcised without the benefit of analgesia exhibited more signs of pain during routine immunization than boys who had not had their foreskins removed or who underwent the procedure with a transdermal anesthetic. "This study demonstrates that infants do in fact feel pain, and that a painful experience in the newborn period can affect pain behaviors later on," said Taddio, during an interview. "Given that's the case, it is our recommendation that every measure be taken to prevent pain in circumcision and other medical and surgical procedures." Taddio, a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto's school of pharmacology, and colleagues at the Hospital for Sick Children (HSC) were prompted to embark on this line of investigation after an earlier study indicated male infants --- especially those who had been circumcised --- demonstrate a greater pain response to vaccination than do their female counterparts. That observation resulted in a study which would determine whether pretreatment with lidocaine-prilocaine 5% cream (EMLA) affected the circumcised infant's pain response to immunization. The researchers recruited 87 healthy, full-term male infants, 32 of whom were uncircumcised, 29 circumcised an hour after the application of 0.5 g - 1 g of EMLA 5% cream, and 26 who underwent the procedure without any pain relief. Four to six months later, when routine vaccinations were due, the researchers arranged to video tape the immunization sessions, all of which took place at the primary care physician's clinic. "We chose to study pain response during routine vaccination…to reduce the effects of fear and anticipation on infant pain response seen in older infants and children, and because vaccination pain responses do not vary greatly within this age range," explained Taddio, who was supervised by Dr. Gideon Koren, head of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at HSC. Parents completed an infant temperament questionnaire and were questioned about their baby's last feeding and nap times prior to the vaccination to ensure that the baby's temperament did not influence his reaction to the needle.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
24 May 07
I totally agree with you. I am simply being neutral to allow people to give their opinion. All I need to know is that God said to do it and that is reason enough for me. Snip, snip, cut, and done.
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• United States
23 May 07
My brother was circumcised at birth and it is better that way. Less chance of infections.
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• United States
20 Jun 07
How can you say that it is nonsense. My brother never had any infections. My god-brother, who was not circumcised was always worried about it and he did have one at one time.
@urbandekay (18278)
19 Jun 07
Nonsense all the best urban
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• Canada
25 May 07
I had never given this much thought when I had my son because it was not even something the hospital discussed with me and I am not sure they even do it around here unless it is for medical reasons and there was nothing wrong with my son like that when he was born but my sister had it done for her little one when he was born because his father had to have it done when he was a teenager and it was the worst agony he had ever suffered and didn't want his son to have to face the same dilema when he was older . I know that it is a very painful procedure to have done but then it would be easier when they were babies .
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@mjsdls (1840)
• United States
23 May 07
I believe for health reasons it is better to have it done. The bible says to be circumcised on the eight day after birth because you do not bleed as bad. I do not think babies feel it as bad to get it done as long as it is done the first few days after they are born.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
23 May 07
I agree with both of you. Well said. Even Jesus himself was circumcised.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
23 May 07
I just have to say that I totally agree with you because of your point about the Bible. If God had not said it, then there would be reason for me to debate, but he is the one that created the men and if he says cut it, cut. This goes back to the start when Adam and Eve first sinned. What caused them to sin? They questioned God. Did God really say don't eat from that tree. The serpent was able to use subtle deceit to get them to doubt God's word. A lot of people want to say that the Bible is old and out dated, but the Lord promised that he is the same, Yesterday, today, and forever. When I was a child in church, we sang a song that said, God said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me.
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• United States
24 May 07
Why would your God create something just to have it removed after birth? Maybe it's just me, but that just sounds sort of pointless.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
23 May 07
I have a little boy and he was circumcised the day after he was born. I don't know about when they did it, but he didn't seem the least bit affected by it when I would change his diapers. The doctor asked me if I wanted it done before I even went into labor. It was somethign we discussed when we foudn out we were having a boy. There was no question from us about doing it. We knew we wanted it from the get go. It cuts down on infection and it is easier to keep clean. Also, since most boys in America are circumcised, we were concerned that when he got older he would ask why he looked different from other little boys and that when he got to high school he might be embarrassed to be different from the other boys.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
23 May 07
the trend is going down in some places, here' a chart that shows the rates Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Northeast Region 69.6% 68.3% 66.5% 68.3% 68.0% 65.4% 64.6% 66.9% 68.9% 64.7% 66.4% North Central Region 80.1% 79.8% 80.9% 81.6% 82.9% 81.4% 81.4% 81.0% 81.0% 77.8% 79.5% Southern Region 64.7% 66.1% 63.6% 64.5% 64.6% 64.1% 63.9% 62.5% 64.0% 57.7% 58.5% Western Region 34.2% 42.6% 36.3% 38.0% 38.3% 36.7% 37.3% 40.9% 32.6% 31.4% 31.7% All Regions 62.7% 64.1% 60.2% 62.8% 63.2% 61.5% 62.4% 63.1% 60.1% 55.9% 57.4%
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@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
23 May 07
i myself was not circumcised at birth neither my son too. i was circumcised when i was 12 years old already and my only son had his when he was 8 years old. as it has been our culture and part of religious beliefs here in the Philippines that males should undergo such practice, it is for their own health benefits particularly hygiene. aside from being teased by friends, younger males should be circumcised in preparation for adulthood and marriage. accordingly, one becomes a young man literally when you are cut compared those who are not. it seems very embarassing for males here in our place if they are not cut, they will be the core of ridicule.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
23 May 07
Thank you for sharing about your culture. It is nice to know that it is still considered a tradition in some parts of the world. Although, it is a little late in the game and the pain must be blinding, better late, than never, I guess.
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@barnkinney (1343)
• Philippines
25 May 07
aside from the trauma, there are people who also said that it would grow back after some time, so he had to go through the process again. i'm not really sure about this. but i would not subject my baby to such pain. and maybe it's part of growing that you would experience it and actually have a memory. heehe! - barn kinney
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
25 May 07
I have never heard of the foreskin growing back. That sounds weird and just a little to creepy for my taste. But who knows, stranger things have happened, I guess.
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• United States
23 May 07
Rozie this is such a hot topic. We have a son and he is circumcised. I think it is easier to keep clean. I as you know I am an disabled RN I have seen the procedure being done. For what I can tell the worst part of the procedure to the child is being held down into the bunting. Most babies love to be wrappled tightly, but this is a board which laies the baby flat and securely so he cannot move. His little feet and hands and head can move and that is all. It does not hurt him to be strapped down they just do not like it. The physician then numbs the tip of the p---s ( I could not type the word and could not think of a slang which sounded right in this discussion) and there are different procedures to go from their. I have never seen the way the Jewish culture does it so I cannot comment on it. The advise I we got was "Have the child look like daddy." so if daddy is circumcised then get the son circumcised. A neighbor had to have her son circumcised later in life because he did not keep it clean. Was it the parents falt for not teaching the child how to do that I do know that? Good discussion topic. I respond to topics via my email before seeing how many people have responed to the discussion. So for me it is a good discussion.
@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I have a son and yes i got him circumsized, it is easier to keep clean and it does cut down on the risk of infection. I too didnt want to hear my son screaming in pain they did it in a sterile room and put numbing gell on it then like a shot to numb more i think is how i remember the doc telling but they say it isnt as tramatizing as somethink it is, but it is all a matter of opinion. My problem is that i dont think it gone doen right, the doctor assures me that she did it right and that there isnt anything wrong with it, the only thing i am concerned with that my son seems to still have alot of skin and his little winky hides itself away but other times looks like a normal circumcision. Which still makes it hard to clean sometimes. I still would of had it done though even though i think the doc could of doen a better job. Oh i just remembered this, when my sister had my nephew they were trying a new way of circumsizing, which was to pull the forskin back and out a band around it in a certain way and then the skin would eventually fall off, this was to be less painfull and less traumatizing, it seemed to work ok but i have never seen this or heard of this being done since then i beleive it was 10 years ago.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
7 Jun 07
I believe I have seen what you are speaking of, when you say it does not look like it was done right. Sometimes, it looks as if they could have cut a little more because there is still too much skin to pull back which makes it hard to clean. It also does not lok right. I have never heard of the procedure that you said was performed on your nephew, but I guess as long as everything turned out alright, what more could you ask for.
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
23 May 07
You don't need circumscision if you make it a rule to be clean. Show your child how to clean his privates properly. The reason for infection is because its not cleaned.
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• United States
24 May 07
True. Boys probably don't like cleaning simply because it might be be reinforced on them enough. That, and a lot of people tend to steer towards the direction of various gender stereotypes.
@sarr115 (19)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
I circumcised my sons and can say I was there when they were done and can say that modern circumcision is no longer painful. When you go to the dentist you don't expect to be in pain, when your son circumcised you should expect that he won't be in pain. Here is a good link that shows one being done:
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
24 May 07
I think it would be much better to have it done at birth. I've heard arguments for it and against it. But, I think the reasons for having it done outweigh the reasons for not.
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