A test to get your learners permit????

@TriciaW (2441)
United States
May 24, 2007 2:43pm CST
I am shocked that now to get a learners permit a youth has to take the written test. I asked the gentleman I spoke to if it was like the ones we take to get our license and he said it is the same one. Now I am all for them learning all they can to drive but isn't your learners just that.. when you learn to drive? My daughter who will be 15 next month started taking drivers ed class this week. I have been for the past several months pointing out different things when she rides in the car with me so she would be familiar with things when she began driving. However I think it is odd that she has to take a test as if she had an actual license to drive when she is just learning. I guess ths law was passed about a year ago and even the drivers ed teacher was not aware of it until a couple kids came back from getting theirs only to have failed the test. What do you think? Should it be required before they are given any education on driving?
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12 responses
• United States
25 May 07
I took my written test in 1970 for my learners permit. I am surprised any state would ever allow someone to drive without learning the rules first. Your daughter is taking drivers ed and you are pointing out things to her, but there are many others who do not already know the rules she does. If you think about it, would you really want someone out there driving, even with someone, if they didn't already know the basic rules, like what yield signs really mean? It is hard enough to concentrate on learning to drive a car on the road without having to learn the other rules at the same time.
3 people like this
• United States
25 May 07
In California, it has been the law for many years that you have to take a test to get a permit. i had to take a test. i believe my mother said she had to as well. It is almost the same test as the actual driver's test, but a little different. We also have to take it periodically to renu our licenses.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
25 May 07
I was a late getting my license's. I took the written test to get my learner's permit in 1998. I agree with it, I mean I wouldn't want to be on the road knowing there are young kids that don't know what they are doing when it comes to signs, signals and basic driving rules and regulations. Here there are more accidents with teens having more people in the car with them than is suppose to be. Cell phones glued to there ears, heck if adults can't do it good, what makes a teen think they can. I also think that driver's ed should be made mandatory for all kids that turn 15. They should have to take and pass the learners permit before doing it so they will have that out of the way. So when they do go for the actual drivers test they will be prepared and ready to go.
@kareng (70295)
• United States
25 May 07
Yes, I think it should be required. The written test assures that the student knows the rules and reglulations of traffic laws, signs, etc. They need to know these things before getting out on the road. It is confusing and overwhelming for a new driver at first and knowing a little of what to expect can't hurt. My kids all took driver's education from school. It was pretty much a joke. I think my husband and I taught them more than that course in both categories of hands on driving and preparting to take the test.
• United States
25 May 07
That actually makes perfect sense to me. The learners driving permit is to give a person practice in how to properly handle a vehicle on the road before taking the road portion of the actual license test. I would expect that the student would know the basic rules about merging, signage, yielding, etc, before getting in the car. Learning it all at once would be a bit overwhelming with all the pressure of controlling a moving vehical for the first time.. When I took drivers ed in school in Virginia 15 years ago, we had to show proof that we had passed the classroom portion of the course before we were issued a learners permit by the DMV. I assume that those who did not take the course in school had to take an equilivent test at the DMV before getting their permits.
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
25 May 07
I had to take a written test before I got my learners permit. I believe that it should be done this way. A person should know the rules of the road before they are able to get on that road and drive. It really wouldn't make much sense for them to learn the rules later. It is nice that you have pointed things out to your daugter but I doubt that all parents do that. I know that I took extra time showing my sons what I felt they needed to know to drive but I also know some parents who didn't anything.
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@jamie11982 (1658)
• United States
25 May 07
I was 17 when i got my learner's permit and i had to take a writen test then. It was about 50 questions and i could only get about 3 wrong. So I was given a book at my request and studied that book day and night for about 5 months. My mom wouldn't take me to get the test and i needed tobe 18 befor i could do it on my own. She didn't want me to drive but any ways. It's something that they have always done here in New York state and i'm glade that i did take that test because it showed me what i needed to work on befor i started driving and what each of the signs where for and it also should be a lot of things that most adults don't even think to tell the child while they where driving down the road. I feel much safer knowing that a teen had to take this test befor they can drive any vechile. It shows the DMV (department of moter vechiles) how well the teen pays attention to what they where or are being taught and it's not a blink and the test is done. Yes a lot of the test was just common sense but a few of the questions i really had to think about as well. Such as what do you do if it's dark out and there is a on comming car with their head lights that are shinning right into your eyes. I know to you and me it's a simple answer but i didn't know it until i read the book and learned that you look to the right corner of the windsheild so that you can still see where you are driving and not hit the car that's comming towards you and also so that you don't drive off the road. It's easy stuff and good for your teen to know it and that's what the test is for. To see how much they know and can understand. This is how they weed out the reckless teens. I wish your daughter good luck with this test.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
25 May 07
I was trying to remember back to when I got my learners permit. It seems to me I had to take some form of written test. It wasn't that difficult of one though. I took that back in the 80's. I'm not sure about currently what is required but I don't see a problem with them taking the written. That is mostly about basic information that they should know before trying to learn to drive. Things like what the different signs mean.
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
24 May 07
I am not sure but is the drivers written test a familiarity with all the rules and signs on the road, and would it not make sense that any one getting behind the wheel should be familiar with them, I would not like to be driving behind some one that is not familiar with all the rules and regulations first, before even stepping in to a car to drive it, it is not the right time to learn as you go. Because giving a signal or changing a lane with out prior knowledge is not safe, I believe that the test should be there and kids do need to learn all the information before driving.
• United States
24 May 07
I think that it is a good idea for them to know the "rules of the road" before being let out to drive on it. In New Mexico you are required to watch a video and take a test about drunk driving all the way up to age 25 before you get a licence. I think anything that prepares young drivers to be safe is a good idea.
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• United States
24 May 07
I am 21 now, but when I was 15 I had to take a written test before I could get my learner's permit. For my license I only had to take the road sign test and obviously the driiving part. Also, we were required to have 20 hours of driving time with a parent in order to take the test. Driver's ed was not a requirement at our school and if you took it you still had to do all of those things.
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• United States
25 May 07
I had to take the written test as well, and that was 10 years ago back in Nevada. I do think teenagers should have to pass the written test before getting their learner's permit. The one I took was entirely on state laws (i.e. you are driving through a residential neighborhood and no spped limit sign is posted, what is the maximum speed you can go? Answer: 25 mph). I know it definitely helped me understand what a huge responsibility I was taking on by learning how to drive.