Do you put bad family members before good friends?
By Leca
@lecanis (16647)
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
May 24, 2007 7:47pm CST
I've noticed that anytime I mention a situation with my family on mylot, there are always people coming to tell me I should love my family more than my friends. Just so those of you have said so don't think I'm being mean, I'm really not complaining here, just got to thinking about this idea.
How many of you out there put bad family members before good friends? If you're asked which you would rather spend time with or help out, would you choose an abusive family member or a loving friend?
Personally, I have spent most of my life being closer to friends than to my family. I have had friends give me a place to live, take care of me when I am sick, make sure I don't starve, and defend me when I'm in danger. In these situations, it was always my family throwing me out in the street, abandoning me when I am sick, refusing me food, and abusing me.
So I just can't wrap my head around the idea of loving those people who have been cruel to me more than the people that have been kind to me, hence my question.
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24 responses
@Candid_Ishida (659)
• United States
25 May 07
I've never been able to value a certain person just because he/she was family. If a person cares for me, then I will care for that person as well. I have always been a lot closer to my friends because they are usually more understanding of me. I would share anything with my two best friends, but probably not with my family members.
I don't think you're wrong at all for placing a loving friend above a sucky family member.
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 May 07
Here's the way i see it.
I've never been thrown out, but i've been abused, alienated, locked up to rot and everything else under the sun, but this is what goes on in my mind.
Family is not your blood makeup to me, family is the person that ACTS like family, the one who is there for you in your darkest hour, the one who puts up with all your good and bad, the one that is there for you like no one else and doesn't judge you based on what you do or have done as a person, but says listen, i don't like who your being.
family are those that love you and show you that they love you, weather they say it or not.
Family are those that don't put you in harms way knowingly and never would, family are those that cherish you with their hearts and wouldn't know what to do with themselves without you at times.
Family are those that laugh at you when your stupid, laugh at your jokes, and cry with you when your crying, not necessarily physically speaking.
they are the ones that would give their reputation and sanity to save you if you were in serious danger.
THESE people are FAMILY.
I do not call my parents, aunts and uncles, grand parents, cousins and more family, as none of these people care for anything but themselves and what will make it better for them.
MY family IS my friends, i love my friends, they are everything to me.
My friends, and My husband, those are the people i be-family if you call it, i call them family all of the time.
Heck even one day i told my mother that i didn't see her as my mother, but as a person out for herself an no one else, because that is the reason she decided to have children. She openly admitted she didn't like nor want children until she realized the benefits she could reap from having us... it's too bad 6 children had to be put through something like this.
So do i put my family before my friends, well yes, but not my blood related family, not anyone abusive or destructive, i put those that i chose as my family first, because at least i know they would never willingly hurt me, i know they would never put themselves before me, and likewise for me on their behalf.
they are the ones that i chose to spend my time with, they are the ones i chose to help, and they are the ones that i would give anything for.
my real 'family' is just a matter of blood relation and sperm donors, i don't need that kind of cruelty and destruction in my life, and anyone who has this type of family should steer clear of the pain and self mutilation they would be causing themselves by choosing that kind of family over the family of a wonderful friendship.
Thanks for this awesome discussion, i apologize if this response is either upsetting hurtful or just too hard to understand as my intention was to explain how i see life and family that is destructive and harmful to one's life.

@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
26 May 07
your a sweet heart, and you and your 'family' (chosen) deserve the best you can have, you don't deserve any more pain, just as i don't deserve any more pain and anyone else who has been abused in every way shape and/or form possible.
i think we should all stick together to insure that this doesn't happen in future generations, that we can show love and understanding to those that we love for as long as possible.
this was probably just as hard for you to read as it was for me to write, and i commend you on taking the time to go through this long post.
Thank you for the best response, really, i have had a long time to reassess my life and those who have hurt me, it seems we've gone through very similar existences thus far, my wedding had my mother and uncle, though i wish they weren't there, all they did was make me want to ball my eyes out when i was finally married because my mom decided to cry and walk off half way through the ceremony and every one was mad at me for not walking up the isle slowly, i ran, i couldn't wait to be woman to my man, and him likewise, it was the happiest moment of my life, until she brought down the walls for a short time, when i realized i couldn't let her take THIS too away from me...
I call her my mother because i won't stoop to call her by her first name, it's not ingrained in me to do this, but i call her my mother because she's never been a mom to me, just a user and abuser, and the one who sat idally by knowing full well what i went through and probably enjoying herself.
if i can give you any advice for your life from what i've learned, it's to make the best of what you have and never take the things in life that put any kind of smile on your face for granted, someone can take it and rip it from you in an instant, so i don't take that chance.
also, if you know someone will hurt you if given the chance, don't give them that chance.
i just recently learned that again from my mother, and i'll never take the chance of my happiness over hers or anyone else out for themselves again.
your a strong, wonderful woman, reward yourself with happiness, and even better things will unfold for you.
*hugs* (i know you probably don't like hugs, if your anything like me they shiver you right up the spine and make you want to tear out of the place, but virtually, their not as bad, for me anyway...)
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
26 May 07
Yes, i am only 18.
my upbringing was pretty well me bringing up not only myself but my 5 younger brothers and sisters, i apologize for being all motherly, it's kinda a habit, i even treat my grandfather like one of my own, it's instinct or something.
i was abused physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually (and even pawned off sexually for things for my father) and have many health conditions because of what my father personally put me through, my mother, she was a bystander, just as bad in my books.
I moved out actually when i was 15, moved in with the man that is now my husband as well actually, but was only a few driving minutes away from my mother, and about 15 more from my father (they divorced shortly before i moved out, about that time i realized my father was not only the problem, but also my mother, then she had the police get me back there, and then kicked me out because aparantly i wasn't happy like i should be although i was still the head honcho around the house when it came to do with the kids housework bills and cooking...)
my solving issues with my family i guess started with me contacting all of my other relatives, i wasn't allowed to know them even over the phone or email for a short second in my whole life, i didn't even know many of them existed, then i realized that they were all the same, i began standing up for myself, told my father that there was no way he'd ever ever in his lifetime be anywhere near my children when the time comes that i have them, told my mother that her contact would be minimal and there would be no 'alone' or 'personal' time with my children and my aunts and uncles to respectively stay away.
i've tried mending things with my father as a way to show him that i forgave him for all he did, and then he turned it around on me, and my mother has countless times called me horrible things because i don't have the means to do something for her, so that's it... She now knows that the only way we'll have contact is if she contacts me 'just to talk' and for no other reason unless something happens to the kids.
i welcome hugs from certain people, but it's a small group, most times if anyone other than 3 or 4 people lay a finger on me i'm sent into some pretty serious flash backs or i have a severe anxiety attack that inevitably feels like my heart is being torn out of me. So i try and avoid it.
And with helping people, that's my downfall.... I see someone in need and because of the life i've had i jump to their rescue, and my husband does the same because he's so soft hearted....
Although in the end, many times it ends up that the people i helped were just taking advantage of me, like my ex roommates, who lived here for the almost free rent and food...
when it comes to someone going through abuse, i do what i can when i can, even if it's just calling the authorities, even if that person hates me for a while, they'll eventually see that i was doing it for their life.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
25 May 07
Well I have to deal with family but I don't have to spend time with them if I don't want to. I cannot help what family I was born into but I can determine who my friends are. Now my sister has always been there for me and I for her but the rest of the family? I could care less about. I'd much rather spend time on line with people I have never met then interact with them. That should tell you something. My thought is you spend time with who you want. Life is far too short to be miserable.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
26 May 07
Wish I could get out of dealing with family all the time but there are times when I can't. Like tonight when my mother invited herself over. I have to be polite even though I'd rather be here.
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@ricknkae (1721)
• United States
25 May 07
there is a saying that goes " you can choose your friends but not your family"
I think it speaks for itself
why would you spend time with family members you don't like, especially if they don't like you back?
the only thing is that if it is a family gathering with many of your family members and a mixture of those you get along with and the others, just play safe and don't talk to them unless spoken to
If you prefer spending times with your close friends that's what you shoudl do

@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
25 May 07
Well said. I think its a question of who do you define as family and who do you define as friends. I have some friends who are so close that I consider them family and there are family members who are so distant, its hard to consider them even friends - sometimes strangers.
It also depends on how bad the guy is. I have one relative who went to jail to cheating his maid out of S$500 (About US$300). Would you want to publically aknowledge being related to a guy like that? A bad egg is still a bad egg even if you do share a similar strands of DNA!

@rowantree (1186)
• United States
25 May 07
Unfortunately, yes, I have. My family is tricky. They can be very supportive and helpful and just when you feel everything is ok, they rip that feeling away and pretend it never existed. I do have a good friend but I honestly can't say that I could count on her if the going got rough. So there you have it. I never know if my family will be supportive or hurtful and my friends are great to talk with but if I really need help, they're not there.
My best friends, the friends I grew up with, finished each others sentences with, dumped me over 6 yrs ago when they found out I am Pagan. My family dislikes my religion but we deal with it by not discussing it at all. At least they're still in contact with me, even if they treat me badly sometimes.
I have attended bad family member events instead of getting together with a friend though, when I should have been with the friend instead.
The people who tell you that you should love your family more than your friends must be taking some really good anti-reality pills. Guess they've never seen an episode of Springer, either!
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
26 May 07
Lecanis, Great Topic :)
Rowantree, be my friend? I would love to share with you as I share with others, as a cyber friend we can do things for each other, when you research my latest entries you'll see what I mean.
We all need friends and we can gather around to support each other as friends, they are here if you know where to look, just don't look at my star rating to use as a guide... LOL I seem to be in an elite group... Right there with Redyellowblackdog... And a few others...
May your star shine brightly...
Blessed Be...
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
25 May 07
It sounds like to me that your friends are your family. Your friends are the ones who love and care for you. They are the ones who are there for you when you need a helping hand. Family is surpose to do these things for you. I would say that your friends are your family. That because your blood relatives wasn't acting as a family should that you had to go out to find a family that really does care. The people here on mylot only know what you tell them. They can't see everything that is going on in your life. Only you really know these things. You know who has mistreated you and who has been there to take care of you.
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 May 07
Unfortunately it's not always just MyLot and internet friends that look down on a person for choosing friends over blood relatives.
I have many people in my life that look down on me for the choices i've made regarding ending my relationship with my parents, but they still don't understand the reasons i've made those choices, all that they see is that family should be put first before all else, because they gave you the ability to live.
I thank my family for my life, but will never allow them to hurt my life in any way every again. And those people i feel bad for, because they can't understand why us who have been hurt to such an extent, so they will never understand likely.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
26 May 07
You're right, my friends are my family. =)
There are a lot of people who look down on me for such choices also, Spitfire. When I mention that I haven't been to visit my family for over five years now, it really upsets my coworkers and other people around me... even when I try to explain the situation to them. Many people who have very good families can't seem to grasp the severity of the abuse I suffered, and therefore my reasoning in the choices I make.
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@desertdarlene (8910)
• United States
25 May 07
I come from a large family with lots of cousins, aunts, and uncles, so I have plenty of family members to chose to hang out with. I wouldn't spend time with family members who do not like me or want me around any more than I would spend time with someone else who felt the same way. If I had a good friend that was close to me, I would definitely put them ahead of a family member that is abusive.
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@pinks0da (328)
• Philippines
25 May 07
I understand Lecanis. Not all are fortunate to be born in such a loving and caring family. Your story is sad, how can your own family do that to you? There are really circumstances where we feel more at ease with our friends than our own family. One is yours. Weel, a friend can be a family also, true that we don't have the choice to which family will we born but we do have a choice whom we should love. Lecanis, have you ever talked to your family about how you felt? about how they treated you if they really meant that? Perhaps communication will help you understand things. They might also feel that you are abandoning them for a friend :). I feel so much hatred in your words towards your family, I cannot blame you though. What I am saying is that knowing the reason behind the treatment will lighten up your hearts burden. :)
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 May 07
sometimes talking about it with them makes it worse.
Sometimes you see that what it is that they did to you is just a fraction of what they wanted to do, no matter if they felt they loved you or not.
NO family is perfect, but there are many families out there that are just plain abusive and destructive.
There's many times i personally have tried to talk to my family about this kind of stuff, and what do you know, it just makes it worse, because they put a cold heart towards it and make you see that they just don't give a damn, that their only in this for themselves, and if that means hurting you, so be it, your just another human being on this planet, even if you are their blood.
so maybe talking to them won't help Lecanis, there's a very strong possibility that they will either be words without meaning or feeling, or it will end up hurting her much worse.
all she can do is forgive for what they have put her through and protect herself from any more harm done to her or anyone she can therefore protect.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 May 07
Thanks for your response, pinks0da.
I have tried talking to my family, several times, and it always has one of these results:
1) They lie about the whole situation, or
2) They say that I did something to cause the problem, which is darn funny since the abuse started when I was less than a year old, or
3) They blame all the discomfort over the situation on me as the victim, for not keeping my mouth shut about abuse like a "good girl would".
So I think Spitfire has it right on this one that bringing things up really doesn't help in some cases.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
25 May 07
I have never really been very close to my family, I was always the "black sheep" so far as they were concerned and I found I had to make my own way in life. My friends, on the other hand, are very close, caring and supportive, more like a family really. I feel that these days I prefer my friends to family every time
@Galena (9110)
25 May 07
a good friend is worth infinitely more than a bad family member.
my loyalty is undying for those with undying loyalty for me.
I have a small number of friends, and of those there is one that I know would do anything she possibly could for me. if I need her, she's there for me. I hope she feels the same about me.
any family member who wouldn't be there for you isn't important.
blood ties don't automatically come with affection or respect.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
26 May 07
Thanks for your response, Galena. I really appreciate it. I totally agree with you on all of this.
I always love it when you reply to my discussions, because often you say things in a way I would like to but can't quite get out. Thank you.
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
25 May 07
The people who have advised you to put your family before your friends don't realize what kind of family you had. I think you are a marvelous person to be able to forgive them for what you suffered. I know you had to work at it. (Of course, forgiveness is for us, not for the people who hurt us!)
I don't know if you are religious or not, but I noticed that the Ten Commandments only tell us to honor our parents. It didn't mention anything about love. Funny isn't it?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
25 May 07
Thanks for all your kind words, again. I really appreciate it.
I am religous, actually, but not that religion. I'm a Celtic Reconstructionist (which is a form of Paganism). In my religion, there is a lot of focus on honoring your family, but the Celtic view of "family" includes adopted and chosen family as well as biological.
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@fawcey (926)
• Australia
25 May 07
I think the saying you can choose your friends but not your family is a stupid saying. I have since July last year decided I can chose my family and no longer see mine. I have a wonderful Mother in law and father in law and I have more love and respect for them than my own. They make me feel more welcome than I ever did at my parents house. A lot of people look down at me for the choices I have made in mot seeing them anymore. I do not think that just because someone gives birth to you, they should be able to treat you a certain way and you to just put up with it still be expected to love and respect them. So no I do not but bad family members before good friends and do not see why anyone should have to.
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@sunlightday (16)
• China
25 May 07
Lecanis,I'm very sorry that you have so bad family menbers.I don't have.but I can understand can communicate with them telling what you think about when they do like that to you.If it ddoesn't work.maybe I think you really can reconsider,regarding your friends as your family menbers.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
26 May 07
I've talked to my family about what they did to me many times over the years, and if anything it made the situation worse. They have this idea that any kind of abuse is okay as long as no one talks about it, and so when I talk about the situation I'm the one causing trouble, even though I was the victim.
I think considering my friends as my family members is the best way for me. =)
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 May 07
Sadly, I have, and I feel horrible about it. I felt so bad for leaving some of my friends, but my family has had to come first.
@Darkwing (21583)
26 May 07
No, I don't put bad or good family members before friends. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but it's a different kind of love that we're talking about.
I tend to class everybody as the same until they prove different, and some friends are better friends towards you than your family, so I judge each person, friend, family, whatever, on their own merits.
Brightest Blessings.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
26 May 07
My family will always be there but I would not always put them before friends apart from my mum who is my rock. All the fear and anxiety I suffered as a child through my dad, my mum always was there and never once gave in and started to behave the way he did. She could have ended up so bitter, but she is the strongest woman I have ever met and I tell her this all the time when she feels down.
As was said in an earlier discussion which was so moving, your family should be there for you through thick and thin, but if they aren't, then why should they take priority over friends who may have been there all the time.
I fell out with my older sister in December and we have not spoken since. In the end I had to tell her to stop interferring in my life and telling me how to raise my kids, which she did not like, but then what she did to me when I was young came into the argument and it became quite nasty. I tried to resolve it but it did not work out, so I have to accept that and move in with the people who love me and just realise that my sister and I will never get on.
Life is to short to spend our lifes trying to please our family, when they are just not there for us.
You have been through alot lecanis, and no way ever, should you feel guilty for putting your friends before your family.
My thoughts are with you:)
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@jintoppy (28)
• India
26 May 07
In my opinion, don't believe in the actings. Your friends may be showing more love to you and your family members may not. But, I think, family members always want our good even though they are not showing that(because there is no need to say that to you always). But, that not means that your friends are not loving you. Yes. But, after all , all are selfish including us in the basics.
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@sweetaspie52 (2359)
• United States
25 May 07
it does not matter how good or how bad a family member is they should always come first before you friends if they are true friends than they should understand you and let it go at that
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
25 May 07
i'm not meaning this to be offensive in any way, but either you've never been hurt by your own family to the extent that you felt your life was null and void of any importance, love happiness and or respect, or your one of those that take pride and joy in causing harm for others.
maybe you just don't understand the need to protect yourself and be happy, but certain things your family can do to you, sometimes you just need to start protecting yourself over them.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
26 May 07
I understand that this is your view, sweetaspie, but I just don't think that way. People who are kind to me deserve better treatment from me than people who abuse me, that's how I see it.
It's not a question of my friends understanding or not. Of course if I told a friend that I had to put a family member first they would understand. But I don't want to put my family members first because they don't deserve it! I don't believe that child abuse is something that you should overlook and ignore like that.
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