What would you do in my situation??
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
May 25, 2007 1:35am CST
Ok my father is getting married here in june, well he is not my biological father but he has always treated me like his daughter and my kids are his grandchildren. As soon as his fiance found out I was not his daughter biologically everything changed between us. She stopped talkin to me, stopped looking at me and started saying crap behind my back to my friends mother and to my sister. We recently found out through ex freinds of hers that she is on hard drugs and she has been caught sending men naked photos of herself and my father took her back. I have no problem with him being with her if thats what makes him happy and she seems to so oh well I gotta deal with it right? She is always saying that my father has said bad things about me which I know are not true about me and his mother. He would never do that. I am just asking for some advice on what to do?? I have tried talkin to her and she just tells me I am jealous and I need to grow up so I am at the end of my rope with her. I am to the point that I do not want to go to the wedding eventhough it will hurt my father. So any suggestions???
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14 responses
@codystaub (16)
• United States
25 May 07
I have a cousin who found herself in a VERY similar situation. I don't know what advice to give you, but I'll tell you how it turned out for her. She tried to accept the new girl and for a while it was fine, but then the same crap started again (talking behind back, spreading rumors, etc) and they were enemies again. My cuz is very vocal on her opinions. End result? The father picked the girl over my cousin and kicked his OWN kids out. They now live 14 hours away with their extended family. It's a sad situation because that was my favorite family.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
OMG That is awful and I would really like to avoid that. This has happened with his last gf and we were able to be civil with eachother but I didn't have much of a choice as he started to date her when I was 8 and left her finally when he found this gf. I really hope it doesn't come to this. Thank you so much for replying
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@MakeItCount (350)
• India
25 May 07
I think you should be polite, NOT intimate, but polite, cordial and distant with his girlfriend. Sometimes a little distance can do wonders for a relationship. Don't get into arguments with or about her- treat her as you would a guest- in time your father will find out the truth about her. in the meantime try not to do anything which will damage your relationship with your father. Ok, that's enough preaching for one day I think :)
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
LMAO distance??? LOL it takes almost 2 days by car to get to where they are. I don't know how much more distance I can give. I have been trying to solve this problem through email and phone and its not getting me anywhere but thank you for your input
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@emilieespino (963)
• Philippines
25 May 07
If I were you I will honestly tell my father everything. How she changed when she learned about you, how you feel, and what you have been hearing. Just let it off your chest, then try to forget the whole issue and get on with your own life.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
I have tried that approach and it didn't do me any good I have even tried talkin to her about it and that didn't work either. She was fine for a couple days then all hell broke loose all over again
@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
25 May 07
If you and your father are close it would hurt him if you did not go to the wedding. If it was me I would try to put aside my feelings for this one day. It would be hard but to make your dad's wedding day a good one I would try. I would stir away from the women he is marring because especially after she is married she could try to stir up trouble between you and your father. Don't let her ruin any feelings you and your dad have for each other. Remember you have only one dad and before you know it he could be gone.
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@aprilsong (1884)
• China
25 May 07
Well,this is really difficult to deal with.You say your father treated you very well,and you like him also.So i think the most important thing is to make sure the woman she will marry him can bring happiness to him and to let him have a happy and peaceful life.If she is really that kind of bad women,i think at all means,you should let your father know the truth.If she is not so bad and your father loves her very much,you will have to make some compromise with her.Cuz i know you really want your father happy.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
Oh yes I definately want him to be happy and I have told him before that my intention was not to create problems for him I just want to get this resolved but she is so unreasonable she won't even call me if she has a prob about me and I have told her straight out she needs to ask me instead of talkin to everyone else and their dog about me.
@sunlightday (16)
• China
25 May 07
I'm sorry to hear that.I don't have that experience.But,I believe COMMUICATION is the key or the best solution.you can firstly tell your thought to you father,and then let your father play the role of the accommodator,or have a family meeting,put it on the table sincerely for the peace of the family.If all of them don't work.ok,let us put the whole trouble things out of our chest,just for our own life.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
This is the problem We can't a family meeting we live in different provinces so its not plausable. Whenever I do just pretend nothing is wrong she starts all over again
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
25 May 07
sorry to know that you are stuck in such a very difficult situation. but i hope you get to talk to your father, too about this issue. i really believe he'll be listening to you.
as of now, just keep calm. atleast the gossips this lady is telling about you isn't true anyway. she's just making up stories to hurt you. just stay strong.

@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
25 May 07
that's sad. he listens to her and he isn't listening to you. i hope one day he realizes that you are telling the truth and not just lying about it.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
He knows everything I have sent him all emails that have been passed between us and he is now saying its all me she hasn't done anything wrong so as far as I am concerned when she screws him over he can call me

@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
25 May 07
I honestly would have a talk to your father about this.
You need to sit him down and tell him whats been happening and how it's made you feel. How can it ever be solved if you don't let your father know whats going on?
Explain to your father that she's making you feel uncomfortable to the extent that you don't really want to go to his Wedding. Of course, it's also important to stress that you're not trying to split them up, and that if she makes him happy, that you're happy for him, but let him know also that this crap has to stop.
Maybe he will talk to her and let her know that what she's doing isn't acceptable. She might even listen to him. Either way, I feel it's important to at least try.
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
25 May 07
I'm sorry you have to face such an issue StrawberryKisses. Do what's in your heart to do. Ultimately, the decision will be yours. Look at the issue from a logical point of view instead of an emotional one, if you can.
You say you have children. Reverse the issue and turn it around to what would you want your children to do if the situation was about you? While that might be hard to imagine, put yourself in your dad's place.
If it were me, I wouldn't let her bully me like that. I would leave your dad out of it. He will hear about it soon enough. Maybe you could speak your mind to her, in front of him so there is no doubt as to what you say to her, but I would tell her point blank, without a doubt, exactly how I feel. Don't give her the opportunity to play games. That's why I suggest saying what you have to say in front of him. That way, she can't go to him all hurt and manipulating and tell him lies. He will hear it for himself from you.
Don't give in. Stand up for what is right. Your other option is to completely ignore her. It's evident she has psychological issues. Your dad will choose to deal with them at some point, now, or later but that should be up to him.
The truth will be uncovered. It only takes time. Don't play games. You wouldn't want your children to play those kind of games. Set a good example for them. They are the ones who will benefit or suffer, depending on how you handle the issue.
I've always said, 'It's not the issues in life that the problem. It's how we handle them.'
Good luck. I know you'll do what's right for you and your kids.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
Thank you so much for your input hun. i really like getting different point of views from people on the outside Thanx again
@yojspew (171)
• Philippines
25 May 07
I think it's better if you tell your father what is really happening between you and his girlfriend.
It's up to him to decide if he will believe you or not.
Try not to mind his girlfriend anymore. Eventually, she'll grew tired.
@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
25 May 07
I would go to your 'father' and tell him how you are feeling. Then it is up to him to decide how he will deal with it. Let him know you wish him the best and that if she is making him happy then you are glad it's happening. Tell him you will be there for him no matter what if that is how you feel, and that if something comes up about you, to please go to you and find out from the source.
At least that is how I would handle it.
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@fhunter910 (156)
• United States
26 May 07
I think the best thing you can do is be honest with your father tell him how she's changed , and how you feel but you be prepared for his reaction. He may not believe you right away or not WANT to believe you. A lot of people can't handle hearing the truth soemtimes. So just be prepared that things may be a little rocky between yu and your father but you have to be honest with him. She's going to be a part of your family and he needs to know EVERYTHING before she does. Good luck!
@annama (31)
• United States
25 May 07
I still think you should talk to her. Not to argue, but to set boundaries and limitations. Try to be calm in talking to her and always put to mind that in that situation, YOU KNOW BETTER, you should be patient. You must understand that maybe she was shocked about the information she got and maybe you need to let her breathe and take it slowly. If you're concerned about the bad things she's done, well that's really tough. Okay, maybe you just think about it this way, you love your stepdad and he loves her, as hard as it could be, he'll really appreciate seeing you trying hard to reach out to her. It won't be a loss to try. Give it time to really settle and just to what is right.
Sometimes its really hard to do something when you feel bad about certain things but its in doing things you don't want that proves how loving you are to your dad. Goodluck!
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
25 May 07
If she would even answer the phone I would try but she doesn't I'm sure she only sees me as a threat and she really shouldn't especially since she knows how his ex treated me but of course she doesn't see it that way. I am going to try to talk to her one more time and if it doesn't work then I will give up on her completely. Thanx for your input hun
@becca29 (40)
• United States
25 May 07
you should talk to him about this problem let him know what is going on, give him a chance to try and fix whatever problem her and you have.Then you have to ask yourself if this is something you can live with and your children if so stay around to be by him if not let him go and live your life.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
25 May 07
that's the best way to do it... atleast give it a time to talk to your father. there are lots of risks but atleast you are being true not just to your father but to yourself, too. through this, you will be able to lessen out the burden by letting your father know about the situation.