Quotes I love

everything happens for a reason - be optimistic!
May 27, 2007 1:45am CST
Have quotes that somehow touched you or inspired you in a way?Inspirational quotes?(be it love,friendship,quotes by famous people,religious,from a movie,or a line from a song).Quotes you've received from text messages and you were like surprise because it somehow applies to your current situation? Please share it here. I'd love to hear from people all over the world. Thanks! Here are some of my favourite's: "They say one day our life will flash before our eyes.MAke it worth watching." "Love is when you walk all the way to the other side of the classroom to sharpen your pencil inorder to walk by him. Then you realize that your pencil.... is a mechanical one.:)" "We choose how we see people. When we want to like someone,we can be so tolerant.When we want to be irritated by people,we focus on their faults. It's not other people's behaviour that determines how we feel about them -it's our attitude." "A ship that stays in the harbor never encounters danger.. but it never gets anywhere.. Learn to dream and make it happen." "One cannot question the existence of feelings;they are there,raw and undeniable. But one can choose to not nurture what is felt. Yet,no matter what they say,what has been felt will always be more honest than what was chosen.Hence, true realities are not built by the mind but by the heart.So if your caught between what your mind thinks is right vs. what your heart feels is right,it is always safer to follow your heart." "Life's pretty simple.When you're asking for apple and life hands you lemons,make lemonade. If you're on your way out,and it starts to rain,at least you dont have to water the plants later. It's a matter of seeing things in perspective.The benefits may not be immediate nor obvious,but you have to know this for sure: there will be struggles,there will be problems..Have faith..Enjoy life..Take it easy.." Keep smiling everyone!:)
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16 responses
@buen04 (76)
• Philippines
28 May 07
Wow! Those are nice quotes. I love quotes. It really inspires me and it serves as a guide for me when I have problems or if I am face with a difficult situation. Here are some of my favorites:\ Birds of the same feathers are relative birds. Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you mine. It's better to give than having nothing to give at all. No sleep is better than no wake up.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 May 07
Haha you made me laugh! thanks for sharing those quotes, love it! It brightened up my day! thanks buen!
@aneekuh (133)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
hahaha that's oh so funny!=D
@gretats (63)
• Philippines
27 May 07
Okay this one I can remember... :) " Dont ever let anyone make you feel like you dont deserve what you want " .. I got that from "ten things I hate about you. It is the qoute I try to live by everyday... :P
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@aneekuh (133)
• Philippines
27 May 07
Oh I like that one too! Very motivating=) Nice choice gretats!:o)
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• Philippines
27 May 07
That quote is sooooo true.. We're living our own lives so we really shouldn't let anybody rule our own world,we make choices and we should stand for what we believe is right.. It's really up to us if we'll let other people's opinion rule our decisions.Thanks for sharing that gretats! love it! thanks! thanks!
• Canada
28 May 07
There are two in particular that I really like. "We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided" - Professor Dumbledore in Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire. Another one that I LOVE is "Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves." A friend told me that when my abusive ex partner tried to kill me. I was ready to give up on everything, but she quoted that at me, and told me that only once I'd broken free of him could I spread my wings and show my true worth. I'm glad she did that for me. She saved me.
• Philippines
28 May 07
"Not until we are lost do we begin to find ourselves."
@youless (112921)
• Guangzhou, China
28 May 07
You may fool all the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all the time; but you can't fool all of the people all the time. --Abraham Lincoln
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• Philippines
28 May 07
That is soooo true!! People who always fool people should be careful with their actions because time will come that bad karma would haunt them.Thanks for sharing that one youless! Take care!Have a great day! :)
@try32ends (207)
• India
28 May 07
My favourite : "The Difference between dreams and achievments is purely desire"
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 May 07
Yes soooo true!!! thanks for sharing this one try32ends!thanks!
@vampoet (825)
• Singapore
28 May 07
Live Life as a Work of Art Rather Then a Chaotic Response to External Events
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• Philippines
28 May 07
Yes we should live life as a work of art.. I really believe in this one.. thanks vampoet!! thanks for sharing! Have a great day!
• India
27 May 07
You reap what you sow.
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• Philippines
27 May 07
Thanks! That's a very simple and common quote yet very enlightening! It's a good quote to live by everyday! It reminds us to think carefully about our actions coz we're the one who's gonna suffer in the end when things go wrong. I love it! Thanks SureshNair!
@Katali (63)
• United States
28 May 07
Quotes I made up: "When searching for truth, look inward, first" "If one takes their love away, that does not make your love for them, less meaningful" "Change does not hold a magical wand. The magic is in the action you take to cause the change" From "The Thorn Birds": There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest, it searches for a thorn tree and does not rest until it finds one. Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But, the whole world stills to listen and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the price of great pain...or so says the legend" "Honor is the gift a man gives himself" - Rob Roy (movie)
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• Philippines
28 May 07
Wow thanks katali! You surely know how to make good quotes! Great! I also love "The Thorn birds", very meaningful! I'd like to quote this particular line that moved me: "For the best is only bought at the price of great pain", so true!!! thanks thanks thanks katali!! :)
@JaySapani (257)
• India
28 May 07
A THOUGHT FOR EVERONE "Even A Correct Decision Is Wrong, When It Is Taken Too Late" "Wish You Good Timing In Life". Hi Every One And Hope U Like The Saying.
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• Philippines
28 May 07
Wow that's a very nice one!I love it!Everything really needs perfect timing in order for things to work out the way we want it. Nice quote to live by. Thanks for sharing this one JaySapani! Thanks thanks!:)
@sandeep_t (428)
• India
28 May 07
"Dare to dream, dare to achieve" "A smile acts upon difficulties, just as sun upon clouds" "There is nothing good or nad inthis world, thinking makes it so" - P.B.Shelly
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• Philippines
28 May 07
Whew thanks!! Love it! Here's another quote i'd like to add to that: "It's not what people do to us that hurts us.In the most fundamental sense,it is our chosen response to what they do to us that hurts us." and here's another one:"All the water in the world could never sink a ship unless it gets inside. Just the same, all the pressures of the world can't tear you apart and can never hurt you unless you let it in." Thanks for sharing sandeep_t!! I really love quotes that inspires me to be the best that I can be..thanks!! take care!
• Philippines
28 May 07
love is like a pi.. non-repeating and non-terminating... well, I'm not sure if your a math lover.. but this is a quote I made myself.. hehe... guess I'm inspired at those times (and till now).. hope this enlightens your day..
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• Philippines
28 May 07
yes I got it! haha So true!! It's non repeating and non terminating..That's so brilliant of you to analyze that one haha.. Can't believe we can actually correlate math with love. Great! thanks tsukishiro! that brightened up my day! thanks thanks!:)
@aneekuh (133)
• Philippines
27 May 07
Here are some of my all-time favorite quotes: "Never apologize for showing what you feel. Remember that when you do so, you're apologizing for the truth." "In our desire to find love, we hurt people.. in our desire to keep it, we hurt ourselves.." "If they're leaving, don't make a reason for me to stay.. Instead, make a reason for them to return.." These are just some of the quotes that really moved me.. Sometimes when I'm all alone all of a sudden my phone would beep then a message would came in, a friend sent me a message without knowing that that simple message or sometimes a forwarded one would really make my day. That's how inspiring a quote could be..=)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
27 May 07
Thanks! I soooo love the 2nd and the 3rd one! Yes that's true,it really surprises me whenever im on a certain situation then suddenly I would receive an sms that talks about exactly the current situation im in,and the sender doesn't even have an idea about my situation.. haha thanks aneekuh!
@Marchang (17)
• India
28 May 07
"A Thing Of Beauty Is a Joy Forever" by John Keats.
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• Philippines
28 May 07
I absolutely agree! Short and simple yet a very meaningful one. Thanks Marchang for sharing this one!Really nice:)
@thrishka (63)
• United States
20 Jul 07
Love is like a roll of tissue paper; you realize its worth when you're at the last piece and see that all was wasted on s***. -gawa ni bf The couple that creates together, stays together. Close your eyes and make a wish; angels will be there to blow to you a kiss; they will guide your way, and make your dreams come true, like what they did when I asked for someone like you. The ink of the pen is the blood of the writer's heart. If A is equal to success, then the formula is: A=X+Y+Z. X is work; Y is play, and Z is keep your mouth shut. -Einstein
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
I really love the one that your boyfriend made.It really made sense.Really nice. The second one is really funny.haha Thanks for sharing these quotes sis, love it!
• United States
20 Jul 07
So true. That's why when I first saw it, I used it as my shoutout and ym status. LOL. About the second one, hehehe. Does it reminds you The family that prays together stays together. anyways, more to come I had a lot of quotes. Be back some time.
• India
4 Jun 07
the quote i like the most is WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY
• Philippines
5 Jun 07
I like that too. Here in the Philippines,it's quoted as "If there is a will,there is a way". I soooo believe in this quote. I've always believe that life should have no room for stupid excuses. Because if you really want something bad enough, you can surely find a way to get or achieve it.
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• Philippines
20 Jul 07
i love this one, for me it's true... "the one who loves the least controls the relationship"
• Philippines
20 Jul 07
Whoah!This is sooooo true!!I never came across this quote, thanks for sharing it!!!This quote kinda applies to the last relationship ive been to. I must admit that I was the one who was really in control of the relationship, and later did I realize that I was also the one who loves the least,coz we even broke up because I fell out of love.. for real.. ugh.. anyway, thanks for sharing this!Im gonna add this in my list! thanks!