Are you happy?

@macubx (11414)
October 23, 2006 3:42am CST
11 people like this
123 responses
@Sorathian (4329)
• Pakistan
23 Nov 06
Yes.. Bcoz I Have No Tensions Today
1 person likes this
@supersach (1523)
• India
23 Nov 06
I am happy because I am content with myself.
1 person likes this
@chekoz (284)
• Indonesia
23 Nov 06
yes, i have the chance to live in here
@isha900 (1459)
• India
24 Nov 06
yes we should always stay happy
@Regalado (122)
• Philippines
28 Oct 06
because i feel pretty, all so pretty, i feel pretty and witty and g4y... and i pitty any girl who isn me today... i feel charming all so charming.. and so pretty that i cant hardly believe im real.. .. ... Feel like running and dancing for joy, for im one pretty wonderful BOY!!
@leanette (3002)
• India
23 Nov 06
No am not happy at all. Cause i can't make it to the todays top users when i can sit 13 hours straight in a definitely not happy about this. :( any tips ?? :D
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
23 Nov 06
whats your internet speed? ill show you some tip...
1 person likes this
@leanette (3002)
• India
24 Nov 06
umm..i donno my internet speed..:-/
@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
23 Nov 06
You're here like 24-7, why? You're not happy?
1 person likes this
@tareqfayyad (1674)
• United States
2 Nov 06
Yes, because i see u..
@macubx (11414)
• Philippines
3 Nov 06
now thats scarry.
@Brandi06 (2227)
• United States
2 Nov 06
• India
24 Nov 06
yes i am a student and satisfied by whatever is given to me by god
@femcsw2 (225)
• United States
2 Dec 06
no not really, and I'm afraid if I tell you why I'll begin to ramble
@vinopaul (39)
• India
2 Dec 06
Very much, because life is a gift, life is beautiful..
@balabrahmam (1071)
• India
7 Dec 06
No because i have some love problems
@lakheysub (847)
• India
10 Jan 07
yes i am very happy because of many things. i can do whatever i want to do.most important i am not handicappped!!!!!i can play pc game which i like the most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ashraine (178)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
happiness for me means SATISFACTION, FULFILLMENT and CONTENTMENT... those are the 3 measures for my happines.. for now, im 22, young, im only on my 1st stage, satisfaction... and that satisfaction is not fully satisfied, maybe 60%.. im 60% satisfied right now coz i know and i can feel the love that is being given to me by my partner.. and this is the only love that ive felt for the longest time.. hopefuully fulfillment and contentment would follow as soon as possible..=)
• Romania
20 Jan 07
yes, a have a beautiful and healthy family and that's all
@R3fl3XioN (3187)
• France
28 Nov 06
Yes ! I'm always happy =)
• India
2 Dec 06
u got so many good ratings do u realy earn anything from m y lot till if yes how much did u got paid and u got paid by which thing like paypal
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
2 Dec 06
No. I'm not. And I can't explain why. It's kind of a long story too, I guess. *sigh*
@dalejr38 (2420)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Yes because of my family.
• India
28 Nov 06
i am happy because i have my mom and dad with me but sometime feel incomplete bec i dont have life partner. I want to get marry.
@Neverhot (188)
• Italy
2 Dec 06
no... my girl has left me