Can you belive Women are NOT allowed to drive in Saudi???
By stella1989
@stella1989 (2274)
May 27, 2007 2:30pm CST
Can you belive that!!
How can one live in such utter isolation??
How can one survive!!
Women in saudi( Arab country) have to wear a black gown from top to bottom !! No matter its summer or winter they have to wear it!
They are not allowed to drive a car on roads!!If one does drives a car then its a crime out there!!
Women have limited right to work in Saudi!!they have limited jobs !!
so no engineers from saudi!!
It really shocked me from head to toe!
This made me feel "how much important is freedom to us!"
WE should never take it for granted.
What do you say about this??
If ever in life you get there some how will you be able to bear that black gown all over you??
I can never tolerate such cruelity!!I would have revolted!!
What about you?
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20 responses
@linzmcwilliams (1552)
27 May 07
I have read two books about the things women in Saudi Arabia have to go through. They are both by Jean Sasson, one was called Princess and the sequal is Daughters of Arabia. Through them i have gained the knowledge of all the things you have posted about but to be honest i thought that things had changed though they weren't written that long ago. It is shocking that there are still countries where woman do not have proper rights but i believe that if you were in one of them you would be inclined to stay quite as if you didn't you would be putting your life at risk.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
I read this in an aricle in one of my girlie magazines!!
It really terrfied me off!!
But yes its intelligent to stay quite and follow thr rules rather than getting your life in trouble!!
But somebody have to fight for their freedom..!!We have to "fight" for our freedom otherwise we can never get it.WE have freedom here in our country (Asia)but that is because somebody faught for it. So someone have to take the first step in protest!!
I know it is like risking your life!! But they have no other option!
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@samson1967 (7413)
• India
28 May 07
Saudi Arabian women, once married are not allowed to see other men other than their husband. Hence they wear their Traditional attire called Burkha(the black long gown). But you can drive a car and wear jeans at Saudia Arabia.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
yes its called burkha out there!!
But I came across an article about a girl lived there since childhood saying she wasn't allowed to drive a car out there!!
I guess people can get divorced by just saying the word "Talak" for 3 times and thats its your divorced!! any guy leave his wife that easily!!
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@samson1967 (7413)
• India
28 May 07
Muslim men treat their women as their slaves. The only right they give for their women is to take care of children. The culture is known as muhabbism, and men and women must strictly follow the rules.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
thats true..!!
Some times I fell like revolting but I ma afraid of them....?AS they are very very strict about their religon..!!
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
28 May 07
I was vaguly aware of this but its the first time ive seen it on mylot. What i cant understand is how, in the 21st century can it be justified. Isnt it about time some countries joined the modern age?
blessed be
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
yes this is really digusting..!!
I live in India..!! And even here in India women who follow Isalm have to wear burkha..(black gown)
under 45 C...temperature...! Now isn't that cruel???
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@ranjeetkolarkar (1595)
• India
28 May 07
it is really a news for me that women are not allowed to drive in saudi arabia.
I believe they has to have a strong reasoning to support that.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
its really shocking...!! I came across this in an article..!!By the girl who spend her childhood their..!!
May be its changed now!!
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
yes..that shcoked me off too!
I came across this in an article by a girl who lived there since her child hood!!
May be its changed noe!!
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@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
28 May 07
I know this sort of woman.They seem to accept it.I cannot understand even in this country there are those woman who aren't even allowed to get outside only when there men's around and worse thing is they have to walk behind their husbands.It's really cruel.And the worst thing is they have made that rule themselves because you cannot read it in the Quran.Those women are used to it,but i hope one day they will emancipate in it,but their husbands are so cruel they even beat them up.(I'm not sure if all of them are doing that)
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
..I am very much familiar to that!!
NO I am not facing one ..!! but I see the same around me!!
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@spiderdollar (298)
• India
28 May 07
Is it so? i am shocked . Why is it so. The people are just sick in todays world they are still discriminating men from women this is not at all desirable from a country . they should change this very soon otherwise it will one day bring their own ruin.
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
28 May 07
They follow old traditions and their religions.
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@nancygibson (3736)
• France
28 May 07
I lived in Saudi and as Western women we could not drive but did not have to wear the black all covering robe, as long as we were modestly dressed when we went into the towns we were fine.
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
31 May 07
yeah well thats good!!
Only muslim women are bound to wear the
black gown(burka) out side its not for others!!
thanx for replying.
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
28 May 07
I was working in Saudi Arabia ten years ago, and I too noticed this. Even ten year olds are driving in urban areas, but not the women. The black garb is not for everyone. In some cities you need not cover the head or face.
Women are not discouraged from learning. There are female doctors and nurses who have qualified abroad through government sponsorship and even treat male patients.
But there is one thing the females in the rest of the world will envy. The saudi women have economic freedom. Even in marriage the man gives the dowry. This is because of the wealth they have from oil.

@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
28 May 07
evelynlyp, the reason they are covered is not the wealt, but the law of sharia. This is a territorial law and not an Islamic law. If it is Islamic law they will have to arrest all the Saudi women who go abroad and come.
It will be wonderful to have economic freedom without all these laws limiting your freedom. But unfortunately some things in life come in a package. Most of our women (Sri Lanka) do have the freedom, but cannot make ends meet. So to provide for the family and their hausband's freedom to sip his whiskey, they don the veil and go to do the dirty work for the Saudi Women.
Now who is having more freedom.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
28 May 07
oh c'mon!!!
instead f giving dowry they are getting so because of this they cannot "sell" their freedon
Freedom is priceless!!
I Will never support this thing!!
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
28 May 07
Is it because of the wealth or is it because they are required to do so?
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
28 May 07
I do not think thaty you would have revolted if u grew up like that. that is all you know and you see nothing wrong with it coz the knowledge that u have about other parts of the world is also very limited.
I alsxo belive that it depends on what part of Saudi you are in... Some are more free than others.
I sure hopw that this will change with time and that all the world will beequal... saudi or europeean - woman or man...
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@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
28 May 07
Wow friend! I have never thought such kind of law could be used on women. When I read your discussion, my question was; are we really in a free world? or what is the meaning of democracy?. I know if they should be asked the reason why they imposed this law, they will give out some reasons why they made it like that, but I really think they're sentimental. Eventhough am not a female, but it'll feel very bad if deprived of my rights you know. Thanks and have a nice day.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
28 May 07
We must be blessed for being free from those restrictions. Behind the black veil many are suffering a stressful life and most of the ladies have gone insane. The younger generation leaves their country to enjoy social life which are banned in their country. Poor ladies, they are rich but there is no life for them.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
31 May 07
yes its true they are rich but no freedom!!
thanx for replying.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
28 May 07
I don't know what to think being an American. Our government has had a bad habit of going into other countries telling them how to run their countries, and, as a result, most of the world things we are crazy. I do think that women should be treated equally, but out of respect for this culture, perhaps we shouldn't judge. On the other hand, I do think that if women want their freedom from this culture, they deserve the right to leave at their own will.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
31 May 07
yes you are right !! WE have no right to obstruct them in their culture!!
They have their own culture and we should respect that!!
Only the one who have faced this can speak about it!!
Thanx for your response.
@ashar123 (2357)
• India
3 Jun 07
Thanks for the information you provided and it was really surprising but the way you said that women are made to wear long black dresses is a muslim culture. You can't give negative remarks on culture as its also a part of muslim's religon to cover their bodies. If you are indian then why do you wear a "saree". I think women in india have forgotten to wear sarees now as they are wearing trousers, minis and even nothing but muslim women are still followinbg their religons.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
4 Jun 07
oh...! its not that..!!
You are trying to divert the topic!
What I meant was How can one wear total black gown in a temp above than 40 dgrees???
It is very much like hazardious to wear black clothes in summer like this !!
And its not that we have forgotten to wear the saree its like no body is forcing us to do so!!
WE are free!!
And I love wearing saree its very much femine and charming dress!!
@bam001 (940)
• United States
28 May 07
I have read this many times over. I am thankful to have been born in a free country that practices democracy. I think that it should make us appreaciate our freedoms in the U.S. and also should make us want to protect ourselves from other groups.
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@Deane_2005 (1644)
• Philippines
28 May 07
It is really happening in muslim countries. Women and gender inequality is really common. It's because of beliefs that women have lower status than men. I think women from other countries like muslim countries are like properties. They consider there wife lower than them. They are not keen on gender equality.
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@phonevolts (919)
• Ireland
28 May 07
Yes, i saw a program a while back regarding this. I would be lost without my car. They are however allowed to buy a car for themselves but not allowed to drive it.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
31 May 07
now what does that mean..!!
They are allowed to buy a car but not allowed to drive it..!!
They are allowed to learn driving but not driving...!!
How can one learn driving without driving it practically??
@jhondabing (44)
• China
28 May 07
i am sorry to hear that .it is so shocked to hear that.i hope you can join more people who has the same encount,and revolte to the is bright to you in earth,it is fair to everybody,the world fill of love and peace.these are my opinion,what do you think of? i hope we can become good friend.can you email to me ?this is my email(
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