Pitbulls and Muzzles
By Jshean20
@Jshean20 (14348)
May 28, 2007 4:30pm CST
I live in Ontario Canada and here they have a law which orders that all pit bulls be muzzled in public. I'm wondering what your views are on pit bulls having to be muzzled in public? Do you think this is fair? Why or why not? In a way I can understand why it has become a law because of all the attacks, I feel that it could be necessary but sad that it's come to this.
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16 responses
@carolynpb (647)
• United States
30 May 07
I personally thing pitbulls get a bad name, just like Rottweilers do. It is the owners that make the dogs visious. I have two part pitbulls and they are very sweet. But if I was to get rough with them and do this daily they would probably evenually attack. But I also have a small mixed dog and he would do the same thing if I made him mad daily and instilled in him hate. You must teach ALL dogs not to do bad things and disipline them just like you would children by saying no, bad dog and so forth. I don't think that any dog should be muzzled UNLESS there is proof that it is visious...then I think you shouldn't be allowed to take him in public or outside of a fenced yard.
@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
29 May 07
Look at it this way, if the dog is muzzled his natural instict to attack will be controled and the animal will be less likely to be killed because he/she bit someone or something. So it is best for the dog, the owner and innocent bystanders.
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@naturesgurl (65)
• United States
29 May 07
I think that its unfair, and unjust to them. If they never bite anyone, then it shouldnt be something that needs done. Its not fair to single out one dog, when any dog who is treated meanly, can attack anyone. Its not fair to require a muzzle on any dog, unless there has been an issue of it biting someone or another animal. Then that law should be used, NOT to single out a dog becuase of its breed.
~Proud Pit Mama~
@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
31 May 07
I really think that it is up to the owner. There are so many bad raps for pitbulls. If they are brought up correctly they are the biggest babies in the world. So i dont think that they should be muzzled. But that is only my opinion. I had a pitbull for over sixteen years and she wouldnt hurt a fly. Its all how you raise them.
@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
21 Jun 07
WELL SAID BECKY!!!! I couldn't agree with you more- I have a 2 yr old pit bull and she is the BIGGEST baby! And it is ALL IN HOW THEY ARE RAISED!
@joey_matthews (8354)
10 Jun 07
I think it's fine.
Actually I think all dogs should because anything could spook them into attacking a kid or someone.
I know some are fine but if one should, they all should. It would be fair if not. ~Joey
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
19 May 08
Well i am afraid of Pitpulls,they can get very vicious..maybe your isn;t but a lot of them are,and that is why they have that law..its a lot better than them being against the law,and that has been threatened here where i live..I live in Texas..They have trained these dogs to be this way,and they have done things and mixed the breeds so that its really not the dogs fault,its mans fault..I love all animals and i hate to see them mis handled but it is done a lot here..These dogs were bred to fight and be mean and they do not know any better...I never blame the dog,they only do what they are bred to do...Your dog does not seem to be mean but some are ,so i supposs they do not want to chance it...Chows are bred the same way,and it is really a shame..I am against animal cruety in any form...
@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
20 Jun 07
I would never muzzel my dog. If a law like that was passed here I would move to somehwere less insane. My dog could never wear a muzzel. How can a dog pant if they are wearing a muzzel? That is thier only form a heat release. Dogs could die from heat exhaustion int he summer becuase of wearing a muzzel. I once bought my dog a "halty" which is like a collar that goes on her face like a muzzel so that she can't pull when I walk her. She hated it. She almost vut her nost with her claw trying to pull it off anf I just nver used anything that went on her fac again.
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
31 Jul 07
I think that it's fair. I own a pit, and he's absolutely wonderful, but...
Pits are known to be dog aggressive. Even nice, sweet, docile pits that have been raised in a loving environment can be aggressive towards other dogs (not violent, just aggressive). Muzzles help prevent bites or nips that might lead to other more serious problems.
I think that it's a good idea, if only to prevent more stories in the news with the phrase "pit bull attack" in them.
@mom2my3boyz (15)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I would be so angry if my pit bull (who is the most gentle, sweet creature you will meet!) was made to be muzzled in public. I think it should be up to the owners to control their dogs and if you have an aggressive animal, don't bring it out in a public place. The reason pit bulls get such a bad rap is because the few pit bull attacks that do take place are highly publicized. I worked at an animal hospital for a few years and I can tell you that I would be more afraid to go up to a little dog then a pit bull. I was bit once or twice by little dogs and the only dogs I had growl at me were small breeds. Of course, if you were attacked by a chihuahua it wouldn't be front page news.
@warmweatherwoman (2233)
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
21 Jun 07
I think that is TOTALLY REDICULOUS, CRUEL AND UNJUST PUNISHMENT. As i have stated in prior posts- pit bulls get a bad rap- period! I would never live in a state, country, or city that made it mandatory to have a muzzel on my dog- thanks for the heads up- I'll never visit canada!
@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
31 May 07
I honestly don't know how that works at all. I suppose they have a good reason why they are doing that.
@rabbittsbunny (14)
• United States
1 Jun 07
It all depends on how the pitbull is raised truthfully. Some people raise them right to where they aren't aggressive. But there are also people who raise them to be fighters and just plain mean. I guess to an extent it is necessary depending on the dogs personality really. I love pitbulls and i wouldn't muzzle mine if i had one but for those who train them to fight then they need to muzzle them or just bring them out into public.