Why, when i work as a psychic, make a connection and give a reading .....
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
17 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 May 07
Oooh I go through this too....and it varies from person to person meaning, how I feel after depends on who Im reading for....soem ppl I'm just a little drained and a tad hungry/thirsty after doing a reading but then there have been other ppl I've read for and when its done I'm exhausted, starving, light headed and wicked thirsty!
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
30 May 07
wow thats exactly how i am. I find the more im involved, the more i care, the more tired i become
thank you so much for your reply
blessed be
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
31 May 07
i am so greatful to you my friends, i now know i am not alone in this
blessed be
@arcadian (930)
• United States
31 May 07
Ravenlady described the kind of thing I experience. On the nights when I do readings- I am worn thin the next day- almost blotto, but where I do the readings is an extremely nurturing (for me) and blessed place, so I often feel privileged afterwards, like I've been a guest on a deep level in someone else's life. Its energizing. but this particular place has an energy that attracts really good people. the few times I felt frazzeled, there was a lot of heavy sometimes angry energy in the client.

@Galena (9110)
29 May 07
because you use a lot of your energy doing this.
when I do Magic, if I don't need a sleep afterwards then I don't think I'm doing it right.
anything like this taps into your energy and uses it. think of it as your payment to the universe. you don't get something for nothing, and there needs to be some form of exchange for this. you give your energy. you get your results.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
haha thank you. As usual your response makes a great deal of sense. Of course its an exchange
blessed be
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@derek_a (10873)
29 May 07
Yes Galena, I see what you're saying here. However if I may add a slightly different slant on this...
Energy eventually comes back as everything is a circle, no beginning no end. It never disappears, just transforms.
In my Zen I see that everything comes from nothing, so in another way, we get everything from the Great Void which is, nothing-ness.
And yes, transformation is exchange as nothing stays the same, yet it does because in "reality" we perceive no opposites.. :-)
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
29 May 07
I guess it is just an exhausting thing, I don't have this ability so I can only assume, I know when I have an anxiety attack at night even though somtimes I cant really remember it I know I had one because I feel exhausted so maybe there are certain things our bodies go through that just simply exhaust us and I guess what you do would be one of these things..
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
this makes a lot of sense to me, thank you for your response
blessed be
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@swtnss (264)
• United States
30 May 07
When you use your gifts alot it tends to exhaust you because your spirit gets drained. I use my gifts alot and when i do that my spirit gets drained. its a normal thing but just relax when that happens. you dont want to get dizzy.

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
thats for sure, i did an on line reading for someone last night and the powerful flow of information was quite shocking, in that there was so much of it. Mind you i slept for 9 hours with no waking too
blessed be
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 May 07
No you aren't the only one effected by this. Any time one does spiritual or mental work one is going to be tired. When you are making that connection you use up both mental and physical energies and that energy has to be made up. To make a comparison think of someone who is in an office all day doing paper work, they can be just as exhausted as those who have done physical labor all day. It's due to the energy used. Mental energy is still energy and it drains you when you expel it without replenishing it.
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
29 May 07
Well I'm not psychic, but I would guess it takes alot of concentration. It takes alot of energy to dig that deep. LIke I said I'm not psychic but I do feel that I have a small gift. You know that stage of sleep where your almost awake I have loved ones send me messages during that time. And they will be specific they have told me where to find things I'm looking for. I have this plant in my garden I kept thinking its a weed I almost pulled it. And someone told me what flower it was. I really wasn't able to tell who it was that sent me the info. But I still feel connected to my loved ones that have passed. Do you think I'm nuts?
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
no, i do not think you are nuts but i do thyink you are on the edge of using your ability. Its up to you how far you choose to use it
blessed be
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
ok well you can try meditating. Your husband is probably right if you have a sensitivity, spirit certainly does seem to home in on it
blessed be
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
29 May 07
HUmmm how do you learn more? I was watching John Edwards last night and I was thinking how cool it would be to help people. Do you get an awesome feeling from helping others, or is it more sad than anything? MY hubby also calls me a ghost magnet.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
29 May 07
I would say that you get exhausted because you are tapping into another realm then the normal and thus you a passing from one realm to another..which exacts much energy;)+
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@magikrose (5429)
• United States
31 May 07
You are not alone. I am an empath and it tires me out as well. What happins is you are using so much energy to make and keep the connections that it drains you not only physically but spirutally as well.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
31 May 07
it certainly means i have to have plenty of rest between reading
blessed be
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
29 May 07
Well, I couldn't answer from an "I've been there" point of view but I can guess that it's like any other "stressful" thing in life that uses your mind intensely... it causes a strain on the entire system. I find that intense work weeks when I had a ton to do and deadlines and constant work, work, work and issues to tackle, etc. I came home exhausted. I hadn't worked physically any harder but mentally, it just seemed to affect my body also.
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@Maryam_Nazir (249)
• Pakistan
29 May 07
WOW! you're a psychic? Can u give me a reading? Puhleez?......?
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
well certainly not now, as i said ive been working and i truely am exhausted
@lifeluver (743)
• Canada
29 May 07
I think that's you're "spiritual" energy being sapped out of you as you do a "deep" reading. I'm not sure how to better explain that. One thing that I've experienced is people who take up, what I call, a lot of "mental space". It's like the person takes up all the space that I have available and I find this experience very, very tiring. I'm sorry I'm not able to be more clear on this but I wanted you to understand that you are not alone in your experience and I think it's quite natural.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
thank you greatly for this, i certainly know what you mean about people who take up a lot of mental space
blessed be
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 May 07
Well I'm not a psychic, but I've read how you have to consider that you're using your own body as a tool to channel and bring forth information to you..in other words your body is a vessel for information...and since this is a bit foreign to the natural scheme of things it's no wonder you would be exhausted...sometimes people who do spells if they aren't properly grounded after doing a spell will feel exhausted to. Ironically, that great psychic did the other way around...Edgar Cayce...instead of being in a wide awake conscious state, he was able to give readings in a semi-sleep like state--so I take it when you do your "readings" you're doing so in a wide awake state..too bad you can't do it the way Cayce did...
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@JessyBlue (536)
• United States
29 May 07
Well then that just proves that you are a sincere psychic, you put all you have your 100% into a reading--so its no wonder you get drained. Its just like hard labor, if you don't care about your work and half a-- it, then you use up no energy..but in your case, you work hard so you use up a lot of your energy.
@cocoanana (94)
• United States
29 May 07
I haven't done any work as a psychic and I don't even know that I consider myself psychic per se, but I go through periods where I see a lot and just know certain things about the people and happenings around me. Does that make any sense? It's not a constant thing, but it happens in cycles. At any rate, when I'm in such a cycle and so many things are running through my head I do feel exhausted and I do feel the need to rest. Maybe our resources and energy are just temporarily taxed and were need to rest and regenerate and regroup? That's my feeling, anyway.
Anyway, you're definitely not alone.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
thank you for that, as one of our earlier respondents said, it is an exchange and a trade. I think any work we do has to be paid for
blessed be
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@CaroleeKaufold (1853)
• United States
29 May 07
I didn't know you were a psychic. God bless you for your talent
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
29 May 07
no, but i do connect to the person i am giving the reading to, this is what i find so exhausting
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
31 May 07
I'm not a psychic, but I would think it takes a lot of energy when you do a reading. Plus picking up on the persons feelings must be exhausting. I often pick up other peoples feelings to the point that they feel like my own, I'm weird I know. When I pick up these strong feelings, am I taking some of the pain from them or is that just something I hope I'm doing in being able to help them? When it happens I do feel exhausted.
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