What should the punishment be?
By dixielol
@dixielol (1579)
United States
May 29, 2007 12:01am CST
When I was in high school, alot of kids drove to fast. (Myself included) But there was this one guy named Kyle that was just a terrable driver. When he was 16, he was on the way to school one morning. He had his girlfriend & his friend in the truck with him. He went around a curve to fast & ended up looseing control of the vehicle & on the wrong side of the road. He hit another car head on. The driver of the other vehicle died. Come to find out, the dead man was Kyles girlfriends uncle. The cops done nothin to him despite the fact that he was speeding which is what caused the wreck in the first place. The next year, when we was in 12th grade, he had another wreck because he was again speeding. The result was he killed a woman. Then I was watching the local news yesterday. He was on there. He had ANOTHER wreck, this time killing a woman, a 3 year old & a 7 month old baby. He is 20 years old now. That means he has had his liscense for 4 years & had 3 wrecks & killed 5 people. Again, he isn't faceing any charges. not even a speeding ticket even though he was going 113 in a 55 MPH speed zone. Why does this guy still get to drive? I think he should never be allowed to drive again. What do you think? What should be the punishment for someone like this?
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22 responses
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 May 07
My guess would be, as unfair as it is, his first two accidents occurred when he was under 18 and maybe didn't "count". That makes his most recent accident his first "official" offense. Also if they can find anything at all to take the blame off of him they will. If they even suspect that somehow the woman could have been partly to blame they won't waste their time trying to prosecute him.
Here's a situation that happened in my own family. My brother in law was killed in an accident when his minivan was hit head on by a tractor trailer. They could prove that the truck was going to fast, they could prove that it was overloaded, they could prove that it crossed the center line BUT they didn't prosecute because they also discovered that the brakes were faulty. This in their mind took the blame off the driver since having a brake failure is an "unintentional circumstance". The problem, which made the whole thing frustrating to us, was that the driver who "accidentally" had a brake failure at the wrong time was also the mechanic for the trucking company and was supposed to inspect the truck for such problems before using it.
Court systems are just so over loaded these days that they look for any excuse they can to lighten the load.
My opinion is that he should have his license suspended, pay fines/settlement, serve time in jail, be on probation for awhile after that and then be forced to send a check for $3 to SADD, MADD, or similar organizations each week for the rest of his life. It wouldn't be about the money obviously but to represent the 3 lives he took...it really should be $5 but I was just talking about his most recent accident.
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@desty_1 (26)
• United States
29 May 07
That is where you take the driver and the company to court in a lawsuit. Per DoT regs, every driver must do a pre-trip inspection for both their tractor and trailer at the start of a day and a post-trip inspection at the end of the day. The company has to keep records of when the last time the tractor and trailer were serviced. Too many fly-by-night companies cut corners to make a buck and keep a truck on the road instead of pulling it out of service.
Most likely though, the DoT put the company into a world of hurt. Even though you say crimanal charges weren't filed, any time a fatality takes place with a commercial vehicle, the logs are pulled and if you know the load was over-gross, I'm pretty sure DoT put some sancations on them.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
30 May 07
desty- Yes, you're right civil proceedings can be brought against the driver, the company, DOT, and anyone else that could be seen as negligent. In this case there was a settlement, I don't remember who ended up paying though because the driver no longer had gainful employment and the company went out of business since their only truck was destroyed. Several lawyers worked on it but in the end it was decided that neither of those two would ever be able to pay anyway. So that driver killed a person and the most punishment he received was losing his CDL.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
29 May 07
I have to say I really don't see how this is possible. The guy was speeding in all three cases and he was at fault for the wrecks. I don't think that he would get no punishment, ESPECIALLY after killing a mother an dher two babies. That is so terrible! Again, something had to have happened to him, you don't kill 5 people and not get any punishment. Especially eachtime he was driving bad knowingly.
I think he should be charged with FIVE counts of 2nd degree murder. Which is defined as "a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life." And that def. fits. I'd like to see this guy do some long jail time, obviously the streets will be safer with him in jail.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
30 May 07
I'm not complaining that he didnt get in trouble for the speeding...it's the killing people! Even people who accidently kill others in car accidents....there is some sort of consequence. Police especially don't put up with kids being hurt/killed. They would have taken him down.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
29 May 07
yeah thats what I was saying. I can't believe the guy hasn't faced any punishment yet. There's got to be some mistake there.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
29 May 07
This does not seem right, he has killed 5 people in 3 separate accidents. He should be spending a lot of time behind bars.
I don't know what you can do and an independent observer, but I would think an editorial written to the newspaper is a good place to start, bring the situation to people's attention, but I would not use the guy's name - you may end up with a lawsuit for slander and libel.
But something is wrong here, this kid must be very well connected.
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@yanstill (1490)
• China
29 May 07
the local authority didn't give him any punishment?
that is unbelievable.for a guy killed so many people,how can he still drive like that?maybe for the first time,when he was only 16(but i think 16 is old enough to be responsible),he could be forgiven,but now,he has killed 5 people,i think just forbid him to drive is not enough,he has threatened others' life,and he didn't even show any regrets about what he did,did he?i think he should be taken to court,are there any law about this in your country?
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
29 May 07
This is unbelievable. What is wrong with the law enforcement people in this town where all this had happened. Also does this person have insurance? If he does he is either paying a vast amount of money for it or the insurance company is as lax as the law enforcement. For him him not to be sitting in prison for vehicular manslaughter is to say the least a miscarriage of justice and for him to have a drivers license still is even worse. If I lived in that area I would be afraid to drive at any time with this maniac on the road. If this was in my town in the USA I would go to the states Attorney General and complain. Him still being on the road is putting others at risk every time he gets behind the wheel.
@dixielol (1579)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Im sure he has insurance. But his parents are rich & they probably pay for it. Every time he wrecks they buy him a new vehicle. (First one was a Ford F250, then a Mustang. Not sure what else but I seen him yesterday at Wal-Mart & he now has a Dodge Charger.) It is in the USA.
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
29 May 07
I think that is terrible. He should at least get his license taken away so that he cannot hurt anyone else. I can't believe that he didn't get in any trouble for killing 5 people! He should have to take driving classes, pay fines, and I think jail time isn't harsh for what he has done.

@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
29 May 07
having your license taken away wont stop him from driving. it will just make it illegal for him to drive..obviously he doesn't care about and doign illegal stuff
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
29 May 07
Either that guy is very well connected in his community, or there's more to the story, though what I can't figure. If it's a smaller town police dept., they usually call out a larger dept or the State Police to investigate a traffic homicide. Driving that fast would be vehicular manslaughter, eligible to be pled down depending on the DA. And when it comes to traffic homicides, those guys that investigate those, go through quite a bit of schooling, and they don't need to witness the person speeding. They can figure it out by the damage on the car and other property, damage to the victim, where the damage is, skid marks, etc. They have mathmatical calculations that can tell exactly how fast a person was going by the brake skid marks. It's all pretty technical, that's why roads get shut down for hours when there's a traffic fatality. I don't know why that kid's still driving, he shouldn't of had his license after the first one. And being under 18 doesn't relieve you of any responsibility either. I'd say he's got some friends in all the right places....He should lose his license permanently, and do quite a bit of time in jail as well. Sad...I hope the family of the mother and kids that were killed, finds out who his connections were and sues all of them from the bottom on up.
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@elizabeth525 (654)
• United States
29 May 07
maybe the only reason he isnt facing charges is because he is a big name in town??? i know if certain people who have parents in certain positions in town like mayor, sheriff, etc then they never get in trouble. Charges should be 5 counts of vehicular manslaughter. and no they do not have to see you to know if you were speeding...they can tell by the tire burn marks on the road how fast you were going. The fact that he has wrecked his car 3 times in 4 years and gotten more cars shows he is probably one of the little rich kids that can not get in trouble in anyway because of who he is. i mean when i was 16....if i had wrecked my car...i would not be getting another one for soemt ime because i bought them myself.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
29 May 07
If and I have no reason to doubt you this is all true, then there is something terribly wrong with they system, as well as Kyle. I do not understand a judicial system that allowed people with a history like that to ever get behind the wheel again, and where is this young mans conscience, that he believes he has a right to go out on the road and kill unsuspecting people. to me this is just plain murder or slaughter. I am surprised that the family's of the victims have not banded together to get this person off the road and into prison. This is so wrong
@BrightSpring (19)
• China
29 May 07
It's so heartrending!!He has a adult and has to take respoonsibility for what his done.Since he isn't facing any charges,it's ought to be punished by law!
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@alpine_007 (1469)
• Pakistan
29 May 07
i think that should be in jail, he has killed 5 people which is a really big crime and his driving liscence should be cancelled, so that he can't drive again.
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@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
30 May 07
Please tell me this is not in the US! That is very frightening!
I agree that this joker should never be able to drive again. He should also get the punishment for vehicular manslaughter.
If my kids would have done that, I wouldn't have helped them get their license. I would have taken their keys and busted them hard! The legal system may not worry about punishment, but I would have!
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@jcmiguel24 (97)
• Philippines
29 May 07
i think that guys should be thrown to jail. all he did is kill, he dont care about what his doing, he dont care if somebody will be injured or will be killed just like what happened. that is my reaction in the incident happened before that was shared. thrown him in prison! haha
@Lauraleigh99 (4718)
• United States
30 May 07
Wow if that happened here in Wisconsin they would be charged with homicide with a vehicle due to speed. It is beyond me why this guy hasn't got charged. How can he live with himself after killing that many people!
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
29 May 07
this is very sad and he should go to jail. he was and still is a reckless driver and should not be behind the wheel of any cars. this is not showing a good example to kids that do drive too fast. this should be brought into the light of the community and he should get punished. he shows no remorse as he keeps doing it.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
30 May 07
Well I would have to say if I was family to any of the victims he had killed I would be out for justice in a big way . He should be charged and should have to do jail time for this . The first time he may have been young but obvioulsy the wrong message was sent across to him when nothing happened to him and of course he did it again as there was no consequences for his actions then he did it a second time so more lives were wasted for no good reason and now he has killed another innocent family that had children . He needs to be put away for this as it doesn't show that he has any remorse for what he did which makes him no different then a cold blooded killer . He should spent a long time contemplating on his actions and should be made to stand accountable to them with no chance of ever getting a license again . I can't believe the cops would be so lienient on something like this when if it was you are I we would be charged for sure .
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@BrightSpring (19)
• China
29 May 07
It's so heartrending!!He has a adult and has to take respoonsibility for what his done.Since he isn't facing any charges,it's ought to be punished by law!
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@molusk (857)
• Philippines
8 Jun 07
Why on earth is this happening? Another case of
compartmentalized justice ? A law within a law? An
unwritten law for the rich and powerful? I must say
that the needed punishment for this guy is to revoke
his driving license for life. He should never be allowed to drive anything even a lawnmower.
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