Childrens manners!!!!!!!
By sarah22
@sarah22 (3979)
United States
May 29, 2007 7:58am CST
How far is too far when you hear young children bad mouthing adults? Would you say something if you heared young children (7&8) using bad language to one another? I have a neighbour whos son has a really mean mouth. he uses the word Hate, nearly ever third word he says. i have spoken to his parents but it still happens and now my son who is 4 will not stop using that word. what would you do about something like this....... Why do some parents not want to teach there kids that its wrong to talk like this? What are they afraid off......... Whats your take on things like this, and have you had this around your family............
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30 responses
@aretha (2538)
• United States
12 Jun 07
i can't stand the word hate. my son started to say that word and we stopped him real fast. i do have a cousion whos little boy the same age as my oldest had a really bad mouth. we were not around them a lot but the one time we were my son had started to say sh!t and when i asked him not to say that he said that donoven said it. so i just explained to him that i would not have it and donovens mommy shouldn't let him say it either. it worked that time but when he picked up the word hate he wouldn't stop so i had to punish him for it. he know knows when i say not to say something then he don't need to say it.
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
12 Jun 07
my son picked up that word to and stupid, took months to get him to stop, then we moved the young boy next door has a very bad mouth and he started with the word again. but he has slowly giving up on the words as he has seen how much trouble he gets into. but we are not out the woods yet as they will go to school and i can just think of the things he will come home with. thanks for your responses.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
12 Jun 07
oh yes just wait until school starts. my oldest son just finished his first year of school and some of the things he came home with just about knocked me out of my chair. one of the kids in his class called the teather a f/b!rtch another kid told my son how to spell hell and thats not even half of it. one kid did get in trouble for telling a little girl to give him a bj so my son came homa and asked what it was. i think a lot of it is the school, we live in the city and it a city school and some of these kids are unreal. hopefully by december we will be back home and the schools there are nothing like these.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
29 May 07
I have seen this. I have also had my sons come home with some pretty choice words from school. Some parents try, but the kids continue because it's "cool" There are parents however, that don't do anything about anything. I see it all the time in my line of work and it is really sad because you know these kids are going to get worse and worse until they do something really bad.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 May 07
yup. they find it cool especially if noone will correct them at an early stage. this is a bad thing for them to start learning more and more. and yup.. they will get worse
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
29 May 07
just to finish the sentence... they will get worse if stayed uncorrected.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
30 May 07
Oh goodness I know what your going through. I am having the same prob with my neighbors son. He uses very adult words like C*CK and D*CK and has told my son as we were walking by a bar that the DRUNKS hang out there. I myself have talked to the boy myself rather than the parents because they allow the behaviour. I told the boy that if it doesn't stop i will not allow him to play with my boy anymore. and it has slowed down alot. There have been a couple times where he's slipped but it takes consistancy to change a childs behaviour. I think you shoudl talk to him since the parents aren't doing anything about it and if it keeps up I would definatly restrict how much time he spends with the child. good luck
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
30 May 07
oh I agree that its definately not our job but alot of kids don't think about listening to their parents when they are away from them right? When other children are in our houses they need to abide by our rules. This kids is 9 yrs old so he definatly knows right from wrong and should have been taught that he can't talk that way in from of a 4 yr old(my sons age) but I figure that when hes here I will have to enforce my rules
@mummymo (23706)
29 May 07
I would probably say something if I heard this and it sounds as though you have done all you can in your situation. If the child's parents are unwilling to do anything about the way their child speaks then the only thing you can do is explain to your son that although that boy speaks that way , you do not like it and you feel that it is wrong for him to speak this way! Tell him that you will not accept him copying these words and that 'hate' is a very strong word and you feel very sad when you hear him use it! Good Luck! xxx
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
29 May 07
yes, but in some ways he does not understand why he is saying it, but to others adults when he says it, its got an impact. i guess i will have to wait until he can understand the word and the meaning to know not to say it. and i can just imagine what words he will come home with from school one day. this is a sad thing.
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@mummymo (23706)
29 May 07
I agree it is a very sad thing! I would however say that in my experience, even if he doesn't understand what the word means he can still understand that it is a word he should not say - that can be reinforced by time out or the thinking seat when he says it - it is amazing how much a 4 year old understands! xxx
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
29 May 07
I would tell the 8 yr old not to speak like that around my child. If he continues, I would keep my child away from him. Your child is going to pick up all sorts of bad habits as he gets older and you can't control the environment around him all the time. You have to explain to your son that he is saying something that is not nice and he will be punished if he continues. Explain to him that some kids will be talking and say bad words and if he repeats these continually he will be punished. It is a hard thing to have to punish your own child for something someone else taught him, but it is going to happen more and more~ just wait till he is 13!
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
29 May 07
yes, i have tried that, and i understand that we cannot always make sure they will not pick up stuff, but its the thing off that the parents will not teach this child manners, he is not allowed in my house. my son will get put in his room if he says it and yes, its not fair as he was not the one to start it. thanks for your advice and response
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
29 May 07
Unfortunately, there are many, many parents out there that don't try to control their children and teach them manners. It is a hard cycle to break. All I can say is continue to teach your child your family values and deep down they will stick with him.
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
29 May 07
Sigh I think our neighbors need to be right next to each other. Mine sre just as wonderful as yours it sounds like. One thing that is really hard to take is a 5 year old who knows EVERYTHING! I cant stand it when a child talks back to me. I dont allow mine to do it and I really dont like to see other kids doing it either. I have seen him lock his mom out of the house, call her fat (its true but not nice) hit his mom and call her stupid. He's a real gem! People dont teach their kids anything.
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
30 May 07
wow i have a 10 year old like that where i live and she can never be wrong . or she is always the one doing good. and when i try talk to her she is always up in my face and so loud. i can never get a word in edge wise. i too have stopped her from coming over and, to her mom im the b*&&&. i i dont really care for that kind of talking. if i did it as a child, i got a spank and grounded. here they are just talked to and they go one
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@carmat (2849)
• Canada
6 Jun 07
I have brought my children up since day one with teaching them to use their manners. I do have to say I have polite children, they aren't perfect and some things that come out of their mouths upsets me but over all they are great.
@wasim989 (2298)
• India
30 May 07
I think Television is playing an important role in degrading the kids and todays kids are so well informed about certain things that it is just suprise me but the output of such unrequired info at such a small age is most of the time not good and that concerns me a lot. CHild crime have increased a lot and parents are unable to take care of their children because of their busy schedule.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
30 May 07
Well, you can't control what other parents do, but you can control what happens in your own family. Instead of beating your head against a brick wall with your neighbors, explain (in simple words) to your son that although other people think it's ok to behave that way, it isn't ok for your family. Try to let him know the positive aspects of your life, and how behaviour like that is not acceptable to you.
It's not easy trying to get rid of a bad influence, I just hope it doesn't rub off too much.
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@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
30 May 07
thanks. and i have been working with my kids, and when they are not around those children, the world just seem to wonder away. but in time they will come back. i always talk with himabout the words and that they are not nice. and that they can hurt people.
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
30 May 07
I usually bring my 3 years old to the apartment complex playground and sometimes it can't be avoided that there are older children there. I was so mortified one time because this group of children were talking so loud and arguing...then somebody said "I will kill you, am not afraid to go to juve (juvenile)" Then someone piped in "shut up you mother f****" My mouth was probably gaping open. I am talking about between 8 to 10 year old children...and following that argument...cussing and bad words were exchanged. I grabbed my 3 years old coz she stopped playing and watching these children....and as I was walking away, I said in a loud voice ( I didn't care if these children heard me but I was so mortified)....told my daughter that those children that were screaming and shows bad manners and if you got bad manners, you would look and sound so bad. I was lecturing her while we were walking away from the playground.
That is why am so vigilant what my toddler is watching and listening into. If I heard a word that is more or less repeated that doesn't sound good, I look for a synonym. When she will be bigger and probably will pick a bad word from other children, I will not hesitate to let her wash her mouth with soap because I believe that the way how a child speaks and behave, it will reflect what its upbringing is like.
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@carmel_anne016 (123)
• Philippines
6 Jun 07
some of the children are used of talking with the adults the wrong way. but i guess the adults just have to learn how to discipline their children.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
31 May 07
Certainly, I would forbid my daughter from hanging out with anyone who spoke that way. Your neighbors obviously don't care what their kids say. And, that's not a healthy influence for a little kids. Ultimately as parents we are only responsible for how our own kids speak and act. And, although you can't control the neighbors kids, you can control who your own kids hang around. Kids pick up bad language and bad attitudes from siblings, parents, TV, radio, music, school, and other kids. You just have to use caution.
@pizzabit (1)
• Singapore
30 May 07
Children's manner is generally picked up from their parents, imho. So even when you spoke to his parents, the child still remains the same, it's probably the same words are used so often at home that they didn't find anything wrong with them.
Children education is most importantly being taught by their own parents, and sometimes as parents, we need to become that right role model for them to want to follow. Inevitably we might not be able to prevent them from picking up the wrong words, but when our little ones uses them, we need to correct them, explaining to them why such words are not right.
We can do all we can to prevent our child from picking up the wrong things, but with medias, schools and such, it's hard for us to watch over them 24/7. However the better way would be to show and teach our own children what is right and wrong and to teach them the right boundaries so that they will also learn in life as they grow.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
30 May 07
Hello! Pizzabit!
you are the same pizzabit from the other forum rite?!?
a WARM welcome to you!!!
Yes, i do agree with you on the part where children learning their manners from their parents. In fact, they learn from everyone they observe, but those of their parents seem to have a deeper impression on them as compared to others.
I believe so, cos whenever I got a chance to observe kids, especially those i know, like nieces and nephews... you can see some traits of their parent's behavior in all of them! No matter how old or young the children is, it is there!
heh heh... interesting isn't it?
@paradise12 (938)
• India
4 Jun 07
well i would explain him nicely that he shouldnt speak like that and people will think bad about him.its really very bad that children are using such bad language.i think parents should take more care on such things becoz its becomes difficult to quit this habit if it continues.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
29 May 07
Children are not being taught civility. With the people they live as their 'examples' it is no wonder. Our society is going downhill and am not sure how low it can go. We just don't socialize anymore. I know as a kid when I was out of line the neighborhood was on the job. If they didn't admonish me they told my parents. A good system. We sure need it now and with parents that expect better behavior from their children.
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@jmespinosa82 (498)
• United States
30 May 07
I know exactly what you mean my sisters are the same way. Their kids curse because they hear them saying it all the time and they just kind of laugh about it. My kids are 1000 miles away from them and my husband and I don't cuss around them or even try to argue in front of them. Then there are my sister's kids cussing up a storm and them laughing. I hate it. I wouldn't let my kids associate with other kids no matter what the age is if they were cussing like that. It sends mixed signals I think. You have to be the bigger person and if my neighbors asked I would tell them your kids cuss too much and I don't agree with that kind of behavior with my kids. They might say you are sheltering your kids or whatever but at least they will understand that it is wrong when they do get older and it really don't sound that cool any way.
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@jen_jen (76)
• United States
30 May 07
though I agree completely that bad language is a no-no you should never say my child won't do that. I'm a minister's wife and I have a 10 yr old who just finished 4th grade. I know that my son has said stuff that he shouldn't have said because he's plainly admitted it to me. (Yes, punishment followed)
You shouldn't be overly concerned if 'hate' is the strongest word he's heard. I'm NOT trying to downplay your feelings at all but when you realize that PG13 movies are allowed to have cursing, you start to understand what the world is coming to. I substitute teach at his school from time to time and my husband teaches there full time. I couldn't count on both hands the number of times I heard someone use bad language in just my first day of subbing!
But let's be honest, disrespect in any form, most of the time, starts with the parents. I say most because I know there ARE parents out there who do all that they can to see that they raise good kids and something still goes wrong. Who of us would say something though to a parent when we hear them speaking like that in front of a child? Not too many probably, which is sad.
@tredale (1309)
• Australia
30 May 07
Its horrible to hear children using words they barely understand. My own children from time to time have used words and said things that are bad. I think its important to tell them that isnt how you talk to each other. But I agree its hard with out side interferance and if there are people at home or school showing bad examples. We try to talk with love when they say bad things but it truely is frustrating