My Fifteen Year Old Daughter Was Attacked In School

@wachit14 (3595)
United States
May 29, 2007 1:38pm CST
I live in a middle class neighborhood and pay a great deal of money in school taxes. Today, I got a phone call from my daughter's school that she got into a fight with another girl. This was not the case at all. This girl approached my daughter (over a boy of course), said a few choice words and began pummeling her and throwing her into a set of lockers. Finally, a teacher broke up the fight, but only after my daughter received injuries to her face and head. Since schools have their own set of rules on how to deal with these things, they deemed it necessary to give my daughter one day of suspension. I have no idea what happened to the other girl since no one will tell me and there is no guarantee from them that it won't happen again. I have no idea what to do at this point and I'm fed up with school administrators who have no idea how to handle the increasing violence that goes on in school. Thanks for allowing me to vent.
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16 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
29 May 07
It is cases like this where I think that the school policies are crap. Your daughter should have not gotten the one day suspension. If I were you, I would call the police and file a harrassment charge against this other girl. This way, if this girl comes around your daughter again and starts something, you have this on record and then you can get a restraining order against her. The same thing happened to a friend of mine's daughter and the harrassing didn't stop until the police were involved.
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
29 May 07
As of yet, I have no name for this girl, but I am pursuing a way to get it as I want to call the police and file a report. Thanks.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
29 May 07
Call the police and file the report - they will find out who the other person was that was involved in this.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
29 May 07
I would also attend the next open meeting of your local school board, or barring that, write a letter to EVERY member of the board (duplicates) expressing your concern and dismay and any other thing that you want to express. Never make the mistake of thinking you could just send it to the superintendent, or the school board president, it will get suppressed. It happened to me, over another issue. Keep a copy that you will be willing to go to the press with, if you do not get any satisfaction from school or police. As someone else suggested, take lots of pictures, and see the doctor. Good luck.
@tredale (1309)
• Australia
30 May 07
This is a sign of the time, It seems to be on the increase. The schools and teachers have a responsiblity to our children to make sure there looked after. I have had a simular instance and I rang the police he said they would look into it. I then got a call from the prinsbile and was told that it is an in school matter and they are dealing with it. I now deal with a 12 year old who doesnt want to go to school. She is a loving kid and normally enjoys all areas of life. Its something as parents thats hard to watch. The other girl got a week and has since been in 3 more fights not with my daughter than god. But still what does she have to do to get removed. Good luck I know I didnt get the result I was hoping for. Still trying...
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@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
30 May 07
I thought about reporting to the police, but my daughter is scared that this girl will just retaliate. She's already left a threat for her on Myspace. It's sad when kids are afraid to go to school, but it takes a very bad situation before a school will recommend removal of a child because schools are so afraid of costly lawsuits.
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@maevic (819)
• Bahrain
30 May 07
I think you better visit the school and talk to the administrators. OR better yet, wait till you daughther will come home. Check first the whole story. Then if she confirmed that it was not her who started, go to the school and let them know how you feel about the incident. If they did not take any action and if they cannot justify your daughter's suspension, you better go to the police. This will be for your daughter's safety. give us updates.
• Pakistan
30 May 07
Well that is really unjust if your daughter did not start the fight and I think you should contact the board of administrators regarding this and if they don't help you out you can always file a case on a assault on your daughter. Good Luck and I hope justice is served.
• United States
30 May 07
that sad! i can't not belive that happen. school is not just about learing any more. it more about just making it into the last bell ring without people making your day a living hell!
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@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
30 May 07
I would be getting my daughter out of this school and away from this stuff that is going on and from personal experience when my niece (who lived with me for some time) got bashed by some school friends I would be getting her some counselling so that there are no on going issues like there were with my niece.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
30 May 07
that's really terrible... i really don't understand what the teenagers are doing nowadays and why they always love to get into trouble... i am sorry to hear about what happen to your daughter... i think she should not get the one day suspension as it is not her fault that the fight erupted... if i were you, i will definitely file a police report against the other girl and make sure that she is punished justly for what she had done to my daughter... also, i will make the school to apologize publicly to me for not being able to protect my daughter while in school... also, they have to pay the medical bills incurred for treating my daughter's injuries... it is really scary that nowadays we can't even feel safe to send our children to school... not like in the past... no wonder more and more parents prefer to home school their children lately...
@ozangel82 (753)
• Australia
30 May 07
That is very unfortunate. Perhaps an interview with the principal to vent your frustrations? surely if you are upset enough about it and believe your daughter was in the right they may see reason and do something further about it, or even change their policy. good luck
• United States
30 May 07
It is unfair for your daughter to have gotten suspended. The school systems today are lousy. I think sometimes they are scared of the kids. You should have been called right away. You should have been asked to come into the school and the other girl should have been present. The way the school system runs is exactly why my son home schools his kids. They get a proper education and the kids don't have to put up with that kind of nonsense. Your daughter should never been suspended and I would be taking it up with the principal and higher if I had to.
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
29 May 07
I just don't think it's right for your daughter to have a suspension for one day and you have the right to know who the other girl is and what did they do to her. If they didn't do anything to her then I would be upset too. I sure hope that you will know who this girl is and what her punishment was.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
29 May 07
Well I would call the school and tell them I was taking my daughter to a Dr. and they would be paying the bill ( assuming that you have to pay for Dr. bills) Be sure and take pictures of you daughters injuries for evidence should it be necessary to bring in an attorney. Also take her to the Dr. or emergency room and have her checked - that way you have the medical records to fall back on. You are right - most school administrators dont have a clue when in comes to bullying and violence in schools.
• China
31 May 07
Sorry to hear that.But that seems to be very common.When people were young,seldom of them didn't fight at all.If the fight isn't very serious,then let it go of.What do you think of that?
@taymouse (585)
• United States
29 May 07
That is awful. Schools never know how to handle anything properly, and to be honest, most of the time they don't even care. Like a couple people have already mentioned, do file a report with the police and do all you can! I'm really sorry this happened and good luck with taking care of it.
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
29 May 07
Hi wachit14...I agree the administrators dont know how to handle the violence that goes on in school these days because its growing at a rapid pace. Im 24 now but I remember those days in school where I would get into a fight then when my mom came to pick me up and I would make it seem like I dont know why the fight started in the first place, Im sure both girls are to blame they shouldnt be fightin over a boy but it happens. You should try to talk tot he principal and get answers from him and if that doesnt work then you go right to the board of education for your town and you let them know what is going on..Im sure they will handle it.
• United States
31 May 07
Thanks for the Best response wachit14! I hope everything gets resolved.
• Switzerland
29 May 07
As one of your friend has already mentioned, do call up the police and report it. It is their duty to find out who was the other girl involved. It will always help to protect your daughter from the other girl in the future, if this issue is recorded.
• United States
29 May 07
That is awful! Are there any teachers that you are close to that you can find out what happened to the other girl. Also, maybe you can go to the school board?