By poppoppop111
@poppoppop111 (5731)
May 31, 2007 7:29pm CST
i came home tonight and there were 3 cars in my driveway and in front of it. my new neibours were all standing out by their cars out there drinking beer at 7pm. i was not happy. i had my daughter with me so i didn't want to say anything and cause problems because these guys were drinking so i parked down the street. they left thought a little while ago. but my neighbour knows its my parking and i can't beleive they don't have any respect.
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19 responses
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
1 Jun 07
That is terrible!! I would have been pissed for having to park down the street!! If they want to stand around and drink fine but they shold be considerate of you and your parking space. You can always say something to them later when you see tham and you aren't so pissed!
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@maurs99 (55)
• Australia
1 Jun 07
That would really irritate anyone! And I understand totally why you wouldn't want to say anything. You just can't afford to these days as you never know how people will respond.
I am saddened that you have been put to such inconvenience at your own home by these irresponsible, disrespectful hooligans.
I hope for you and your family that this is a one off.
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@sassybratky (872)
• United States
1 Jun 07
OH boy..sounds like you live on my street..we had a nice quiet street notice i said HAD ..a new kinda older couple moved in next door to us(mind you our houses are seperated by about the width of a car) so not very much room here to begin with..NOW they are the couple..and 2 of their grown kids with about 4 kids each living in this house..not only does their yard look like its constantly getting ready for a yard having their friends over riding bikes skating and hopping and yelling till 10pm or so..they constantly work on their cars,vans,trucks..feel the need to leave them running 15-20 minutes before they leave letting gas fumes come in my window if i open them..mow the grass at 9pm yes at night LOL and drink on weekends ..take up their parking and think its perfectly fine to park in front of my house ..ok think i have vented enough for the second but i know what you are going through (by the way) we OWN our house and they are just it feels a bit dang unfair to me to have to put up with this ca-ca :(
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I've had that happen to me. When we were renting a house our neighbor used to have occasionaly parties and half the guests parked either in our driveway or blocked it. Now we are renting a small townhouse in afourplex building. The are two parking spaces for each renter. All others are supposed to park across the street. But some people have more than two cars or have friends over who end up parking in front of our mailbox which really ticks me off! Especially when the mail person wont deliver the mail cause they cant get to the box!
@londongirl (207)
1 Jun 07
The house next to us as just been sold, about three weeks ago someone parked a car on the driveway in front of the garage, my husband and I thought it belong to the new owners, when the new owners moved in, they asked us if the car was ours! this poor man can't even get to his garage, and the police said phone the council as it was not a police matter! I told my neighbour to tow it of the drive and leave it parked on the road, (it has no tax) I said don't worry if you damage it, they shouldn't have parked there in the first place! but he is scared they will do something to him if he does anything to the car, so he is just leaving it there! I said to him that he must be mad and that no way would I let these selfish idiots get away with it!!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I think I would have parked in my driveway so as to block all 3 cars from leaving without talking to me. You can also call the police if it's private property. Now if it's an apartment I don't know about that. But I'd have been livid as hell at their audacity to patk in my drive then drink next door. What MORONS!!
@Ashleyerin2 (35)
• United States
1 Jun 07
Seriously next time call the cops for trespassing. If they are in your driveway, they are blocking your way of getting in, they can get in trouble for it.
We just went through this. We bought a new house, and our neighbors think that its cool to park in my driveway. My fiance works all day so I'm the only one home, and they think it's okay. Sorry buds, definetly not okay. I asked them once to move their cars, they said hey, you're not using your driveway at the moment. and didn't. So I called the cops.
They've been rude and ridiculous ever since. But they have stopped using my driveway as their personal parking lot.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
1 Jun 07
Well I should say this life....!
WE face this kind of situtation regularly!!
AS this is very common in my country!!
But you have to live with it!! or if you can fight it!!
Thats under your capacity!
But I must try solving the problem oraly..!
Do not get indulge in fights that easily.
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@Norstar (694)
• India
1 Jun 07
I can understand how you must be feeling when such things happen. More than respect, people ought to understand the rights of other people. If your parking place is occupied by someone else or the passage is blocked, it is very annoying and you do not get the satisfaction of finishing the job of having parked your car.
I think you must talk to the new neighbour about this issue and let us hope they would take the things in their proper perspectives and see that the incident is not repeated. Take care.
@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
1 Jun 07
You should definitely have a talk with your neighbor. We used to have problems like this with our neighbors across the street. YTheir friends would come over and park right in my sopt. i used to leave them nasty notes on their cars. They were REALLY rude. They used to watch me wash my car and made me SO uneasy.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I may have done the same if it was just my son and I. If I had known at least one of the neighbors then I may have had a word with them about it later and just say politely that if they could just leave your parking space free.
At least where we live in an apartment block you need a pass key to get into the garage to park and if you don't show the access card in your front window of your car, it gets towed (and they check it daily).
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@anonymili (3138)
1 Jun 07
There's nothing you can say about the drinking as they weren't causing a disturbance (unless there are laws where you live about not drinking out in the street) BUT parking in your drive is very cheeky and bang out of order. I would have just parked my car in front of their last one, thereby blocking all of their cars in and just quietly got out of my car and gone up to my house. If they said anything I would have said very sweetly "Oh are these your cars? Because that's my driveway, I thought I had visitors whilst I was out or something?" This way you're avoiding confrontation and making it clear it's your driveway and you're not prepared to park miles away from your own home. Good luck!
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@rtydata (80)
• Philippines
1 Jun 07
I'd really be annoyed as well. I don't really like other people invading my space as I always try as much as possible to respect other people's space or property as I would want to be dealt with the same way. If it was a planned "event" then they should have asked for permission or should have let you know in advance. It's a shame that people tend to be disrespectful. That once so happy neighborhood is quite hard to find nowadays.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I would have been so mad. I know I would have sad something to them.Especially if I was mad I cant controll my mouth.LOL You should confront them another day when they arent drinking. Good luck
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
1 Jun 07
People are so rude and disrespectful. I can't belive when they saw you having to park down the street (especially with a child) that one of them didn't offer to move their car for you! Especially since they were in YOUR driveway! Sounds like they are going to be some really pain-in-the-rear-end neighbors.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
2 Jun 07
If someone was blocking your driveway, you have the right to call the police, but of course, I can understand that you don't want to start trouble, especially if they were drinking. Perhaps you can catch your neighbor when he's not drinking and just politely ask him not to block your driveway with their cars. My neighbor across the street has done this during parties and all I had to do was shoot them a dirty look and it stopped.
@yamahagirl (415)
1 Jun 07
neighbours can be a big problem ive had my fair troubles from neighbours ive had to move a few times cause the neighbours,
I would have told them to remove there cars from your drive thats most likely why ive had problems with them i dont let people take the piss out of me,if they think that they can get away with it there do it again and again.