Super Shallow Mother?
By Rozie37
@Rozie37 (15499)
June 1, 2007 2:26pm CST
A mother paid $1,300 dollars for her daughter to have have a tan sprayed on so that she could look like Lindsey Lohan for her school pictures. This is sick and wrong on so many levels. There was one point where the little girl said, I really don't want to do this and the mother continued to encourage her.
Her excuse for doing this was that the child was pale on last years pictures. I want to say, call child welfare, but sadly, stupidity is not against the law. This is a mortgage payment, Hello???? This kid doesn't have a chance, she is going to grow up to be a clone of her sick mother. Hopefully, someone with sense will get ahold of her before she turns into a chip off the old block head.
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22 responses
@medillavou (70)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I think that the woman who did this has very serious issues. How old was this daughter of hers? Anyway to spend that much money on something so terrible. How is this girl suppose to have a good sel-esteemif her own mother tells her different. I think that if the girl didnt want to do it and the mom actually forced her something could have been done. But then again what's done is done. I think that some people are too worried about what other people think and what they say. Maybe the mother is one of those people that care that much about what people will say about the daughter's pictures. Personally I think that the lady is Coo-Koo!! But hey that is the way things are in this @$%*& up world.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
Oh, that's horrible!
I know there are probably a lot of girls who would LIKE to have their mother's pay for a spray-on tan, but if the girl was actually opposed to it? Why bother?
It's not like Lindsay Lohan (little Miss I'm in Rehab for the second time in my short life) is such a role model?
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
You are right about that. She should be spending this money on what really matters, like helping her build character and work on what really matters. The little girl is already beautiful, what she needs is someone to tell her that she does not need to go through all of that to be beautiful.
@surveyclub (128)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I read alot about this type of thing going on, somebody wanting to look like sombody else. Well get over it. You are not whoever you are trying to look like. Where is the father in this matter does he have any sayso in this matter or is he a whimp, afraid to say anything or is he just as shallow minded as the mother?
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
This is probably a situation where the husband left to avoid being taken to the cleaners, but the mom went to court and he was taken to the cleaners anyway. It's weird that you have to have a license for everything in the world, but you don't have to have a license to be a parent.
I think that parenting classes should be made mandatory in the United States, so when parents do stupid things, they wont be able to say that they did not know.
@surveyclub (128)
• United States
2 Jun 07
I agree with you and I think that parenting classes should be made mandatory as part of the prenatal care for newborn babies. That was a great idea. Why didn't I think of that I'm usually on top of things but that idea got pass me.
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@tamikotan (483)
• Philippines
2 Jun 07
Sheeesh!!! What does that mother want to do with her daughter? Turn her into a laughing stock? That is so shallow! People like that should not have that much money. Maybe stupidity should be put to law. Let's just hope that their relatives are a bit gifted on the brain.
@brattaxi (72)
• United States
12 Jun 07
It was wrong on so many levels.
It wasn't just a spray tan, she paid for a UV tan with a spray tan.
Most states have laws that prohibit children under 14 from using tanning beds but California hasn't passed that bill yet.
They went in just to get a spray tan and the manager sold the mom on a uv tan and spray tan and about $500 worth of lotions and other stuff that wasn't needed.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
12 Jun 07
I was not aware that it was illegal in most states, but I definately agree that it should be. I do not believe that anything that is not needed should be done to a child physically.
I don't know that much about that kind of thing, but I am quite sure that it could have been harmful to her in some kind of way. We all had some not so perfect school pictures. It is all a part of growing and changing for the better.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
It is definitely promoting self hatred, if nothing else. Well, I can say in the mother's defense, that maybe she tried to get the school to postpone the pictures for later in the summer so her little darling could tan naturally. Maybe the $1300 was a last resort.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
This is sad that a child would make her child feel that she was somehow not good enough , that she didn't look good enough to get pictures done unless you dished out this kind of money . She is trying to teach her child that what one looks like and what money can buy is more important then who one is and what they are like .
How sad to think that a mother would do this to her own child especially when the child herself did not want it done . That was a huge waste of money and no matter how you look at it , must have made the child feel that somehow she was inadequate and not good enough for her mother to have to spend this kind of money on her just to get her school pictures done . This could have serious side effects on a child's self esteem for the future .
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
It seems that the mother is mom interesting in what other people say about her daughter, then how her daughter really feels. There are times when we have to encourage children to do what is best for them, this is not one of those times.
I believe that child welfare should investigate. I mean what else has she subjected this child to, in order to make her self look good. We know that she will be passing those pictures around to all her shallow friends. I wonder if the mother's mom was the same way with her?
@urbangirl (1456)
• Australia
2 Jun 07
Umm....$1300 for a spray tan? For that price are you sure it wasn't a spray tan administered BY Lindsey Lohan?
It would be cheaper to actually go on a vacation and get a tan that way...not to mention the added benefit of being away from that mother.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
Oh, you are so perfectly right about the vacation. I was thinking earlier, that there hast to be a place far enough away from her mother, where she can get a natural tan, but then the sun wouldn't be good for her skin. But I like the being away from the mother idea.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
2 Jun 07
Its sad to hear about a mother who only cares about appearances. This child doesn't deserve to be treated this way. Let the child grow up naturally. If when the child becomes an adult she doesn't like something about her looks then she can do something about it. A parent shouldn't encourage their child to do things like this. If the child was to pale in last years photo then it must mean she isn't spending enough time outside to get a natural tan. Instead of wasting money having a tan sprayed onto the child she should spend the money to have fun items put in to their yard for the child to have something to do outside.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
You are probably right. But you know, little darlings like this have to be very disciplined and they can not go outside and play. Are you kidding me??? They might skin their knees or scar their precious little faces, like those other normal well rounded children.
@wachit14 (3595)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I saw that show too and was just astounded. Besides the fact that it was $1,300, what child that age needs a tan for Catholic School photos? It just goes to show you how warped our society is sometimes and to hold Lindsey Lohan up as a role model is even more frightening.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
This is the same thing that I was thinking earlier, but I did not want to say anything, because a lot of people are in to her right now, but there are so many contradictions in the way that this child is being raised, when she grows up, she wont know what she should be.
Why send her to a Catholic school, when you are raising her to be shallow and self-centered. Send the kid to Malibu prep or something like that. I would think that the Catholic church would frown on such over indulgence.
Then, to say you want her to look like Lindsey Lohan, well, should she act like her also. What about the drinking and driving, is that okay also.
@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Poor baby. But we are all a product of our parents likes and dislikes. Our mom thought it was cute to dress us all alike. My older sister and my twin sister and I. We wore matching outfits on picture day, boy did we get teased. Mom also would putcher out hair and cut it so short and uneven. I believe she did it out of spite. She knew we did not like it and would get teased for it. We had the ugligest school pictures growing up I do not even have any of them.
I do not agree with a mother who makes her kid get a spray on tan, I feel it is a waste of good money.
@explorations (1712)
• United States
1 Jun 07
It is sad how so many mother's push these superficial tendencies on to their daughters like this. It's no wonder there are so many run-away's, girls with eating disorders and things like that. These poor girls can't handle the pressure!
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
That is true, if she is raised to feel like she hast to go through all of this insanity to be loved, her self-esteem will be very low. To be honest, I had always thought that these depictions in movies were over blown, but apparently there are really parents out there that are willing to push their kids to be this way.
@FenwaySox (321)
• United States
1 Jun 07
That's nutz! Who the Heck has 1300.00 to blow on a tan that will flake off in about 2 days!!! How ridiculous...just to look like Lindsey Lohan? Dont get me wron, Im totally into my kid looking good and all, but Im talking about combing his hair, making sure he's bathed, and that he's not wearing any trashy looking clothes. This girl was in High School I presume? Shallow is the operative word here.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
2 Jun 07
You can presume, but you will be wrong. The kid barely looked 10 years old and what's more, she goes to a Catholic school. I bet her mother will put make-up on her too. This is starting to remind me of the JonBen'et Ramsey saga.
I never did quite get over that whole thing. It was just so eerie how someone supposedly broke into a millionaires house, just to assualt their child. Most people would'nt even take that chance of trying to get in the house for any reason.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Jun 07
i think this is horrible, it does make me think we should limit what sort of people should have children. What sort of message is it giving to the child?
blessed be
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
2 Jun 07
See, I would love to see Social Services step in. If the child didn't want to do it, then it was abuse in my opinion. What a sick mother. So she is more interested in the child's outward appearance than the values she teaches? Pathetic. Just pathetic. Just what I want, to teach my daugheter to emmulate the likes of Lindsey Lohan!!!?!??!
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
2 Jun 07
i know that it is incredible rozie, but there are freaks everywhere. As you said, i hope that the girl doesn't end up being as disturbed as her mom.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
2 Jun 07
First of all, where the heck did she take her?? Even celebrities don't pay that much to have it done.
We can only hope this poor child will stumble across a possitive influence in her life to make her aware of her mother's shallowness. That is crazy!
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@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
2 Jun 07
I agree. This is ridiculous and sets a terrible example. What message does this send to the child? Not only does it send the message that money has no value, but it telling her that she is not good enough without these changes. I would certainly agree with your thoughts.