They weren't wearing clothes!!! What do you think?
By crazynurse
@crazynurse (7482)
United States
June 3, 2007 3:44pm CST
I just returned from Wal Mart and I was again amazed at the number of people who bring their babies and toddlers into the store wearing nothing but a diaper or underpants. It really bothers me when I see a child with no clothes on in public. It seems that the parents do not have enough pride in themselves or the child to dress the child! In the case of a toddler, I feel that the parents are not doing enough to teach self=pride and self-respect. There is also a hygiene issue. What are your thoughts on this behavior?
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57 responses
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I have seen it all...babies in just diapers, babies with no coat, no socks and no shoes in freezing temps. How lazy can one be? Even if it is 90 degrees, little shorts (or even a ruffled bottom, and a tank wouldn't hurt. If someone is low on cash, go to the Salvation Army and get a few items. They should show some pride in their children. They don't stay babies for long and parents should enjoy dressing them up a bit. Besides, by the time they are 5 they want to dress themselves, why not show them how from the start.
Another thing that drives me crazy is seeing these babies exposed to direct sunlight for hours. Dangerous.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
3 Jun 07
I can't imagine taking a toddler out in underwear. Weird. I did see people doing things like that in Kentucky when I was growing up though.
Where I live now, everyone dresses their babies up a lot. I don't really do that. He often goes out in sleepers and things, just because it's easier and I don't feel he has to dress to impress. But I would never take him out in just a diaper!
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Lecanis, you win the prize! You have figured out where I live! Sounds like things haven't changed a bit here in Kentucky since you left!
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@jiffys_frog_woman (4050)
• United States
4 Jun 07
crazynurse what part of ky do you live in my family and i live in ashland i have not seen that much at our walmart
@34momma (13882)
• United States
4 Jun 07
oh i don't have a problem with seeing little babies and toddlers with nothing on but a pamper. i think it is sweet. i wish i would run around with just a pamper in those hot sweaty months of the summer. it is inoccent and anyone who things other wise. really needs to get some help. for me it has nothing to do with not being proud. i think you are teaching your child (if you want to go there) that their bodies are beautiful. that they don't have to be ashamed of their bodies. how many of use grow up saying stupid nick names for our body parts, because our parents where to ashamed to say the right name. pride comes from loving who you are, all of you. naked or not naked
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
3 Jun 07
Thank goodness people dont do that around here. I think that is just sad. Children learn from eary on how to dress and present themselves. What are these parents teaching them? They are teaching them that their bodies are not worth spending time on.
@targetgirl (44)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I don't understand why parents do this either. I can see not putting shoes on a child that isn't able to walk yet, providing its hot outside, but no clothes is just wrong.
It can't be that hard to slip on a pair of elastic waist shorts and a tank top on a baby. Seriously, it has to be harder to put on a diaper than the short/tank outfit.
It can't be comfortable for the baby to have its bare skin against the plastic of its car seat or the seat of the cart. Poor kids.
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@lifeoriley (262)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I too can not stand to see this!!! I don't understand why they don't take the time to dress the child. Don't they realize all the germs out there. Then when l see children walking around with filthy dirty feet that makes me crazy. I guess these people don't realize they are putting there children in harms way.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
When my son was a baby I would let him go around the house in just a diaper but if we had to go out he was always dressed. right down to shoes and socks until he started talking them off on his own, then it was just easier sometimes to put them in the diaper bag then fight with him to keep them on or worse yet loss one but we always started with them on. I remember one day he kicked a shoe off into a freezer I had open at the grocery store and the store had to hire someone to get it out. I was so embarrassed when they called me to say they had his shoe back. I have once and only once taken him into a Walmart with no clothing on except his diaper and that was when he got car sick on the way from home to the airport to take my mother-in-law to her flight. Of course it was the time I didn't take extra clothes and I didn't want him sitting around in soiled clothes or with nothing on for hours. We lived an hour from the city and we wanted to have lunch in the city before going to the airport so he needed something to where.
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I never take my children out in only a diaper. I am not sure why it bothers me so much (when the weather is appropriate of course) but it does. Maybe it is because I think of babies as little people. I would never ask a 4 year old to go to walmart in nothing but her underpants! I would never go anywhere in just my undies either, so why would I take my baby out in nothing but a diaper? I am pretty bad about not making them wear shoes when they are really little though. It seems like those little suckers slip off at the most inconvenient time. I can't tell you how many times my husband has had to run back through the store desperately searching for a tiny pink shoe. lol
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I've also notice that. My parents never did a thing like that.
A couple of weeks ago when it was still pretty cool here in New Jersey, I saw a mother with a baby. The baby had clothes on, but no socks or shoes on her feet.
I had my jacket on. I knew her feet had to be cold.
It makes you wonder what ever happened to plain ole common sense.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
5 Jun 07
I agree with you. What's wrong with a cute little pair of shorts and a singelet? It can get a bit chilly in some sections too so they put their children at risk. It's as I always say, there seem to be no standards or values these days.
There are also some real sickos around and who knows what the sight of a near naked child does to them. It seems to me that these kind of people don't care about very much.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
4 Jun 07
It does not take much effort to throw on shorts and shirt on a baby. No matter the heat they should be dressed appropriately.
It is funny you mentioned, Wal-mart. We were there last week and saw 2 little girls, twins, cute as buttons and they were running around licking everybody and everything. They were opening the coolers, removing bottles, licking them and then putting them back.
Neither parent really made an effort to stop them. What will the next generation of kids be like?
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Sure you didn't visit the WalMart in my town? That is nothing unusual for this town.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I know what you mean. I haven't seen too many like that this year, but in the winter I always see some like that. They'll have kids with no shoes on and its snowing out. Or I've seen where just because its been warm, they'll have their kids in shorts and tshirts even though that day its only about 60 out and I have my kids in pants with light coats on. I think walmart should turn these people away for not dressing their kids.
@RenaeT (681)
• United States
3 Jun 07
I agree completely!!! And, it's funny that you posted this today. My husband and I went to Lowes after church and there was a grown woman with her husband in the lumber area wearing her FLANNEL PAJAMAS!! They were Dr. Pepper flannels. They were the color of reddish rusty color that Dr. Pepper has in it's logo with the Dr. Pepper logo all over them. I could not believe it. Don't people have a little bit of self respect these days??
As for little ones, well, what always comes to mind for me is, there are certainly lots of predators out there and it just bothers me sometimes to see either a close to naked toddler or older to be running around.
I always get grossed out when I see them without shoes on and walking in the store. I think that is against the health department but nobody enforces it with kids, and they are the ones who get hurt!
It amazes me, how times seem to have changed since I was a parent of a little one. Have they changed or am I just more aware??
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
4 Jun 07
OMG, I could never go out in my flannel jammies! How hard would it have been to throw on a jogging suit or something. Nothing says you have to dress to the nines, but for goodness sakes some CLOTHES!!!
@dramaqn (1990)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Yes, I have issues with this also. Another thing, living in Ohio, that bothers me is that when it's cold, they won't have a hat or a blanket wrapped around the babies. Living in Ohio, we never know what the weather is, and just because an adult can stand the cold or cool breeze doesn't mean the baby can. Babies get sick too easily. Yes, I don't know what people are thinking not dressing their children when in public. I think it's terrible. And the fact that you brought up the fact about teaching self respect and self pride is a very good point. Because everyone knows children learn by what they see, hear, and are subject to. Just like some parents will laugh when their child (toddler) takes off their clothes in public. That is not cute nor is it funny. It's sad, some people just don't care. Another issue is (tell me have you seen this one) the parents will be dressed to the nines, all nice and neat. And then you look at the child and the child is dressed so sloppy, as if the child was found on the street somewhere. Sometimes I don't care how I dress (but I'm neat and clean no matter what), but I always make sure my kids are dressed properly and neatly. I want them to make sure they know how to leave the house looking appropriately.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
This is refreshing for me because in my travels I have not yet seen a baby not dressed in a store. My opinion on the matter is I have to agree all the way I see it as the parents have no pride in themselves or their children. There certainly is a hygiene issue
When you think about it people put their children in the shopping carts all the time and kids are sometimes given a bottle to suck on or a snack to keep them quiet. Then there are times the kids aren't feeling well but oh well lets go shopping anyway and kids vomit or pee and poop in these carts, then along comes the next person to handle the cart. OMG I think I'm done babbling.
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I find it tacky too, it's a pet peeve of mine! I will even go a step further and say I don't really like when the neighbor kids run around with no shoes or socks on outside, yes i know alot of people do this, but there can be sharp things on the sidewalk and grass that i wouldnt want my kids to step on! Although I have never seen a kid in underwear only, I have seen many in diapers only. I dont see what's so hard about throwing some clothes on the child before you go out?! I just find it kind of gross, sorry if this offended anyone!
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@celestemichelle (429)
• United States
4 Jun 07
It doesn't really bother me to see babies and toddlers just in a diaper, unless it's cold out, or in the store. And I don't see how it's damaging the child's self-pride or self-respect. At that age they don't have any sense of self-consciousness that tells them that it's not okay to be half-dressed in public.
My mom hates it though, and told me that once she had to take my brother into a store in just a diaper because he had gotten car-sick on the way to our grandmother's (a 40 minute drive) and she had forgotten to pack extra clothes. So sometimes it's just a stressed mom, without much choice.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Oh, that's just sad! I wish people put more effot into taking care of their kids, especially when going out where others can see them.
I'd be so embarrassed to carry my kid out in public dressed like that. Or, with just a diaper on.
But, you know, some little kids, especially toddlers and two year olds, know how to take off their own clothes.
So, I'm assuming that maybe they had their stuff on in the car, and just took it off by themselves once they got into the store. And, the mom was way too tired to get on their case about it.
Who knows?
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@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I'm a little divided on the subject to be honest. If you're going inside a store then yeah dress the kids. If you're just cruising around town, and walking the street then it should depend on the weather. Now if the kid is old enough to walk, the kid is old enough to wear clothes full time. If the kid's still in a stroller, just make sure he's clothing appropriate for the climate.
I run around half nekkid in stores all the time. Not major store like walmart but still. If my grown hairyness can do it, so can a child.
Anyplace that requires shoes and a shirt though, is a place where A kis needs a wardrobe.
so in short, it depends on the climate, temperature, and location of your childrens personage. i.e. are they in a store or something.
also, it irritates me greatly when people bring their kids out in nothing but a diaper in weather were I'M bundled up. I can walk around butt naked for an hour or so in thirty degree weather. if i'm cold, that kid must be freaking freezing.
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@somebodybig (941)
4 Jun 07
The weather could be hot at that time.Some kids don't like wearing cloths when the weather is hot