@ESKARENA1 (18261)
June 4, 2007 5:23am CST
I HAVE JUST SEEN SOMETHING THAT MADE ME SMILE. I SAW AN ADVERT ON MYLOT advertising a psychic who would do a reading bu e.mail for 35 dollars. Now I know a fool and his money are easily parted but still.... Now, im a psychic and ive always seen the passing of money as a polution of my gift and would never charge for it. How about you, can you justify charging for giving a reading?
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15 responses
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 07
You can start making money Eskarena. I think this is a good business as not everyone is gifted with that kind of skill. Some people do not mind parting with their money if the reading makes them happy. It is a service rendered and like doctors charging consultancy fees without even giving medications. Think about it.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Jun 07
I have thought about it long and hard, but do worry about charging for something i dont yet fully understand, something i was given for free and something i feel duty bound to use for the benefit of everyone who needs it
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 07
Be like the new doctors who are doing the housemanship in the G'ment hospital once they have completed their housemanship they venture into private practice and start charging patients. Small fees is ok. There is no such thing as free anymore in this world.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Jun 07
thankyou for your valuable advice, maybe i believe in a better world, not one driven only by the amount one can aford to pay
blessed be
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
4 Jun 07
I wouldn't appreciate anyone charging such exorbitant amount for a reading. Being a psychic yourself, can you please do some reading regarding me . Pl,.send me a personal message . Thanks in anticipation .
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Jun 07
your message has been sent, what you make of it is up to you
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@Bizziebod (3497)
4 Jul 07
Hi Eskarena, I know quite a few psychics who refuse the exchange of money for their 'gift' and believe this is quite common as it is a 'gift' afterall, but on the other hand, because I wouldn't class myself as a 'psychic' mainly because I haven't had chance to develop, then the ones that do offer services for money are quite handy as I wouldn't want a friend to read for me as I think I would be able to tell from their face if they saw something bad (I hope that makes sense) I think as long as the person is genuine and not charging an arm and a leg for the privelage I can't really see a problem with it if they are helping others.. Blessed Be
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
5 Jul 07
well, yes i thankyou for your input. As usual you make a lot of sense
blessed be
@AnoChaudhary (1719)
• India
7 Jul 07
WOW i read just one of your discussions and replied to it and now i get to see this! i hope you can read something for me and send me a personal message if you dont mind! i dont have any specific question but i would just like to know something in general. Thank you and bless you :)
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
7 Jul 07
i will certainly have a go
let me tune in and ill see what comes
blessed be
@skewedsolipsism (176)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Well, I know that's a feeling people have in many professions (especially in the Reiki community). I look at it this way: Is your work as a psychic your primary job? If not, then it's your perogative not to charge. If it is, however, you should not feel negative about charging for your services. It's a gift you have to share, but as long as you are legitimate, you should not feel bad about charging for it.
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@jowalker (52)
• United States
5 Jun 07
the one thing wrong with charging is that it opens the door for the negative influences. Money is a deterrent. Many people look for ways to make it. But when you bring it into play where a gift is given for purpose, then it becomes nothing more than a tool for income and misuse. Money and the want for it is tool that is used to destroy that which is good. Continue in your use as a free agent so to speak, and share your talent with those who need it. Taking that which is not meant to be taken for a free gift dirties up the process and will taint your emotions and your readings. Staying true to the gift, (it was given and it is meant to be shared) will strengthen your powers of perception and will open doors for many good things to come your way. Blessed Be...
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
5 Jun 07
wow jowalker i thought i was the only one who felt like this, i would really like to add you to my friends list, i think we have a lot in common
blessed be indeed
@maghella (270)
• Italy
2 Jul 07
I'm very intrigued by you... I like the way you think and I did have a friend who had a gift (now she's gone to Spain and I hardly hear from her). I'm an Aquarian, so I think it's in my nature to be attracted to paranormal.
Would you mind if I add you to my friends'list?
I'll send you a request.
Blessed be
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
3 Jul 07
well, thank you I prefer positive thinking, I cant really see the point in any other
blessed be

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Jun 07
Well I do not do reading but I would most certainly never hand money over the Internet for a reading
I know I am blond but I am not that blond
I have never had a reading done I have to admit I am to scared to have one done lol
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
7 Jun 07
hahaha good for you my friend, im only blonde on the inside
blessed be
@syncreation (243)
• Philippines
8 Jun 07
Well, I do charge a fee..or sometimes they give me something in kind..(treat to a famous restaurant, some jewelry, etc)..but they always give something nice in exchange in lieu of money (a rare book, a favor). I explain that being psychic does not stop there..I go on study. Ive been to places in SEA to hone this gift, temples in Bangkok and Hongkong, healing and Tarot sessions with friends and give lectures on them with private people and the Academe...doing so entails money...A gypsy psychic needs to eat too...
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
9 Jun 07
i think this is the crucial difference, I also have a day job, so im not relient on any money i can gain from selling my gift,
blessed be
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I have always thought that any psychic powers were a gift from God and not to be used for monetary gain or the power would fade.
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@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I wouldn't pay for a reading but seeing you are a physic and do it for free would you do mine for me? LOL (for real)
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Jul 07
oh of course i would, anytime. Just message me and ill do my best
blessed be
@JessyBlue (536)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Well, I've never given a reading, I don't think my abilities are at that level yet, and may never be....BUT if I were to ever read anyone I wouldn't charge them because its not something that was meant to be used in order to make money.
I think its wonderful that you don't charge for your readings. Some people with as much ability as you, get a little tempted by the thought of what they could do with some extra money.
For all the good that you do, I'm sure karma will definitely reward you....and then maybe others will think twice about the ways they use their own ability.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
6 Jun 07
ohhhh thank you for your kind words of support. I do think one of my jobs is to show others the great good we can do with our gifts, part of this is recognising that it is nothing we are doing but is rather inspired from other places
blessed be
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@TinaCL (429)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Hmm...I haven't gone through this whole thread yet, but I did want to comment.
I think there are two sides of the coin. On the one hand, there are a lot of scam artist psychics out there who will take advantage of weak people. In my thread, people were commenting about how everyone has latent psychic abilities and that they don't need to pay money to see a psychic.
On the other hand, if you indeed have a gift, and you are generously giving of your time and energy, you could justify charging for your service. Think of it this way--almost everyone can become good at violin if they apply themselves and develop their skills. My music teacher says that his goal is for me to be able to teach myself. Theoretically I don't NEED to pay for a teacher every week, but I do benefit greatly from having my lessons--and it's well worth the money just to get the feedback.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
5 Jun 07
i do think it is down to the morality of the individual involved. It seems unethical to me to charge for my gift
@murciaman (441)
14 Jun 07
seems like a great idea to me .. as you say a fool and his money are soon parted... dont you just love human ingenuity???...hang on ..im having a vision....seems the psychic got hit by a truck.....he just didnt see it coming..
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
4 Jun 07
I, too, have thought in the past that accepting money for services that one can offer by virtue of one's gifts is somehow belittling those gifts. However, of late I have begun to think differently. God has given us talents and we are exhorted to use them, invest them and return them to Him multiplied.
I consider myself 'good at' a number of things and the only reason that I am is because I have an aptitude (a talent) for them. When seeking to earn one's living it makes good sense to do a job that you enjoy and are good at (if there is a choice). That, surely, is investing one's talents and if an employer is willing to pay me for the benefit of those talents, I see nothing at all wrong with that.
I think that the idea that it is somehow wrong to use one's talents for personal gain is only true where greed is involved and where one seeks to amass riches for their own sake by using one's talents. If one makes an honest (and, perhaps, good) living out of doing what one is specially gifted to do but, in doing so, always honours the One who gave you those gifts, then there is surely nothing wrong.
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