By glgcpa
@glgcpa (143)
United States
June 4, 2007 9:44am CST
I took my dog, Terrier Mix, in to be groomed last weekend, at PetsMart. I asked them to shave him, trim up his face, cut his nails, brush his teeth and give him a shampoo.
When I dropped him off they said it would be two hours, so I went shopping, and came back in about 2 hours. They were not very friendly when I returned, and just said that they were really busy and it was going to take a couple more hours and they would call me when he was done.
So I left and went to dinner and they finally called and when they did they said that the dog was very aggressive so they weren't able to trim his face hair at all, as they had to have a muzzle on him all the time, and they weren't able to brush his teeth either, but they did the rest. I said fine and went to pick him up.
They had me pay for everything, even what they told me they couldn't do, then they proceeded to give me a lecture stating that I needed to get my dog enrolled in an obedience class because I must be doing something to make him so aggressive and that they couldn't even get him out of the cage that they keep him in.
So they had me walk back to get him out of the cage, he immediately sees me and starts wagging his tail and they unlock the door and he jumps into my arms and licks my face, etc. We leave.
I get to the car and I notice that they cut his ear. I am sure that is what caused a lot of the problem. He is really a nice dog and obeys me really well and he loves people, so I'm sure he was aggressive because they hurt him and he was afraid they were going to do it again.
So anyway, I'm really disappointed and needless to say will not return. I'm thinking of purchasing a dog grooming kit and doing it myself. Any suggestions?
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14 responses
@fly_shay (333)
• Philippines
4 Jun 07
huh?cut his ear??oh, that hurts a lot..i can't bear to see my pet dog being hurt..if i were in your place i'd go to that place again and confront them because they did something bad to my dog.they have no right to do that. in the first place,they have that shop in order for them to take care of the animals there.Once dogs are hurt, there'll be a tendency that they will become restless to other people.they should know that because it's their job...i'm so affected because like you, i also have a pet dog which i care so much...goodluck
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Your first mistake was paying for the services that they didn't do! I would have asked to speak to a manager and I would have refused to pay for the things that weren't done. I would be sending Petsmart a picture of the cut on your dogs ear. This is not acceptable! If they cut your dog, they should have apologized and told you this happened. I would be complaining up a storm if I were you!
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@glgcpa (143)
• United States
4 Jun 07
You are right. I should have spoke up right there, but I just wanted to get out of there. They were lecturing me in front of all their other customers, etc. I thought they would reduce the price automatically since they informed me of what they "weren't able to do", but they didn't. I didn't even look at the bill until I got home.
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@kareng (71316)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I agree with sunshine. Go ahead and call the store, speak to the manager and raise cain! They had no right speaking to you in that manner. Tell them that they have lost your business and all your friends and family's business. Also, be sure to tell them that you have posted your experience on all the pet related boards and groups on the internet because you want to save other owners the expense and experience of being mistreated and charged for services NOT rendered and also for abusing and mistreating your dog.
Tell them you are considering contacting an attorney. Scare them.
Once you get all this out, they will be sending you a check. You deserve to have your money back.
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
4 Jun 07
You still have time to do something about this. I would call the store and ask to speak with the manager. Tell him what happened and tell him that it was embarrassing to you even though they were the ones who cut your dogs ear.
I hate to say this, but this might effect the way your dog reacts from now on when he gets groomed. I know that once my dog had her nails cut and one went too far~ not whenever she sees the clippers, she freaks!
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@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
4 Jun 07
That's why I don't take my dog to the big stores like Petsmart and Petco for grooming. I take her to a local grooming place. They have a limit as to how many they will take each day. A few dedicated groomers and I always get the same groomer for my dog. She knows my dog by name and is so gentle with her. My dog is afraid of everything and anything and it's the only place she will go without any protest! Everyone there is always so friendly, nice and accommodating. I never have problems getting her an appointment and it never takes longer than 3 hours for her session. And she's always so happy when she leaves the groomers cos' she's so nice and clean. And it's the same price as what they charge at Petsmart! You can try doing it yourself first and if that doesn't work, I would suggest taking her to another place. I have friends who do their own grooming. Some with success, some no. Since your dog is smaller, you might have more success. Mine is HUGE and is hard for me to get her to stay still for anything! So, I prefer to take her to the groomers.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I have groomed many different animals and have found that it is hard work.The clippers are hard to use if you don't know what you are doing.
I would suggest that you call an obedience school or your local agricultural extension office,talk to the trainer or whoever answers and ask if they knows of a good groomer.Explain that your dog isn't a show dog but you just want the dog to look nice.They may know someone that does it out of their home.I've found that the people that do it out of their home most often do it because they love the animals and have learned that they enjoy it and are good at it.They are not a big business so they care about your dog vs caring about getting 50 dogs done before Tuesday!
Many times the local aspca will know of someone.
You need to find someone that is willing to work with your dog to get him over the knicked ear.He will most likely be afraid when he hears the clippers again.
Good Luck
@glgcpa (143)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Thank you so much for your advice and suggestions. I think I will ask an obedience school and my agriculture extension for dog groomer recommendations and see what I can find.
I agree that it must be extremely hard to groom a dog, which is why I'm hesitant to try it.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I would NOT have paid for the services that they did not perform. Did they make you pay first and then not return your money or something? I would call the manager today and ask for an explanation as to how you can be charged for a service that was not performed. I would also make sure the manager new about the cut ear, and their rude behavior when you tried to pick him up on time.
I have always hated leaving my girls (terrier mix and sheltie mix) at groomers because I feel like they can do anything and my girls would never be able to tell me. I finally resorted to having mine groomed at the vet office. It is a little bit more but not much and I find that they are much better with animals there.
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@glgcpa (143)
• United States
4 Jun 07
They would not let me see my dog before I paid, so I had to pay first. However, they did tell me that certain services were not done, so I expected them to adjust the bill accordingly. I didn't realize they did not do that until after I was home and I reviewed the bill.
They never mentioned the cut ear to me.
I called the vet to ask for a recommendation for grooming, as they do not do that service, and they recommended Petsmart. I will be telling them about my visit.
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@iiartisanii (254)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I used to work in a grooming shop. . not Petco/Smart, but just a little grooming shop. I wasn't a head groomer, but I did baths and helped hold down some of our more difficult clients.
A lot of owners don't understand that their dogs aren't angels when they leave them at the groomer. Dogs that aren't used to being up on a table with clippers and nail trimmers going, will quickly turn from a sweet dog to a very aggressive, nervous dog.
Groomers these days just plain don't have TIME to sit there for several hours calming the dog down and waiting til it falls asleep to be able to trim it. They just need to get it done!
And of course when the owner comes back, the dog is happy to see them! But that is definetly NOT the same dog that was up on the table biting us! lol.
If you want to see the same reaction in your dog, go ahead and stick it up on a table and try to clip the nails yourself or do some detail work with the haircut. If the dog isn't accustomed to being groomed regularly, all this stuff is going to be just plain scary.
Dogs that are good on the table are a godsend to groomers, but unfortunately are few and far between. It helps if the owner does some work at home, to get the dog used to being in such a situation. Most people don't however, so the dog is just kind of thrown to the wolves so to speak. . and a dog that is scared will become aggressive!
I'm sure the Petsmart people didn't MAKE your dog aggressive by cutting his/her ear. Its more likely that the dog was struggling while someone was trying to do some delicate work. It happens.
If you want to start grooming your dog yourself, I highly recommend it. Most dog grooming techniques are totally basic and can save you MAJOR money in the long run. If you go to this website they have lots of grooming tools at wholesale cost:
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@glgcpa (143)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Oh I'm sure that he was scared and was hurt and the two combined caused him to be aggressive. I didn't want to try and groom him myself because I was afraid he'd move too much and I might nick him. I just assumed that trained groomers would be use to this and know some tricks or something. Anyway, I greatly appreciate your comments and the link that you provided.
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@iiartisanii (254)
• United States
4 Jun 07
If the dog moves too much, he's probably going to be nicked. There are no tricks to prevent that other than training your dog to accept being groomed.
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@sinatrachairman (1)
• United States
10 Feb 10
I have a mini schnauzer and I do his grooming myself. The first couple of times I nicked him and I even accidentely cut his ear once (not as bad as yours, but he still gave me the look). When that happened, I didn't panic, I stopped the grooming right then and there (he looked a little funny, but he needed to calm down) and started up again in a few hours. By not forcing him to keep going after my bonehead move, he was a little better each time and now he sits very well for me, which makes me more confident, and he has been nick free for 8 months now!!!
Also, when I first got him I got the best advice ever from my vet...each and every night when you are watching tv/petting your dog, pet him and massage him EVERYWHERE. Between him toes, all around his ears, even in the 'ahem' undercarriage area. It seems silly, but by you making your dog comfortable with being touched in all the places he/she may be examined it really makes for far more pleasant vet/grooming visits.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I had that problem too with my cat, Goldie. I took her to a PetSmart Groomer in Upland, CA and they said it would take two hours, but they did not get finished with her until it was almost time for the store to close. I almost lost it. This was only a shampoo and brush, nothing more. The people there tended to be very snooty and not very friendly. When I get her, Goldie wants me to hold her so badly, so I do. I would like to go to a groomer that is really good also, but I am still searching for one. Yes, PetSmart is not always the best place to go for Grooming.
@kareng (71316)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Oh man. I'd be on the phone and calling them to tell them I didn't appreciate them cutting my dogs ear. I'd also say that you didn't appreciate paying full price when they didn't give all services. It shows they aren't very experienced in handling dogs. You have a small terrier, who is friendly and not an agreesive dog. From what they told you, this doesn't sound to me like they or whoever was handling the dog had the experience necessary.
I would buy a grooming kit and do it myself. You can't do a worse job than what you got from them. Geez. Not only would I call the store manager, I would send a hand written letter to the Corporate office and telling them of your concern and displeasure as to how you and your terrior was treated. I would also ask for a full refund since they cut his ear and didn't disclose this to you.
Good luck! And hug your doggie for me!
@dragontester (570)
• Switzerland
4 Jun 07
Oh, poor doggy. Please make sure that you don't go there again. Although it might take a bit more effort and time, do it yourself from now on, or at least, stay around when you get it done by others.
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
5 Jun 07
They have groom kits at the stores you can use and books on how to do it. You can also get the how tos online. The problem may be now that he will be afraid of getting groomed which you can blame him since they hurt him. I agree with all the others you need to report this. You will need to take out the grooming kit and turn on the buzzer a few times in front of him to show him it won't hurt him. He will probably run away the first few times but be gentle and talk to him and get him to come back to you when it is in your hand. It is like going to the dentist for us. If it hurts once it takes a lot to get us back in that chair. Even if you decide not to groom him yourself you will want to make it so he is not afraid of the buzzing of the shears. Maybe use an electric razor around him and such. Bless his little heart what an awful experience for him to go through. Best of luck!
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
I would be on the phone to the manager of the grooming parlor at Petsmart and complaining like hell!
There is NO way I would have paid for what they said they couldn't do, and I'd also want compensation for the fact that they injured the dog.
I absolutely cannot believe that they made you pay for the things they said they couldn't do. Thats really shocking.
In terms of you grooming your dog yourself, if you're a little wary about doing it, have a look in your phone book.
There are loads of mobile groomers that will come to your home and groom the dog in your home, and they charge very reasonable prices too.
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@kareng (71316)
• United States
4 Jun 07
I would call the manager of grooming, the store manager and corportate office. Raise cane! Corporate will be calling the store to check on the situation . You want them to be aware of the problem. They should offer your money back at that level but if they don't, you have corporate to try and squeeze it out. After they know of all the bad mouthing you will do, they should want to make things right or at least try to. It won't take the pain away from your dog's ear but then again you shouldn't have had to pay for that either. I think this is all crummy business. Be sure to tell them that they didn't tell you they cut the dogs ear.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I would not have paid for the services that they did not provide that is for sure. I have not had the greatest experience with Petsmart myself. I would consider taking him to a smaller more friendly establishment that will take the time and effort to make your pet comfortable during his grooming. I visited a Petsmart veterinarian (Banfield) and they were very overpriced, charged me twice what a different vet charged me, wanted over $700 to diagnose my dog for diabetes and then wanted to keep him for a week, at over a $100 a day. I asked if they could work a payment plan out, I could pay half at the time of the visit and the half in a cuople of weeks, my dog was very sick and they told me no. I found another vet and by this time my dog was in kidney failure because Banfield would not take him because we couldnt pay the entire amount up front. I took him to the other vet at a smaller facility and they were absolutely fantastic. They do grooming, boarding, and all services necessary. I was so happy with that, not to mention under the circumstances, they helped me make a payment plan and he is doing fabulous. I would never recommend Petsmart to anyone other than shopping for supplies. They are ridiculously priced and are not the most caring people towards your pet. I am truly sorry your little guy went through that!
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
4 Jun 07
I took my dog to pet smart and now every time we drive by there my dog panics and jumps from the back seat to the front seat and then under my feet. Thank God I am in the passenger seat and not the driver seat. My dog cowers there until she knows we are driving away from the store. How nuts is that? Cut my dogs ear and still charge me, oh I would of been back there. My other dog has long white hair she is a Lhasa Appso. I took her to get a trim and when I went to picked her they put a cute little white poodle up on the counter and looked at me like they wanted to comment or do something I didn't know what. So I said ah what a cute little dog. I stetched my neck looking past them looking my my cute little dog. I can't see my dog I said where is she. The lady looked puzzeled and said right here. What no that isn't my dog it can't be. Yes they assured me it was. I looked at the little white poodle shaking in the girls arms, looking at me with earnest and I reached out and sure enough this was my cute little Missy. I knew for sure when she climbed up my chest layed as flat as she could on me hiding her head into my neck underneath my hair like she always does when she is upset. I went out and bought some shears and have cut Missy's hair for the past 12 years. LOL not always a great hair cut but my poor Missy hid under the bed for hours when we got home and can you believe this.. my daughter had a full length mirror down to the floor. We got Missy to come out and over to the mirror. She let out a little help and a wimper and ran back under the bed. I kid you not that actually happened. Poor thing didn't recognize herself either!
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@msvenzon (424)
• Philippines
5 Jun 07
Aww, that's really sad. And grrr... for those groomers. They shouldn't be given any license in grooming if they would just hurt our beloved pet. Of course, we know our pets very well. You are right, you can just go and buy a grooming kit. When we bought a shih tzu, we we're given a grooming cd to watch so we'll have an idea how to groom with the basics. We also asked a few friends who has the same dog where they bring their dogs for grooming. Or better yet, don't leave the pet and just watch while they groom just to be sure.