Did you belive in Bush?

June 5, 2007 10:34am CST
Did you belive in Bush's war against terrorists? The americans are spending a lot of money to pay the war Did you belive that this wars will stop with the terrorism?
2 responses
@murciaman (441)
6 Jun 07
We wouldnt have any terrorists if it wasnt for the imperialism that the US has demonstrated over the last 50 years . sure we would have the odd faction in some countries with a local grievance but not on the world scale we have now...The middle east is the source of all the world terrorist organisations.. this is purely becasue of the stance of the US with Israel and the fact that the bulk of the worlds oil rserves are there when oil reserrves in the US are running out..Kuwait was invaded when Iraq tried to take it....why? Only becasue of the oil anmd if there is anyone out there that seriously think the US got involved to FREE the priviledged Kuwaitis then they must be from Mars
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
6 Jun 07
That is garbage. How does supporting Israel breed terrorists? They breed themselves. So the US protecting Kuwait from Iraq for alleged oil reserves (which weren't taken by the US, but simply protected so we could still buy it from them) is worse than Iraq attacking Kuwait to TAKE their oil? Wow... Double standards...again.
6 Jun 07
im afraid you are missing the whole point just like all the other wishy washy liberals in this world...cant you comprehend how much the impoverished muslims of the middle east abhor the US and everything it stands for, US policy abroad is all about self preservation not altruism as bush and his cronies would have the world believe... the US problem is that they dont realise that all the world arent idiots like Bush the puppet whoose strings are pulled by the war hawks in the pentagon:::
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Unfortunately I dont like Bush and feel that he has wasted a lot of money for nothing. People say that if you dont support the war you are not supporting our troops. I support our troops not the war. They dont have a choice. While Hussain was a cruel dictator, he really had no part in the terror we have had. Now we are stuck there wasting money. This war will not stop the terrorism. For some reason many countries in the middle east especially dont like Bush and therefore do not like us. Even the allies of the US really dont like him. We are supposed to be the most powerful nation in the world but more and more we are on the opposite side of public opinion here and abroad. I didnt like Bush when he was our governor and I dont like him as President. I find it hard to think of something positive he has done for our country.