Wolfie Turns Chicken
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
June 5, 2007 2:43pm CST
Firstly I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for their support especially in my response to seeing my GP, following on from my 'Should I let sleeping dogs lie' well here's what happened, you may be disappointed in me or you may think I made the right choice, whatever, I feel much happier now, like a big weight of my shoulders
I DID NOT raise the issue of what my GP had on my records, I decided to let it drop, with the fact that I have a big interview on Friday, if I cause waves it could fook up my chances big time.
I have also rang discrimination and disability and they said that I have a good case against my doctor IF my employer asks for a doctors report and I lose the job through it.
I also asked her if she could prescribe me with a herbal alternative to anti-depressants which the herbal clinic recommended, it's under the doctors discretion. I knew her answer
NO! she gave me some excuse she asked if there was anything else I just asked her for a repeat prescription for an epipen, I'm allergic to wasp stings one sting is lethal to me.
I walked out and breathed a BIG SIGH of relief
I was very 'polite' 'assertive' and 'calm' with her so nothing detrimental can go on my records, you'd laugh at the expletives I was using at home before going to see her about her!
So I chickened out, I didn't confront her, I still have the aces up my sleeve so if she does cause problems in the future I'll play my trump card!
Thanks again my good friends and I'm throwing out hugs
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17 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
6 Jun 07
Well I don't think you were a chicken wolfie - rather I think you were very brave. It takes a stronger person to stay calm and "turn the other cheek" rather than ranting and raving. Any child of three can throw a tantrum - only mature people stay calm! So - well done - I am proud of you:-))
@yanjiaren (9031)
5 Jun 07
Don't worry, the soft route sometimes is the better way out. I don't like confrontations either but I will be more assertive now in my own way if I have to be. I can't always be a mug and I am standing up for myself or not mixing with people that I feel will take advantage of me. I spend more time on Mylot it is much safer than mixing with people that are cruel. At least on Mylot we may may one day meet but will be real friends who have understood each other over time. I met hubby on the net, nothing wrong with that is there lol?
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Awww it was not that you were a chicken, it was that you knew her response and you didn't want to be bothered with the lame excuses she was going to use cause she would realize she was caught doing something she was not supposed to do. When I worked in Legal for 20 years I used to do medical malpractice cases and I learned early on that doctors are just normal people that make mistakes too and most times when comforted they deny it cause they have this holy than now attitude. I am glad you are done with her and I look forward to the new and IMPROVED GP that you will be getting in the future.
@patootie (3592)
6 Jun 07
Wolfie my dear .. you didn't act 'chicken' at all .. in fact I reckon that you acted quite proactively and measured .. 'looking ahead' ..
You took the initiative .. you found out the information you needed to know before seeing the doc .. you've now created the opportunity to use evidence against the doc in advance .. that's pretty proactive in my book .. and you are right, you now hold all the trump cards .. well done to you !!
Since getting chucked out of work for being 'too' disabled 15 years ago I rapidly discovered that dealing with the various authorities is called 'Playing the Game' ..
For example .. a Benefits Agency staff member has years of training before they are let loose on reading and evaluating customers benefit request forms .. yet the forms are sent out to us with practically no guidance on which are the most important details to write in that give us a higher income ... and so it all becomes a 'game'
And I now 'play' that game to my fullest capacity .. I use an agency to fill my forms in for me .. not to try and get money I am not entitled to .. but merely to be sure I can get all the money I AM entitled to ..
Naively I filled in my forms myself the first time they were sent .. the next year I had the agency do it for me and promptly received £2,000 a year MORE and a 3 month back dated check for £500 .. being the money I hadn't already claimed .. I LOST £1,500 by thinking I knew enough to fill in my own forms .. grrr
So .. what you are doing now is nothing more than stepping up to the challenge of 'Playing the Game' .. and the best way of playing the game is to find as much info out before hand as possible .. and to find agencies (like Discrimination and Disability) to help you .. DIAL are fantastically helpful too ..
So my friend you can now sit back and 'enjoy' the game .. instead of being the hapless underdog and having to wait and wait for things to 'pan out' .. you are now in the driving seat and moving things forward ..
And YES .. I agree wholeheartedly .. once you get to this stage of 'Playing the Game' .. you feel like you are walking on air and that the weight of the world has dropped off your shoulders ..
CONGRATULATIONS !! .. You went past GO !! Hehehehehhhh
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
6 Jun 07
My dear departed aunt always used to tell me go with ignorance to these places (benefit) and say humbly and very sickly sweet 'could you help' the agencies used to feel sorry for my aunt and would bend over backwards for her. She said go in with aggressive tones and attitude and their backs go up and you won't get a single drop of assistance! Thank you my friend hopefully now by passing go I will lend on Mayfair and not Old Kent Road LOL!
@patootie (3592)
6 Jun 07
Your Aunt was quite right .. when I go in person to any 'official' department I am dumber than dumber .. and always ask for things to be fully explained to me .. however when it's postal dealings I always get the agency to do it for me .. it's FREE .. and just one more tick on their boxes .. that I needed 'help' to do the forms ..
Thank you for BR:o)
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
5 Jun 07
S ounds like your dealing with this exactly right. You have things under control. I wish you all the best. I certainly hope everything goes well and you have a better week. Take care my friend....
@mummymo (23706)
7 Jun 07
Well Honey I would never say you were chicken but I will say that I am VERY proud of you sweety! Wolfie did good! In fact Wolfie did exceedingly well! I am not sure if I could have been so calm or so resourceful but I am so pleased that you were! Good for you my darling and I will be thinking of you on Friday! BY THE WAY I am lying here catching all those hugs! Hope you treated yourself with a coffee and a hob nob or two! Love ya babes xxxxxx
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I'm so glad this worked out for you.
I had read about it but, believe it or not, was at a total loss for anything to say about it. However, I do feel that you made the right decision. Sometimes some things are better off unconfronted. Keep those aces tight and watch who you tell your personal business to, you never know who will be the one to put a knife in your back for no apparent reason.
@Naomi17 (624)
7 Jun 07
I usually go in at full throttle perhaps i should use your methods as they seem to work WELL DONE YOU!!
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
6 Jun 07
Hello wolfie. I'm glad you are still in your best element and was able to take control of your own faculty. I don't think I was able to respond to your previous two discussions. I don't think you can called it chicken out. You are just showing to your GP that you know how to be polite, assertive and calm. Way to go, wolfie.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
6 Jun 07
You have our continued support, my friend....I think that you planned and carried out that plan with exceptional concentration....the coping skills that you have used through this situation is something to be proud of, my friend.....
Give yourself credit....it is deserved...reward your self.....
Take care till we talk again, my Wolfie.....
@joey_matthews (8354)
5 Jun 07
Well good for you Brian! I would love to ramble and something meaningful here but as you've probably guessed from previous replies. (I'm not that good at doing so)
But I am glad you share/updated us so thanks buddy!
@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Excellent! Happy to read it! Getting all ticked off about the phone theft may have helped you considerably, after all.
Ya done really good, Wolfie. You do us depressives proud. :-)
She ain't worth getting aggravated over, indeed! The sooner the better for getting yourself a new doc.