Would you consider this harassment?
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
United States
June 6, 2007 4:55pm CST
Long story, tried to shorten..
The past few years my family has had their share of issues medically. My kids have missed a lot of school this year, all because of various medical problems, procedures, etc. that had to occur. I've made sure we've provided medical excuses for each AND even, at the beginning of the year went in and talked to their counselor to alert her that they would probably be missing a lot of school because of these medical issues. The year ends for them tomorrow. On 5/31 the idiot at the school files a citation with the District Justice for "Violation of PA Attendance Codes", and gives 6 days back in February and March which she claims there were no medical excuses for. Instead of contacting me and stating she needed them, she files the citation. I know she did this because earlier she had sent a letter to me telling me that my daughter (mind you she's completely ignoring the twin brother missing basically the same days) was an issue with the days missed and she gave a listing of probably 5 days she claimed she didn't have excuses for (NOT the same days she put on the summons). I contacted the hospital we basically visit and had them send me via efax a generic cover letter for those days stating it was to replace the former letters written which had been lost or misplaced by either the school or child. (Being politically correct here and not blaming them at all mind you)
I get the summons for the citation, which gives me 10 days to respond. The summons wasn't even filed until 5/31 and then delivered to me on 6/1. On the citation/summons they have 6/6/07 listed as the "trial date". First off, this is even before the 10 days I was suppose to have to FILE guilty or not guilty. I call the District Justice's office and tell them that I cannot attend the trial because my daughter is scheduled for surgery at Shriners that day. He gets very rude with me and tells me that well he NEEDS to talk to me. So I tell him well he can talk on the phone here or reschedule the date but I can't go there when she's going to be in the hospital for surgery. He then tells me in a not so nice way "Fine, but I want an excuse from the hospital that you were there".
Then today, at 9:30ish in the morning the Dist. Justice calls and leaves this arrogant voice mail that he needs to speak to me IMMEDIATELY and I need to call him NOW, as if I was here and hiding out on him or something. I was at the hospital, duh. I'm thinking the issue he had to speak to me NOW about was that my daughter was IN school and this threw him off because he ASSUMED that "my daughter" meant the one with the summons when I meant my oldest daughter who has the back surgeries at Shriners. I'm certain that's why the tone was taken also and to be honest I don't appreciate being spoken to in this manner when he hasn't even had the ability to hear anything from me other then we can't make it to the scheduled "trial" today.
I'm not one to really appreciate others in my business anyways. I homeschooled for most of the kids' years based upon the fact that I simply dislike this district and their ways. They're inconsistent and to be honest well below par. But, for high school we decided to let the kids go to public school as I felt the trained teachers were probably best for teaching at this level. But am I wrong to think the following?
1. Who is this District Judge to require a medical excuse for ME because I cannot make the trial? There is no law stating that I can't ask for a reschedule if the date cannot be met, let alone the fact that they scheduled it for literally 5 days after receipt of the summons! If I were a lawyer representing me I would simply make the call and state I couldn't make it and nothing more would be said.
2. Would you think that this is some type of harassment on the school's behalf? They even sent a truancy officer to the house, whom I spoke with in person and explained the details and told him that I was a bit upset because I had spoke to the counselor at the beginning of the year and she seemed to ignore the issue. They did this on the 30th of May and then the woman evidently didn't bother to speak to the officer or simply decided on her own to file anyways and use the other dates as "unexcused" that she hadn't originally given to me.
3. The child's grades are fine and she's passing. She makes up the work. She's been doing well in the classes and is not a problem child, actually in an honors academy at the school so it's not like she's some delinquent that is always in trouble. Why would they waste their time doing this when they see it's a medical issue AND that it's obviously NOT effecting the child's grades?
What are your thoughts on this and how I should handle this issue? I'm really trying to keep my cool and not fly off the handle but I have to confess with an Irish/Italian temper this isn't the easiest thing, especially when I feel as though this woman counselor simply has a bone to pick with either me or my daughter. The same day she filed the citation on my daughter she came out into the hall and my daughter was literally in FRONT of the class walking into the door with her friend when the bell rang. This woman grabbed them both and took them to the office because they weren't in their class. Even the teacher commented that they were walking INTO the class. Now does this sound like a real issue she has with my daughter or what?
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21 responses
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Total harrasment is a minor statement, I am a paralegal with over 20 years legal and I would not put up with this abuse from anybody. You should call an attorney to at least have them talk to the court's for you, is the only way to get your message to them without taking this abuse, if you can't afford it I would recommend that you call your local Bar Association for a sliding scale attorney or one that can do it for pro bono (free) status. No one needs this abuse, if the child is passing and you have provided adequate documentation proving her absences then their conduct towards you on this matter is inappropriate and a form of abuse. I highly recommend getting either a legal friend to make these calls for you or highly legal counsel. Keep me apprised, I will interested to learn the outcome on this matter. Take care until then.
4 people like this
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Thanks. Unfortunately around here there is NOBODY I've ever found that will do ProBono anything! And for the "if you cannot afford an attorney stuff", although in this case it doesn't apply because there was no "arrest" the income limits are something like $400 or $600 a month! NO human being could live on that unless they were homeless let alone a woman with 3 teens!!!!! I'm going to see what happens here but I have considered contacting the AFLCIO to see what they say as they love these types of cases. I might have a chance with that. Or look up an old friend that I know is a lawyer, just not sure what type, and hope he might be able to help?!
I'll keep you posted. I have to call the moron D.J. tomorrow and see what his issue was and why he felt the need to call me at 9:30am on the day I told him I'd be at the hospital anyways. And to think my taxes help pay this morons salary!
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Contact your local representative for your district area, write them a letter explaining everything, put any documentation you have with the letter, you can even email it, wait a few days, more than likely you will hear from them, if you don't write your local Congressman, you will definitely hear something. This will cost NOTHING and something about getting a call from a state representative or congressman that makes people jump and stop doing what is wrong, which is what they are doing to you!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Good option. I may very well do this. I am going to contact the local Americans with Disabilities office locally and see what they say also (as posted by another member). THIS is why I ask you guys... you can think clearer then me at this point! Thanks!
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@suthernsmooth (54)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Hi there. I'm not sure why it always feels like whenever you try and do things by the rules, the powers that be are always changing them! I am truly sorry that you're having to deal with all of this nonsense on top of trying to take care of your children and the medical issues. There is one thing that I would like to add though. You said that your Daughter is up on her homework? I'm not sure, but that may be all the proof you need. Try and get your hands on your school district's policy handbook. Here in Arkansas, the child is ONLY allowed to do their make-up work if the absence IS excused. So if she was allowed to do the make-up work, then surely it was excused and the school is at fault for misplacing, or not accurately recording the receipt of the doctor's notes. I hope that it all will work out for you. I understand your frustrations with this. It can get extremely aggravating. Diplomacy is hard enough, even more so when you have to deal with idiots. Good luck to you. :)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Thanks. I sure hope it just ends soon. I'm so tired of every corner I turn I have another battle to fight and to be honest I'm just so tired from everything I could scream anyways. I'm not so sure how well I'm going to handle my own nerves and temper by the time we get to that freaking "trial".
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@MySpot (2600)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Good point, suthernsmooth...PROOF IS IN THE PUDDIN'!
It sounds like the original poster has been handling this situation very diplomatically and I'm sure things will work out fine.
I also agree with another poster's suggestion that said maybe home schooling would be more appropriate for her children, considering the circumstances. Now we have legitimate accredited e-schools that are up to par if you think you aren't prepared to teach them the upper-level education.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
The sad part is, they really don't want to be homeschooled as they love the activities, etc. that they have in the school system and the friendships they've created there. I spoke to the District Justice today again, after he called my house yesterday with a real nasty message about I need to call him back IMMEDIATELY. I knew he called because he ASSUMED that it was my youngest daughter that was going for surgery and when she showed up in school I'm sure the counselor called him and said "Well she's here so she could have gone to the trial". I called him today as it was after 5pm when we got back from Shriners and he was sweet as pie. I think he started to think about things a bit and might realize that it's not like the counselor is seemingly painting it to be.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Jun 07
You are not over reacting and you are being harassed. I would consult with an attorney on this and if at all possible keep that message from the Judge on tape or voice mail. That is something a lawyer would want to hear. If you cannot get a lawyer try calling a local representative or Congressman. If that fails call the press and get them involved. They would love a story like this and they would make sure it got heard.
I wish you luck with it all. I know you did not need this on top of everything else. Hopefully the surgeries go well and that when the dust settles that things are how they should be.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Press is another good option. The sad part is, I'm such a "stay to myself" kind of person. I'm very social just don't want others in my business and don't tell the world my history kind of thing. LOL... I know.. hard to believe with as much talking as I do on here eh? LOL But really, if they don't back off I'm going to have to alert the press and see what can be done indeed. I have so many good options here from the people who answered! I knew I could depend on my MyLot buddies!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I'm glad you are getting some good information and advice on here. That it can help.
Believe me I do understand not wanting to go to the press but some times it is called for. You know if they are doing this to you chances are they are doing it to others. Hopefully it won't have to go that far but I think you should do something. They should not be allowed to do that to you.
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@Mickie30 (2626)
6 Jun 07
I'm really sorry this is happening to you it's obviously causing you lots of stress. It sounds as if you feel the school has ganged up on you and with reason. They should have consulted you first. Can you go to the head about this and report this other teacher? I believe home schooling can be very good and perhaps this would be the only option to you know. If you're allowed since the school have made this report on you injustly.
I also don't understand the schools problem since your children are doing very well and passing grades so what exactly is there problem? No wonder you feel let down.
I mean it's not as if you didn't provide proof of absences. I'm really sorry I think this is totally unfair on you.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
6 Jun 07
The worse part Mickie is that while I'm dealing with my one daughter's first stage leukemia being treated, my oldest daughter is going in for surgeries on her spine at Shriners and I've been battling the after effects of beating the pants off Cancer but having some major issues with my bones crumbling in my spine and literally have days I can't walk or move. It sometimes takes every ounce of my being to simply get up and move let alone deal with the traumas we're experiencing PLUS this now.
I just wondered if I'm overreacting to this issue. If someone sees that it IS such a big deal that it needed to be handled this way or if I'm correct in thinking even a letter to my home would have been sufficient, as this is how they originally started out corresponding about it and because I sent a letter back and asked that she continue to do this via paper so I had something to back up what's being said and done she immediately went off and bam... filed. I know it was because she didn't like being told that obviously the first time I went and talked with her it was worthless as she suddenly seems to have an issue with it.
Also, think about it.... from FEBRUARY AND MARCH?!!! Come on, you're making this an issue NOW? UGH!
Thanks for listening and for at least making me realize it doesn't seem to be that I'm really doing the wrong here. I would totally understand if the child were failing. The kicker is, her brother IS failing (not because of the time missed but because he copped an attitude this year and I've already said I won't allow him to go to Summer School to make it up so he's going to have to repeat) YET.. .nothing is said or done to him? Odd, don't you think?
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Whoa and I thought the school district my son was in was bad. Yours is guilty of harassment and just downright callousness.
If I could afford it, I would get an attorney to go and represent you while you are busy attending to the health issues of your children. You might even be able to find one who will do it pro bono (try and find one who has had beefs with your school district)
You sound like you area dealing with a bunch of people who have a hard time passing a class to become idiots!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Well, unfortunately at this point in time with 1 kid graduating and being on disability insurance due to the cancer I have to admit that paying a lawyer isn't something I can truly afford. I think at this point I'm going to go in and see what happens in the trial. It's being held in the D.J.'s office and not at the actual court so I'm thinking it's a bit laid back and I won't need a lawyer. The DJ also has come down a few steps since we last spoke and it seems as though is perhaps really reading the stuff and realizing that it's a bit out of proportion. IF I should lose then I will get a lawyer and have it moved to a higher court. I will also contact a few officials locally and see if they will help in any way.
I'm just amazed at this entire thing. I'm thinking that it all is coming from this one counselor who simply does not like my daughter. The funny part is, my daughter is tiny and so cute. This woman is large, ugly as a duck and hates anyone on the cheerleading squad. Needless to say my daughter is on it. LOL So it's like she never grew up from her high school years and hates the cute girls because she's a homely, nasty girl herself. AND I think I rubbed her the wrong way when she sent me the note and I told her that I wanted it all in writing because she obviously didn't pay attention the first time we spoke. She needs to get a life.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
8 Jun 07
I hope you will keep us informed on how this all turns out.
@juliaxiaohuizhu (50)
• China
7 Jun 07
This is a little bit long story ,I am very sorry for what happen to you .but anyhow i have to salute to you .You must be a great and strong-minded mother.Though i can not understand the law in your country ,but it is obviously that school is doing sth wrong ,what you can do now is to try to get the attest from the hospital and show it to your attorney .Cheer up ,you will put through these offending case.Take care of your health ,anyhow ,your children need you ! and we pray for you !
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Thanks. I know it has to come out ok in the end. I've done nothing wrong and if anything should be given leniency instead of beaten down at this point! Thanks for the support and prayers.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
7 Jun 07
It does sound like harrassment. As for the judge, he has not heard all your side, just what they are saying. My son misses alot of school and I have never had all those problems. I hope once you speak to the judge he will throw it all out and leave your daughter alone. You may want to get a childs advocate to deal with the school. I would also let them know that you will not put up with it. You should not have to.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
8 Jun 07
I would get in touch with the advocate, take them with you. You can find out who it is, by calling the school board office and asking. You don't even need your name. Next thing I would do is find the stacks of papers of scheduled appointments, doctors notes, anything that had to do with her missing. I would give them all to him when I went. Make sure you have a Dr. statement stating that she had to miss school more than others. Most Drs. will be more than happy to do it for you. I might even through in the other kids histories. I would tell him that you are doing the very best you can with what you have to deal with and that you don't think that anyone else would do any different. Seeing all the papers and letters, my guess is he will definitely throw it out. Then I would make it perfectly clear to the school that this will not happen again and the harrassment on your daughter will stop or you will take further action to see that it is stopped. Do not be mean and go to the top. Forget about the rest. I bet you will see results. Let me know how you come out. PM me if you want.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Thanks. I figured you of all people could relate because I've seen you mention before the troubles you have with your son. It's unreal, I have to say. I just hope it ends soon. I'm not even sure at this point when the "trial" is but at least it's in his office and not at a real court.
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@kbkbooks (7022)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
There is definitely an issue here between the school and your family but I think it is definitely a case of muscle flexing and better be legally curbed ASAP. This is completely unfair treatment. If you are like many of us with families, you cannot afford to seek legal counsel. I can't afford a lawyer and have also had application for legal aid turned down because my husband and I make too much. How laughable is that? Anyway, I really think you need a mediator or a lawyer or some thing because in my humble opinion the school board is gone WAY OFF it's rocker. I will pray for you and your kids sister, you know I will.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Thanks! Please do keep me in your prayers. Hopefully it will all end soon. I'm tired!
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@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
sorry your family has to go through this.
i myself was treated by the shriners while i was in high school. being in a private school, rules that were bent for me were made out to be HUGE favors on their part...such as being able to do take-home exams, coming to class only occasionally, uniform optional, etc.
all in all i think they were very tolerant of me and my absences. however problems began before i was ever excused from classes, by an annoying dictator of a phys ed teacher, who also happened to teach me science.
since she had an issue with me not taking physical eductaion `seriously`, she decided to take it out on me in science class in a public forum.
my mom started writing her nasty notes and things got even worse since the prof felt i had someone to back me up but nobody was on her side (oh, boo hoo).
she started taking it out on my closest friends as well until all our parents had to come in and blast her in person!
eventually, she had no choice but to excuse both me and my friend from her stupid phys ed classes. she had told our parents that both my friend and i don`t take her exercise activities seriously and when she require us to do jumping jacks, that we MAKE FUN OF HER. what this really was, was me and my friend doing as little of the movements as possible to avoid injuring ourselves. i cannot speak for my friend, but for me, i was not able to touch my toes until i was about 20 years old. i cannot run, jump, jog, jiggle etc due to a spine deformation. after having bones fused, i could basically throw everything the shriners fixed for me, out of whack.
medical notes indeed came in, but the teacher still insisted i needed to attend her gym class even if i sat on the side for an hour, rather than doing my homework in the library or whatever.
to shorten the story, the teacher was told off so many times, even by the school`s principal, that eventually she was crying in front of the parents, and had to write an apology letter for me to give to my mom!
the vice principal was also a bit harsh on me, insisting after this gym issue had been resolved, that phys ed is an ACADEMIC Course and must be held in highest regards. he tried to make me feel like less of a human being because i wouldn`t (ahem, COULDN`T) do gym like all the so-called normal children.
he got an earful from my mom as well and then shut his yap.
i think some teachers feel their authority is being challenged when a student has a VALID medical reason for not `obeying` their orders. some sort of superiorty complex which is in fact an INFERIIORITY complex.
good luck with everything and i`m sure the shriners are treating your kids right ;)
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Oh no question that the Shriners Hospital is WONDERFUL!!! If I ever become a millionaire I guarantee I will be their biggest donor!!!!!
As for the school and counselor, I have to agree. I think she's trying to flex her muscles and has decided to pick one child to do it on. Hopefully she will fall and fall hard when she has to appear in court.
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@shmeedia (1044)
• Canada
11 Jun 07
here hear!
slightly off-topic, do your children get treated in your own community or do they have to go elsewhere? i know that many people are removed from their birth country to get medical treatment at the hospital here...while i was hospitalized, i had roomies from the states, korea and south america! in fact i was one of the only kids FROM the town where the hospital is located. and as an adult, i live in an apartment that has a view of the hospital...at a large distance, but it's kind of cute, seeing the red roofs of their building peeking out to me whenever i go out on my balcony ;)
@JMCarebear (41)
8 Jun 07
you know i really think that that school authority is having issues about not being able to 'boss' your kids around.
slam her

@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
7 Jun 07
WTF--- in a nice way-- Teachers and counselors are there to help our kids- not harass us parents- I can't figure this out- You went in at the beginning of the year and told them of the medical problems your children face- Your kids were not there on certain days- You forgot to send a note in?? My school calls me if my daughter isn't there and I tell them why- I then send a note in- I have never had any problems with this- On the one hand my daughter has missed 1 day this year and it was take your daughter to work day- As if dealing with a child who is having medical problems isn't enough- I would go to the hospital and get more paperwork for those days- Go to the trial- and explain your case- I would then take it up with the school board- and explain to them what is happening and how it was handled- This counselor should have to answer for this- I think she is totally in the wrong! Sure I'm sure alot of parents just don't care if their kids go to school- but she knows this isn't the case! I'd say she certainly has a bone to pick with you or your daughter!
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Oh we definitely have all the paperwork from the hospitals and doctors that we needed. I'm not sure why she has chosen to harass us and you're so right, it's just not what I need at this point.
I honestly started to think that perhaps I was over reacting to this entire thing because of all the stresses I've been under but I'm glad to see others think it's uncalled for also. I honest to God cannot figure this counselor out. Hopefully we will get it all straightened out and over with soon!
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@ScrappinHappyMom (914)
• United States
7 Jun 07
You need to get legal help because you could very well end up in jail. My sister got a suspended sentence two years ago because her daughter had missed so much school even though she was able to prove it was all medical and beyond her control.
Contact the American's With Disablities chapter in your city. You children are who they fight for and they do it for free, they may even end up suing the school district for discrimination. Your child does not have to be without mental facilities to fall under the ADA schools often forget this and become big time bullies.
I urge you to contact them right away, they were so helpful to my sister without them she was going to jail for six months and would have lost everything.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Excellent idea to get the disabilities people involved!!!! I will do that!!!!!!!!
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@professorxang (201)
• United States
7 Jun 07
that is good information. i agree with her. you should make sure you safe from jail becase that is certainly more stress then needed when you have ill child to think of. shame on them!
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@professorxang (201)
• United States
7 Jun 07
it sound like they find you to be easy and they go after you to set example. maybe you are not vocal enough or maybe you seem easy to intimidate. this is not me saying bad of you this is what i think that they are bullies. they are bully you right now and cut corners with th time you have to respond. they pick on you becase you can not make court date but it should be easy for you to tell them you go for daughter surgery!!!! why they have no heart and treat you this way is mean and horrible. they seem set to mess with you and i would not blame you for take your daughter from school that not listen. this is serious subject with health concern. this is not becase you children whine and pretend to be ill. this is real and they not respect that. i am sorry for you really i am. i hope it all turns out in your favor. you have enough to deal with.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
8 Jun 07
thanks.... they do seem to be "bullying" indeed
hopefully the district justice will be fair
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@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
7 Jun 07
This kind of thing is the reason I pay less than $9 a month for a legal services type of attorney. They can only be used to defend you and I keep them because the school here has Nazi counselors who keep calling DCF on whatever whim they have any given week.
Do you have a friend who can fax the hospital documentation to the Judge for you? This way you are responding if not in person.
This is totally not a proper or moral thing they are doing to you and your kids.
Hang in there. If nothing else you're amassing megatons of good Karma!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Thanks Rosie. I actually sent copies today to the judge myself. This may help also. I honestly do think it's a matter of someone in power feeling like she's the ultimate authority. It's unreal indeed. Thanks... I hope the good Karma continues! Lord knows we need it at this point! LOL
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@JMCarebear (41)
7 Jun 07
1)I'm a Canadian but I don't think they can require you to have to report like you're a kid in school. Is there someone of higher authority you could take a complaint to?
2)It definitely is harassment but I don't think I'd take it to the cops. Can you afford a lawyer? I think I'd get one if I can, but not one in your district because there may be some prejudging here.
3) Don't home schooled kids normally run higher grades than the kids in the public system? Could all the bs be some jealousy because your kids are showing hers up?
My little Irishman hang onto your temper, and use your energy in finding some help with the harassment. I know what an Irish temper is like so I know from experience the energy a fit of temper takes.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
LOL... yes dear...holding that Irish/Italian temper. Well, I honestly think the woman causing the problems has an issue with my daughter in particular. My daughter is the type you love to hate... all cutesy, tiny, primped up, cheerleader, everyone in school loves her (most everyone LOL) and even does fairly well in school on top of it all. This counselor is the epitomy of the girl in school who always loathed my daughter's type. I honestly do believe this from the way she acts towards her and other girls like her. I can't say much about the homeschool kids being brighter and better because let me tell you, my son has taken that to a whole lower level! LOL He IS smart and does great with school but this year he decided school was a social outlet and nothing more. Needless to say he's going to try it again next year, in the same grade. What kills me is, they even tried to talk me out of making him repeat the year and instead sending him to summer school to make up the classes!!!! What lesson would he learn from that? Oh go ahead, blow off, mommy will send you to summer school to make it up.
I'm going to see how the visit to the District Justice's office goes. If it doesn't go well I'll HAVE to get a lawyer I guess! I just sooooooooo don't want this crap right now! LOL
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@kiiizu (1901)
• Estonia
7 Jun 07
May I lend you a bit of my ice cold Estonian blood when you are dealing with all these idiots? In fact, I don't know anything about your school system, and I have no idea who a District Judge is, and how much power he actually has, but he seems to be a powergreedy imbecile.
In our system, if something like that happens, an angry parent probably would run at first to the director of the school with a question, how can it be possible, that somebody who obviously can't read and doesn't know the numbers/dates/months can work in the school at all. If it doesn't help, he would complain to authorities, armed with the copies of all papers/documents, turn to internet forums, to tabloids etc. We have a special TV show also, where people who are harassed, or cheated, or whose problems were ignored by ignorant authorities can turn with their story. No one is happy about the "starring role" in this show, it's has been our most popular show for years now. It would be a real candy for the guys who are making this show. A seriously ill child is harassed by school authorities. OMG. They would taunt them with great pleasure.
In fact, yet there something like that couldn't happen at all. We are having a couple of years so-called "e-school". For every child is an account where the parent can log in any time with his ID card and password to see the results, incl. the days, the child has missed the school. Even the laziest parent is checking the stats time to time, to avoid unpleasant surprises. Of course, it means more work for teachers, to put up the results on the home page of the school but it seems to be benefitial.
I guess, you have your conversation with this District Judge (whoever he can be) behind you already. Hopefully the story will end with satisfying results for you and your daughter. Just be sure, the right and justess are on your side, not theirs'. Let us know what happened.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
LOL... somehow Kiizu I doubt u are cold blooded! Our school district tends to pick one school and have it be the "pet" project to show the public. We basically have one school they put their newest gadgets in and they claim to be doing it for the other schools "soon" but it never happens. Then if anyone of any importance comes around they rush them over to that school and boast about how wonderful our system is. If they took them to the other schools around they'd see buildings crumbling, teachers dressed like hookers, and even some who sleep in class instead of teach.
I'll keep you all in touch with the situation and let you know what happens. Just keep me in your prayers and thoughts.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Oh boy! I would be making a formal complaint with the board of aducation and let them know I intended to press changes and sue them
@pirtlems (245)
• United States
7 Jun 07
sounds to me like she is a real pain and has a vendetta against your daughter . you should file charges against her
for harassement . check with other mothers of your daughers friends and see if they are treated the same way. this may be sompthing that may be brought up in front of the school board . maybe in the form of a petition for her removel.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Good points. I may actually end up going to a school board meeting and having this issue placed on the agenda. It's ridiculous and if she does it to MY kid I'm sure she's done it to others and will continue to do it to even more. I have to agree that it seems to me as if she just doesn't like my daughter and I think it's kind of obvious that she's this way to a lot of others on the cheerleading squad and such.
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@winky73 (1404)
• United States
7 Jun 07
This sounds like she has a major issue with your daughter....God knows why....but that's the way some people are.If I was in your case I would not be able to keep my cool about this.....because this is harassment.
Is there anybody in the school you can talk to?I mean surely they can't condole such behavior.
Talk to some of the other parents and the teachers.....maybe some of them will back you up on this.I hate to even say this.....but if all els fails....you may have to get a lawyer.
I just would like to know what this womans problem is....giving you and your daughter such a hard time.
I hope it all works out for you!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Usually the other "officials" at the school back up the idiots in the office. I may actually go speak directly to the principal himself and see what he says about the entire issue. I'm sure he or at least the superintendant couldn't be happy about the legal costs of putting these charges against us when we have a paper trail to follow that shows every absence is legitimate.
I'll keep everyone updated on the situation.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
7 Jun 07
It's clearly harassment & completely out of line. Are you in the US? Are you a member of the Home School Legal Defense? I understand that you do not homeschool at this time, but I am thinking they may be the best ones to help point you to a good lawyer. It's awful that the school & the DA would put this additional stress on you when your focus should be with your child who needs medical care.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I actually was a member of the HSLDA when I homeschooled, then I switched to "cyber charter school" and no longer needed them. Now with them being in school I never joined up but you may be right, they may have some answers for me. I just can't figure out why they have to even do what they're doing. I'm completely dumbfounded myself.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
7 Jun 07
Not to sound paraoid or like a conspiracy theorist, but it does seem a bit extreme. They need certain things, and you are getting them. They are setting dates and you are needing to reschedulae and willing and able to provide reasonable paper trails to exuse you. Carry on shoving paper at them and try not to flip. I am sure they are driving you mental, but you will win out in the end. I swear, you give some people a little authority and they take it far too seriously. Good luck!
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Well, I do think that the paper trail will save me for sure. I know that we've done nothing wrong and I will definitely point out the issues I see that are obviously wrong on the counselor's part.
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