Hell - Fact or Fiction?
By FSCAries
@FSCAries (881)
United States
June 9, 2007 12:04am CST
So everyone knows of the infamous hell. The place where sinners who failed to repent are sent to for an eternity of damnation and hellfire. My question is, if you believe in God as he is supposed to be, our sovereign, omnipotent heavenly father, do you really think he would ever banish one of his children to an eternity such as hell?
I like to think of myself as a well educated person, I started my education in a Christian preschool and I finished in a private Methodist college, and even with the teachings I have received, I just can't conceive of the notion of hell as it is portrayed to the masses. I think if hell does exist, we are living in it now, and only in death and successful passing over may be "graduate" to our kingdom of heaven. Furthermore, I have been taught that the numerous translations of the bible have shown some different notions emerge, but most pressing is that the King James version, which is everywhere, definitely has some false pretenses.
King James was a biggot and royalty of his time would often partake in homosexuality as a sign of wealth and fortitude, so no wonder his version condemned that type of behavior for the masses. And what of women not being able to preach? From what I understand of the bible, all of God's children ought to witness whenever they can.
All of this to say, I often wonder if hell may not have been a man made creation, possibly conceived as a mere method of social control...
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13 responses
@jacki3 (136)
• United States
9 Jun 07
are you saying that the life we are living now isn't hell? my god, then we are in big trouble. kidding aside, i don't believe hell is an actual place and we have not seen any proof of it's existence. just stories from thousand year old manuscripts that have gone through editing, proofreading and interpretations. i just hope no one here says, "can you see the wind? if you can't see it, then how do you know its there?" i fell for that crap when i was little, and i'm not falling for that again.
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@jacki3 (136)
• United States
9 Jun 07
were you answering the discussion's question or conversing with me?
if you mean me ... why do i have to worry about not going to heaven if i don't believe in hell? and why do i have to ask jesus for forgiveness? shouldn't i be apologizing instead to those i've hurt and wronged?
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@Jermboy608 (53)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I was talking to you, and again, just because you don't believe in hell doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just like if I said I didn't believe there was the planet Mars. I can't see it, but we know it exists.
I do believe you should also go to the people who you have wronged and ask forgiveness from them too.
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@Jermboy608 (53)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Just because you don't believe in something or can't see it doesn't mean it's not real! Personally I'm going to be ready when I die, so I know that I won't be going to hell, whether it exists or not. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and ask him to forgive you of your sins and change your life, then no, you will not go to heaven.
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@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
9 Jun 07
When God created us with free will, he gave us the choice to choose Him or anything else. If we ultimately choose Him, then we will spend eternity with Him. That is heaven. If we continually and finally choose anything else, he allows us to make that choice. Hell is separation from God. I don't know what it looks like, whether it is fiery, hot or whatever. I just know whatever or whereever it is, God is not there! I can't imagine a place without God...I don't even want to try. No love, no light, no morality, each person serving self and only self. If that isn't a definition of hell, I don't know what is!
Either God is or He isn't. If He is, then you believe in Him or you don't. If you believe in Him, you either do it His way or not. There is good and there is evil, there is light and there is darkness. You have to choose and ultimately you spend eternity with your choice.
No, I don't think God banishes anyone there. He allows us to choose where we want to be. An honest judge doesn't arbitrarily put someone in prison. We are told if we do certain things against society, we will be removed from that society for a certain period of time. God tells us the parameters, but He is faithful to His Word. If we choose not to believe Him or choose to do our own thing, who's fault is that?
I do think there is hell here on earth right now. It is created by the absence of love for one another; the selfishness of individuals. It is so pervasive that even innocents suffer through no fault of their own. I also think it is only a taste of what it would be like with the total absence of God.
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@noeltotherescue (261)
• India
9 Jun 07
totally agree with u dude! hell is a fiction and so is heaven!
and i am an agnostic by the way! i just don't agree with the bible! it doesn't give us anything valuable and it just degrades women! i know for sure that if there is a GOD, then he is not the one that the bible, the quran, the bhagwad gita, or any holy book preaches to be!
Heaven and Hell is right here one earth! Its the way we make our life to be that makes it seem to be heaven or hell! if we want heaven, then we must make it so! else we are always gonna end up in hell! i don't think we need to die to go to either heaven or hell!
Take Care!
@FSCAries (881)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I most closely identify myself as a utalitarian and I do believe in a higher power, but I tend to believe that the notion of that being has been manipulated throughout time to serve the purpose of those that order the tweeking, if you will...
Sort of like government propaganda!
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@nielcdg (709)
• Philippines
10 Jun 07
Hell is real my friend, it is both a Kingdom and a prison for Lucifer and his legion. Here he gives lost souls their worst nightmares and manipulates their minds to hopelessness.
If you can recall in you methodist education that after the battle of heaven and hell GOD removed the traitor Angle's glorified bodies. And after removing their glorified bodies their powers have greatly reduced they are just spirits now.
But as they are spirits they can influence the minds of man, that is why they harvest man's soul for suffering, anger, pain, confusion and most of all he harvest man's energy in going against GOD.
This negative energy is gathered in Hell in preparation for the Apocalypse, for Satan will take possesion of the Physical plane and he needs all of that power to do it.
Let us not concentrate on the lack of knowledge and the lack of information about heaven and hell but instead let us concentrate on what we can do to avoid going to that place of damnation.
I dont agree on just going to mass every week that is lame and a illusion, true salvation from hell and deliverance to heaven comes from your heart. Knowing who is GOD Loving GOD and respecting all life and your neighbors are some of the easy tasks we must do while we are still alive.
Please dont linger on the inperfections of the Religious Dogma of the churches, they will not save you only a true relationship with GOD can.
@cook4t7 (202)
• United States
10 Jun 07
From what I hear your saying is you don't believe in the scriptures anyway so why ponder on something you don't believe in, why do I say you don't believe in it, because you've failed to remember the flood and he only had mercy on eight people left in the whole earth Noah and his family which he found righteousness in Noah.
@yemberzal (301)
• India
9 Jun 07
Tough, you had tried to know about Bible,but matter of fact is thee bible as we believe is the word of God and with due course of time the church and the influential people corrupted the book for their personal benefits.Now about the hell,does it exists or not. Muslims have got book quran ,which is the word of God,and has been sent for whole mankind.The book as only one edition and God Almighty throws open challenge to people of all times to find out any contradictions and till date all the known scientific facts agree with quran and no any scientific fact proved any contradiction. First we have to believe God is one and there is no besides Him and you should not disagree to it either because the universe around us make us to believe so.The arrangements made to make this universal sustainable,is itself a scientific fact and also confirms there is a maker of it . And if you believe there is a maker so magnificent, no one one earth can do it then HE has sent messengers time and time for local areas and for whole mankind. Jesus came for the people of israel and mahmad peace be upon him came for whole mankind ,also no any messenger will follow him, it is proved beyond doubt.If quran has been proved correct ,then why hell would be incorrect.
@Jermboy608 (53)
• United States
9 Jun 07
The different versions of the Bible all pretty much have the same meaning, they just say it a little differently. King James, NIV, New Living, New King James; all the same Bible. The Bible has survived centuries and has been unchanging. Great care was taken to protect it, so I don't see how you can say it has been corrupted. God would not let his Word be changed by man, but rather would want it to reach all of mankind (it is printed in more languages then any other book in the world and is the best selling book in the world).
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
10 Jun 07
God didn't create man, man created god as a way of answering things he doesn't know or understand, to comfort those during bad times, to look apon as a wonderful father, provider and creator, and also to keep man in line by love or fear! I am an atheist!
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I do not believe in a Hell at all. I know for a fact that there are enough bad things in this world to balance out the good and the bad that a Hell is not necassery.
@lebgirl90 (181)
• Lebanon
9 Jun 07
well am a catholic school student my self and we have bible class once a week. Every year a question is asked abt this subject and the priest would always answer that hell and heaven are state of the mind, a state of the soul there is not an actual place called heaven nor an actual place called hell.
@cliff19id (306)
• Indonesia
9 Jun 07
so hard to answer it. no body know, the best thing is do the best, so even hell is fact or no, i think that nothing loose
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
10 Jun 07
As for me , I do not believe that a separate hell and a heavenly abode exist high up in the skies or wherever it should be . Heaven or Hell ..it's in our life on this earth . Life is beautiful and heaven -like when you have all the comforts; When you are totally deprived of comforts it's just one hell of a lot of existence .
@ajmccrary1986 (454)
• United States
10 Jun 07
God doesn't send people to hell. He gives us a choice to either believe in him and go to Heaven when we die, or spend eternity in Hell as non-believers in Christ.