@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
United States
June 9, 2007 9:25am CST
Was your labor and delivery hard or relatively easy? Did you have epidural? My labor and delivery was relatively easy and painless with my daughter. She weighed in at 4 lbs 13 oz and was 17 inches long. I did it naturally, no drugs. The part that hurt the worst was the contractions towards the end of the delivery. Also, at first, her forehead got stuck on my cervix and pulled it, and that hurt worse than anything I have ever felt before! Other than that, it was relatively easy. I'm scared to have another though, because of the easy labor I had this time! Tell me about yours.
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11 responses
@dawnhm6 (48)
• United States
10 Jun 07
I wish mine had been that easy! I've had three kids, and there was tremendous pain with all of them. My shortest labor was with my most recent one, about 10 hours. With the first, I was going to try to do it naturally. About 13 hours into it, I immediately said yes when asked if I wanted an epidural. With the other two, each time I swore I could do it naturally this time. Yeah right. I had epidurals with all three. For someone who's a big baby around needles, that definatly says something about the pain!
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
9 Jun 07
My labor was pretty easy. I went in the night before my son was born because I was having erratic contractions, and my baby wasn't moving like normal. I spent the night hooked up to the monitors, and I had to lay on my side because that's the only way his heart would stay steady. It was a Tuesday night, and I had an appointment scheduled for Wednesday, and we were going to set up a time to be induced (he was due the following Friday). My doctor came in at 5 am, and broke my water. He said if I still wasn't in heavy labor, I would be induced at noon. I walked around, but I was so tired from being up all night, that I decided to take a nap. lol They induced me at noon. I didn't have an epidural or anything. He was born at 4:05 pm, on the first push that my doctor was there for. lol He weighed 8 lbs 10 oz, and his head was almost as wide as his shoulders. lol He was also 21.75 inches long. He had the cord wrapped around his neck twice, and it had two knots in it.
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@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
26 Jun 07
All three of mine were easy. I slept between contractions. They were all almost 8lbs.
My youngest I had 20 minutes after I got to the hospital.
@sheila0406 (16)
• Philippines
6 Jul 07
My labor was easy at first but when i was injected with the medicine for induced labor it was painful. Every hour its starting to get painful especially when the baby is about to come out.I have to be induced because my water bag broke already and it can stress the baby if theres no enough water inside you. I have a normal delivery without the epidural. She weighted 7lbs 11 oz.
@fatragu (677)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I had a hard delivery with my first. They gave me an epidural but didn't tell the nurses that they had turned it on so the nurses ended up turning it off and I had back labor the entire time. Also I have been induced with both of my girls and you don't get the nice little contractions in the begining. When mine start they are bad enough that my knees buckle. With my second one I ended up with 3 epidurals because I moved and the first one stopped working, the second stopped working before the guy got out of the room, and then the third one finally took. I decided that if I don't have to be induced then I want to try it for a bit without pain meds but if I get induced again then I am requesting it as soon as I check in.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I had a pretty easy labor and delivery as well. It went really fast and all natural. I had my very first contractions as 11pm and had my daughter by 8:36 am. The hard part for me were also the contractions at near the end. They were very long and hard and I had nothing for the pain but water. I delivered my daughter in the water and that really helped with the pain. I only pushed for about 10 minutes and she was out weighing in at 6 lbs 12 oz and 19 3/4 inches. I was very lucky with her but like you I worry that since this one was so easy that my next one might not be so easy.
@courtlynne77 (4839)
• United States
10 Jun 07
For my first born my water broke, I went to the hospital, got a epideral, was in labor for 10 hours, and had a big baby boy, 8.7 lbs.. For my daughter I stayed home in labor for 8 hours til my husband couldn't stand to see me in pain any longer and insisted on bringing me into the hospital. I had a epideral which did not work and I could not believe the pain of pushing naturally, but I felt great afterwards which is not the case if you get a epideral, you feel pretty bad when it wears off. She 7.8 lbs. I went into labor at 6am with my third child and had him by 8:15am. I had to go to the hospital by ambulance and gave birth in a hallway on the ambulance stretcher, obvoiusly naturally and he was my biggest baby at 8.10 lbs. All of my deliveries were pretty easy. I have heard that your delivery time ges shorter with each child. I told my husband that if we ever have another child he better be prepared to deliver at home because of the speed of my last labor.
@4ftfingers (1310)
10 Jun 07
I'm sorry to butt in to a ladies' conversation here, but if I was a woman, I think the thought of having to give birth for the first time would be terrorfying. Did you think that before you actually gave birth?
When it comes to when the baby is due, are you releaved to be giving birth, after all that time having to carry the baby around?
@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
10 Jun 07
My first delivery with my son I was induced.Not for medical reasons though.If I had it over again I would never had been induced.I think that me and my husband couldnt wait for him to get here and that is why I got induced as well as the Gyn/OB wanting to deliver my baby (I had 3 Gyn/OB that I seen in rotation.).Well they upped my pictiocin when they induced me and then the nurse turned it down because she realized she had the pictiocin going in to fast I think.Because the labor pains hit me hard.It hurt bad.I was in labor for about 6 hours and then I had my son.I had an epidural.The second labor with my daughter was not induced and I went into labor two days before my due date.I had cramps and it hurt but I would have rather had that than the pains I had of being induced.I had my daughter 4 hours later.I had and epidural with her as well.
@liyan97 (2127)
• Northern Mariana Islands
10 Jun 07
I have three kids and have recieved a spinal with all three durring delivery, so then I never really had the chance to experience childbirth the natural way. Each time that I get pregnant, I seem to have the same complications. My cervix begins to open up by my seventh month and I deliver at eight. But each delivery was hard, I have to get induced and a spinal to make it through.......I believe it is because my birth canal is slim.My first child was 8lbs. 9 ounces, the second 8lbs. 3 ounces and my last was 5lbs. 6 ounces and they are all beautiful!
@odinntala (45)
• United States
10 Jun 07
With both of my children I did it as naturally as possible. with my son, labor was hard and I had a doctor that would not listen to me that my body would not go over a 6. Finally after 14 hours of him trying to convince me that my body had to break my water he finally broke my water and an hour and a half later my son came out. If my doctor would have just listened to me in the first place it would have been easier on everybody I decide to have another child i will definately go back!!!