Passive Smoking

@zandi458 (28102)
June 10, 2007 6:58am CST
Whenever people smoke, all the others around them are smoking too because they breathe in the same harmful substances as the person who is smoking. When Children or adults breathe in other people's smoke (second-hand smoke), it is commonly known as passive smoking. Tiny smoke particles mix with the surrounding air and can get right down into the lungs. We know now that this can be harmful to health, especially in children. How do you avoid passive smoking when you have a smoker in the house or you're seated in the public transport and the fellow sitting next to you is chain smoking? Is it rude to tell him off?
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17 responses
• United States
10 Jun 07
i think it is rude to tell them of cant you just ask nicely if they would mind not doing it ?It realy dosent bother me cause after working with dangerous chemicals for 22 yrs a little smoke wont make much difference my lungs are shot anyway
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 07
I hope you won't fall sick.
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• United States
10 Jun 07
thats what i meant im already sick I have Lupus Diabetes and silicosis so why wory about a little smoke
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• United States
11 Jun 07
It sounds as though you are another person who adhere to the lies of the control freaks. The World Health Organization even put out a statement that there is no evidence that second-hand smoke causes harm. Stop listening to people who are control freaks...and stop trying to take my rights away from me.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 07
I respect your rights but it is well documented that non smokers are more at risk than smokers.
@sacrg793 (429)
• China
11 Jun 07
i have heard of such kind of things, and i know that the people around the people who smoke get more harm than the people who smoke, i makes me sick of sitting beside him. i remember when i was a child, my dad just smoke when we eating our meal, i makes me sick and cannot eat the things anymore. so i swore i'll never smoke again, and besides, smoking is more harmful than drinking alchohol, so i suggest anyone quit smoking as early as possible!
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
24 Jun 07
The nacotine makes it hard for the smokers to quit smoking. It is very addictive. Smoking is like signing away your life. It kills a person slowly but surely it robs a person of his/her golden years.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Yes, it would be rude to tellhim off. It wouldn't hurt to ask kindly that he not smoke. I am a smoker and set out to offend anyone, and if asked in a kind manner I would refrain from smoking in certain circumstances. However, it beats me where you might possibly live because everywhere that I know of has banned smoking in all public facilities. Smoking is a choice that I made and I also have some rights. Who is to say that their rights supercede my rights?
• Philippines
11 Jun 07
well...i'm sorry to tell you that your rights are not supposed to violate or rob of other people's rights. i understand that you are just being defensive, but i must tell you that it's equally rude to smoke in places where a lot of people dislike it. tell me if you hate my comments and it's the same thing that i will feel about you if you smoke in front of me...
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• China
10 Jun 07
OF cause not, but we should ask he/she to stop smoking manaerly.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 07
Either you distance yourself from the smoker or ask him to smoke somewhere else.
• United Arab Emirates
10 Jun 07
It is very harmful for people who do not smoke and have to face such situation. the best thing is try coughing and let the person smoking know that you are not feeling comfortable about the smoking. Hope the people who smoke understands other peoples concern. They cannot risk other people's lives.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 07
Good idea. I think thats the most polite way of telling a smoker to respect others and stop smoking.
• India
10 Jun 07
I think the passive smoking is a most unfortunate hazard and it can well be controlled by Government restrictions to ban smoking at public places, accompanied by some amount of self consciousness of the smokers.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I didnt think you could smoke on public transpertation;. and if I am smoking in a casino cause thats only place we can smoke now if someone sets down the side of me see me smoking they should have set down by me!. as for around kids we smoke outside now not in house!
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
10 Jun 07
Luckily no one in our family smokes. We have a friend that smokes heavy and it's got where we don't want to go to his house because the house is full of smoke. So we only try to stay a few minutes and you're right about the second hand smoke. My mother in law never smoked in her life but she was around with lot of people that smokes and sadly to say she had lung cancer all because of the second hand smoke.Whenever we go out to eat we always wanted to sit where there is non smokers sections. I can't be around smoke due to my asthma.
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@youless (112672)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Jun 07
Fortunately there is nobody smokes at my home. So we don't have to suffer the smoking. Sometimes I will experience it when I am in the public. I hate people who smoke in the lift and the bus. It's so wrong and rude for someone to smoke in public. As it'll be annoying to the non-smokders. Even a second hand smoking will lead to the cancer. If someone who is smoking in public, I will ask him to stop it. Or I will behave obviously that I hate the smoking and he'd better to stop it right away, before I speak to him directly.
• United States
10 Jun 07
In many countries, governments are instilling public smoking bans to prevent the situation you described. In other words, smoking in public places (restaurants, public transit, etc) is forbidden and punishable by a fine (or possibly imprisonment; I know someone who was jailed for smoking on a subway platform). Me, personally, when I smoke around nearby people I usually ask if they mind. But thinking about it, second hand smoke is just another of the dangerous substances we're inhaling; let's not forget the pollution in the air we can't even feel. If I was in your situation, though, I would just politely ask the smoker to stop or move.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
10 Jun 07
We do not want to take the risk of inhaling second hand smoke. It is better to be honest to the smoker that you can't tolerate smoke.
• United States
25 Jun 07
If someone's smoking in your house, and you don't like it, tell them to take it outside. It's a little harder to do that to someone on the bus. But you could always get up and change seats. It might not be rude to tell him to stop smoking, but it could be unsafe. There are some very unstable people around these days.
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• Trinidad And Tobago
11 Jun 07
I totally agree with you Zandi458 everything you said is a proven fact, but it is definitely rude to tell them off! If you are in a situation to move away from that person's environment then remove your self quietly. IF you are in public transport and someone is smoking next to you tell them nicely that you don't appreciate it and if they could discontinue their actions. You could even educate them on the harm they are contributing to every one that is around them. If the person is rude or unwilling to discontinue their actions simply move from around them or leave the vehicle. I know this might sound crazy but remember he /she is putting your health at risk and a little second hand smoke each day will soon add up to a big amount. Finally no one could come into my house smoking!!! you could be the president once you are entering my home you MUST stop smoking immediately!!!
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• Philippines
11 Jun 07
as i've heard, second-hand smokers are more at risk than the people who are actually smoking. If you can avoid it, then do so. there are so many ways to do it, find another seat farther away; stay in a room or part of the house where the smoke will not reach your nostrils; tell someone politely that you are under medication and you're not supposed to breathe some smoke (that is if lying applies); tell the members of the house that you don't like the smell of smoke; stay away as far as you can; otherwise, well...i don't know if there's anything you can do about it...
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• United States
10 Jun 07
What you say is so true. My dad smoked in the house, and I grew up with second hand smoke. I have never started smoking, however, I do get the urge too. It is very dangerous if you smoke, or get it second hand. I wish that all public places were a no no to smoke. Not much you can say or do, it would be rude. However, if it is in your space, yes, you can say something. But, if you are in a public place and it is getting you sick, you may want to ask them politely not to do it near you.
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@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
10 Jun 07
I don't thingk it is or ask then if they would mind putting out there ciggerate. I smoke but at the same time if others ask me to smoke outside or not around them or there kids. i respect their wishes.
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@mamacathie (3928)
• United States
10 Jun 07
I really think so many of the smokers are so disrespectful. The second-hand smoke is so dangerous and they seem not to care. I cannot stand to smell the smoke and have to move if I smell it at all.
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