Who do you go to for advice?
By tinamwhite
@tinamwhite (3252)
United States
June 11, 2007 1:20am CST
Your mind is in a turmoil...you can not seem to think straight....who do you go to for advice?
When I am really upset...I have to ponder it for awhile...I have a tendency to over-analyze a situation...but occasionally the emotions involved will not allow this reasoning....
Does sharing with this person help you to think straighter? Do you take their advice or ask several people? Do you use them as a sounding board to see it clearer then decide what to do???
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49 responses
@look4johnny (40)
• Singapore
11 Jun 07
I go to my close friends to talk abt my problem, if not i discuss with my pastor
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Thank you for sharing with me....I would also like to welcome you to myLot...
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I have been here for 3 months....
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@look4johnny (40)
• Singapore
11 Jun 07
Thank you tinamwhite. Just curious how long have you been in mylot?
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@shahjahan2007 (8)
• Bangladesh
11 Jun 07
They have no actual mind-they want to do say something has no meaning or has no kind for others. It is needed to do something or speak something which helpful to others in the world.
thanking you.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Sometimes talking to somebody else can help you to think clearer.....just putting thoughts into actual word form can be beneficial...
Thank you for responding...and welcome to myLot...I hope that you find it as enjoyable as I do....it is a great community....
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
11 Jun 07
that's so true, too. there are times when i go to my boyfriend and make him listen. well, he always is willing to hear me out (which is good). there are things i feel better when sharing it to my boyfriend than to my mom. and i am glad that my boyfriend, just like my mother is always there for me... anne
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I think that being able to share your problems or frustrations with your significant other is a sure sign of a healthy realationship.....
Sometimes, emotions do tend to cloud an issue....
Thanks so much for sharing with me....
@melanie652 (2524)
• United States
11 Jun 07
It depends on what the problem is. First, I may ask my hubby what he thinks. Sometimes I'll ask one or two of my friends for advice. If it's something really, really personal - I'll tend to try to sort that one out myself. Most of the time I've found sharing the problem with someone or asking for advice does help.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I agree to sometimes sharing helps put a different spin on things....like you when it affects my heart..I tend to try to sort it out myself.....
My husband is always a source of information and since he is my closest friend....he gets the privilege of helping me most...LOL
Thanks of your thoughts and I just love your avatar....we have 2 mares and really enjoy riding...

@34momma (13882)
• United States
11 Jun 07
i have not had my mind in turmoil for years, Thank the Lord. but when i did have those moments when i didn't know where to turn or who to turn too. I always talk to God. just said down and talked to the Lord.
Now when i'm in need of bouncing some ideas off someone i go to my bestfriend. she is bright and sharp. she thinks on her feet and she never ever sugar coats things. she tells it like it is and i love that
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
34Momma, You are lucky, my mind seems to turn to mush at least once-twice a month....LOL
I find prayer and meditation very helpful too...
My best friend is my husband but my closest girl-friend lives about 6 hours away from me now...I really miss her...although we talk often...
I have met some wonderful people here at myLot, like yourself that I feel I can come to when I get upset recently...I feel so much support from my friends here....
Thank you for sharing with me, my friend....
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@jalbeos (1175)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
This is a great question? This reminds me that I need someone, I mean you can't live in this world alone. You need companions.
I've gone in a serious issue 2 years ago, I was not living with my family that time. I was under the authority of the owner of the house where I lived. He has an experience about the issue, so I asked.
I am living alone right now, I don't know who do I go whenever I need an advice. I am learning to live with myself, nobody's involved.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Jalbeos, I can tell you from experience that myLot is a great community to share your frustrations and concerns with...I always recive many honest and helpful ideas and opinions without the emotional burden that life can put you under...
It is wonderful that you are making alone....that is something to be proud of....but yes, we do all need someone from time to time...even if it is just to listen...
Good luck,,,,
@jalbeos (1175)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
You're right. You can visit the discussions I've started. Most of them are questions, I think I'll get a lot of advice here. I am spending most of my time here... I love my computer because my friends live in it. So, whenever I am on serious situation, I'll wait for your advice, mylotters.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Your partner sounds so much like my wonderful husband....we are both very fortunate women...
Thank you for sharing with me, my new friend.....
@nuttmeg (440)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Usually when I'm upset I only talk to two or three people about my problems. Depending on who it is, I sometimes get some advice that I may or may not take, but I do appreciate the thought or at least them offering being a sounding board. If anything, I think that just venting about an issue helps me put it into perspective more than anything, such as when I'm in denial about something or make talking about much-needed, yet complex goals that are ahead of me. So while they may not be able to offer advice all the time, or even advice that I may not want to hear, I can at least look at it from a different point of view or even just more clearly once I get it off my chest.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Nuttmeg, I also think that putting your thoughts into clear words is essential to clearing up a problem....I often write things out on paper...just so that I can do this....
Gaining the insightfulness of others is one of the best things about myLot...I often bring my confusion and frustrations here and can always be assured of honest and helpful opinions and advice from my friends here....
Thank you for sharing with me.....
@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
11 Jun 07
Yes, of course, this is always good to seek advice if one feels that his own decision would have multi effects. I also tend to seek the advice. Hmmm for the question of "to whom I go" :) .... it depends upon the nature of the matter in focuss .... if it pertains to office matters, it is good to discuss with some best colleague, if pertains to family matters, then of course patron would be the best choice. Thanks for a nice topic.
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@aliasad (1567)
• Pakistan
11 Jun 07
O Madam! This is really so nice of you for all of your affection and loving words. I have been busy, so busy that I have to shorten the time for mylot. I am thankful for your kind support to my discussions and I feel very proud here while having your kind words for me.
Thank you very much and I am really obliged. May God bless you!
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Aliasad, I have been wondering about you...been missing you...thanks for sharing with me...
I agree that the nature of the situation would of course determine where a person would go to seek advice...
I appreciate your response and it was nice to hear from you.....hope all is well....

@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
12 Jun 07
The person that i go to for advice most of the time is my mother. But if it is something that i figure would really upset her than i talk to a close friend as she has enough on her mind and dont need to be upset anymore than what she is most times. I usually use the person as a sounding board to help it be clearer to me to decide and i also will take their suggestions too if i find it will help me solve the problem as well.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Kitkat, Having your mother there to help you when you need it must be wonderful....I appreciate the fact that you are conscientious of her stress level too...
Anyone who can help you to see the different choices that are possible solutions and the consequesnces of those choices would greatly benefit a person who is seeking advice....in my opinion...
Thanks so much for sharing with me...
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I go to my husband who is the most level headed, reasonable person I know. Like you, I tend to over-analyze and he understands my way of think and talks me through things excellently. When emotions get involved and I am not thinking very clearly is when he is at his best and keeps me grounded. I am blessed with him as a life partner.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
This sounds so much like me.....did I write this??? LOL
Just kidding, my friend...
You are very blessed....Being able to communicate with your partner is such a wonderful feeling...actually communicating...not just talking at each other...
Thanks, Makingpots for sharing wirh me.....
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
11 Jun 07
If my mind is all muddled up and I am not thinking straight, I will usually try to calm down first and ponder over the issue when my head is clearer. I am an analytical person, so I will analyze the situation, rationalise the issues, think through what and why certain things had been said or done, and in the process, that usually helps me to make more rational decisions.
If the issue at hand is over household, finances or family relationships, I will usually confide in my wife, and make a joint decision with her after some discussion. I trust her very much when it comes to making important decisions. In this way, we will both have ownership of the issue and decisions made. I think that's important in a relationship, because the decision may not turn out to be the appropriate one, and both parties should feel responsible for having made the decision together.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Lexus, again your wisdom shines brightly....I often go to my husband as well....we are best friends and every decision made will ultimately affect both of us....
I think about things as you also, tationalizing every aspect trying to see all sides and the consequences of each choice....
Just for fun....when is your birthdate....what is your astrological sign....I don't put alot of faith in the daily horoscopes but I think that some "signs" share certin characteristics.....I am an Aries...April 14...
Take care my friend....thank you for sharing a part of you with me.....
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
11 Jun 07
Tina, we both share similarities in our marital relationships. Let's always be thankful for the wonderful blessings we receive in our marriage relationships. Well, I do not happen to be an Aries. I was born on 2nd February, and my sign is Aquarius. Victor
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@REMNANTscrapbook (124)
• United States
12 Jun 07
when my mind is in a turmoil and when i cant think straight i turn for my family and friends for advice, especially the ones who have experience troubles i deal with.
sharing with a person definately helps you think straighter, just trust me. i sometimes take their advices, but sometimes if im still not sure, i would go for other peoples advices, and see which one would help me more.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Remnant scrapbook, first let me take this opportunity to welcome you to myLot....I hope that you enjoy the time that you spend here as much as I do....
Family and friends can seem to help a person through things they never imagined they would make it through...they can often help put things into perspective and to see our choices more clearly...
MyLot will also help you when things are confusing or frustrating....lots of good advice and honest opinions can be found among all of it's members...
Thank you for responding to my discussion....
@Tracylovesadrian (143)
• China
12 Jun 07
I usually first go to my husband for advice. If he can't provide satisfying answer, I will turn to my close friends. Yet strangely, sometimes when I think I am indecisive, I've already made a decision myself deep down. When that happens, I only choose to follow one piece of advice-- my own advice.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Traceylovesadrian, I would like to take this opportunity to say welcome to myLot, this is a great community where you can make many friends, ask advice, share your life's experiences and make some extra money...I hope you truly enjoy your time spent here....
Yes, my husband is usually my first stop when I need some advice.....after all, many of my decisions will affect him as well....
More and more, when i am frustrated or confused about things or my feelings...I bring it to my friends here at myLot....
Thanks so much for responding to my discussion....
@Minesky (245)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
Nobody can really solve your problems than yourself, and that is the whole truth.
What is helpful though, is when you share it with another person, and this person can help you realize the solution by thinking out loud the problem and probable solutions, yeah, just like a sounding board....
Sometimes it is better to analyze problems when you look at it at a different perspective. Well, it's really better than have people see you talking to yourself! Been, there, done that, and people stare at me silly!!! lol
On my case, it's my Mom who I go to when I want to analyze tough problems. She is not afraid to make comments that can sometimes hurt my feelings, but this is just because we are analyzing the problem, and she just gives me the 'other side of the coin'.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Minesky, No-one can solve your problem but they can often help you clarify the possible choices and the consequences of each decision...
It is wonderful to have a mother who will be there for you...I am sure that you appreciate all that she does for you....
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me....
@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I always use my older sister as my sounding board, and so far I can happily say that she has never given me bad advice. We have a very close relationship, even though she is 19 years older than I am, and we have the same personalities and pretty much the same outlook on life and where we want to go. She does the same thing with me, too, if she has problems with her kids, her work, or whatever. Right now we are having problems with our mom, she is a lotto addict and has gotten herself into some serious debt problems. We have been discussing what can be done, what we need to do and all. I am glad that we are so close that we always seek advice from each other.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Tdbrower, I am so glad to hear someone say this...it has been my life's mission to nurture this tyoe of relationship in my children and with 22 years difference between the last 2 boys...I worry about what will happen when I am no longer here to keep the peace...
I am sorry to hear about your mother's addict....you know the perils of addict first hand and seem to have more than most on your plate, Hun....
You are a strong woman though....I can see that already....between you and your sister...I think you can handle whatever comes your way....
Thanks so much for sharing with me, my friend...
@miaolin (397)
• China
12 Jun 07
I usually don't ask help for others,beacuse I don't want others to know my own business.But I also will ask help for my best friend.In fact,I just need a listener.I don't mind whether they give me advice or not.I just want to realise myself and let me feel better.In many instances,I talk to my diary,but it seems useless,because it couldn't give me any raction.I need interactive program.If my friend gives me advice,I would think about it.But whether I use it or not is dependant on.When I talk about my business to her,she always can find the point what I couldn't see.So friend is so helpful.Not all of the friends,but the best one.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I agree that sometimes it does help to put things down on paper...to clearly put things into prospective....
A friend can also be benficial for bouncing ideas off of...
I have found a group of friends here at myLot....they are always willing to help me and are supportive with lots of helpful ideas and opinions..
Thanks so much for participating.....
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
This is a great place to get good advice!!
Thanks for your participation....
@sandwedge (1339)
• Malaysia
12 Jun 07
i seek out the spongebob squarepants Mighty Conch for all guidance
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@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
12 Jun 07
If i am a bit upset, I would share it with some of my trusted friends, and whenever i am relieved or maybe a bit okey, then it's time me to do decide what possible solutions am I going to do.
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@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
12 Jun 07
It is always nice to have someone who cares about you there when you need them....they can give great advice....plus they know what is going on usually....
Thanks for sharing with me...