Fellow sufferers of Fibromyalgia
By craftcatcher
@craftcatcher (3699)
United States
June 11, 2007 1:44pm CST
This is about the most stupid supposed medical professional I have come across in all my years.
My doctor recommended that I see the clinic's dietician to help me get my cholestrol and blood pressure down. Although I knew how to do it myself I agreed to see her anyway.. it was a free consultation.
I go into her office and we start to talk and she looked at my chart and said "Oh I see you have Fibromyalgia." I confirmed this fact. Now here's where she just BURNED MY BISCUITS. "Oh I have an Aunt who used to have Fibromyalgia about 10 yrs ago and you know she started doing stretching exercises and she was cured". As you can imagine my jaw hit the floor and my eyes got as big as dinner plates. I blurted out, "Then she didn't have Fibromyalgia did she, since it is a chronic condition with no cure.
"Would you believe she actually got angry at me! She looked at me and said "Well all the tests confirmed it and I believe that my being a medical professional I would know a little more about it than you would. Fibromyalgia is caused by being inactive, the tendons shorten which causes the pain."
Ok, now I'm not only stunned at her stupidity but really PO'd bigtime. But I replied, still in a fairly calm voice,"Oh REALLY? I can state categorically that you.... know.... absolutely.... NOTHING about Fibromyalgia. You need to go back to school and learn a little more.
"Her reply? "You need to leave my office". My reply, "Gladly".
I know we've all had our run-ins with critics, advice givers, uninformed idiots and non-believers. Have you ever come across a medical professional who was this insensitive, ignorant and incompetent? I still cannot believe this actually happened. I got so angry that it sent me into a 2 week flare-up.
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35 responses
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Thanks cher913. I did tell the doctor but I don't know if it actually did any good or not, I hope so. All I know is causing stress to someone with Fibro is akin to beating them up because we can suffer terribly for days from just a minor amount of stress.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
11 Jun 07
That is awful, I would be very angry with her, not having Fibromyalgia and not really in tuned to what this disease causes but knowing that there is no cure, I hope you called the doctor's office afterwards and told them about such treatment to you, that is awful.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Thanks :D I did tell the doctor that sent me to her what she said. All he said was, "I'll have a little talk with her." So I don't know if he educated her or not. I hope so for any future fibro patients sake.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Some doctors think that they are God, and the last word. I have come across this a few times. They freak if you talk up to them, as you did. I commend you dear.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Thanks hon, I think lifeoriley summed it up pretty well, how dare we have something they can't cure. So it must be our fault! LOL
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@AmbiePam (96294)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I had a doctor who told me Fibromyalgia didn't even exist. I think there should be mandatory classes when people have some sort of medical job. Mandatory on the diseases that are not understood. People just don't grasp the reality of fibromyalgia, if they even acknowledge it at all!
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I like that, I might have to get one of those t-shirts or make my own. That's the way most people think, if you don't look sick then you must not be sick.. ergo you're faking it. Oh pullleezz.. would anyone in their right mind want their lives completely distrupted day in and day out. Not be able to keep an appointment with a friend because you can't get out of bed. Can't hold a job because you can't stand up for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time. etc. Hya, some life!
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I know what you mean. I've heard people say that Fibro is such a new disease that it must be caused by environmental conditions or like you said it doesn't even exist to them. Personally I think it's been around forever, but people labeled sufferers as hypochondriacs or crazy and stuck them away without any medical help whatsoever. Who knows how many people were treated horrifically because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with them. Hmmm not much has changed.
I have people say it to me all the time.. oh you must be feeling better today!..... NO I just chose not to look as bad as I feel today. LOL!
I've always wondered if the story of the Princess and the Pea was a Fibro based story?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I guess I inherit a lot from my great-grandmother...she was a nurse (no I'm not) but she was involved with natural and herbal remedies, that probably worked far better than the "miracle" medicines of today...since she was a nurse, she could see what a bunch of a**holes doctors were---even if given some medication for any of her problems she never took them...instead relied on nothing but her herbal cures...I distinctly remember her never having anything stronger than aspirin in her medicine cabinet --and she lived to be 98!! Now I too have been in a lot of joint pain lately...especially in my ankles...some days I can hardly walk,..but I refuse to take prescription meds for it..my foot doctor recommended a popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory med--now before I get a prescription filled (which isn't often--like I said inherit my great-grandmother's traits) I look up to see the side effects involved..and lets face it you start reading them and you don't want to take a thing...well this one is in a group that the FDA recently put severe warnings about...it could trigger blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks...gee, do you think I want to take this?? Think not..
What your "expert" person told you is ludicrous...she might as well have said, "Oh I have an Aunt who used to have diabetes and she's been cured."--Well as far as I know there's no cure for that...is there?
Kudos to you for what you said to her, the "expert"---I think more of us should be so straighforward with people in the medical profession
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I don't have a lot of confidence in the medical system either. I do a lot of research and have tried numerous combinations of vitamins, minerals and herbs. I have found some combinations helpful but nothing that I an say definitely works 100% of the time.
I really hate taking prescription meds, they always make me feel like a zombie. I also have Psoriatic Arthritis so between that and the Fibro sometimes I just can't take it and I give in and take a pain pill. But that's pretty rare. I just deal with it the best I can.
Actually Type 2 diabetes can be reversed in certain cases if the main cause is bad eating habits and obesity. I can attest to that one personally. Before I lost my weight and started eating better the doctor was talking about putting me on another pill for diabetes but I told him to hold off and give me a chance to try and correct it myself. It worked! It doesn't work in all cases but I got lucky this time.
Thanks pyewacket! :D
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Actually yes I am. I started taking Glucosamine and Chondroiton a couple of years ago when my arthritis started kicking up really bad and later on started taking the Omega 3's to help keep my cholestrol down. The side benefit was I started feeling a tiny bit better. Nothing to write home about but hey every little bit helps. They work particularly well if I'm already taking a multi vitamin/mineral. So many interact with each other, most people don't realize that taking one vitamin or mineral has very little effect without it's catalyst or co-worker, so to speak.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Are you by any chance taking a combo of the Omega 3 fish oils and that Glucosamine stuff...I am...it seems to help a bit...thing is I ran out a few weeks ago, so any benefits it had stopped..just managed to get some more and am going to take again
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@lifeoriley (262)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I have came across insensitive and ignorant doctors many times. I have Scleroderma and it is a condition that is incurable. A few times in the past l would allow doctors to bring interns into the examining room, until the last doctor and intern, acted like l wasn't in the room, and handled me like l was a piece of meat. That really upset me, so l don't allow it anymore.
I have a long list of run ins with doctors that would totally blow you away. I rather not think of those ignorant episodes.
I also find that doctors get pissed off and cop an attitude when you have an illness that they can't fix. They treat you like it's your fault for having such an illness.
Try not to let this upset you and make you sick because it is simply not worth it.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
I think you hit the nail on the head, how DARE we have a disease that they can't cure!! LOL.
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@gberlin (3836)
14 Jun 07
It is hard for me to believe that she knew so little about fibromyalgia. My sister has it and has tried everything. The best she is able to do is to keep the pain to a tolerable level. Even I know that this dietician you saw was misinformed about fibromyalgia and I am by no means an expert on it. I know about it because of my sister. Just simply incredible.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Hi Greg, and thanks. I still have no idea what she could have been thinking. I just hope that I shook her up enough for her to do some reading. I told the doctor what she said also and he said he would have a talk with her. Either way I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she got some education on the subject.
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@patgalca (18426)
• Orangeville, Ontario
11 Jun 07
Fibromyalgia has been around for centuries. The name has changed several times. It was originally known as fibrositis. You'd think these idiot doctors would know that by now.
I really haven't run into any doctors that don't believe in the illness. I've run into doctors who have family members who have the illness. The problem is that fibromyalgia is NOT being taught in medical school. This is why doctors are so uneducated about it. I had two doctors tell me initially that if I exercised in six months I would be better. This was said in front of my husband who thought we can get through six months of this. No, it's a lifetime and those doctor's were stupid thinking that way. I DO find exercise helps me manage my illness but my illness is never completely gone. Also, everyone has a different chemical physical make-up. No two people are alike and therefore will not react to treatments the same way. What works for one person may not work for another. Heck, medications can give one person terrible side effects yet another person may not have any on the exact same medication.
You know, if you need a fibro-friendly doctor you can contact FibroBetsy at kindness@fibrobetsy.com. She keeps a list of doctors all around the continent who are only recommended by fibromyalgia patients, not other doctors or the doctors themselves.
Good for you for telling your doctor the bad reaction you got from the other doctor. You may want to go above their head though and complain to whatever membership your doctors are with (American Medical Association, Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, etc.). I was given a questionnaire by a fibromyalgia organization on doctors who were not good. That doctor has shown up on the bad list. I am not the only one who complained about him. Don't let these people mess with you. You are the boss of your body and you need to be able to manage your illness and it may take many different combinations of things until you find what works for you, but you must do it. I spent five years lying around feeling sorry for myself. That got me nowhere. I now live a pretty good life (though have a heck of a time getting out of bed in the morning) and can cope because I know my limitations and how to pace myself.
I wish you much luck in your quest to find the treatment that works for you. Remember, manage the illness, don't let it manage you.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Thanks so much for the other info Pat. I sometimes work for a Chronic Pain forum and we're always looking for new sites to post.
I did the same thing, about 2 yrs solid I was a non-functional human being. I'll never get those years back. But I do try to get up and do something every day though I pace myself very carefully like you do. I can manage to be almost normal! LOL
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
12 Jun 07
You handled it better then I would have. I would have had a fit and told her off big time. I would have also reported her to her supervisor as well as the insurance company to make sure she didn't get paid. The thing is in most states to be a dietician all you need is a college degree in dietary..you don't need to take any medical courses except maybe terminology or medicines and foods. So her saying she's a medical professional is a bit much.
I've run into that sort with different things and my sister who is a nurse has had many doctors try to tell her things that aren't true. They seem to get floored when she mentions she's a nurse and they don't know what to do because they can't overwhelm her with terminology. I've learned that knowledge is power and the more one knows when we go in the better off we are.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
12 Jun 07
You are absolutely right emeraldisle, knowledge is power and I usually go in more informed and updated than my doctor. He gets very nervous when I walk into his exam room.. LOL.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I'll just chime in here to point out that our medical doctor's lack of nutritional understanding is a huge part of the ignorance of the medical communtity.
A really great nutritionist, or Naturopathic Doctor will blow an M.D.'s knowledge out of the water. Make no mistake about it: Doctors are plumbers, and handymen in that they only know how to treat symptoms: broken bones, broken plumbing, broken bridging systemes. Exceptional nutritionists understand the key fundamentals that the body requires to perform optimally. Doctors are taught one to a few nutritional courses in their whole academic career.
So, please don't throw Nutritionists, or N.D. out the window. When A.M.A. doc's send you on a multi-year wild-goose chase, it's often the N.D. who will find your underlying problem with expediency.
The nutritionist in question may have had the 'bedside manner' of a sloth, but she isn't representative of the whole field.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
12 Jun 07
A dietician is not the same as a nutritionist or Naturopathic Doctor. Two very different things. A nutritionist or Naturopathic Doctor have to take more courses and more medical courses in particular then a dietician. A dietician learns very little medically over all.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I have never run across one that was that bad.
I don't really consider a dietitian to be a part of the real medical field...maybe loosely associated with...they are merely nutritionists.
At any rate she was commenting on something that was outside of her field, and I would venture to say that you were more of the expert there then she was.
When you experience something first hand, it gives you a full understanding as to the symptoms and what the condition really does.
Those of us with chronic conditions may not understand the cause, but we sure understand the results and symptoms in a way that even the ones who treat us cannot, unless they also have the same condition.
Good job in standing your ground against this idiot...
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I don't have Fibromyalgia, mine is Degenerative Disc Disease
which also is chronic and has no known cure or treatment.
They just throw me some painkillers and that's about the limit to what they can do.
I have run across a few idiots, especially before they finally figured out what was going on, and every now and then someone will add an opinion that should have just kept quiet.
Don't let the fools get you down.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Thanks Destiny, she definitely needed to learn that she was no medical expert. Hopefully the doctor educated her a bit on Fibromyalgia after I told him what she said.

@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
19 Feb 08
Hi Max, I know that there is no cure, and you know there is not cure, and everyone with true fibromyalgia knows there is no cure. Evidently this person didn't get the memo!
Thanks for your response.

@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
12 Jun 07
It's terrible to go through such a consultation. No wonder it is free. Maybe she's the reason the consultation was free.
My mother had cystic fibrosis. They had to operate on her. Another friend of mine had the same thing and went through operation as well.
I'm not too informed about Fibromyalgia, but since as you said there is no known cure, it just go to show how ignorant that lady was. You are better off without the consultation anyways. - Lyn
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Thanks Lyn :D
I went there to be taught something, what I learned was there is not enough information and bad information about Fibromyalgia out in the public and in the medical community.
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@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I had a friend growing up that has xeroderma pigmentosa, or an easier way to say it, she is allergic to the sun. Not too many people out there have this condition either. When we were teenagers, she was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well. She went through many doctors who all thought she was an addict to pain meds. She wasn't, she was in pain and wanted it to stop. Not the meds to stop the pain, but a real live cure. This was at least 15 years ago, so you can imagine what the doctors were like. She finally found a doctor that diagnosed her, and she finally felt at least like someone understood. It is awful what we go through with doctors.
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@teapotmommommerced (10359)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I am an RN and I can tell you there is no know cure for firbromyalgia and she needs to be turned in to her superiors. I think you need to call the place where she works and demand to talk to her supervisor or director. Even if you are wrong no one in a medical field or a teaching field should teach another person that way. She needs to be knocked down a few notches. I also would take to your doctors office and tell them not to send any more of their patients to that dietician. What a witch with a "B". I cannot understand when anyone would treat another person that way. Now she is just a dietician and not a nurse or a doctor. Me being a nurse would never presume I have all the answers and would have approached the subject a different way. I would never tall someone "I am in the Medical field and I know more than YOU do".
Please call those people and get the dietician some lessions in patient teaching.
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
12 Jun 07
The more I think about it I think most of her problem was that she hadn't had anyone tell her she was wrong before. Most people just give people like her their trust and don't question anything they say. My correcting her might have put her on the defensive and she lashed out.
Well whatever her reasoning I hope she thought long and hard about what I said and did some studying or at least talked to the doctor. I told him what happened and he said he would talk to her. Who knows. I can hope. I know that she won't be getting any recommendations from me! LOL
Thanks hon, nice to hear from a medical professional who has their head on straight instead of stuck in a lower body cavity :D
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Correct me if I"m wrong, but are dieticians MD's? I don't think they are, so they shouldn't be giving any medical advice/recommendations. I see this post is a bit old, but it may not be a bad idea to call up that dr. and tell him what happened and tell him you don't think a "non-MD" should be giving contradictory medical advice nor should she be having such an attitude because you disagreed with her. I would also tell him (and follow through with it) that you plan on filing a complaint with-whatever the hell the name of the group that governs over dieticians. She was clearly wrong in my opinion. You said it's a clinic, and if they're all part of the same "group", and she may have had other complaints as well, yours might be enough for them to send her butt packing :) Some people are just so stubborn and never cease to amaze me at their stupidity!!!
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
26 Jun 07
You're not wrong, she wasn't an MD at all, just a dietician. I did tell my doctor about it and he heads the clinic. He said he'd have a little talk with her and actually didn't seem terribly surprised so maybe I wasn't the first one to say something to him. I hope he did talk to her and educated her a bit on Fibromyalgia and on how to deal with patients. I guess I'll find out if she's still there next time I go in. Thanks!
@rawpoet (2045)
• United States
2 Sep 07
A cure for Fibromyalgia pain? LOL! I've had this illness for 20 years now. It never goes away and there is NO cure. If someone can stretch and exercise to get the pain to go away, it sure as heck isn't Fibro. There is no such thing as "Fibro remission" or "I've been cured." The person probably had a pulled muscle.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Jun 07
*chin hits the floor* ARE YOU SERIOUS?? Wow...well kudos to you for keeping your cool for starters cause there is NO WAY IN HELL I would have! and secondly, I agree...she needs to go back to school and educate herself.....OOOOOH docs like that tick me off something awful!
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I sure wish I wasn't serious. I think if I hadn't been so stunned by the whole situation I would have lost my cool. As it was I did get some satisfaction out of telling her she new nothing about it.
Thank goodness she wasn't a doctor just the dietician on staff at the clinic but I did tell my doctor and he said he would have a talk with her. I can only hope he did and told her to do some research before making such incredibly ignorant comments.
Thanks for stopping by Ravenladyj!
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
25 Jun 07
You get that too huh? I call them by their technical name... the heebeejeebees.. LOL! Thanks for stopping by IL2Knit
@sweetmimzim3 (261)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Your dietician was way off on this one...yes treatment options such as certain exercise will eleviate but not cure Fibromyalgia, so just because her aunt was feeling better does not mean she was cured. She just found something that helped her eleviate some of her symptoms. You were in the right to be flaming mad, and she may not need more education, but a lesson in proper communication with her patients.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
26 Jun 07
She definitely needs some education in one or the other.. preferably both. I think I caught her off guard a bit and she didn't know how to handle it so she got angry. Oh well, I just calls em like I sees em.. :D
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
16 Jul 07
Thanks sugarfloss! It felt good to at least get a few words in before I had to leave.