hitting rock bottom...........crying out for help.........
By lilmrsarata
@lilmrsarata (240)
United States
June 11, 2007 6:31pm CST
Today my husband and i have been together for 3 years...2 of which we have been married for......lately we have been arguing and bickering A LOT!! we have found all the ways to make eachother angry and do it in spite of eachother....we have been going thru a lot in the last 6 months..him getting out of the service and tryin to find a job, me getting stuck in a job that i HATE because they have great benifits and i need to stay there until my husband gets a job, me finding out that i have Polycystic ovarian syndrome which has made me gain 50 pounds, and which is hindering me from getting pregnant easy.....trying to go to infertility doctors just to make sure i dont miss my chance of being a mom....and not having ANY friends close to where we live......thats just the top of the iceberg....
on the other hand we have great days too....the bad has just been creeping up on us.....
last night we hit rock bottom.....we had a huge arguement and he pretty much said that he couldnt take it anymore....we finally talked everything out and we are working on changing together, but its just sorta hard to think that he got pretty much to the breaking point.
Im really depressed lately all on my own and i have changed as a person..in a way that i dont like i used to be happy and care free.....and now i am an angry cold hearted person who doesnt give a crap about anything.....and i dont know where to go or how to be or how to change........I cant think on my own anymore...i have to be listening to the radio or the tv because i dont even know what to think or who i am.....i guess i am just crying out for help....for some advice.....i really think that me and my husband will be alright, but i dont know if i will be.......for the first time in my life i felt like it wouldnt make a difference to my family and friends if i wasnt here......................please help............
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9 responses
@tippy1124 (19)
• United States
12 Jun 07
The responses suggesting that you talk to your doctor are correct. I just wanted to let you know that I was also diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Disease a few years ago. I have one child, but I can't have anymore. Don't think that your depression is coming solely from the way your life is going right now. Talk to your doctor about it. I did and mine told me that depression can sometimes come from the disease itself. I wouldn't reccomend some of the medications he put me on at the time, but there are a lot of very beneficial new medications out there now. You don't have to live your life being unhappy. As far as your marriage, mine was exactly like that for quite a while. We still have our rough spots, but communicating with each other is the most important thing you can do. I don't mean just talking...tell him exactly why you're unhappy and listen to his reasoning as well. I'm not going to lie to you, marriage is hard, but as long as you both love each other, you should be able to work it out. Even if you can't do it yourselves, that's what they made marriage counselors for. I wish you the best of luck.
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
yes, that has been the major word of wisdom on here and i think that i am going to take it....before i even read all of these my husband and i talked about it last night. and yes, marriage isnt easy..i think we have figured that one out....and i knew that PCOS could mess up hormones and things like that but i never really even stopped to think that depression could be a part of it....thank you so much for your advice.....everyone on here has been GREAT!
@tippy1124 (19)
• United States
13 Jun 07
You're very welcome. I know how it feels. I was completelt devastated when they found it, so if you ever want to talk about it, just let me know. They're are also a lot of great websites out there dedicated solely to PCOD.
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I can relate! During the first 5 years of our marriage, we fought like cats and dogs. I almost called my mother to send money when we were overseas so me and the kids could come back.
You would be amazed at the people that would miss you if you weren't here. Probably some that you didn't even think of.
Have you thought about counselling? It might help both of you. Or maybe you just go. Talking things out with someone that's not involved and has an outsider's view might help.
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
i have thought of counselling....my husband and i were talking about it yesterday...and he said he would be willing to go if i thought it would help me find my way....well i hope you are doing better with your husband. thank you for your advice!
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@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
13 Jun 07
After the first few years, we get along fine now. We have been married for 22 years...no breaks. The nice thing about it is it still doesn't feel like it's been that long.
@TheCatzMeow1 (579)
• United States
12 Jun 07
1st of all you need to get to a doctor and get yourself some help. It sounds like the way you feel isn't going to go away on it's own. Feeling hopeless is a red flag for someone who is depressed.
You both need to slow down and take it one day at a time. I know how hard it is, but you need to figure out a way to deal with what comes your way. Your problems are over bearing and it's getting in the way of the good things in life. Maybe some councelling or a support group would help too.
There's really no easy way to deal with the problems you're having. You're taking the 1st step by reaching out for advice. Now you need to reach out for help. Only you and your husband can decide what route to take though. I wish you the best of luck.
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
thank you very much.....we are thinking about getting counseling...now its just trying to figure out if my insurance covers it or not beacuse right now we cant afford it on our own. thank you for your advice!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
12 Jun 07
been there, done that...i left my hubby for 6 months last year and that helped us a lot...we have become way more unified and have both changed for the better..i dont recommend this to everyone, but sometimes you just need a breather......
marriage is HARD work and if anyone says differently, they are kidding themselves! you might want to think of marriage counselling too...good luck!
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
haha yes, marriage counseling is on the WAY!! i think that just about everyone has given me that advice and i plan on taking it not only for our marriage but for myself....it is hard and we are only 22.....yea real young but we are determined to make it work in everyway we can. there's..its only gonna get better for us...i have FAITH! thank you for your advice!
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
12 Jun 07
I have been there, and trust me, it's a horrible place to be, I know.
From what you're describing, it sounds like you may have quite bad depression. I do feel that a visit with your Doctor would be beneficial to you. You need to talk to him, explain whats been happening, and how you feel - just the way you described it to us here at Mylot.
He can prescribe you some medication that will help you, and stop you feeling so terrible. It'll take a little while but it's worth it. Don't go on suffering when you don't have to.
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
i am sort of afraid to go see a doctor about it...maybe a counseler but i really dont want to be put on medicine...i really think that things will work out on its own i just dont know how long it will take to get there....thank you so much for your advice
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Let me start by saying, I hit rock bottom with my husband about 5 years ago. It was exactly as you described, except I was the one saying I didn't want to do it anymore. We decided to work on our marriage and could not be in a better place than we are right now. I felt exactly like you feel. Like somehow, I had lost who I was and become something I hated. I will also tell you, that with working on my marriage, I also worked on myself. I took everything my husband said, everything I felt, and I worked on changing. I am today, still an ever changing human being. We all change throughout our lives. It is up to us to make sure we are going in the right direction. It would make a difference if you were not here. It would make a difference to alot of people I am sure you don't even realize. I have been there, and I know how it feels. It is probably the worst feeling in the world. If ever you want to talk or get something off your chest, ask a question, get some advice. You can feel free to message me. I will be more than willing to help in any way I can. I know how lonely you can feel, and how hard it is. I hope you are able to work through all of your issues.
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
THANK YOU so much for your response! it makes me feel a lot better that people that have gone thru what i am going thru right now have come out on top at the end! i think that one step at a time will be a good thing and i know thru slowly changing that our relationship with eachother and our selfs can only get better....thank you so much for your help!
@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Recognize that you are in a down spot right now and it's alright to feel the way you do. You DO know that you matter to people. We just seem to get tunnel vision when we're like this.
For one, don't try to get pregnant at this time. It won't help matters; it won't save your relationship.
Instead of concentrating on the fact that your husband almost left, realize he's still there, so he must want to work things out. But if you don't even like how you are lately, how is he supposed to? You have to start by working on yourself. It's not easy going to a job we don't like, but more people do it than don't. I'm sure the weight gain has lowered your self-esteem. That's another reason to forget about having a baby right now.
I doubt that you're a cold-hearted person, and the mere fact that you made this posting shows that YOU do still care, vs. 'not giving a crap anymore'. Maybe you just need to unload on someone who is impartial to your situation for a session or two. You're both going through your own personal stresses and seem to be venting on each other, possibly because you're isolated to some extent.
Sometimes life can make us feel so down, so hopeless, so alone, and yet in a week's time things can change for the better. So, hang in there!
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Honey! I have been where you are! Don't think such things! I know it isn't easy and your life is really hard right now, both of you trying so hard and you feel like your hitting a brick wall with all of your efforts to stay afloat. Then on top of that you don't know if you will have the ability to become a mom? First of all you need to take a deep breath, step back and see what is positive first. Lets think of the positive. You have a good husband right? You both have the ability to talk things out and comfort each other as you described. You do have a good job and are able to provide insurance for yourself and husband, it is enabling you to stay afloat financially while your husband finds work. I know you don't like it hon, but we do things in life we don't like because we have to, thats part of the sacrifice you promised when you committed your life to this. I know you know that, and I don't need to remind you of that I am sure. Your doing it, so that alone tells me that you know. now....lets look at the negative and put it in perspective. You hate your job but it provides for you and your husband. So, it is something you have to deal with. Lets move on, you have polycystic ovary syndrome. I have that as well. I am 120 lbs. overweight. I have one child and have had 4 miscarriages, 1 tubal pregnancy. I don't tell you this to make you sadder, I tell you this to tell you that it is possible to have children. The thing is you have to reduce your stress before you can even consider trying to conceive. I have managed to lose 6 lbs. by walking daily and watching what I eat. It also helps with stress relief. Now, when i felt like I was losing my mind when I was in your situation, I sat down, I wrote all of the pro's and con's in my life down with my husband. That helped clear my mind. I took all of the stressors and put them in order of importance. the ones on the last part of the list I put on the back burner and just concentrated on the most important. Right now getting pregnant is not the most important. Getting financially stable and ending the stressors between you and your husband are most important. So, maybe ifyou do this together, you can really start teaming up against these problems together and work with each other. Sometimes when we get so stressed out we forget that we have someone to depend on and we just hold it all in and it comes to a point where you feel your going insane. It sounds like that both of you are doing that. I dont know if this will help you at all, but just know that there are people out there that have gone through what you are going through and we have survived! I am here to talk about it! so, just take a deep breath and don't feel like your world is crashing in on you! Take care and stay strong!
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
it really amazes me how many people wanted to help me and have wonderful things to say. and YES you have helped all or you have helped. i kind of had a little time to think yesterday, and today is better. i got to talk to one of the women that is above me and she pretty much helped me realize that its not so bad and she is here to help me out in anyway she can. im not the only one that doesnt like our boss....our boss is constantly on this womans back to micromanage us which she hates doing....so it made me feel a lot better in that aspect of my life......
As far as the PCOS goes.....i started working out today, my husband signed us up for 24 hour fitness...they were having a great deal...so i get to work out during my lunch and after work...it is a great "out" and makes me feel good about myself..and helps relieve the stress in my life...on top of that its helping me become more healthy and fit so it my help me have better chances of getting pregnant....im trying not to worry about that aspect in my life as much right now because i know it will come in time and im seeing a doctor to hopefully help us along that path...
I really just want to thank you for you kind words and words of widsom....the only way now is up!!!...have a great day.......
@warriorsdaughter (791)
• United States
12 Jun 07
I am currently where you are at this time. I have a wonderful marriage, but I am at rock bottom. I don't even want to leave the house.
From what you have describe it sounds as if you have some depression. I try to fight mine on my own. Eventually it will get better, so I hope! You may want to see a doctor if you don't feel you can handle it on your own. They can put you on anti-depressants.
If your husband is like mine, he hates the fact of not working and providing for his family. That can put a lot of stress on a man. We have been in that situation except I wasn't working either. We both lost our jobs at the same time.
Keep talking because communication plays a big roll in keeping a marriage alive. Understand his feelings as he needs to understand yours. Don't give up because it will get better in time.
Hang in there and keep smiling! ;)
@lilmrsarata (240)
• United States
12 Jun 07
thank you so much for your response...it helps to hear that im not alone out there but at the same time i wish you the best because i dont want anyone to feel the way that i do....today is a better day tho....one step at a time.....the only way to go from here is up! thank you again and i hope all is well for you!