My Own Personal Fly Catcher
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
June 12, 2007 8:01am CST
Remember me asking about how to keep frogs? Well after saving a poor frog out of the clutches of our youngest cat Octavia, I have now gone out and bought him a new home, plenty of food and he's indoors with me, I know it's sound stupid but I got quite attached to him.
Don't laugh but following on from 'How do you kill yours' using Raid fly killer! This is real funny picture this ok...
Wolfie running around the house with a duster (not a feathered one, a yellow cotton one) and swiping flies, picking them up and putting them into the acquarium for Fred!
Then I sit and watch him eat them, it's fascinating! So not only am I saving money on not using Raid and blasting chemicals in the air, I'm organically feeding Fred!
Do you daft things for animals?
Ok you can stop laughing now, but we have a great understanding Fred knows how I loathe and detest flies and he's paying his rent and upkeep of his new home by getting rid of them for me!
Great partnership or what?!
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16 responses
@patootie (3592)
12 Jun 07
Giggles .. heehheh .. what a great picture I have in my head ... 'our wolfie' ... wearing a frilly pinny .. brandishing a yellow duster .. balletically dancing around the room scooping up unsuspecting flies for Fred ..
Now I am just waiting for the moment when you kiss the frog and then tell us Fred has turned into your ideal partner from out of the green mist that wafted up after the kiss .. heheheheh
Glad to hear the RAID has been retired .. it's nasty stuff .. you and your cats .. and now Fred deserve a RAID free environment ...
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
12 Jun 07
Hmmph knowing my luck if I kiss the frog it'll turn into one of my ex's. We shared the merriment, I thought if anyone could see me now chasing after a fly they'd lock me up! The aquarium is right next to me so I can watch over him as I type, he's perched on his rock, I've just returned from the gym and if only frogs could talk
"Oi, cough, cough, ribbit, ribbit, it's ten to bleeding six, where's my welsh flybit and fly soup gone?'
Oh gawd I've really lost it, gotta go a couple of unsuspecting big bluebottles have flown in
@patootie (3592)
12 Jun 07
If you leave a little bit of cat food outside in a jar with a small hole in the top of the lid .. you'll soon have a jar full of bluebottles .. Fred will be having a right old feast ...
Don't forget frogs like slugs and spiders too .. now all you need as you prance around catching Freds supper is this ... enjoy ...
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 07
Seems my Freddy is fussy, I gave him a spider but he turned his nose up at it, I gave him a moth again he wasn't interested, boy when I gave him a big nasty fly I've never seen him jump so high, whoosh, down in one, they don't even chew the things LOL! I do the jam jar trick with wasps and jam, but I'd never give him a wasp just in case, don't want Fred stung!

@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Hi Wolfie, That's a brillant idea you got there to feed the frog. I don't think it's funny I think it's great. That's a cute name for your frog "Fred" .At least Fred is helping you getting rid of the flies. Whenever I find any kind of animals I get too attach too so take care and give Fred plenty of flies as I know he is very happy with his new home :)
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Fred sounds simply divine. I hope you figured out how to keep him alive. But he may not be happy. What if he wants to have a girl over on a Friday night? You may have to go find a Fredina, wolfie. Leave it to me to think of that eh?? lol. But he could be lonely. How do you even know if hes male?? lol Did you check?? lol About the flies. Aren't you doing all the work?? You would probably be doing the same thing if fred wern't there only you would just kill the flies instead of catching them. Sorry to burst your bubble my friend. I'm sure you and fred get along wonderfully. I still wuv ya xxxx
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@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 07
How the heck did I miss this discussion honey? It has had me giggling as I really can visualise you running around collecting food for Fred! Much more enviromwentally friendly, economical and also fantastic exercise and we all kn ow how much you love to exercise! lol How are the cats with Fred? xxx
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 07
He's well out of their reach my friend. Glad I made you laugh, everytime a fly came in I was up and chasing the thing around the house trying to catch it. Gawd if anyone was watching they'd think I'd flipped completely. I think he's quite fussy tho' turning his beak up at spiders and moths! Must be a gourmet frog!
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Talk about having problem-solving skills!
You go, boy! Tell Fred I said hi, lol.
@dragonstar13 (1465)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Nope, I can honestly say I have never done anything so crazy for my pets. I can just see you running through the house brandishing your trusty duster.
Glad the partnership is working for you, now you just have to teach Fred to catch the flies himself.
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Thats so wonderful. I am so glad that he has a happy home and is also helping you too. What are you going to name him? Or have you already?
@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I know you've grown attatched, but please let the frog go. A frog needs a diet of many different bugs and flies aren't going to meet it's nutritional needs very long.
Are you making sure you're de-clorinating the water? Most frogs don't live more than a year in captivity. During 'breeding' time, a frog likes to migrate back to the water in which he evolved from. Please let nature take it's course and let Fred go and just feel blessed you had him for a while so witness the wonder of this amphibian up close.
@joey_matthews (8354)
12 Jun 07
Stop laughing? way, so I wanna laugh.. lol
I've missed reading discussions like this if I noticed this before I wouldn't of posted my discussion about being out of place because it's somewhat gone now. :P
Well I've never drafted in an animal and I've never had a pet. sounds good, just make sure your frog partner doesn't sell his stake for more flies!... It wouldn't work well :) I should get one! hehe
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
13 Jun 07
Well i was not aware till now of your fly problem.
But i do see that you managed to use nature cycle of survival..LOl.
I can tell you that i also have a fly problem, and i have found a creative way, not involving chimucals.
I just hang up a bag full of water, in the front of my room enterance, and the flies do not bother me.
When they try coming into my room, they see themself a lot bigger because of the bag of water, and they just get scared and fly off, i recommand you to try using this.
Would love hearing if it works for you just as it works for me.
Good luck wolfie:)
@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 07
How the heck did I miss this discussion honey? It has had me giggling as I really can visualise you running around collecting food for Fred! Much more enviromwentally friendly, economical and also fantastic exercise and we all kn ow how much you love to exercise! lol How are the cats with Fred? xxx
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Only you, my dear friend.....I think that you have found a wonderful solution to both of your problems here...decreased flies and increased friendhip with your new mate...Fred.....LOL
I imagine life for Fred has increased in happiness since being atacked by lucky he was to have become a "friend" of yours.....
@herrbaggs (1308)
• United States
12 Jun 07
How do you handle freds [It could be freda] used fly accumulation? You could feed it to the insects and then let the birds in to eat the insects, The bird poop would draw more flys for Fedette and there you have it, your very own eco system. To answer your question about daftness over animals, yes, that is what made me the weird, unstable and mindless evolved monkey that I am.
@bjsulli1985 (33)
• United States
12 Jun 07
That has got be the coolest idea I have ever heard. You sound like you really are passionate about frogs. When I was a kid I tried raising a frog farm but my parents thouht it was disgusting and I had to let them go. Have you considered a frog farm? When I was little I heard that they could make money, but now that I'm older I don't know how true that is or how it's even possible. Who wants to buy frogs? But it seems like they can save money for what you are trying to do.