Am I Sending Out Bad Karma?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
June 13, 2007 7:08am CST
I've been trying to analyze this for days now and I've come up with a few ideas, trouble is my imagination gets the better of me and often runs away like a 100mph bullet train!
Why am I getting all this bad luck? Why is my life going through a really really bad patch. The theft, the job, discrimination, depression, upset and people dumping on me from a big height?
Is it me? Am I sending out bad karma?
Has someone put a curse or a hex on me?
Have I broken a mirror and given myself 7 years bad luck?
Is there a logical explanation why my luck just isn't changing and bad luck is hovering above me like a nasty black thundercloud?
Is there anyway to change my luck and to reach the end of the tunnel?
Or am I just doomed to a life of failure, bad luck and depression?
It wasn't always like this I have to add but unless I've got a time machine or could borrow the Tardis cannot return to 1998 when I was truly happy and really loved life.
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24 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jun 07
Well it certainly does seem you're having a tough time at the moment, and I am truly sorry for you. To be honest I think these bad patches where everything seems to go wrong, happen to everyone at one time or another, - we all lose loved ones/have broken relationships/have trouble in our jobs or in finding a job etc from time to time. But if you are naturally down and depressed anyway as you are, then it can appear worse, and I guess it becomes more and more difficult to shake yourself out of the "rut". As I've said before, I amn a firm believer in psitive thinking, and that negative thoughts breed negativity, whilst positive ones almost attract good thinngs to you. It is a kind of vicious circle - the more you feel like life is against you, the more things go wrong because you almost expect them to go wrong. All I can suggest is to try to look on the positive side more - concentrate on the good things you have like your cats - and try to take every day as it comes and hope things get better.
@rosie_123 (6113)
21 Jun 07
Hi wolfie and Zeus:-)) Well poor Lily has had a few setbacks this week, so she is back in the Hospital:-(( We thought we could collect her this weekend - but now it looks like maybe one more week. Trouble is, she is a little ****** and keeps on trying to "attack" her skin graft, and for another week or so it isn't strong or established enough, and if she tries to bite or scratch it, the graft will break down and fail. They put her n a "buster" collar, but it just distressed her so much that she banged at her leg with the edge of the collar overnight, until she cut it in 3 places, so now they have her confined and slghtly sedated, with a pair of old tights over the front of the collar to stop her licking/biting/scratching. We went over to see her tonight - it is getting better every day, but being kept quiet and confined is obviously the way to do it - at home she wants to play with the others, and explore, and walk up and down stairs, and it just wasn't working:-(( We are getting there though -thanks for asking.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Wolfie, its how you see life. First off your a Taurus they are very pessimistic. You don't have to believe it but I've seen it time and again. You must turn the bad into the good. Look at it from a different view. think of something positive out of the negative. I can tel you in no time at all if you do this daily. (get up each day and say "The sun is shining and I am alive so its a great day") Then tell your self you will find a positive for each negative that comes along. Your attitude in life is what makes you or breaks you. I have no money I lost my love a while ago. I have lots of medical issues (that i don't talk about) because i have no health care. YET I always seem to be happy and find something good in all bad things. Why// because of my optimistic attitude. Look at me I finally found a way to get to Arizona. Took me ten years. YES ten years I have wanted to go. Each year something would stop me but i never gave up. Sorry wolfie, but you must change the way you lok at life. it truly works. You know i wuv you and i want you happy!! you are a wonderful person. Hugs xxxx I know this is not hat you wanted to hear but you asked
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@yanjiaren (9031)
13 Jun 07
Right that's more..
Just repeat AFTER ME..
Now I don't want to here the miserable git scenario..i am going to send you a the way with another little nice goody for you..stay tuned..
your really mad friend..
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Oh just think positive. I know those feelings. I know you'll often wonder why me and so on and I used to feel that way but need to think positive and you will see the change I know it's hard but trust me my friend things will be better just focus on the right track and not to look back. Take care my friend :)
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
Hello wolfie. I have to be frank with you here. Depressions tend to attract more negative vibes into our life. We are into another world were everything seems gloomy, lonely and dark. How could the sunshine pass through us if we kept hiding inside our shell. This is a hard lesson I needed to accept and learn.
Look on the brighter side and I know it takes more than an ounce of will and determination to do it. Remember that depression is all in the mind too. Let no room for any negative thoughts to enter there.
@canjo13317 (396)
• United States
13 Jun 07
they say, whoever they are, that thinking positive thoughts will turn your life around. try to push out all of the negativity in your thinking and replace them with positive thoughts. find the silver lining in every cloud. good luck and let us know how you make out.
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@shadow9 (238)
• Romania
13 Jun 07
it's all in ure head(probably) ... the more bad things start to happen the more your thinking changes and bring even more bad luck upon u ... i know this because im haveing a bad time to lately ... my pc, tv and cell phone got broke in the same month! ... althou i thounght that my way of thinking was fine as one thing led to another doubts started apering and it all added up ... my advice is to start forgeting about the bad things and think that everithing is ok and u will be happy and get everithing back and be rich if u must ... good things will start happening if you hold on tho that i garantee
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
13 Jun 07
NO this is not you and you are not sending out bad karma , we have all felt like this at some point and I know I have felt like this many times before . It is hard to look at things positively when nothing seems to be going right in our lives and I think this might be part of our problem . We see others around us so happy and wonder what we are doing wrong . In time this will pass , it always does but no one can say for sure . Just keep trying to get by this as best as you can and talking to a really good friend has always helped me in the past so if you have someone you can try talking to , it might make you feel less alone especially when you realize that there are others that feel the same way you do .
Best of luck and I pray things will change your way very soon . Take Care !!
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@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Oh honey. i don't think you are puting out bad karma. i think you are just going through a bad time in your life. i don't want to say everyone does, because not everyone has it to the degree that either you or i have. However, i DO know that everyone does have a rough time here and there and i don't think it always has to do with karma. i think some of it is just the way it is. i don't know how to say what i have in my head. i just don't think you are putting off bad Karma.
@mummymo (23706)
13 Jun 07
Well honey - you have your friends on here who adore you - aren't we good luck? #pouts#
I think sometimes these things go in cycles and yours is due to change - you deserve the best and it is gonna happen!
Think positive sweetheart it really might help - I know you don't like to get your hopes up and get disappointed but it might be worth a try!
Big Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Hi Wolfie,
We all have a bad patch from time to time.
The more you think about it the longer it will last.
I would put a smile on my face and go forward .
Try to be very positive.
Tell yourself that today is the first day of your good luck.
It seems that as things happen to us we get down and when we are down more bad happens.
You have to get ahold of it and turn it around.
Good Luck Sweetie
@herrbaggs (1308)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I get the feeling that you are taking life way to seriously and when this happens life gets impossible to deal with. I will give you permission to incorporate some of my mottos. If I can't lie to someone why should I talk to them. If you are with a person you can't irritate or annoy move on to the next person. If a human wants to be your friend, piss them off as quickly a possible before they try to borrow money. Follow these tips and your life will most likely crumble but you won't care because of the fun you are having.
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@deanbenji (83)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Sometimes it goes like this and I almost feel that way right now myself. But I guess it really all comes down to what you perceive to be lucky. A person who gets in a car wreck is either going to wonder why it happened to them or feel very lucky to be alive.
But the good and bad things will usually come in spurts so hang in there and some good luck will come your way.
@melissa911 (92)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I have been going through the same thing for 5 years now, But I have gone through my mother passing away from cancer, my best friend dyeing in a car accident, My Nephew having to have 3 heart surguries and then pneumonia on top of it, My dad divorcing my mom while she was sick and marrying a woman whose son lives with them and is a convicted child molestor, And my dad cant even see his Grandaughter now.. Ive had my whole family turn on me because i wont let my daughter go to his house. and the list goes on. But even with all of this I still feel that I have a purpose and there is a reason that god has put me though this. I feel like a much stronger person these days, I feel like I can handle just about anything and still come out with a smile on my face. 5 years ago, i was very weak. I couldn't stand on my own 2 feet. and over the past 5 years, i have had to fight to keep my sanity. If you let yourself get down then that is where you will stay. You have to fight to keep her head above water. Sooner or later I feel like I am going to get past this bad luck, And my life will be better than it has ever been before.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Jun 07
Well Wolfie my Life has always been like this and I guess it will be like this till the end of my Days and sometimes I wish that the Day was close but I know it is wrong to wish that as there are People that love me and need me not many lol but there are some
I do wish though that things will get better for you soon. I really hope so
Good Luck dear Friend x
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
14 Jun 07
We have to keep ourselves up and push for the best attiudes that we can have. I think you had a strain of bad events but they wont last. All of us have these times and we look forward to the brighter days, Try to make sure you giving yourself plenty of pampering, great music, planty of rest, long soaks in the some things that make you wishes!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
13 Jun 07
You might have. How long have you been suffering this? when exactly did it start? try to remember as many details as you can. I know this may sound stupid, but if you looked back, there would be some things you could see that you overlooked before. That's all I can say.
@321633wy (1795)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I have gone through the same thing as you did.I kept on asking my self what the heck is it? Why me?why me again....?It' seems to be unfair it's always me,please give me a break...i'm tired i can't find my way out! Helpppp...!!!
I pray to god i give me the power fight against the negative evil spirit around me.
@nampoothiripad (601)
• India
14 Jun 07
We believe that the bad incidents we have to experience is due to sins done in the previous birth and if you belive in astrology, you may contact an astrologer and prepare your horoscope. A good astrologer can predict what is the reason for the bad experience and what is the remedy for this ( I mean the remedy to reduce your sufferings)
@HannahESelf (42)
• United States
13 Jun 07
There is no such thing as karma. God has put you in certain circumstances at certain times because He wants for you to seek Him. That's the only way that you will solve your problems :).