How do you deal with a cat that no longer loves you?

United States
June 13, 2007 9:58am CST
Last week my best friend told me that her cat doesn't like her anymore. Lately, he doesn't want to be petted and spends most of his days hiding in the closet. She said that he didn't act this way before she moved into her new home. Do you think her cat could just be mad at her for taking him from his old home? Do you think cats can actually be mad? Is it possible the cat doesn't love her anymore?
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16 responses
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
13 Jun 07
Oh, she should get the kitty to the vet. My catwent through something like that, which was out of character for him. A couple of months later he developed a tumor on his face and had to be put down. NOt asying that is is as drastic as that, but the cat may be in need of a check up just to make sure it is ok.
• United States
13 Jun 07
I don't think that the cat doesn't love her anymore. It could be difficult for a pet to transition from one place to another, so this may be the problem. I'd be taking my kitty to the vet to make sure it isn't something else. I had a cat that had crystals in his bladder, so he didn't feel good and layed around in odd spots. He didn't come to me as usual until it got worse. Then I could tell that something was wrong and got him to the vet. His bill got pretty high because I didn't catch it early enough and he ended up in the Animal Hospital. Her kitty could be mad but I'd rather be safe then sorry. I wish her the best of luck getting her kitty back to normal.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
13 Jun 07
Heck yeah, cats can be mad. He is probably just terrified of his new environment. She need to work with him and show him the home to get him adjusted. If he doesn't come around after they have been in the house a few days, she should call her Vet for advice. That amount of stress can not be good for the cat.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Oh yes I believe cats can get mad. I have 2 of them. And they are really set in their ways.LOL He will eventually come out when he feels comfortable at the new place. I went threw that with my cats when we moved. They can be so silly!
@nicolec (2671)
• United States
13 Jun 07
How long has this been going on? If it's just a few days, it could be the cat is just getting used to the new surroundings. He could be mad or just scared. Being in a new place has lots of scary stuff for a cat. If it's been longer, like a week or more, then it could be something medical. Many cats when not feeling well (just like humans) will shy away from contact. I know when I am sick I just want to crawl into bed and be left alone. Cats are the same way. Is the cat eating? That's another sign they may not be feeling well. A trip to the vet might be needed.
@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Jun 07
Cat is a very proud animal. They need time to get used to the new place. Give him more time and I'm sure he'll be friendly again.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
14 Jun 07
A visit to the vet can never hurt but I think this cat probably just need to be shown continuous unconditional love. Go to where the cat is hiding in the closet and pet it a little, very gently and speak soothing, endearing things to the cat. You would be surprised how much of this kind of activity they can pick up on. I have coaxed cats out of seclusion a few times. If they begin to realize that they are still loved regardless of where they decide to hide they will usually come out of it. It being a new location naturally can have a great deal to do with it too. The cat needs to get used to the new surroundings and smells and such. I hope this kitty comes out of its mood and opens up to the human companion again soon!
@rosie_123 (6113)
14 Jun 07
OK - well I don't think the cat will be mad - but he WILL be stressed and disorientated because he has been moved to a new home. Cats are territorial - they relate more to their home and surroundings than to people - which is why you always hear these stories of cats travelling miles to return to their previous home. They also hate any upheaval - noise, builders, moving furntiture - in short, all the things that go with the housemove. I would say the best thing to do with the cat is leave him be for a day or so, until he has got used to the sights and smells of his new home, and feels confident to come out and explore further. Cats also hate being pulled about, petted when they are not in the mood, and forced into situations where they don't feel "in control" - so I would tell your friend to feed him as normal, but not pull him about too much, and just give him plenty of time to readjust, and I'm sure he will be fine soon.
@jahvo6 (623)
• Peru
14 Jun 07
I donĀ“t think the cat doesnt love anymore but probably is suffering, sick and wants to hide all the time
@Rosepetal (352)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I agree with the others who commented here; tell your friend to take her cat to the vet. When a cat is feeling ill, they hide. Just think about how you feel when your sick. I know I don't want to be bothered by anyone and like to hide myself sometimes.
• United States
13 Jun 07
How old is her cat. My cat started acting very strange and doing things that she had never done before. When they start acting way out of wack from what they are used to acting than the thing to do first is take them to the vet and make sure that the way he is acting isn't from some medical issue. Than if he comes away with a clean bill of health she will know that he is just mad because of the move.
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@taiguy (478)
• United States
13 Jun 07
He is just adapting to the new environment. He is indeed mad, frustrated, and many other emotions .. but I doubt that it is truely blaming the owner. I think most dogs would kinda need alot of reasurrance from their owner about the new environment, but cats are independent enough to deal with it themselves.
• South Africa
14 Jun 07
Yes, he's probably a little bit upset over the new surroundings, but will come round in due time. I don't think it's a case of not loving her anymore, but rather a situation where he feels insecure over his new environment. Might also be his hormones if he has not been castrated yet.
@khaezi (1001)
• Philippines
14 Jun 07
Cats do have feelings like human, maybe your friend's cat is still adjusting to his new environment..try to understand his feelings, make him feel that everything is going to be fine..pamper him, cats love being cuddled he'll never resist it and also treat him with some good cat food...
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
13 Jun 07
I don't think the cat has stopped loving her, but he might be a bit mad about moving house. I'd also take the cat to the vet myself as any change in personality is always a bit worrying and should at least be checked out.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Oh, the stories I have heard about cats getting mad when forced to move to a new place. Hiding in the closet is not so bad. They often will pee or vomit all over when they are not happy with a new place. A friend of mine actually had to put her cat on prozac to 'get him over it'.