Do you believe onlive love affair?Do you ever have it?
By fengbo
@fengbo (731)
June 14, 2007 10:15pm CST
Do you believe onlive love affair?In the Internet you cannot touch she/he in true,and also you don't know her/his appearance.Do you pay attention to her/his appearance any more?
I have a girlfriend in the Internet.I don't know how did i fall in love with she,it is just a feeling.She bring me so much happy in Internet.I don't looked her,i don't know she is a pretty girl or ugly one.but i think i will have a good time with her.I think we want to become true,it must have enough courage.No matter what happen i will always full of belief.My dear friends,I needs your blessing.
What do you think of onlive love affair?can you share your thoughts?
Thank you very much.
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29 responses
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
15 Jun 07
In those olden days we used to correspond with pen pals. By those times the society was very much simpler we rarely found pen pals with undesirable or malicious intentions and the most were those mischievous white lies.
Nowadays, as society becomes comparatively much complicated, getting friends from net could involve many negative factors. As you had said we neither know her nor see her. The question we always ask is “could she be trusted?” Normally, in order to win love it is not unusual to conceal one’s real face. Nevertheless we do find some sincere friends on net as quite a number of my friends had experienced.
I believe in pursuing romantic love in net is like what a Chinese idiom literally says “To speak of soldiers on a piece of paper”. It means it’s merely a paper-talk and the strategy can’t be practiced.
What you talk on net are theories and imaginations. You need experiments to prove them. The scientific process is to observe, to experiment before you get the conclusion.
So my suggestion is that to observe carefully before taking any serious moves.
I do hope you are the lucky guy to win the goal @_@!
With best wishes!
Happy and romantic summer holidays!:P

@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
16 Jun 07
Hi fengbo,
You had really created such a good and popular topic and offered me such a good opportunity to express my views on it.
Thanks for your appreciations as to give me the best response.
I prettily agree and support young guy like you, to try and experience whatever things new. Otherwise if we don’t try and miss the only opportunity then we might regret for the rest of the life.
Incase you fail, don’t be disappointed fengbo, just treat it as an ordeal of life. If you still can stand up after a failure you are still considered hasn’t been defeated.
Though life is full of unknowns as love does, we do be able to seek true love if we are confident of ourselves and take a proper approach of it.
Hope you be the winner, always! @_@
@fengbo (731)
• China
16 Jun 07
Thank you very much,my dear lkbooi(please allow me to call you teacher,'s also my wish..)
I think you are absolute right,i agree with i make yours the best response.i so appreciate you know so many chinese idiom,I think you in china will fall to work chinese teacher.
I have a clear think,i don't know what will happen in the summer,i will also full of hope in life.I know my family and my best friends will always support me and you also sopport me too.If i live a romantic life with her in this summer,of course i feel very happy.But if i failure,i don't feel despair,i think she is not my right people in my life.
Thank you very much again.Happy posting....
My teacher,i don't know how to describing my feeling.every things will be include this"Thank you".
@fengbo (731)
• China
15 Jun 07
Hello lkbooi,i agree with you.In those older days we become the best pen pals,and the society was very much simpler.I wish we always have the best friendship.
In this society,the net have so many cheat we must be careful.
I don't know how to describe my feeling,about she,i have expecting,love,afraid and other feeling,it was so intricate.
Recently i feel very afraid,i consider she was not be trusted,i don't seen her,so i afraid her appearance.I'll waiting for she about one month, everything will become clear.
At last,i very thanks for your response.
I also wish this summer is the romantic summer hoildays.
The best wishes.
and i wish your have a good time in your summber.Happy posting..

@wondericequeen (7876)
• Hong Kong
15 Jun 07
You haven't seen her? Not even a photo? I think everything is possible in this world. I won't limit myself to only online dating and real life dating. As long as I know someone, we fall in love, then this is what I called a relationship. And if both person are really committed in making the relationship work, nothing is impossible. I know a guy for over 4 years on the net and we recently fall in love, I haven't met him yet, but I have seen his photos. Also, we have been talking a lot for the past 4 years and we know each other a lot. Still, I plan to meet him in real life and see if it would succeed. I wish you good luck too!
@wondericequeen (7876)
• Hong Kong
15 Jun 07
2 years is not a short time! Hope things work out for you two! Remember to tell us after you have met her in real! Wow, summer vacation, that sounds very nice! I wish I could see him in summer too *laughs*, but I have to wait till autumn!
@fengbo (731)
• China
16 Jun 07
Good lucky...I wish you also have romantic summer.
I know about her about two years ago,What did you feeling about he?
can you fall in love with he?
I don't know what i feeling,but i very expecting to realize and meet her.I hope this summer is a good time to us.
Happy hosting....Thank you very much.
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@nuttmeg (440)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I'm pretty iffy on the whole thing, to be honest. While I can see falling for a personality online, people do tend to act differently than how they might in person, or truths about their lives not given fully or even completely honest. I just have a hard time seeing the whole picture, I guess, since there are so many other factors, even aside from appearances, that you don't get to see unless you're in person--even if you've met them in person before. That sort of thing takes time and I often wonder about certain habits and personality traits that I might discover that I didn't like, should anything ever happen with a person I might meet. Then again, I've known couples who had gotten married...some still happy, some divorced a short time later.
Guess it varies on the people who are involved.
Appearances are pretty easy with webcams and the lot of technology these day, photos can be faked of course, but you never know. If things can't be sent or received over the net, then there's always snail mail.

@fengbo (731)
• China
15 Jun 07
Hi nuttmeg,i know in this society,so many photoes can maked by photoshop or other i think the best way is have a meet in true life,i think whatever you do in the Internet,the final you'll want to stay with he/she.I will meet her in the summer,i think the important things is"i will also very love her in true life? or she also love me in true life?"Do we all have the same feeling in treally life?It's full of unknown.But it cannot effect my belief.
Thanks for your response,Welcome to here,the best wishes.

@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
15 Jun 07
I do not believe I can really fall in love with someone on the internet. I may have positive feelings about someone whom I interact with, but since anything can be disguised or faked on the net, I will never know if the person whom I am having feelings for is really who she claims to be. So until I meet her in person and know her real identity, I don't see how my virtual interactions with this person can turn into a real love affair.

@fengbo (731)
• China
16 Jun 07
yeah,I know so many things can be disguised or fasked on the net,but also have much true feeling on the net.So you must very be carefully on the net,in our life so many people find they really love on the net,also so many people will be cheat by others.
All things depends on your attitude.
Thanks for your response. Good luck.
@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
16 Jun 07
If you fancy someone on the net who's say 25 and very attractive, but when you meet her, she actually looks different from the photograph and not that attractive, it's still not so bad. But if the 25 year old attractive female whom you fell in love with turns out to be a 16 year old male, imagine the shock and disappointment you will get!

@sagarsridhar (121)
• India
15 Jun 07
hello , nopes i do not trust in online love affair , i think meeting people making friends or loving a person through face is better than over the phone or internet , its just crazy to see a girls picture in the internet and know her tastes and love her
@bhabiejoice (45)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
but sometimes you will find your true love on the net...most of the time
@fengbo (731)
• China
15 Jun 07
But we cannot touch so many people in the true life.we can know so much kinds of people in the if you have your love in the true life,it is the best.If you don't have your love,the Internet is a good chioce,you will find the right person.what do you think of?
The online love affair will bring you so much
@yunlong (21)
• China
16 Jun 07
What I can say to you is"good luck",I don't believe online love affair,because the "love" established between the boy and the girl is so unstable that they can't live together for a long time.And it also can hurt the hearts of the two person.The character difference between the boy and the girl is also an obstacle on their way.Be calm and good luck!
@sagarsridhar (121)
• India
17 Jun 07
you are 100% right thats what even i felt and i too expressed the same feelings
@devilangelo (4522)
• India
25 Jun 07
well .. i neva had an online love affair ... well . online love affair ... should be taken as a kind of flirting .. one shouldnt get serious with it .. coz .. initially . it may be alright bt after soemtime u tend to .. want more .. u need to someone .. u can hug .. go around with .. n online love . doesnt fit the bill .
@ebo_bro (190)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
I do chat with my girl friend online but I already met her before that. I do have a friend who meet his girlfriend on an online chat.I never thought they will last long and thinking about it I think in our circle of friends they are the longest one and next year they will get married. So I think its up to you guys on how honest are you to each other. my friend never sent a fake pic or made up stories. and in the end online or offline relationships, its the trust between you two that will hold that bond we call love
@dnumyar (18)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
it is quite funny that modern technoLogy wouLd be a means of Love.. weLL, internet and mobiLe phones are just some of theses devices where we can communicate with other peopLe and eventuaLLy faLL in Love with them..
i know a Lot of peopLe who had a reLationship with other peopLe throught he net and mobiLe phones.. but for me, i stiLL dont beLieve in it.. as per my experiences, it wasnt a nice way to faLL in Love at aLL..
i used to use the net and phones before to find someone and fortunateLy, i found someoene.. yes, we cLaim to Love each other even if we dont see each other.. wierd huh? anyway, the reLationship didnt Last and since then, i never tried doing it again.. for me, the traditionaL way of faLLing in Love is stiLL the best way.. you meet each other, date, and then if youre happy, then get married, haha..
the reason behind my disbeLief in this is that the internet and the use of mobiLe phones as a means of Looking a partner this days is becoming a taboo.. we reaLLy cant teLL who is serious or not, whos fooLing and whos being fooLed..
good for you you found a nice Lover through the net.. but think twice, do you think shes serious? i doubt it..
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
15 Jun 07
I don't think it is very easy to fall in love with someone that you never see. Sometimes I do wonder how people can fall in love online. You don't really know about the other party. People can pretend to be nice to you as you don't really know her/him for real. It is very dangerous. If you really think beauty/good looking face is important, then this might affect your feelings later when you realize that he/she is not what you expect to be. Maybe when you start the conversation with her, and with those nice words, your mind start to tell you that you do like her, she is a nice girl and she 'sounds' perfect to you. You will never know the truth unless you meet her personally.
@Rohitha (15)
• India
16 Jun 07
ya luv cn happen anywhere!! online or personally... but online luv affair cn b dangerous b'coz u may nt knw whom you're interacting with & d other person whom you're talking to may also b a guy as any1 cn access any1 person's ID anywhere & anyhow.. d other person mite talk as though he's a gal so tere's no assurance of d gender of d person!! so i just hope u be careful in continuing with it.. anyways all d best!!
@cuteflower (19)
• China
15 Jun 07
I believe it.If the two people communicate frankly,they will attract each other.
@shilinjie668 (57)
• China
23 Jun 07
I do not beleive onlive love fact,i do not believe love in our lives
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
15 Jun 07
no, i don't believe in online love affair even though i have ever had it before... it just won't work out and it is too complicated...
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
15 Jun 07
I believe you can interact online, and somewhat get to know one another online. But to have real,true love, you need to meet in person. There are so many factors such as chemistry, compatibility, etc. You never really know someone until you have spent alot of time with that person. And even then sometimes people surprise you. I think there is quite a bit of infatuation via internet and people seeking something they are lacking in their personal lives. It is very easy to be swept away by the ideas and images you get via internet. It is just better to make sure you protect yourself from heartache and pain. Many people form these type of relationships via the internet, fully aware they have a family and/or wife/husband already and the internet affair is just a game to them. I do not say it is not possible at all to meet someone via the internet and fall in love. I just think it's always best to really "know" someone before surrendering your heart to them.
@fengbo (731)
• China
15 Jun 07
Hi misheleen,thanks for your response.
I know the online love affair full of unknown,it will make your hurt.But sometimes so many people want to try it.I also want too.
I don't know what thing will happen in the future,but i'll get prepare for all things.
Thank you very much,Happy posting...The best wishes.
@mandalashir (70)
• China
15 Jun 07
Once I met a boy on the Internet.We talked many things,and both felt very happy.After several days,we met each other.Then, he became my boyfriend.But two months later, I said goodbye to him.It caused by our nature.However,I will bless for you.
@fengbo (731)
• China
16 Jun 07
yeah,I know so many people very happy on the Internet,they also very happy in true life,but it was only short times.When they stay longer time,they all choose say goodbye.I don't know what the things caused this?Maybe like you say,.it caused by our nature.
Thanks for your response. The best wishes.
@paradise12 (938)
• India
15 Jun 07
I don't beleive in online affair as you don't know what the other person is upto,basically there would be no trust factor in the relationship according to me..Forget about the looks you won't even know whether he is serious about you...
@yatin_ys (1)
15 Jun 07
no i dont believe in online love, it is just for flirting, without knowing or seeing a person how can u love him...without knowing d behaviour of person how can u love him or her...
@bhabiejoice (45)
• Philippines
15 Jun 07
i experienced that once i had a relationship thru cellphone hehe he is sweet and i like him but i know were not serious about it so i am not paying much attention about him..just asking fengbo what do you expect bout her? if ever she's not pretty would you love her still love her?
@fengbo (731)
• China
15 Jun 07
I don't what i expect about her in ture life,but i know i cannot hurt her.I don't very pay attetion about her appearance,but i don't accept she was very ugly.I wish she have a generic appearance.
I don't know what will happen in the future,but i will try my best to do.
Thanks for your response.