Unhappy In Love?

@tentwo67 (3382)
United States
June 15, 2007 10:14pm CST
How many of you know "On a Bus to St. Cloud"? Perhaps because I was getting out of a tortured love affair when I first heard it (nearly 10 years ago), but this song just affected me so strongly. Still now, happily married and with a child who just turned 5, when I think of this song sometimes it just kills me. For some reason I started thinking of it just now. If you don't know the song, it's all about seeing this person you love whereever you go. It very descriptively talks about all of the different places the singer has gone and how she keeps imagining she sees the face of her love. At the end of it there's a little part where she says, "And you chase me like a shadow And you haunt me like a ghost And I hate you so, and I love you so But I miss you most" Have you ever felt this way? I can still feel that desperate feeling, of thinking that you'll never escape the memory. I highly recommend this song if you haven't heard it before. It stirs so many emotions for me.
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@murrdog (87)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Yes I have felt this way but not in a long time as I am also now very happily married with two little boys. It is a gorgeous song, and interestingly never promoted as a single, but it's there on one of trisha's albums-I can't remember which one right off hand, I've been trying to think. It is a must listen, definitely one of her best of all time. I like The Song Remembers When a lot too. Wow, you describe the feeling well--haven't gone there in a long time!
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
25 Jun 07
I don't know what got me thinking about it that night. It's a truly beautiful song, as is "The Song Remembers When." I think this was on the "Thinkin about You" CD, but I could be wrong. Both of those songs just kill me with their raw emotion, and I'm glad that someone else agrees! And, it doesn't hurt matters to have such a phenomenal voice singing these beautiful lyrics either, does it?
• United States
26 Jun 07
Yes, Trisha's voice is incredible! I hope she and Garth are happy in love and I wish they'd do an album together. I loved Georgia Rain, too
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