Are Catholics Really Christians?

June 16, 2007 2:06am CST
This question can't really be overlooked, or can it? are catholics really christians? The problem is ...1. the catholics have too many doctrines/beliefs or should i call it that? Christianity is supposed to be simple. do this and u get this, do that and u get that, but overtime the catholics have brought in a hell lot of other things to contend with. Other issues that pertain to this divergence are petty, those involving mary being the mother or God and all that, the main issue is...why do they bow to graven images which is STRICTLY prohibited in the bible, even if it is the graven image of God himself? I WAS ONCE A CATHOLIC. when someone made me see reasons, i took off.
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15 responses
@Inky261 (2520)
• Germany
16 Jun 07
I am not catholic but I do think catholics are Christians. Anybody who turns his life over to Jesus is a Christian and who am I to judge? If someone calls himself a Christian, then he is and they are baptized, too. There is no question, no doubt for me.
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@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I don't understand why they pray to Mary, an image.
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• United States
19 Jun 07
Well they say it is no different than asking you or I to pray. But when people ask me to pray they don't make a statue of me. Nor pictures. They don't light candles in front of statues or pictures of me. They don't kneel in front of me to ask me to pray on their behalf either.
• United States
19 Jun 07
You are not in Heaven.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
16 Jun 07
Well from my understanding to be considered Christian you must believe Jesus is the Son of God and is the way to the Lord. So that counts Catholics. Just because their doctrines and practices are completely whacked, totally bizarre in some ways, doesn't change they are Christians.
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@urbandekay (18278)
16 Jun 07
The Catholic Church started in the 11th century when in a fit of hubris the then Bishop of Rome split from the Orthodox Church and declared himself Pope. Prior to this he and the other Bishops had accepted joint authority. The Pope then declared the former doctrine a heresy, presumably meaning that up to that point he was a heretic. The Catholic doctrine of Papal infallibility rests on the idea of Jesus placing authority for the Church in the hands of Peter and apostolic succession from that point. However, both Peter and Paul yielded authority to the brother of Jesus, James the Just. The is some evidence that the oldest and most original Church was the Celtic Church, founded in Galicia by people that were alive at the time of Jesus, the Catholic Church persecuted this Church. I agree with you regarding the graven images, though the Orthodox Church is also guilty of this. all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
16 Jun 07
Also, the Catholic Church mixed Aristotlean Philosophy with Christianity under Thomas Aquinas, distorting the Christian message. Also, the Catholic practice of calling Priests father is forbidden in scripture. all the best urban
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• United States
17 Jun 07
I used to be Catholic too. I went to Catholic school for a couple of years. That is when I decided to leave the Catholic church. As the nun was teaching me doctrine, I had a feeling in my soul, gut, heart, whatever you want to call it that they weren't following the bible. I started asking the nun to show me scripture to back what she was teaching me. I got in plenty of trouble for doing so. Problem was she wasn't able to show me. It was then that I knew that I was learning man made doctrine and not God's word. It was then I decided that once my confirmation was done (had to make the parents happy) I was out of there. Now to your question about Catholics being Christian. Based on the definition of Christian - a believer in Jesus Christ as the son of God, the Messaiah (sp?) - then the answer is yes. Do I think they are saved? No. They do not ask Jesus to be their PERSONAL savior. They depend too much on acts of man. They don't realize that salvation is a free gift. One that they can't earn no matter how hard they work, pray, worship, light candles or anything else. I hope I have answered your question.
• United States
17 Jun 07
Please don't think that I am replying to start an arguement, because I am not. The bible instructs us to BELIEVE and be baptised. The belief has to come first. Not the other way around. Catholics baptise and then they are taught and either they believe or not. (obviously no one can force someone to believe)
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• United States
17 Jun 07
No you can't force someone to believe. Faith is a free gift from God. Just something to think about... Based on your response, and knowing that you have young children, I would assume that you have not had your children baptized. If they die tomorrow, where would their souls go? I don't mean this judgementally, I just don't understand why infants shouldn't be baptized.
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• United States
17 Jun 07
I'm sorry you had a bad experience with Catholic school. Why do you think Catholics don't ask Jesus to be their personal savior? Catholics most certainly do recognize salvation as a free gift from God. From the Catechism of the Catholic Church( #169 - "Salvation comes from God alone..." #620 - "Our salvation flows from God's initiative of love for us..." #621 - "Jesus freely offered himself for our salvation..." #1811 - "...Christ's gift of salvation offers us the grace necessary to persevere in the pursuit of the virtues..." We believe that we are saved solely by the grace of God. Our response to His free gift is one of faith and works. We are born again in Christ through Baptism. Once we are In Christ, our good works are not our own, they are His. And only He can merit eternal life.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
17 Jun 07
Yes I took off too. Couldn't swallow the Bull any longer.And look where the Christians are today. The Church Hierarchy has resorted to covering for the priests, pasters and ministers who diddle little boys. Of course the Churches are the Richest Organizations on Earth. The Catholic Church owns a Large Piece of General Motors. So they sit on the Money while thousands of kids die of starvation every day world wide. Is this what Jesus taught? The truth is out there! Its really not that difficult to psych it out. Go for it!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
17 Jun 07
barehugs my church is out there working wht thw hurricans. We were there to help recovery from Katrina. We were ther for the tusaumie in Indonesia. We are there almost as fast as the Red Cross but you don't hear about us.We are out there feeding the hungry. we are out hther teaching about healthy living. I know of other church organizations that do thesame thing. When you speak abobut the church you should be sure you know which church you are speaking of you should identify that church. Please don't lump all church together. We are all different.
@AmbiePam (96506)
• United States
17 Jun 07
My church isn't rich. But I'm not Catholic. I've never seen a poor Catholic church.
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• United States
18 Jun 07
Yes, dee, last night Dateline NBC told the story of a Catholic priest in New Orleans who was instrumental in helping his Vietnamese community in recovering from Katrina.
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• United States
16 Jun 07
I have never agreed with or understood the Catholic religion. I don't understand why they go to a man to ask for forgiveness. Man can't grant forgiveness, only God can do that. The Catholics that I have known live as they please and then run to a priest and ask for forgiveness. It doesn't work that way. Christ said "go and sin no more". It wasn't do whatever you want without worry because all will be forgiven.
@urbandekay (18278)
17 Jun 07
Yes, to one another, in the manner of the early Celtic Church not in private to a Priest. all the best urban
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• United States
17 Jun 07
James 5:16 says "confess your sins to one another". John 20:21-23 gives men the authority to grant forgiveness. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, forgiveness is not given by the priest. It is given by God through the priest. A Catholic who lives as you describe is abusing the Sacrament. Without true repentence sins confessed to the priest are not forgiven. Interesting that you mention that though. Most of the Protestants I know live as they please because they believe that their actions have no bearing on their salvation, that their faith alone has saved them.
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• United States
17 Jun 07
Yes one another. So if I goof up I can confess to my husband or whoever I choose. It does not absolve us of our sin. That person can not grant forgiveness nor can a priest. Beyond that it does not say confess your sins to a priest.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
17 Jun 07
My understanding about the Catholic church is that in it's beginning they would incorperate tsome of the pagan beliefs into the church to make it more appealing to the pagans they were trying to reach.. Contantien changed the day of worship to Sunday because of the conflict between the Jewish Christians and the Gential Christians in his empire. At First they all worshiped on Saturday Sabbath, Thwn thye worshiped on Saturday sabbath and Sunday. To Stop the dispute between the 2 Constantine ordered Sunday worship because he worshiped the Sun on Sunday. so it bacame a tradition.
@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
16 Jun 07
Well it's said that they're the same thing. But I personally wouldn't call it the same.
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• India
18 Jun 07
To answer this the best way is find out how both spread. Catholism spread mainly by force or coercion. When Constantine became a Christian, entire Roman Empire became one, Moreover Catholism easily mixed with the traditions of the local customs, like Idol worship in India. Protestant faith grew because of relationship with God through his Son Jesus. The real Christians are neither protestants nor catholics, the real Christians are not the ones with Christian name or Christian Parentage but the ones who follow Christ and have have a personal relationship with him.
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@Fengshui (72)
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I am a Catholic. Wat I know is Christians and Catholics have similar doctrine in that they worship God and Jesus Christ. One difference is that Catholics pray to Mother Mary whereas Christians dun. Christians also hv variations like Methodist, Protestants, etc A lot of Christians I noe asked me to covert to Christian but I will never do it cos Christians tend to be over zealous in their religion and dun accept other religion such as buddism. Catholics generally respect all other religions Christians i noe for example if they they travel overseas for thier holidays, they will turn theit back against visiting temples. But we catholics dun. I feel as part of a tour grp, we should not show us disrespect to other people religion
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• United States
17 Jun 07
You are very wrong to generalize like that. I am a former Catholic and am now a born again Christian. I am not over zealous. I don't try to convert anyone. I respect other religions. Have studied a few as well. I would visit any temple or whatever during a tour/trip. I love seeing different things and learning about different things. My mother in law is Catholic. She kinda liked me until she found out that I was not Catholic nor would I raise my children Catholic. She has never treated me the same since. She used to act like she loved my sister in law's husband but at Easter she revealed that she hated him and wished he never married her daughter because he is not Catholic. Sounds very tolerant and accepting to me.
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• United States
20 Jun 07
I meant to tell you that I am sorry your MIL treats you poorly. I don't know if I should be comforted by the fact that people are people regardless of their beliefs.
• United States
18 Jun 07
I had a similar situation with my mother-in-law. When my husband and I married, neither of us were practicing Christians. As I reverted to Catholicism, my in-laws became more and more bitter. They are passive and have not explicitly condemned me, but they have made negative remarks about my Catholic beliefs. They are non-practicing Lutherans. They blew up at my husband on Christmas Eve a few years ago, and basically expressed their disdain for me and my relatives. They also have a children's book about Martin Luther for my kids.
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@Lucille7 (509)
• South Africa
16 Jun 07
I have to agree with you on this one. The Catholic Religion has always baffled my way of thinking. Christianity is suppose to be simple and uncomplicated as I believe that this is what God intended for us in the beginning. Do the small and simple things and great things shall come to pass. The commandments are simple and there to be obeyed not scrutinized and analysed and then made so complicated that no man understands. You are so right. I will never be a catholic.
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• Philippines
19 Jun 07
As a believer, I can say that all who believed in Christ, that He is the Only begotten Son of God the Father and if you accept Him as you Saviour then you are a Christian. If Catholics has his own doctrines, some religions also have their doctrines but it is not called doctrines. It's called guidelines maybe or I don't know what you call it. It's like having a rule under your team if you're playing a game. Or having a goal in your own company for everybody to follow. In a religion I believe there is such like that. Like in Jehova's witnesses, one must not smoke, in Seventh Day Adventist, one must not eat pork or seafoods like also in Muslim. Every religion has his own rule/s as well as Catholics and what ever they call it, it's still the same. We are abiding to each of our religion's rules or visions or guidelines to work in harmony with each other. I believe that you know that religion cannot save us, only our faith by accepting Jesus Christ in our heart. :)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I completely agree with you that Christianity is supposed to be simple. Jesus established the Church to maintain His teaching. Unfortunately, man has distorted the Church, resulting in many, many different sects of Christianity. There are about 50 different Christian churches near the small town that I am from. They do not teach the same things, yet each contains a portion of Christ's teaching. There is only one teaching of Christ, it is fully contained in His Church. I am Catholic and yes we are Christian. I was not Catholic for many years. I reverted a few years ago, after much searching. I have studied and continue to study Church history.
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@urbandekay (18278)
17 Jun 07
You imply, tacitly though not directly, that His Church is the Catholic Church, is this your intention? all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
17 Jun 07
The Catholic Church wasn't started until the 11th Century when the then Bishop of Rome split from the Orthodox church. Until then it had been accepted that authority lay in the combined council of the Bishops in Rome, Constantinople, etc. The newly self-declared Pope declared this a heresy, despite having accepted it himself previously and therefore declared himself a heretic! The Pope's claim to authority rests on apostolic succession from Peter, presuming that Jesus made Peter the head of the Church. In fact Jesus say that Peter is the Rock on which the Church is built and that he, and he alone is the head of the Church. Expressly forbidding Christians to call anyone Father or Rabbi, that is to say, it is clear he means his Church to be a Church of brethren under him. When asked of whom people should take guidance it is to his own brother James the Just that he refers. Who will be our leader?" Jesus said to him, "No matter where you come [from] it is to James the Just that you shall go, for whose sake heaven and earth have come to exist." Again, both Paul and Peter yield authority to James when in doubt. It is clear from scripture that the Catholic Claim is entirely bogus and merely spin used to justify the Pope's hubris. Tim 3:15 is not the words of Jesus and is therefore of lesser authority Matthew 18:17 referes to the Church but which Church does it refer. Certainly the Orthodox Church pre-dates Catholicism by many centuries, that rules out Catholicism. There is some evidence that the Celtic Church, founded in Galicia by those alive at the time of Jesus is the oldest Church. Again there are so many Catholic teachings that run contrary to the teachings of the head of the Church, Jesus all the best urban
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• United States
17 Jun 07
Of course that's my intention. I should have made it more clear. Do you not believe that Jesus established a church? That His Church contains all that He taught? That His Church, because He is the head, must also be infallible? That does not mean that all "Catholics" will be saved and that "non-Catholics" will not be. The Body of Christ is comprised of people professing many faiths. I am speaking specifically of the teaching authority that Jesus gave to His Church, the church that Paul calls the pillar and foundation of truth 1Tim 3:15. And the Church that Matthew 18:17 refers to in settling disputes.
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@Heathr (12)
• United States
17 Jun 07
The graven images clause in the bible is in the old testament, which was originally ancient Judaic law, pre-dating Jesus by many generations. As the Catholic church conquered and dominated surrounding countries during the expansion of the roman empire - they forced their beliefs onto the pagan communities, In an effort to appease the masses and thus ward off any rebellions the Church adjusted practices to incorporate pagan tradition such as many of our Christmas Celebrations, graven images and veneration of the blessed mother which has been likened to the Pagan goddess worship. Extremely different from the Ancient Hebrew patriarchal culturee of the bible. I do believe it was Constantine that demanded all the ancient texts be incorporated into one book for which the Holy Roman Catholic church would use to teach from (many which were left out)and It was Martin Luther that split from the Catholic church and created the Lutheran Church, After that other factions of Christianity evolved to create the various forms of Christains we know today. One is not better than the other, each work for it's followers and we are not to judge. If you want a clearer view, don't just study the bible, study history and then study other religions and other teaching from other greatt leaders in history - Buddah, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. There is an underlying message that all the greatest teacher taught. That is the true message of God.
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
to be a true Chistian means, as the word so says it, to be following in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jeus Christ is the Word of God. It was Jesus Christ who was sent by God the Father to this earth in order to make known unto all the people all of God's promulgations. so, if one desires to become a true Christian, the first step to undertake will be to fully know the Bible. the next step will be to abide by everthing that the Bible teaches. those teachings of Christ Himself which holds true through this day and age.