Do creative people have a higher Intelligence then non-creative people?
By liranlgo
@liranlgo (5752)
June 16, 2007 3:19am CST
Yes i know that some people think that this is not true,
but i can tell you that every creative person that i have met in my life, has a very high Intelligence level.
What do you think about that?
Do you think so too?
Or do you think it has nothing to do with creativity?
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18 responses
@hollystyles (23)
16 Jun 07
I don't think it's anything to do with 'creativity' directly. In fact I don;t think they are seperate things. Everybody is intelligent. Unfortunately some become programmed to believe they're not intelligent, or the seat of intelligence (the brain) is just plain damaged in some way. People who are encouraged early on with creative endeavor are better believers in themselves, and therefore excel in creative activity.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
16 Jun 07
That is very interesting. Your definition of things.
I do not think that all people are intelligent.
By i think that maybe i define it differently then you do.
The definition if it as i read it once is:
"Individuals differ from one another in their ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning, to overcome obstacles by taking thought"
So maybe everyone is born with a certain degree of it, but it is all up to them and their environment in developing it.
I did know a person with a doctors degree in one area, that has a very low intelligence, if any at all. lol.
He can not solve any problems, just the ones that he saw in his books, he can not do simple things and solve simple day to day problems in the reality world.
He can not cope with anything, that is different from his area of studying. He can not hear people if they do not talk about the same field he learned, and he can not do any of the things that i described in the definition i wrote here.
How do you define this person?
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@hollystyles (23)
18 Jun 07
As to emotional intelligence. I don't feel intelligence comes in different 'flavours.' Everyone has emotions and everyone has intelligence. Creative people are better able to show-case it through expression - often passionately - in their chosen medium.
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@hollystyles (23)
16 Jun 07
I should explain further that my definition of creativity is more than painting, or designing. Creativity IS intelligence; Thought itself is a creative exercise. We all think.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
16 Jun 07
As a creative person, I would tend to agree with you. (grin)
All seriousness aside though, I've met an awful lot of creative people working in the music business and for the most part they are all extremely intelligent. I would go as far as to say they are uch more intelligent than your average person.
Interesting fact, did you that over 90% of the world's top heart surgeons are failed musicians?
There have also been studies done that show that kids (and adults) who learn to read math get much higher math scores than kids who don't, and usually show a noticeable improvment in grades in general.
Interesting discussion liranlgo.
Minnie Mouse is HOT!
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
16 Jun 07
I did not know that, this is very interesting.
You see all of my life, i was with different kinds of artists and this question never popped up in my head till, i came back to my parents town, and started working and studying with different people that are not in the creative business..
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
17 Jun 07
This is a very interesting discussion. Granted I've been around people aren't creative who also very intelligent. I have though had the same experience as you, the creative people I've been around have all shared the common thread of being very smart.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I don't know what to say, because I am very creative....creativity is very important part of my life...but the other part get into competition with my brother, who is extremely intelligent, so I was doing many difficult tests for Mensa just to prove that I am intelligent...
I wanted to show my parent that I can met their I have postgraduate degree and PH D
Are creative people more intelligent? Maybe….
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 Jun 07
Pola, I can endorse your statement that you have a creative mind.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
20 Jun 07
We have a similar family story pola.
I have one brother that is a genius.
When i was young i was just like you, i tried competing with him to gain my parents love and respect, but i just understood that it doesnt fit me.
So i went to him and told him that it is his responsibility to satisfy my parents with all the degrees, because i have decided to do what i feel like, and i am leaving this competition contest which we both had. Lol.
He smiled and i smiled and went on to my area of creative field.
Well now i do have a degree from a very good university here in israel, and i was offered by the dikan to directly do the other degrees with a full scholarship, but i choose to go on with what i want in my creative field.
I know that with all of his degrees and line of work, which is very respected, he only wants to do one thing, and that is to create his music, Lol. the world is strange.
He is extremely creative.
So now even tough we each choose a different path in life, we both met on the cross road. Funny how life is.
In our case the wish to invent know and state our unique statement to things has led us to the arts, the only real thing that we can combine all things and let them out. :)
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
For me, I guess it's all about on how we use this gift - called intelligence. There are many intelligent and influential people since this world has started, and many of them used this so-called gifts to a darker path.
I think intelligence or creative people can be seen everywhere, it's just a matter of how we understood their works. Even toddlers can be intelligent and creative at times, all we need is focus and pay attention to these small wonders!;)
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 Jun 07
I think intelligence and creativity are linked together. The one is intelligent can creatively execute the tasks and the one who is has creative mind...will definitely have intelligence.
Sometimes....creativity may be limited to a particular field...say....sculpureror...he may or may not be intelligent in other fields.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 Jun 07
Dear Lira, thanks very much for the kind words :)
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@Healthkeep (996)
• Israel
16 Jun 07
Hi Liran,
you must define intelligence...
Is it IQ? EQ? A degree in the university?
I think that saying about someone that he is intelligent is very subjective. If someone invents something I do not find useful, but you do - we would say different things about him. You would say he is very creative, and might even find him intelligent. I won't see the creativity, but I might find him intelligent or not, according to how I see that characteristic.
So, how do you define intelligence?
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@Healthkeep (996)
• Israel
17 Jun 07
How do I define creative? How do I define intelligence?
Well, as I said, inteligence, as much as it seems a consensus, is as subjective almost as love - maby even the same.
When I look at one doctor at the university, and I say : what an inteligent human being... someone else might look at him and say - what a dolt...
E.Q. is a wonderful term invented mostly for financial reasons and a sales gimick. It is what's called "folk psychology". There are people who handle emotional/social situations better than others - but what of it and innovation? And I.Q.? Well, it is quite a standart thing, but what does it say, realy?
There are geniouses that can solve many complicated mathematic equations after learning the right meterial and remember all sorts of facts but - they cannot invent one original thought of their own. On the other hand, I've met many people who have no degree, no knowledge in complicated math, physics or other science, but they invent many original and useful things.
Each and every one of us sees intelligence in a different way. Is it words one says? deeds one does? theories a man come up with? It is well up to you, but, once you state an opinion about creativity and intelligence, which are both subjective, it is quite important to define what an intelligent man or woman means to you, and do you consider creative...
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
20 Jun 07
This is interesting what you said,
"invent one original thought of their own"
That is what i reffer to as creative intelligent,
I do not agree with you on the commercail side that was esteblished in order to get the sales up.
Toda it is interesting talking to you, i do have a feeling that one day we are going to talk and develop some ideas.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
18 Jun 07
this is true partly liran.
i think, creativity is something uindefined who have a higher level of understanding and perception in a particular or more fields. he is intelligent but then it is specified. on the other hand, an intelligent person is prudent and has a greater understanding generally speaking. he is a cut above the rest. for example an artist could be very blunt in all other matters except painting, in which he is beyond comparison. this bluntness coms from disinterestedness. so , he may be intuitive but doesnot care in matters he is least interested. an intelligent person would be outstanding in all thingshe does. the difference is subtle but its there.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
17 Jun 07
I don't know. I know a creative person looks at the world differently than other people.I know that musicians are better in math.But are they more intelligent? I don't believe so.there are many intelligent people who are non- creative.
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@joey_matthews (8354)
16 Jun 07
I don't think so.
It depends I guess. One of my friends is very smart but doesn't draw, art, write or generally just being creative. He's more of a person who just works, but that doesn't mean because he isn't creative that he does have a higher intelligence.
Actually I don't know anyone who could pip him to a quiz as he's very sharp and fast at giving answers.
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@joey_matthews (8354)
16 Jun 07
Oh right.
I think it might be more developed more than some but I don't think it would make much of a difference really.
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
19 Jun 07
I don't think that it's an absolute rule...I mean..obviously some really creative people are also way over the average intelligence IQ. But i think that in general it's only a matter of which areas of your brain you have more developed. That's why some people are great with numbers, others with words, and others are more creative.
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@galatea (686)
• Philippines
20 Jun 07
Intelligence is acquired, you just don't wake up a physics whiz, although some acquire knowledge faster than others. Creativity is natural but needs to be nurtured and practiced.
An intelligent person easily recognizes his capacity and possibilities so he'll take steps to develop it. Maybe that's why there are a lot of intelligent and creative people.
For me, I've volunteered as a teacher in depressed areas and I've seen out-of-school youth display raw creativity, paintings, crafts, skits. They were simply wonderful and we can just imagine what an ounce of learning can do to these children.
Of course, creative people has a tendency to view the world in all different angles, not just in art but in daily life. So when faced with a problem, they also tend to be creative in solving it, hence we see them as intelligent.
Well... if you consider multiple intelligences then creativity is also a form of intelligence.
Lot's of different ways to look at it. We can go crazy coming up with explanations.
It's like watching Gary Kasparov or Paul Gaugin. You don't try to label them as intelligent or creative. You just stare at their works, and you say, well, they just are great people.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
17 Jun 07
wow, that is an interesting observation. I would think it stands to be true that if you are an intelligent person you are likely a good thinker and as such creative by means of invention, ingenuity or innovation. Being able to use what is available for something that is needed.
or is it just that creative persons better express themselves?
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@vampoet (825)
• Singapore
17 Jun 07
I do think that creativity is highly linked to intelligence. I have read many research articles that support this claim. Just can't think of a link to one though. And yes, I have met many creative people who are actually smart, maybe not so academically but in other ways.
@rockingmom (885)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
some people become creative because they cannot excel in acedemic levels, so they are bothering themselves in learning arts or creativity. i don't think so cause there are creative people who are not having very much high intelligence and those who have high intelligence don't excel in creativeness..the point here is i think it depends upon the person's likeness, if a person is wanting to be in the field of arts - even not so high in intelligence he can pass it too..that's my idea..thanks...
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@rockingmom (885)
• Philippines
17 Jun 07
oh, thanks i know it now..thanks for the response..
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
17 Jun 07
Most creative people that I have met do have a certain intelligence about them.
Maybe it is because they take the time to think more instead of always just reacting.
But I can also say that I have met a couple of creative people that I have wondered if there were anyone really home upstairs. ha ha
So, I don't think that creative people really have a higher intelligence...just a different view on things and a different way expressing it. :)
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
17 Jun 07
Well dear alote of the most creative people, that are in a very high level of creativity, such as composers, directors and genius writers are a bit
That means that at times by their reactions to simple day to day things and people they are a bit strange and non communactive.
I know that i lived with artists all of my life, and that the ones that are in a very high level of intelligence are also the ones that somtimes gives you answers that you end up wondering what is going on here..LOl
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
16 Jun 07
There are some people who are born with a creative mind. No doubt, these people do have a higher intelligence level because they can adapt ideas much faster. In my opinion, I think the percentage of these people is rather low. Most people do not have a ready pool of creative juice. It takes some time and skill to bring up that creativity. In fact, creativity can be trained or learnt. Any person with a certain level of intelligence can be taught creativity. It all depends on whether the person has the perservence and opportunity to be creative. An average person too can be creative, and by the same token, an intelligent person does not necessary mean he is creative.
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@maiax2k6 (535)
• Philippines
22 Jun 07
intelligence is defined as the mind's property and capacity to do many related activities, such as solving problems, planning, making judgments, comprehend complex ideas, learning quickly from experiences, adapting to situations, reasoning, abstraction, and doing creative works. Intellectual competence entails a set of skills to perform all or some of these intellectual endeavors, but a person's intellectual performance will vary in many different ocassions too. some intelligences can predominate over the other, so that one can have good performance in mathematical problem-solving for example, but can be poor in adapting to real situations.
going back to your question, i think that that person you're mentioning about has a very high creative prowess - in maybe the arts (if this is what you mean), and he may perform highly in intelligence tests (which mostly are predictors of educational achievements) but to prove such show of creative intelligence in situations where practicality or common sense of comprehending or adjusting to the surroundings for example is measured, remains to be seen. in other words, intellectual abilities are different from one to another. they may go hand in hand (like correlation of multiple intelligences), or they may not. People still have unique strengths and weaknesses in specific areas of the intellectual domain.
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